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Breakdown British Baseball Baptisms (Rich Hanks 2 of 5)
In the 1950s & 60s, LDS missionaries in England were baptizing children after baseball games without their parents consent,known as baseball baptisms. Marion D Hanks was called by Pres David O McKay to stop the practice. Rich Hanks is the...
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Youngest Modern-day GA! (Richard Hanks 1 of 5)
Marion Hanks was one of the youngest modern-day GA (general authorities.) At just age 31, he was called to be one of the 7 presidents

Joseph Smith’s Polygamy (Brian Hales 2017 interview)
This is a throwback episode with Brian Hales from 2017. Brian is the author of Joseph Smith’s Polygamy, Volumes 1-3, and it’s just in time

1st Visit with Kingston Group (Tangent Travels)
The Kingston Group, also known as the Davis County Cooperative Society, is one of the most reclusive Mormon Fundamentalist groups around. I was able to

Book of Mormon Census/Red-Letter Edition! (Robert Messick 3 of 3)
Robert Messick will discuss the Book of Mormon census he is doing to find out how many and the location of every 1st Edition copy

Blue & Gold Book of Mormon (Robert Messick 2 of 3)
We know the RLDS Church has its own version of the Book of Mormon, but what other churches have their own? What about the first

90 Years to Publish Book of Mormon??? (Robert Messick 1 of 3)
Did you know the LDS Church didn’t publish an official version of the Book of Mormon for 90 years?! It took 90 years to publish!

Time to Dump KJV? (Joseph Spencer 3 of 3)
Since its founding, the LDS Church has used the King James Version of the Bible. Is it time to dump KJV? Many people find the
*Is 2 hr Church Hurting LDS Church? (Ryan Cragun 4 of 4)
The LDS Church recently changed from 3 to 2 hour church. Is 2 hr church destroying community? Dr Ryan Cragun answers. We’ll also discuss whether

What Pushes/Pulls People from Churches? (Ryan Cragun 3 of 4)
What pulls people from Church? Dr Ryan Cragun from Univ of Tampa says there are 2 things that lead people to leave religion: Push factors

Why People Stay/Leave Religion (Ryan Cragun 2 of 4)
Why does one person leave religion, while another person leaves? Dr Ryan Cragun discusses his own faith crisis and Rick shares why he stays. Check

Triggered vs Calm ex-Mormons (Ryan Cragun 1 of 4)
Some ex-Mormons leave religion with an noisy exit and are angry. Others walk away with little fanfare. What is the difference between these people? In

Hot Seat 2: Kurt Francom (4 of 4)
It’s always fun to put Kurt Francom on the hot seat. What does he think about girls passing the sacrament like boys? Is Christian Nationalism

Non-LDS BYU Black Athletes (Dr Darron Smith)
This is a throwback interview from 2017. Dr Darron Smith discusses non-LDS BYU Black athletes. He teaches at University of Memphis and is the author

*Questions for Conspiracy Theorists (Jesse James 5 of 5)
What are the questions you should ask your conspiracy theorist friends? Dr Jesse James is a research psychologist and you’ll want to take notes! Check

Joseph’s Public Polygamy Denials
Polygamy skeptics love to trumpet Joseph Smith’s public polygamy denials. Was Joseph part of a conspiracy to keep polygamy secret? We’ll talk about contemporary sources,

Religious/Theological Motivations for Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James 3 of 5)
Are there religious & theological motivations for conspiracy theories? Research psychologist Dr Jesse James says yes! We’ll give into polygamy skeptics claims, flat earth, forgeries,

Appeal of Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James 2 of 5)
What is the appeal of conspiracy theories? Dr Jesse James discusses the psychological patterns, trust-breaking experiences, & personality types of conspiracy theorists. Check out our

Valid Conspiracy vs Conspiracy Theory (Dr Jesse James 1 of 5)
What’s the difference between a valid conspiracy & a conspiracy theory? Dr Jesse James is a research psychologist and we’ll talk about why people get

Role of Grace in Atonement
What’s the role of grace in atonement of Christ? Dr Diedre Green & Dr Eric Huntsman will weigh in. Check out our conversation… Don’t miss

*Heavenly Mothers (Tom Bennett 5 of 5)
The Mormon doctrine of Heavenly Mother is one of the most controversial doctrines in all of Christianity. But fundamentalist Mormons think God is a polygamist.

Blacks & Fundamentalist Mormons (Tom Bennett 4 of 5)
Many Fundamentalist Mormons don’t like to discuss racism because their beliefs don’t allow black members to join or hold priesthood. We’ll tackle this sticky topic

Reasons Women Choose Polygamy (Tom Bennett 3 of 5)
Why do women choose polygamy? Centennial Park actually expects women to pop the marriage question for either monogamist or polygamist families. Tom Bennett tells more.

Fundamentalist Beliefs about “One True Church” (Tom Bennett 2 of 5)
Do fundamenalist Mormons believe the LDS Church is the “one true church?” We’ll discuss whether his group believes the LDS Church is the “one true

From Protestant to Polygamy (Tom Bennett 1 of 5)
Tom Bennett is a recent convert to the Mormon fundamentalist group called Centennial Park that practices polygamy. We’ll discuss his conversion to Protestantism to LDS

Tying Tunisia to America Via Heartland & Phoenicia (Eryj Ben Sassi 3 of 3)
Did you know Tunisia is one of America’s oldest friends, dating back to George Washington? Eryj Ben Sassi tells more about Tunisia’s diplomatic relations with

FLDS Most Wanted Field Trip
Short Creek consists of the twin FLDS cities of Hildale, Utah & Colorado City, Arizona. Come along as Rick Bennett visits these 2 communities that

Polygamy Road Trip (Rick B)
Tom Bennett invited me to visit Centennial Park, Arizona, a group that practices polygamy. It’s just south of the Utah border and about 50 minutes

Has Community of Christ Moved from Book of Mormon? (Brittany Mangelson 5 of 5)
Has the Community of Christ moved away from the Book of Mormon? We’ll ask that question to Pastor Brittany Mangelson of the Community of Christ

Sonia Johnson Is Different Kind of Lesbian (Chris Talbot 4 of 4)
Following the dissolution of her marriage, Sonia Johnson came up with her own view of gender essentialism and had some lesbian relationships. Was she bisexual,

Sonia Johnson’s Presidential Campaign 1984 (Chris Talbot 3 of 4)
Sonia Johnson ran for President of the United States in 1984 against Ronald Reagan & Walter Mondale. Did she expect to win? Dr Chris Talbot

Sonia Johnson Vs LDS Church (Chris Talbot 2 of 4)
The LDS Church didn’t like Sonia Johnson’s activism for the Equal Rights Amendment. What were the exact criticisms of her? Which figures in the LDS

Sonia Johnson Fights for Equal Rights Amendment(Chris Talbot 1 of 4)
Sonia Johnson became enraged in 1979 when the LDS Church came out in opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment. Dr Chris Talbot has written a

Best of 2024, Awards, & Looking back at 1000 episodes! Happy New Year! (GT Live)
I started Gospel Tangents almost 9 years ago and Jan 1, 2025 marks 1000 episodes! In celebration of the New Year and my 1000th episode,

Infant Baptism in BoM Historical? (Brant Gardner 4 of 4)
The Book of Mormon disparages infant baptism. Did it really happen, or is it an anachronism as Alexander Campbell claimed? Brant Gardner will tackle that

How Can 19th Century Book of Mormon Anachronisms Be Explained? (Brant Gardner 3 of 4)
What are the 19th century Book of Mormon anachronisms in the Book of Mormon? How can we reconcile them? Brant Gardner shares his perspective. We’ll

Is White & Delightsome Racist Scripture? (Brant Gardner 2 of 4)
Is White & Delightsome racist scripture in the Book of Mormon. Brant Gardner will tackle that in out next conversation. He’s the author of 2

Brant Gardner Translation of Book of Mormon (1 of 4)
Brant Gardner has put out not one, but 2 books on the Book of Mormon. The first is titled “Plates of Mormon” & is the

Heretic Movie Review (Josh Thompson 4 of 4)
Was the movie “Heretic” with sister missionaries & Hugh Grant a good movie or bad movie? Josh Thompson & Rick Bennett share their Heretic movie

Authority & Courtship for Polygamists (Josh Thompson 3 of 4)
How does a married man add another wife to his family? Is his wife involved in dating? What is courtship for polygamists like? Josh Thompson

Are LDS Temples Valid? (Josh Thompson 2 of 4)
How do Mormon fundamentalists view LDS Temples? Are LDS Temples valid in their eyes? Do they recognize the work done there, or have the temples

How Mormon Fundamentalist Views LDS Church (Josh Thompson 1 of 4)
How does a Mormon Fundamentalist view the LDS Church? Josh Thompson is the grandson of Rulon Allred, a leader of the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB),

LDS, CoC, & Bickertonite General Conference (Josh Gehly 6 of 6)
What’s the Difference between LDS, CoC, & Bickertonite General Conferences? Is it a week long like CoC? Every 6 months like LDS? A combination? Evangelist

Debunking Polygamy Skeptics Claims (Re-broadcast Mark Tensmeyer)
This is a rebroadcast of our 2022 interview with attorney & independent historian Mark Tensmeyer who will polygamy skeptics claims. We’ll discuss contemporary evidence of

Joseph Smith’s Plural Marriage Proposals
Have you studied, Joseph Smith’s plural marriage proposals? Dr Christopher Smith finds many commonalities between Emma’s marriage proposal and other wives of Joseph Smith, including

989: New Interpretation for Fanny Alger “Affair/Scrape” (Chris Smith 1 of 2)
Was Joseph Smith’s sealing to Fanny Alger and adoptive, rather than marriage sealing? Dr Christopher Smith and Don Bradley have come up with an amazing

Looking at MHA, Dialogue, JWHA, Sunstone & Mormon Studies (Michael Austin 3 of 3)
In the final part of our conversation with Dr Michael Austin, Provost at Snow College and author of “Testimony of 2 Nations,” we’ll discuss Mormon

Should BYU Be Renamed Over Slavery? (Paul Reeve/Christopher Rich)
Should BYU be renamed Over Slavery? Many argue that BYU should be renamed since slavery was legalized in Utah? Bishop Abraham Smoot also owned slaves

Was Brigham Young Wrong? (Paul Reeve/Christopher Rich 2 of 3)
Was Brigham Young wrong about the priesthood/temple ban? I’ll ask Dr Paul Reeve & Christopher Rich, and we’ll discuss the showdown between Orson Pratt and

Busting Utah’s Slavery Myths (Paul Reeve/Christopher Rich 1 of 3)
It’s time to bust some slavery myths about Utah Slavery. Dr Paul Reeve & Christopher Rich have written a book called “This Abominable Slavery.” Was

Rick Gets Feisty in Mailbag (GT Live!)
Rick Gets Feisty with some anti-vaxxers! I’m going to answer questions & give out a free book, “Writing Mormon History,” edited by Joe Geisner. Podcast:

Lost Diaries of Juanita Brooks & Michael Quinn (Geisner 3 of 3)
Where are the lost diaries of 2 of Modern Mormonism’s most famous authors: Juanita Brooks & Michael Quinn? Joe Geisner tells us. Joe also gives

Parley Pratt Murder & MMM (Joe Geisner 2 of 3)
Joe Geisner discusses the lost Orson & Parley Pratt diaries and we’ll dive deep into the Parley Pratt murder, just prior to the Mountain Meadows
Lost Book of Mormon Documents (Joe Geisner 1 of 3)
Joe Geisner gave a presentation at Sunstone in August about lost Mormon documents. Does he include the Lost Spalding Manuscript? We’ll focus on lost documents

How Kirtland Temple Sale Affects Visitors (Rick B)
Paul Debarthe from the Community of Christ asked me to comment on the sale of the Kirtland Temple, properties in Nauvoo, and other properties transferred

Movie Review – Six Days in August (GT Live!)
I’ll review the new movie “Six Days in August,” about Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, & the succession crisis. I’ll also give a podcast update. Check

New Temple in Missouri for Fundamentalist Mormons!
It’s cool to be part of history! I worked on the new Fundamentalist Mormon Temple in Bountiful, Missouri, which will be dedicated Oct 12, 2004.

Reform Mormon Ordinances with No Leaders? (Rob Lauer)
With no leadership, how do they do Reform Mormon ordinances? How do they view priesthood, sealings, endowment, sacraments, baptisms, etc? Rob Lauer discusses Reform Mormon

Love & Leave Mormons Twice! (Rob Lauer 2 of 3)
Rob Lauer left the LDS Church not once, but twice! He tells why he came back in between and why he finally decided to leave

Reform Mormon Converted LDS by Sandra Tanner & Fawn Brodie? (Rob Lauer 1 of 3)
Rob Lauer is a Reform Mormon. Before that, however, he was converted to the LDS Church by none other than Fawn Brodie & the Tanners!

Ties Between Freemasonry & LDS Temple (Cheryl Bruno 4 of 4)
What are the connections between freemasonry & the LDS Temple endowment? Cheryl Bruno discusses the latest findings in her book “Method Infinite.” Check out our

Should we Take Polygamy Skeptics More Seriously? (Cheryl Bruno)
Cheryl Bruno is making both mainstream Mormon historian & polygamy skeptics upset. On the one hand, she says polygamy skeptics are making good points about

Why Emma Denied Polygamy (Cheryl Bruno)
What’s the reason Emma denied polygamy just before her death? Was Emma Smith bound to secrecy? Was it a trauma response? Cheryl Bruno answers that

Did Joseph Renounce Polygamy? (Cheryl Bruno & John Dinger 3 of 3)
Did Joseph Smith Renounce Polygamy? William Marks said “Yes” on multiple occasions! We’ll find out more details from John Dinger & Cheryl Bruno, co-authors of

Showdown with Brigham Young & Sidney Rigdon (John Dinger, Cheryl Bruno 2 of 3)
Emma wanted William Marks to be the next prophet. What happened when Brigham Young & Sidney Rigdon had other plans? William Marks was so trusted

Almost Prophet is Nearly Forgotten? (John Dinger & Cheryl Bruno 1 of 3)
Did you know Emma Smith wanted William Marks to lead the Church following Joseph’s death? His is an “almost prophet.” Why has this important man

GT Live! Contest Winner + Chat with Amanda
In this GT Live, we’ll announce the contest winner and have a chat with Dr Amanda Hendrix-Komoto! Check it out! Podcast: Play in new

Joseph’s Magic Show with David Whitmer (Jim Lucas/Jonathan Neville)
Jim Lucas & Jonathan Neville explain why they think David Whitmer’s description of the translation process of Book of Mormon isn’t reliable. Check out our

How 1800s Law Affects Utah & Idaho Abortion Laws (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto 5 of 5)
The Comstock Act of the 1800s is still affecting us today, especially Utah & Idaho abortion laws. Dr Amanda Hendrix-Komoto from Montana State University discusses

19th Century Birth Control & Abortion (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto 4 of 5)
We’re diving into the contentious issues of birth control & abortion. Should abortion be prevented at all costs, or do Americans support it in the

Mormons Good & Bad Interactions with Native Americans
“Imperial Zions” discusses how Mormon in Utah interacted with Native Americans there. There are good stories, and there are bad stories, just like the rest

Faith Crisis & Polynesian Racism (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto 2 of 5)
We’ve talked about faith crisis and schism within the LDS Church, but we haven’t discussed Polynesian racism. Dr Amanda Hendrix-Komoto is a Methodist, and discusses

History of RLDS & LDS in Tahiti (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto 1 of 5)
We’re diving into the history of RLDS & LDS in Tahiti. I was surprised to learn that the Community of Christ has a large number

Award Winning Black Mormon Film (Mauli Bonner 3 of 3)
Mauli Bonner discusses his award-winning film, “Green Flake is His Name” at various international film festivals. The film was so successful, he was able to

GT Live! Top 20 Topics We Missed with Matt Harris
Here is a more than a top 10 list of things I didn’t have time to ask Dr Matt Harris about and his amazing book,

*What was Left Out? (Matt Harris 6 of 6)
Matt Harris told me that only 30% of his research went into his book “2nd Class Saints” due to space restrictions. What was left out?

Fired from First Presidency (Matt Harris 5 of 6)
Hugh B Brown risked literally everything to try to overturn the priesthood/temple ban in the LDS Church. For that he was dismissed from First Presidency.

Inside the Room for 1978 Revelation (Matt Harris 4 of 6)
Can you imagine being inside the room for 1978 revelation? The journals of Marion D Hanks take us there when the 1978 revelation was announced

What Lester Bush Missed (Matt Harris 3 of 6)
Are there things Lester Bush missed? Lester Bush wrote a groundbreaking 1873 article blaming Brigham Young, rather than Joseph Smith, for instituting the priesthood &

Is “White and Delightsome” Racist? (Matt Harris 2 of 6)
Is “white and delightsome” a racist scripture? Dr Matt Harris discusses the evolution of the priesthood/temple ban in the 19th century. He discusses black men

Race Ban Best Seller: 2nd Class Saints (Matt Harris 1 of 6)
Dr Matt Harris from Colorado State University-Pueblo has an amazing book called 2nd Class Saints. It’s about the race ban from World War 2 to

Tangent Trips #5 – Historic Kirtland!
Have you ever wanted to visit Historic Kirtland? Come along with Rick Bennett as he visited some of the amazing sites in June 2024. Check

GT Live! Contest Winners, Ireland, & More!
In our latest GT Live, we’ll announce the contest winner for Cheryl Bruno’s book, “Secret Covenants.” I’ll also show you some pictures from my recent

Does Skeptic See Temple? (Dave Butler 7/7)
Does a skeptic see temple in Book of Mormon?After having listened to Dave Butler discuss temple theology in the Book of Mormon, would a skeptic

Are William Clayton Journals Reliable? (Clair Barrus 4 of 4)
In our final conversation with Clair Barrus, we’ll discuss polygamy skeptics and William Clayton Journals. They are some of the most important pieces of contemporary

Pretend Husband Joseph Kingsbury (Clair Barrus 3 of 4)
What’s the story of Joseph Kingsbury being a pretend husband? We will also discuss The Happiness Letter is a letter Joseph Smith from to Nancy

John C Bennett & Nauvoo-Era Polygamy (Clair Barrus 2 of 4)
John C Bennett made allegations of non-ceremonial spiritual wifery. Did that happen? Was there a revelation for Joseph Smith to marry Fanny Alger? Does the

Earliest Polygamy Revelations (1829??? – Clair Barrus 1 of 4)
D&C 132 intro states that portions of the polygamy revelations were know to Joseph Smith as early as 1831. What possible evidence is there for

How do Land Deeds Relate to D&C 132? (Mary Ann Clements 4 of 4)
What do Land Deeds in Nauvoo have to do with D&C 132? It turns out there is a controversy where an argument is made for

3rd Sister (Mary Clift) Becomes Wife of Turley (Mary Ann Clements 3 of 4)
Mary Clift was the 3rd sister to become a wife of Theodore Turley. Mary Ann Clements explains the unusual marraige. Check out our conversation with

Sham Marriage to Theodore Turley? (Mary Ann Clements 2 of 4)
Why did 3 Clift sisters marry Theodore Turley? Mary Ann Clements tells us more! Eliza never lived with Theodore. Was it a sham marriage, or

Affair or Surrogate Mother? (Mary Ann Clements 1 of 4)
Was Sarah Clift in an affair or a surrogate motherhood arrangement in England in the 1830s? Mary Ann Clements is an amazing historian. She’s written

Secret Covenants?! (Cheryl Bruno)
Cheryl Bruno is the editor of “Secret Covenants: New Insights into Early Mormon Polygamy.” She has come up with some surprises to the polygamy narrative

Theosis in Book of Mormon (Val Larsen 5/5)
Dr Val Larsen concludes this conversation with a discussion of theosis in the Book of Mormon. We’ll also discuss his upcoming projects. Check out our

*Paul & Margaret Toscano’s Reactions to Sept 6 (4 of 4)
In our final conversation with Dr Margaret Toscano, we’ll discuss the chapter in Sara Patterson’s book, The Sept 6 & the Struggle for the Soul

Does Excommunication Work? (Margaret Toscano 3 of 4)
Does Excommunication work? It seems to have shut down both the Ordain Women movement and the Feminist Movement in 1993. What can people learn from

Events Leading up to Sept 6 (Margaret Toscano 2 of 4)
Let’s Talk about the Sept 6. We’ll turn back the clock to 1993 and discuss the events that led up to the excommunication of 6

Reaction to “Sept 6 & Struggle for Soul of Mormonism” (Margaret Toscano 1 of 4)
Dr Margaret Toscano gives a review of “The Sept 6 & the Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism by Dr Sara Patterson. We’ll learn what

GT Live! MHA Recap 2024
We’ll recap the MHA 2024 Conference with the best historians on the planet from Kirtland, Ohio! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 42:48

GT Live! NT Conference with NT Wright!
It was a super fun week. I’ll share the fun times at the NT Wright Conference and Mormon History Assoc in Kirtland. NT Wright is

*Does Christ’s Church Ordain Blacks? (Dan & Ann Hatch 6 of 6)
In our final conversation with Dan and Ann Hatch of Christ’s Church, we’ll get into whether they accept black Church members. Do they ordain blacks?

Long Endowment in Christ’s Church (Dan & Ann Hatch 5 of 6)
Christ’s Church claims to go back to the 1877 long endowment session that took hours to complete? Why are they so long? Do they do

Why Does Christ’s Church Repeat Baptisms? (Ann & Dan Hatch 4 of 6)
In the early days of the LDS Church, people often were baptized multiple times, but the repeat baptisms practice was phased out. Christ’s Church is

Is Wilford Woodruff a Traitor? (Ann & Dan Hatch 3 of 6)
When Wilford Woodruff issued the Manifesto banning polygamy in the LDS Church, supporters of polygamy called him a traitor. Is that how Christ’s Church feels?

Who Founded Christ’s Church? (Ann & Dan Hatch 2 of 6)
Who founded Christ’s Church (a polygamist group)? Ann & Dan Hatch are the matron and temple pres of Christ’s Church and detail how the church

1st Interview Inside Polygamist Temple! (Ann & Dan Hatch 1 of 6)
This is the first podcast inside a polygamist temple! Dan & Ann Hatch are the temple president & matron of the Nevada Temple for Christ’s

GT Trips #2: Look Inside Temple!
Here is our 2nd Gospel Tangents Road Trip! We’re visiting 2 temples and even get to go inside temple with our camera! Dan & Ann

How Have Intellectuals Moved the Church? (Sara Patterson 4 of 4)
Have the Sept Six & other intellectuals nfluenced LDS Church leaders with their arguments? Dr Sara Patterson weighs in on that question. If you’re not

GT Trips #1: Gilgal Sculpture Garden
Have you every wanted to go on a road trip with Rick B? Now’s your chance! This is the first in a series of Tangent

Race Ban, Word of Wisdom in Fundamentalist Mormon Groups (Cristina Rosetti 5 of 5)
In our final conversation we’ll talk about some other Fundamentalist Mormon groups and how the race ban & Word of Wisdom are viewed. To hear

Fundamentalist Mormon Theology (Dr Cristina Rosetti 4 of 5)
Fundamentalist Mormon Theology has some interesting differences with the LDS Church. Dr Cristina Rosetti says Heavenly Mothers are named, as is the Holy Ghost. We’ll

1944 & 1953 Police Raids on Polygamists (Cristina Rosetti 3 of 5)
1944 & 1953 saw Police Raids on polygamists. These were traumatic reminders that they couldn’t trust authorities. Dr Cristina Rosetti details more on these police

Joseph Musser & Post-Manifesto Polygamy (Cristina Rosetti 2 of 5)
Joseph Musser has documented Mormon fundamentalism better than nearly any other person. Dr Cristina Rosetti will discuss his post-Manifesto polygamy and his theological innovations. Check

Intro to Mormon Fundamentalism (Cristina Rosetti 1 of 5)
We’re talking Mormon fundamentalism! Joseph Musser was the first fundamentalist Mormon who wrote down the unique theology (besides polygamy) that they believe. Dr. Cristina Rosetti

Tim Ballard Controversy (Scott Vance 5 of 5)
Tim Ballard is famous for trying to rescue sex slaves with his Operation Underground Railroad. But now he has allegations of sexual impropriety himself. We’ll

Contradictions of Nephi & Abinadi? (Joseph Spencer 2 of 3)
Are there contradictions between Nephi & Abinadi? Dr Joseph Spencer says Yes! He also makes the case that when Jesus quotes Isaiah in the Book

Is Abinadi Trinitarian? (Joseph Spencer 1 of 3)
Is Abinadi trinitarian? Joseph Spencer is one of the leading experts on the Book of Mormon. He’ll tackle that question. He’s also the incoming president

GT Live! Manti Temple, Contest Winners, & Polygamist Communities
For this GT Live! show, we’ll announce contest winners for Kurt Francom’s book, the Manti Temple, and my visit to polygamist communities on the Utah-Arizona

What’s in Gospel of Brother of Jared (Rosalynde Welch 4 of 4)
In our conclusion, we’re talking about the Gospel of the Brother of Jared, and why Rosalynde prefers reading to podcasts! Check out our conversation. Sign

Disappointed in God and/or Us? (Kurt Francom 3 of 4)
Some people trust in God, but God either leaves them hanging, or answers in a way they don’t understand. Are some disappointed in God? Others

Holy Ghost in Unclean Temples? (Kurt Francom 2 of 4)
In LDS Culture, we are constantly told to keep ourselves pure so that the Holy Ghost can dwell within us, that somehow sin separates us

Orthodox Kurt Francom on Unorthodox Topics (1 of 4)
Kurt Francom is the author of “Is God Disappointed in Me?” He says God is never disappointed in us and embraces grace. But did he

Mormons and Crime (Steve Mayfield)
We’re going to be discussing Mormons and crime. Steve Mayfield passed away on March 30, 2024. This interview is from 2018 where we discussed his

Exodus Story a Myth? (George Potter 3 of 3)
Some people think the Exodus story is more myth than real. How does George Potter explain it? Check out our conversation… Don’t miss our other

12 Springs of Moses (George Potter 2 of 3)
The Bible talks about the 12 Springs of Moses for the 12 Tribes of Israel. George Potter has found them in Saudi Arabia. Check out

Moses Fled to Arabia (1 of 3 George Potter)
Where is the real Mt Sinai? Is it in Arabia? Most believe it is not the traditional site on the Sinai Peninsula. There are at

Gethsemane’s Role in Atonement (Green/Huntsman 4 of 5)
Is Gethsemane part of the atonement of Christ? Many LDS say yes, while Protestants generally say no. What do Diedre Green & Eric Huntsman say?

What is Womanist View of Atonement? (Green/Huntsman 3 of 5)
We’re going to dive into some other atonement theories, including womanist views? Is that the same thing as feminist? Check out our conversation… Don’t miss

Pros & Cons of Penal Substitution (Green/Huntsman 2 of 5)
Some people object to penal substitution as a model for atonement. Why does God require the death of Jesus? Is that part of a loving

Holy Week! 15 Years Studying Atonement (Diedre Green/Eric Huntsman 1 of 5)
It’s Holy Week! Yesterday was Palm Sunday and we’re going to talk about Christ’s Atonement with Dr Diedre Green & Dr Eric Huntsman and their

Terryl Givens Defines Atonement (4 of 5)
This is a rebroadcast of our interview with Dr Terryl Givens. Back in 2022, we discussed several atonement theories in connection with Gene England, who

910: Lehi’s Ocean Crossing Livestream
Rick held a livestream to discuss Lehi’s ocean crossing & possible routes to the Promised Land for Lehi. It seems an Atlantic Crossing is much

Ties of Tarshish, Tunisia & Mulek (Eryj Ben Sassi 2 of 3)
Tunisia has the oldest synagogue outside Israel. Does it have Book of Mormon ties? Eryj Ben Sassi discusses, Tarshish, Tunisia, & the Book of Mormon

Phoenicians Before Columbus? (Eryj Ben Sassi 1 of 3)
Eryj Ben Sassi is the Founder & President of Association Didon of Carthage in Tunisia. She believes that ancient Phoenicians came from North Africa to

Musket Fire at Hawn’s Mill (Paul Debarthe 5 of 5)
What was discovered at Hawn’s Mill? Archaeologist Paul Debarthe from the Community of Christ details musket balls, and why he refuses to find the well

Livestream: Nauvoo Q&A
Rick Bennett discusses the Q&A given by Community of Christ leaders earlier this week and shares photos from some of the properties in Nauvoo sold

Faithful Disagreement as Article of Faith? (Brittany Mangelson 4 of 5)
Unlike the LDS Church where unanimity is almost an article of faith, the Community of Christ has an official church position on faithful disagreement. The

Roles of Deacons, Teachers, Priests, & 70s in Community of Christ (Brittany Mangelson 3 of 5)
In the LDS Church it is routine to ordain teenagers to be deacons, teachers, and priests. In the Community of Christ, these roles are filled

Open Baptism in Community of Christ (Brittany Mangelson 2 of 5)
Unlike the LDS Church, the Community of Christ has open baptism from other Christian churches as long as the person was at least 8 years

Meet Pastor B from Community of Christ (Brittany Mangelson 1 of 5)
Brittany Mangelson is the Pastor for the Community of Christ in Salt Lake City. We’ll discuss her conversion to Community of Christ, the difference between

900: Livestream! Kirtland Temple History/Q&A
Rick B held a livestream video discussing the purchase of the Kirtland Temple by the LDS Church this week. Of course, there is a lot

Takeaways from 104 Churches (David Boice 5 of 5)
What takeaways does David Boice have from attending more than 104 churches? The author and host of 52 Churches in 52 Weeks will tell us,

Huge News! Kirtland Temple & JS Sites sold to LDS Church!
HUGE NEWS! Community of Christ has sold the Kirtland Temple and several Joseph Smith historic sites in Nauvoo! Here is link to official Community of

Neither Trinity nor Godhead? (Josh Gehly 5 of 6)
I was surprised to discover that the Church of Jesus Christ is neither Trinitarian nor Godhead when it comes to the nature of God? What

Attending Bickertonite Church Services (Josh Gehly 4 of 6)
What’s it like to attend a Bickertonite Church service? Rick Bennett (LDS) & Josh Gehly (Bickertonite) share their experiences attending the Church of Jesus Christ.

Female Priesthood in Church of Jesus Christ (Josh Gehly 3 of 6)
The Church of Jesus Christ based in Monongahela, PA allows for limited female priesthood ordination of women. We’ll discuss women’s roles with Josh Gehly, an

Non-LDS Defense of Book of Mormon (Josh Gehly 2 of 6)
Josh Gehly gives a non-LDS Defense of the Book of Mormon. He is an Evangelist (what LDS would call a Seventy) of the Church of

Meet Josh Gehly, Bickertonite Evangelist (1 of 6)
Josh Gehly is an evangelist from the Church of Jesus Christ. His church dates back to the days of Sidney Rigdon and is sometimes called

Butch Cassidy’s Mormon Past (Steve Lesueur 3 of 3)
We’ll find out more about the backgrounds of murder victims Gus Gibbons & Steve LeSueur. Were they Nauvoo pioneers? We’ll also find out that Butch

Utah’s Decade of Slavery (Mauli Bonner 2 of 3)
We’re going to dive into Utah’s decade of black and Indian slavery, and I’ll ask Mauli Bonner some hard questions. Should Mormons think about renaming

Grammy & Award-Winning Mauli Bonner (1 of 3)
As we close #BlackHistoryMonth here in February, I wanted to introduce you to an amazing Grammy Award-Winning artist and flimmaker Mauli Bonner. We’ll discuss his

Spirituality & Family Reactions (Lynne Whitesides 3 of 3)
As we conclude our conversation with the first member of the Sept Six, Lynne Whitesides, I asked her about her spirutality now. It’s a long

Is Alma Unreliable Narrator?
Some scholars have claimed that people like Nephi are unreliable narrators. That is Nephi makes himself look better than he probably was. Dr Michael Austin

Different Ways to Look at Book of Mormon (Michael Austin 1 of 3)
There are many different ways to approach the Book of Mormon. Dr Michael Austin is Mormon Studies scholar and Provost at Snow College. In his

DNA & Book of Mormon in Yucatan (Bob Roylance 4 of 4)
In our final discussion with Bob Roylance, he’ll discuss the kings of Tikal as another evidence of the Book of Mormon on the Yucatan. We’ll

Approaching the Veil in Matthew 7 (Dave Butler)
We’re going to dive into Matthew 7 to discuss more LDS Temple theology. Dave talks about approaching the veil in Matthew 7. Does it match

Lord’s Prayer is a Temple Text? (Dave Butler 5 of 7)
Dave Butler continues to look at the Bible for temple texts, and says the Lord’s Prayer is another example. Why does he think so? Check

Jesus said, “Don’t Make Oaths.” What about the Temple Oaths? (Dave Butler 4 of 7)
Are temple oaths consistent with Matthew where Jesus said we shouldn’t swear oaths? Dave Butler answers that question and discusses veiling at the temple for

Sermon on the Mount is Temple Ceremony? (Dave Butler 3 of 7)
Dave Butler says the Sermon on the Mount is a temple text! Are temple oaths consistent with Matthew where Jesus said we shouldn’t swear oaths?

See Jesus Like Denver Snuffer? (Dave Butler 2 of 7)
In Denver Snuffer’s book “The Second Comforter,” Denver claimed he knew how to see Jesus. We also call our temples “The House of the Lord.”

Meet Dave Butler
Dave Butler has written 2 books that deal with temple theology in the Book of Mormon: “Plain & Precious Things” and “The Goodness & the

Academic Freedom at BYU? (Matthew Bowman 5 of 5)
In our final conversation with Dr Matthew Bowman, we’ll talk about the tensions between LDS Church leaders and BYU faculty. Is there academic freedom at

Mary Jane’s Favorite Relics of Restoration
Dr Mary Jane Woodger has co-written several books with Dr Casey Griffiths. She share a few of her favorite relics of Restoration. We’ll also talk

Most Wanted Man Was LDS Mission Pres? (Mary Jane Woodger)
After the Communists led a coup in Czechoslavakia and installed a friendly government there, their Most Wanted Man was LDS Mission President Wallace Toronto. While

How Czech Mormons Survived Hitler’s Invasion (Mary Jane Woodger)
How did the Church react when Hitler took over Czechoslavakia? Wallace Toronto was mission president and his biography Mary Jane Woodger details the escapate plans

Mission President or Spy? True Story of Wallace Toronto (Mary Jane Woodger 1 of 4)
Was Wallace Toronto a mission president or spy? Wallace served as mission president in Czechoslovakia during both the Nazi and Communist regimes. Dr Mary Jane

Advice for LDS Church Leaders (Janice Allred 5 of 5)
I asked Janice Allred how she views the LDS Church today, and if she had advice for LDS Church Leaders. How should ward members treat

Abish, Queen, & Heavenly Mother (Val Larsen 4 of 5)
Abish is usually seen as a minor character in the Book of Mormon, but Dr Val Larsen thinks she likely had visions of God and

Ammon, Lamoni, & Theosis in Book of Mormon (Val Larsen 3 of 5)
Dr Larsen disputes the notion that Nauvoo doctrines are not in the Book of Mormon. He says the Orthodox doctrine of theosis, or what LDS

Ammon’s Story IS Exaltation Story (Val Larsen 2 of 5)
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr Val Larsen from James Mason University. Dr Larsen says Ammon’s story is an example of exaltation or theosis. He

LDS Doctrines ARE in Book of Mormon (Val Larsen 1 of 5)
Many people claim that distinctive LDS doctrines like temple ceremonies, exaltation/theosis, and heavenly mother are not found in the Book of Mormon. But Dr Val

Fundamentalist Racial Myths Supporting Racism (Moroni Jessop 5 of 5)
I was surprised to there are a lot of racial myths among Fundamentalist groups to support a priesthood/temple ban. I was also surprised to learn

Oliver Cowdery & Seer Stone? (Scott Vance 4 of 5)
Was the seer stone or Urim & Thummim used for translating the Book of Mormon. Scott Vance tells why he thinks a seer stone was

Where LDS Adjacent Groups Get Money (Scott Vance 3 of 5)
Where do LDS adjacent groups like FAIR, Saints Unscripted, and the More Good Foundation get their money? Scott Vance recently presented his findings at the

2 Hour Church Helps or Hurts? What about Pageants? (Scott Vance 2 of 5)
A few years ago, the LDS Church switched from 3 hour church to 2 hour church. Is that helpful or hurtful to retention of members?

Tracking Funding of LDS Adjacent Groups (Scott Vance 5 of 5)
How are LDS adjacent groups funded? Scott Vance recently presented a paper at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) in Salt Lake

Baptist Pastor in Nauvoo Pageant! (Bryan Ready 4 of 4)
Bryan Ready has visited the Nauvoo Pageant for years, and now he’s part of the cast! He’ll describe his experiences in the pageant, and how

Why Rich Countries Lose Religion (Ryan Cragun 5 of 5)
Why do industrialized countries lose religion? Dr Ryan Cragun has a very interesting theory. We’ll also talk about other projects he is working on. Check

Will Women Get LDS Priesthood Before 2nd Coming? (Ryan Cragun 4 of 5)
What role does politics play in religious affiliation? Dr Ryan Cragun gives us a few hints and discusses his upcoming book on the topic. We’ll

Why Conservative Churches Grow (Ryan Cragun 3 of 5)
We’ve talked about why people don’t identify as religious, but is it true that Conservative Churches grow at a faster rate? Is it true churches

Tracking Church Members & Rise of Nones? (Ryan Cragun 2 of 5)
LDS are legendary for tracking membership statistics. How do other religions track membership, or do they? We’ll talk about the rise of Nones, the 2nd

Why is Utah No Longer Majority Mormon? (Ryan Cragun 1 of 5)
Dr Ryan Cragun made news this week when he said that Utah is no longer a majority Mormon state. How did he come to that

Gospels of Abinadi & Samuel the Lamanite (Rosalynde Welch 3 of 4)
We’re discussing 2 of the 7 gospels in the Book of Mormon: Gospel of Abinadi and Gospel of Samuel the Lamanite. Check out our conversation….

Atonement Theology in Gospels of Mary, Mosiah, Abinadi (Rosalynde Welch 2 of 4)
Dr Rosalynde Welch discusses atonement theology & 2 of the gospels in the Book of Mormon: Gospel of Mary & Gospel of Mosiah. We’ll get

7 Gospels of Book of Mormon (Dr Rosalynde Welch 1 of 4)
Dr Rosalynde Welch is co-author with Dr Adam Miller of “7 Gospels: The Many Lives of Christ in the Book of Mormon.” We’ll discuss Christ’s

Merry Christmas!
I didn’t get my Christmas cards out this year, so here is my video Christmas card! Merry Christmas! #merrychristmas everyone! Podcast: Play in new window

Book of Mormon DNA, Hagoth, & Thor Hyderdahl (George Potter 4 of 4)
In the final part of our conversation with George Potter, we’ll talk about the sticky topic of Book of Mormon DNA. How does George respond

Were Inca Temples Built by Nephites? (George Potter 3 of 4)
Are Inca Temples in Chile & Peru remants of Nephite/Jaredite civilization? George Potter says Yes! Find out more in out next conversation… Don’t miss our

Book of Mormon Lands in South America? (George Potter 2 of 4)
George Potter makes the case that Lehi landed in modern-day Chile in South America. We’ll discuss his reasons for making the case, and anachronisms. Check

Nephi’s Voyage to New World (George Potter 1 of 4)
Which way did Nephi’s voyage come to the new world? Was it the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean? George Potter is a proponent of a South

803: Critiquing Bushman/Gospel Topics Essays (Lucas/Neville 6 of 6)
Jim Lucas & Jonathan Neville think revisions need to be made to the Gospel Topics Essays. They also critique Richard Bushman’s scholarship. Check out our

1st Bickertonite Baptism in Frigid Utah! (RB)
I had a fun time attending the first Bickertonite baptism in Utah. On a frigid 30 degree day, I witnessed a baptism in the Jordan

Sonia Johnson & ERA (Sara Patterson 3 of 4)
If we take an expanded view of the Sept Six, we’ll find others excommunicated for not being orthodox enough (or too orthodox.) Sonia Johnson, Brent

Professors Denied BYU Tenure (Sara Patterson 2 of 4)
Dr Sara Patterson discusses the tension between academic freedom and professors denied BYU tenure. While many focus on just the September Six, Dr Sara Patterson

Michael Quinn: Triumph or Tragedy? (Sara Patterson 1 of 4)
Dr Sara Patterson knew Michael Quinn, one of the Sept 6, and is the author of “The Sept 6 & the Struggle for the Soul

Who Bears Most Blame for Mountain Meadows? (Barbara Brown & Rick Turley 4 of 4)
Who bears the most blame for Mountain Meadows Massacre? Barbara Jones Brown & Richard Turley will discuss the roles of Brigham Young, John D Lee,

Star Wars Church – New Perspectives (David Boice 4 of 5)
Would you attend a church that talked about Star Wars Church (or Barbie, or Mario Brothers)? It turns out that some pastors are pulling out

Strangite, Bickertonite, JWHA Reactions (David Boice 3 of 5)
What would a Protestant think of Strangite, Bickertonite, and Community of Christ Churches? David Boice is host of 52 Churches in 52 Weeks and shares

Meeting with Mormon, Metal, & MegaChurches (David Boice 2 of 5)
What’s is like to visit a MegaChurch, a Heavy Metal Church, and a Mormon Church? David Boice is the author & host of 52 Churches

Protestant Faith Crisis Leads David Boice to Other Churches (including LDS! 1 of 5)
How is a Protestant faith crisis different than an LDS faith crisis? David Boice details how his faith crisis led him to start attending other

I’m Back! (Please Subscribe!)
I passed my class! Please help support Gospel Tangents and subscribe to the podcast! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00 — 1.0MB)

I Need a Break!
I’m getting a little overwhelmed right now, and I need a break. I’ve started a new MBA program and I have a hard deadline to

Where is the Promised Land? (RB 6 of 6)
We’re going to review all the theories and talk about pros and cons of the promised land from Africa, Asia, North, South, and Central America.

How Lehi Came to Promised Land (RB 5 of 6)
Did Lehi cross the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean to come to the Promised Land? We’ll talk about Philip Beale, the man who did the voyage

Simon Southerton, Ugo Perego, and Thomas Murphy Talked DNA at FIRM Foundation? (RB 4 of 6)
Can you imagine if Simon Southerton, Ugo Perego, & Thomas Murphy talked DNA at FIRM Foundation? In a way, they did! Here is my presentation

Even Hurlbut Knew Spalding Manuscript was Bunk! (RB 3 of 6)
Did you know that Doctor Philastus Hurlbut signed “Manuscript Found”! Even Hurlbut knew the book was not the source of the Book of Mormon. Find

Get Ready to Laugh! I’ll Read the Spalding Manuscript (RB 2 of 6)
Have you ever read the Spalding Manuscript? It’s hilarious! I’m going to read passages and review the plot of the Spalding Manuscript. You tell me

Debunking Spalding Theory Part 1 (RB 1 of 6)
It’s time to debunk the Spalding Theory. Some people continue to believe that Joseph Smith plagiarized the Book of Mormon from an earlier work by

Rick & Steve Get Personal! (Bennett & Pynakker)
Back in January, Rick Bennett traveled to Florida to hang out with Steve Pynakker of Mormon Book Reviews. Rick & Steve get personal! Steve interviews
1st Woman Ordained in Community of Christ (Paul Debarthe 4 of 5)
Who was the 1st woman ordained in the Community of Christ? I was surprised to find out that Paul Debarthe’s wife, Rina, was the first

Digging for the Truth at Hawn’s Mill (Paul Debarthe 3 of 5)
Monday Oct 30, 2023 will mark 185 years since the Hawn’s Mill Massacre occured in Missouri. What can an archaeologist tell us about that event?

Was Mansion House Stop on Underground Railroad? (Paul Debarthe 2 of 5)
Is the Mansion House in Nauvoo a stop on the Underground Railroad in which slaves were helped to freedom? Archaologist Paul Debarthe makes this surprising

Excavating Nauvoo (Paul Debarthe 1 of 5)
Paul Debarthe is a Community of Christ archaeologist in Nauvoo and Hawn’s Mill. 185 years ago, a Missouri mob killed 17 Mormon men and boys

Are there Book of Mormon metals in Yucatan? (Bob Roylance 3 of 4)
Are there metals for making plates found in Yucatan Peninsula? How does it compare with other models like South America? Bob Roylance will answer these

Comparing Yucatan with Heartland (Bob Roylance 2 of 4)
Last time, Bob Roylance discussed why he believes the Book of Mormon took place in the Yucatan Peninsula. This time, we’ll compare it with the

Book of Mormon on the Yucatan (Bob Roylance 1 of 4)
Many people believe the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica, but Robert Roylance believes it took place on the Yucatan Peninsula. How does he

Is LDS Art Getting Better? (Part 6 of 6)
Dr’s Richard and Claudia Bushman’s latest project involves promoting LDS artists. I asked about how they got involved, and whether LDS art is getting more

Why Young Are Losing Religion (Matthew Bowman 4 of 5)
Why are young people losing religion? Are they becoming atheist or something else? Is mixing politics & religion to blame? Dr Matthew Bowman answers these

“Cults” & Brainwashing Don’t Exist? (Matthew Bowman 3 of 5)
Why is it that academics refuse to use the word “cult” to describe harmful religious groups? Dr Matthew Bowman says brainwashing doesn’t exist. He details

UFOs & Alternative Religion (Matthew Bowman 2 of 5)
Dr Matthew Bowman from Claremont Graduate University will discuss his latest book on UFOs, and we’ll dive into the 3 Nephites too. They were blessed

Mormon Bigfoot (Matt Bowman 1 of 5)
Dr Matthew Bowman is the chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University. He’s probably best known for his writings about Mormon Bigfoot. We’ll discuss

Ordained by Joseph Smith (Part 7 of 7)
When Matthew Gill was called as prophet of the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ, he claims that Joseph Smith returned to ordain him prophet. Ordained

Attempt on Gov Boggs Life
Following the Mormon expulsion from Missouri, someone made an attempt on Missouri Gov Boggs’ life. Most people think it was Porter Rockwell. What does historian

Butch Cassidy & Other Outlaws (Steve LeSueur 2 of 3)
It was tough for Mormons growing up in the wild, wild west! Butch Cassidy & the Wild Bunch played a role in the murder of

Mormons in the Wild West (Steve LeSueur 1 of 3)
Mormons lived in the wild, wild west. Author Steve LeSueur has a tale of murder, involving his great uncle Frank LeSueur. How was Frank killed?
Michael Quinn: The Full Interview
As we conclude the month of September, I wanted to conclude with the full interview of Dr. Michael Quinn. He passed away unexpectedly April 21,

Allow Multiple Views, Even Non-Historical (Jonathan Neville)
Here is one from the archives. We released this episode with Jonathan Neville back on April 8, 2022. Jonathan Neville is a big-tent proponent when

“Not the Church I thought it was” (Lynne Whitesides 2 of 3)
Lynne Whitesides is a convert to the LDS Church and has a different perspective on things than a lifelong member. We’ll talk about her perspective

First of the Sept Six: Lynne Whitesides
Lynne Whitesides was the first person punished in the September Six. She shares her story of why she wasn’t excommunicated, who was involved, and where
Toscano: From BYU to Utah (Part 1 of 8)
This originally appeared Feb 4, 2020. Dr. Margaret Toscano is the Dept Chair at the University of Utah, but she got 2 degrees from BYU

30 Years Later: The Sept Six (1 of 2)
Here’s a throwback episode with Paul Toscano. I thought it would be great to re-visit our previous interview from January 9, 2023 since we discusses

Scarlet Letter of Apostasy (Janice Allred 4 of 5)
It appears that the LDS Church brands the scarlet letter A for apostasy on the chest of those guilty of apostasy in order to make

From Probation to Excommunication (Janice Allred 3 of 5)
Janice Allred was given the most severe probation from Church leaders one can get. It soon led to her excommunication. Janice discusses her writings, speeches,

Apostasy or Insubordination? (Janice Allred 2 of 5)
Was Janice Allred excommunicated for apostasy or insubordination? What do you think? I was surprised to learn that Janice Allred still attends the LDS Church

Theology of God the Mother (Janice Allred 1 of 5)
Janice Allred wrote about God the Mother back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. While she wasn’t excommunicated in 1993, Janice Allred had a

The Anachronism Gap in Book of Mormon? (Part 6 of 6)
Here is a throwback episode from Oct 29, 2021. Many critics point out that there are anachronisms in the Book of Mormon. Native Americans didn’t

Researching Priesthood Ban Leads to DNA Tests (Moroni Jessop 4 of 5)
Many Fundamentalist Mormons think polynesians carry black blood. This led Moroni Jessop to find out more. Moroni did a DNA test on his children and

Excommunicated “Lovingly” Over AUB Racism
A dispute with AUB (Apostolic United Brethren) leaders led to Moroni Jessop’s excommunication from a second church (which was done “lovingly.” So, he left for

Encountering Independent Mormon Racism (Moroni Jessop 2 of 5)
A big, little-discussed problem in polygamist communities is Mormon racism. Moroni Jessop was surprised to encounter this among independent Mormon fundamentalists in the Salt Lake

Growing up & Causing LDS Trouble (Moroni Jessop)
September marks the 30th anniversary of the September Six. Before we get to them, we’ll talk to Moroni Jessop, who was excommunicated as a teenager

Black & Indian Slavery in Utah
The Act in Relation to Service legalized slavery in Utah in 1852. (Please note that Paul Reeve and Christopher Rich dispute this characterization in their

From Fraud to Prophet (Bryan Ready 3 of 4)
A former Baptist pastor tells how he changed his mind on Joseph Smith from fraud to prophet. How did he deal with polygamy? And what

What Does Baptist Pastor Think of LDS Temples? (Bryan Ready 2 of 4)
What does a former Baptist Pastor think of LDS temples? Bryan Ready will tell us! We’ll also find out why he set 4 baptismal dates

Osmonds Lead Baptist Pastor to LDS Church (Bryan Ready 1 of 4)
This is my 3rd interview with a Baptist Pastor this year, but this time I’m excited to introduce a convert. Bryan Ready is the author

Internet Temple Worship (Part 4 of 4)
Have you ever wanted to do internet temple worship? It turns out David & Kristine Ferriman of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship

Why Book of Mormon Translation Matters! (Lucas/Neville 5 of 6)
Does Book of Mormon translation method matter? Many people don’t care whether Joseph used a seer stone or a Urim & Thummim to translate the

Is Oliver Cowdery Best Witness Against Seer Stones? (Lucas/Neville 4 of 6)
Oliver Cowdery is famous for trying to translate the Book of Mormon in D&C 8 and 9. Did he try to use a dowsing rod

Why Emma Smith Isn’t Reliable? (Lucas/Neville 3 of 6)
Emma Smith served as Joseph Smith’s scribe for most of the Lost 116 pages and likely knew how Joseph translated better than almost anyone. Yet

Picturing Translation (Tight vs Loose – Jim Lucas/Jonathan Neville 2 of 6)
Have you ever tried picturing translation of the Book of Mormon? Did Joseph Smith read the words off the stone or Urim & Thummim directly

Is David Whitmer a Hostile Witness? (Lucas/Neville 1 of 6)
David Whitmer says Joseph used a seer stone to translate the Book of Mormon. LDS Historians believe Joseph Smith used a seer stone to translate

Get Peer Reviewed! (Part 10 of 10)
Polygamy skeptics complain that their work isn’t taken seriously. I’m going to issue a challenge to them to get peer reviewed. We’ll also talk about

Blood Atonement’s Role in MMM (Barbara Brown/Rick Turley 3 of 4)
Blood Atonement has long been attributed as a reason a hundred Arkansas immigrants were killed in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Did it play a role

What Juanita Brooks & Will Bagley Got Wrong? (Barbara Brown/Rick Turley 2 of 4)
“Vengeance is Mine” is the sequel to “Massacre at Mountain Meadows.” Rick Turley & Barbara Jones Brown discuss what Juanita Brooks and Will Bagley got

John D Lee’s Sham Trial (Barbara Brown/Rick Turley 1 of 4)
The Mountain Meadows Massacre is the worst event in Mormon History. John D Lee was the only man convicted. For a century, the LDS Church
Special Announcement! Daily Podcasts + More!
That’s right! Tired of waiting for the next segment? Gospel Tangents will now post Monday-Friday with the newest segments. Plus I’m simplifying the tiers! Sign

CoC Prophet Sustains LDS Prophet! (Mark Scherer 4 of 4)
We’ll hear about an amusing episode where the CoC prophet sustained the LDS prophet in our final conversation with Dr Mark Scherer, retired Church Historian

Emma Smith’s Surprising 2nd Marriage (Mark Scherer 3 of 4)
Few people in the LDS Church know that Emma Smith married again. This time it was a non-Mormon man by the name of Lewis Bidamon.

Civil War Prophecy Downplayed?
The Civil War Prophecy & Baptism for the Dead are 2 of Joseph Smith’s most famous revelations. While important to the LDS, the Community of

Was First Vision Embellished? (Mark Scherer 1 of 4)
Did Joseph embellish the First Vision accounts? Dr Mark Scherer is the retired Church Historian from the Community of Christ. He’s written a 3-volume work

Hot Button Issues: Women & Priesthood/Polygamy/Sexism/LGBT/Evolution (Part 2 of 2 Terry Patience)
We’re continuing our conversation with Remnant Prophet-Pres Terry Patience. I’m going to put him on the spot with several hot button issues: evolution, women &

Prophet in Zion (Terry Patience 1 of 2)
I’m excited to have another prophet on the show, this time a prophet in Zion! Terry Patience is the prophet-President of the Remnant Church of

Execution & Trial of John D Lee (Janiece Johnson)
We’re looking at the trial and execution of John D Lee. How reponsible was Brigham Young? How did the trials affect public opinion against the

Mountain Meadows Massacre (Janiece Johnson 1 of 2)
148 years ago this week, John D. Lee stood in his trial for his role in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Dr Janiece Johnson has studied

Nephite Temple Near Nauvoo? (Jay Mackley 2 of 2)
There is a claim that there is a Nephite Temple across the Mississippi River from Nauvoo. Does Jay Mackley think there is evidence? In our

Limited Geography Heartland (Jay Mackley 1 of 2)
I’m excited to have Jay Mackley on the show. You probably didn’t know there is more than 1 Heartland Theory out there. A lot of

Great & Abominable Church? (Part 4 of 4 Cristina Rosetti)
Bruce R McConkie is famous for advocating that the Catholic Church is the “Great & Abominable Church” mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Is that

Intro to Mormon Polygamists (Part 3 of 4 Cristina Rosetti)
How did Catholic scholar Cristina Rosetti get interested in Mormon polygamists? Did she really attend an LDS Young Single Adult Ward? We’ll find out more

How Mormon Studies Converted to Catholicism (2 of 4 Cristina Rosetti)
How did a Born Again Christian convert to Catholicism while studying Mormonism? Dr Cristina Rosetti answers. Check out our conversation… Copyright © 2023 Gospel Tangents

Cristina’s Born Again Faith Crisis (1 of 4)
Dr Cristina Rosetti grew up pretty uninterested in religion, and had a sort of born again faith crisis. She converted both to the Pentecostal Church

Satan is Fruit of Tree of Knowledge? (3 of 3 Val Larsen)
Is Satan the Fruit of Tree of Knowledge? Is Divine Mother in the Temple ceremonies? We’ll talk about these and other issues like why Christ

Temple is Great & Spacious Building? (2 of 3 Val Larsen)
Is the Jerusalem Temple the Great & Spacious Building mentioned in the Book of Mormon? Is Divine Mother, theosis/exaltation in the Book of Mormon? Dr

Was Lehi a Polytheist? (Val Larsen 1 of 3)
Dr Val Larsen thinks Lehi was a polytheist! That’s quite a statement! Val holds two Ph.D. ‘s, one in English and the other in Marketing.

Pros/Cons of Delmarva Theory (Laura Hathaway 2 of 2)
Last time we discussed the pros of the Delmarva Theory of the Book of Mormon. This time we’ll dive into the skeptics questions. How does

Delmarva Peninsula: Book of Mormon Lands on East Coast? (Laura Hathaway 1 of 2)
Laura Hathaway has a relatively new Book of Mormon Geography Theory. She thinks the Book of Mormon lands encompass the Delmarva Peninsula on the east

Did Everyone Mistranslate Paul? (Thomas Wayment 2 of 2)
There are many epistles attributed to the Apostle Paul in the New Testament. Did everyone mistranslate Paul? What mistranslations are in these letters? Did Joseph

Thomas Wayment Responds to Adam Clarke Controversy (1 of 2)
We’ll discuss the controversy of Thomas Wayment’s recent paper about the Joseph Smith Translation & Adam Clarke. What do people get wrong? We’ll also discuss

Rick Attends World Conference for CoC! #CoCWC23
I visited the weeklong World Conference in April 2023 and gave a daily recap of events. Here’s what I thought in realtime! Check out my

Difference Between LDS & CoC General Conference (Deb Luce 3 of 3)
What’s the difference between LDS General Conference & Community of Christ World Conference? A LOT! Deb Luce says not everyone attends CoC Conference, there is

Female Pastor? Evangelist (Deb Luce 2 of 3)
Deb Luce’s life was transformed following the 1984 revelation giving women priesthood in the Community of Christ. She became female pastor of the same congregation

Miracle Healing Leads to Conversion! (Deb Luce 1 of 3)
Following a car accident, Deb Luce couldn’t feel her legs or toes. She received a blessing by a Community of Christ chaplain, and a miracle

Comparing Baptist Views on LGBT (Kyle Beshears 3 of 3)
Many churches are struggling with how to handle LGBT members. The United Methodist Church is splitting over the issue of gay clergy. What are the

Can Women Hold Priesthood in Baptist, LDS? (Kyle Beshears 2 of 3)
Can women hold priesthood? The LDS Church doesn’t allow females to hold the priesthood. Is it similar in the Baptist Church? Is confession of sexual

Are Mormons Christian? Baptist Pastor Answers! (Kyle Beshears 1 of 3)
Kyle Beshears returns to Gospel Tangents, and we’re going to cover some difficult topics. Are Mormons Christian? How does he justify his answer? I think

Translation of Caracters Document (2 of 2 Jerry Grover)
Is there a translation of the Caracters document? Jerry Grover says yes! He’ll tell us how he translated this reformed Egyptian, which is a combination

What were Golden Plates Made of? (Jerry Grover 1 of 2)
What were the Golden Plates made of? Probably not 100% gold, because that would be too heavy. Could it have been a copper alloy? Jerry

Can Evangelicals & Mormons Get Along?
Can Evangelicals & Mormons get along? If they are Steve Pynakker & Rick Bennett they can! Steve & Rick switch sides. This time Rick asks

Reviewing Murder Among the Mormons (3 of 3 Diane Smith/Michelle Stone)
What the family of Mark Hofmann think of the documentary “Murder Among the Mormons”? Mark’s cousins Diane Smith & Michelle Stone give their takes on

Family Reactions to Mark Hofmann’s Injuries (2 of 3 Michelle Stone/Diane Smith)
How did Mark Hofmann’s family react to his injuries from a bomb? Diane Smith & Michelle Stone are two of Mark’s cousins and they share

My Cousin is Serial Killer Mark Hofmann (1 of 3 Diane Smith/Michelle Stone)
What did Mark Hofmann’s family think when a bomb went off? Did they think he was guilty? What was he like growing up? Michelle Stone

Wise Men From Iran? (Dan McClellan 4 of 4)
Where did the Wise Men come from? In our final conversation with TikTok star Dr Dan McClellan, we going to discuss the birth of the

Book of Mormon’s Isaiah Problem (Dan McClellan 3 of 4)
Many scholars believe multiple authors wrote the Book of Isaiah, and some claim it was after 600 BC when Nephi left Jerusalem. Is there an

Did Israel Worship Baal? (Dan McClellan 2 of 4)
We’re continuing our discussion about Israelite/Canaanite religion with TikTok star Dan McClellan. Did Israel worship Baal? Is it true God had a wife? When did

Was Abraham a Monotheist?
Dr Dan McClellan is an Old Testament TikTok star! Was Abraham a monotheist? We’re going to take a deep dive into the Bible, and find

Tour of Independence (Rick Bennett)
Rick Bennett went on a walking tour of Independence, MO with Matthew Turner. They found 14 Mormon historical markers ranging from the first landowner in
Winner Announced! Plus Upcoming Conferences!
Congrats to Janine Bean for winning “Let’s Talk about Race & Priesthood!” Also register for the upcoming conferences. JWHA Business Meeting is actually April 21,

How 1978 Revelation Affected Black Women
As we conclude our conversation with Dr Paul Reeve, he tells how the 1978 revelation affected Black Women as well. We’ll briefly review Jane Manning

One Drop Rule/Problem (Paul Reeve 2 of 3)
The One Drop Rule was used to justify slavery and segregation in America. Unfortunately, it seeped into the LDS Church in the form of a

Earliest Black Mormons (Paul Reeve 1 of 3)
I’m happy to have Dr Paul Reeve back on the show! We’ll talk about the earliest black Mormons who did and did not hold the
Bonus Episode! Winner Announced!
Greg Louder is our winner of “The Burning Book!” Plus I have a few announcements about upcoming guests and me speaking in April! Podcast: Play

Jason Olson’s View of Prophets (4 of 4)
Since Dr Jason Olson is a religious studies major, I couldn’t wait to ask him some Bible questions. Is he a literalist? Are some prophets

Navigating LDS/Jewish Dating (Jason Olson 3 of 4)
As Jason Olson returned from his mission, he was still conflicted on LDS/Jewish dating. He decided to return to BYU to finish his studies, and

Baptism & LDS Mission (Jason Olson 2 of 4)
We continue our conversation with Dr. Jason Olson. He details his baptism and LDS mission, and how he continues to wrestle over his dual Jewish

LDS Convert From Judaism (Jason Olson 1 of 4)
Dr Jason Olson is author of a new memoir called “The Burning Book.” He details his Jewish upbringing, and how he became interested in the

Strang’s Death/Succession Crisis (Vickie Speek 4 of 4)
In our final conversation with historian Vickie Speek, she’ll talk about the James Strang’s death, and how the role of prophet & apostle did not

Strangite Temple & Polygamy (Vickie Speek 3 of 4)
Vickie Speek is here to talk about Strangite temple ceremonies, and the introduction of polygamy among the Strangites. Check out our conversation… Copyright © 2023

Famous Strangites (Vickie Speek 2 of 4)
Vickie Speek continues our conversation about James Strang, an early rival to Brigham Young. Strang gained some famous Strangites to his movement. He was successful

Intro to Prophet James Strang (Vickie Speek 1 of 4)
Vickie Speek is the premier expert on the life of James Strang, an early Mormon leader. We’ll talk about Strang’s vision, calling as a prophet,

19th Century Cross-Dressing Polygamist (Kyle Beshears 2 of 2)
Dr Kyle Beshears dives into James Strang’s wives and concubines. We’ll learn about a cross-dressing polygamist wife, and about James Strang’s life. Check out our

What Does Baptist Pastor REALLY Think of Book of Mormon? (Kyle Beshears 1 of 2)
Mormons & Baptists often clash, but Dr Kyle Bashears is one of those cool Baptist Pastors you don’t run across every day. It turns out

Adam’s Thoughts on Giants, Heartland (Adam Stokes 4 of 4)
We’re switching gears and talking about an interesting topic: biblical giants! Did they come to America? Adam Stokes is an apostle for the Assured Way

Biblical Scholarship vs Literalism (Adam Stokes 3 of 4)
Adam Stokes is not only an apostle for Church of Jesus Christ – The Assured Way of the Lord, but he has a divinity degree

Otto Fetting Visions/Revelations (2 of 4 Adam Stokes)
We’re going to learn about the Church of Jesus Christ – The Assured Way of the Lord, and it’s first leaders, Otto Fetting and William

Adam Stokes, Apostle for the Assured Way (1 of 4)
Adam Stokes is a convert to the Elijah Message Movement and has met with Bickertonites and Community of Christ prior to joining the Church of

Explaining Book of Mormon Star (2 of 2 Jerry Grover)
We’re continuing our conversation with Jerry Grover. This time we’re looking to the stars. The Book of Mormon star is unique because when night came,

Book of Mormon Geology (1 of 2 Jerry Grover)
One of the big differences between the Heartland & Mesoamerican Theories of the Book of Mormon deals with volcanoes. Very few people have studied Book

Paul Toscano’s Role in Hofmann Case (2 of 2)
Paul Toscano had a minor role in the Hofmann Case. Paul was good friends with Steve Christensen, the first man killed by Mark Hofmann over

Edwards Phrases in Book of Mormon (Jonathan Neville 2 of 2)
We’re continuing our conversation with Jonathan Neville discussing similarities between theologian Jonathan Edwards and the Book of Mormon. What are some of these Edwards phrases

Jonathan Edwards Influence on Book of Mormon (Neville 1 of 2)
Jonathan Neville believes Joseph Smith often used words and ideas from 18th century theologian Jonathan Edwards. Who is Jonathan Edwards? Neville claims Edwards was sort

Deep Dive Mormon Schisms (John Hamer 2 of 2)
We’re going to take a deep dive into modern Mormon schisms, from the ones dating to Joseph Smith’s death to modern ones. Last time we

Succession Crisis (John Hamer 1 of 2)
Following the death of Joseph Smith, a succession crisis enveloped the Church. Several vied for leadership. While most people recognize Brigham Young and Joseph Smith

Amazing International Mormons: LDS Cricket in Pakistan/Armenian Artist (Casey Griffiths 2 of 3)
Christmas Bonus! I accidentally cut out a short segment about an LDS Cricket team in Pakistan, as well as LDS Armenian artists, and some artifacts

Joseph Merrill, the Science Apostle (Casey Griffiths 3 of 3)
Joseph Merrill was an apostle who died in the 1950s. He advocated strongly that science & faith need not be in conflict. A former VP

50 More Relics of the Restoration (Casey Griffiths 1 of 3)
I’m excited to have Dr Casey Griffiths back on the show. He’s a Church History professor at BYU and we’re going to talk about 2

Are Gospels Historical? (Trevan Hatch 2 of 2)
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr Trevan Hatch, a Jewish studies scholar at BYU. We’ll dive deeper into Jesus relationship with the Pharisees. Dr Hatch

Real New Testament History (Trevan Hatch 1 of 2)
We’re diving deep into New Testament history. I’m excited to have Dr. Trevan Hatch on the show. He’s a Jewish Studies scholar! Trevan works at

Book of Jasher & Enoch (David Hocking 2 of 2)
We’re continuing our conversation with David Hocking, author of LDS Annotated Scriptures. This time we’re going to focus on his amazing scriptures with the Book

Annotated Book of Mormon
Have you ever wanted to get more resources for the Book of Mormon? David Hocking has put together an amazing resource, the Annotated Book of

Restoring Lehi’s Ship (Mike Stahlman)
Originally scheduled for a museum in England, the COVID pandemic changed things. Ship Captain Phillip Beale had the Phoenicia ship cut into pieces. Half of

Buying Lehi’s Ship (Mike & Betty LaFontaine)
We’re continuing our discussion about the Phoenicia Ship. Heartlanders think Lehi’s ship was built similarly. Mike & Betty LaFontaine were instrumental in purchasing the ship

Brazilian Filmmakers Sail Lehi’s Voyage (Yuri & Vera Sanada)
Yuri & Vera Sanada are experienced sailors. Hailing from Brazil, they contacted Philip Beale to join his journey aboard a 600 BC Phoenician ship to

Modern Columbus Follows Lehi’s Voyage (Philip Beale)
Philip Beale is a former sailor in Her Majesty’s Navy. Hailing from the U.K., Philip always had the desire to re-create the voyages of ancient

Starting Heartland Research Group (John Lefgren)
I discovered that Dr Lefgren is the president of the Heartland Research Group. The group has recently purchased a replica of an ancient Phoenician ship

John Lefgren on First Vision
When did the First Vision take place? Dr John Lefgren and Dr John Pratt worked together to come up with a date: March 26, 1820.

Brant Gardner Reviews Other Geography Theories (2 of 2)
We’ve just reviewed the Mesoamerican model for the Book of Mormon with Brant Gardner. Now I’m going to ask Brant to review other geography theories,

Book of Mormon Case for Mesoamerica (Brant Gardner 1 of 2)
I’m excited to have a Mesoamerican expert on the show. Brant Gardner is an antropologist, and he tells why he thinks the Book of Mormon

Surprising Kirtland History (2017 interview with Mark Staker)
This is a re-release of our interview from 2017 with Dr. Mark Staker. We’re going to talk about Kirtland history. While I knew there was

Breaking Down Restoration Walls (Patrick McKay)
Patrick McKay is an apostle for the Joint Conference of Restoration Branches (JCRB.) He’ll discuss breaking away from the RLDS Church, and his attempts to

3 Theology Pillars of Mormon Fundamentalists (Joe Jessop 2 of 2)
We’re continuing our conversation with Joe Jessop, LDS grandson of AUB leader Rulon Allred. This time we’re going to get into sticky Mormon Fundamentalists topics.

Close Look at Apostolic United Brethren (Joe Jessop 1 of 2)
I’m excited to introduce Joe Jessop. He’s the LDS grandson of polygamist leader Rulon Allred. Joe will talk about growing up in the Apostolic United

Controversial Cases of Polygamy (Todd Compton 2 of 2)
As we continue our conversation with Dr. Todd Compton, we’ll discuss some of the more controversial marriages of Joseph Smith. Fanny Alger was just 16

Accidental Historian Becomes Polygamy Icon (Todd Compton 1 of 2)
Dr. Todd Compton is the author of a couple of books, both of them called In Sacred Loneliness, but the new one is subtitled, The

LDS Temple Worship Evolution (Re-Release 2017 Dick Bennett interview)
This is a re-release of our interview from 2017 with BYU professtor Dr. Richard E Bennett, my name twin. We’re going to talk about temples,

Newest Harold B Lee Biography (2022 Interview Newell Bringhurst)
I’m excited to have Newell Bringhurst back on the show. Newell’s latest book is the short biography of Harold B Lee. Lee had one of

Mississippi Mob Murders (2 of 2 Mary Ann Clements)
We’re continuing our conversation with Nauvoo Crime expert Mary Ann Clements. Up to now, we’ve been discussing counterfeiting, but now Nauvoo’s crime families are getting

Were Nauvoo Leaders Counterfeiters? (1 of 2 Mary Ann Clements)
Sometimes I feel like I discover an amazing talent in Mormon history. You probably haven’t heard of Mary Ann Clements. She calls herself a stay-at-home

Takeaways from Secret 1922 Meetings (Shannon Caldwell Montez 2 of 2)
We’re continuing our conversation with Shannon Caldwell Montez, the author of The Secret Meetings of 1922. We’ll learn more about people who attended these secret

Intro Secret Mormon Meetings of 1922 (Shannon Caldwell Montez 1 of 2)
Shannon Caldwell Montez has written an amazing thesis on the Secret Mormon Meetings of 1922. BH Roberts was an influential Seventy at the turn of

Paul Reeve Discusses the Race Ban
Here’s another classic from the archives. This is the first time we’ve released the entire interview of Dr. Paul Reeve. The interview occurred back in

Fun Tour of the Restoration (Mormon schisms)
Did you know there are over 500 Mormon Denominations?! Rick Bennett won’t cover them all but will give a guided tour of some of the

Discussing the Life of Jane Manning James (Margaret Young)
This is a re-broadcast from my very first podcast from January of 2022. I’m excited to interview Margaret Young. She’s a professor of English and

Mormon Violence & Peace (Patrick Mason)
Patrick Mason holds the Leonard Arrington Chair in Mormon Studies at Utah State University. He’s written a couple of books on Mormon violence & peace.

Discussing Modern-Day Polygamists (2 of 2 Newell Bringhurst/Craig Foster)
We’re continuing our conversation with Craig Foster & Dr Newell Bringhurst. We’re going to dive deeper into modern-day polygamists beliefs, including their continued ban on

Mormon Polygamy & Quest for the Presidency (Newell Bringhurst/Craig Foster 1 of 2)
I’m excited to have a newcomer and an old-comer on the show. This is Newell Bringhurst’s 3rd time on the show and Craig Foster’s first!

Fowler Stages of Faith Overview (Jesse James 2 of 2)
Dr Jesse James discusses the Fowler Stages of Faith, and whether the spirit can be manipulated. We also discuss a good definition of evangelicals, and

Scientific Explanation for Spiritual Experiences? (Dr. Jesse James 1 of 2)
Dr Jesse James is a research psychologist and assistant professor at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa. He gives a scientific explanation for spiritual experiences. We’ll

RLDS Views on Apostasy, Mass Murder, & Hofmann (Bill Russell 2 of 2)
We’re continuing our conversation with Bill Russell, a former professor at Graceland University. We’ll talk about RLDS views of apostasy as well as the breakup

Bill Russell: Unorthodox RLDS Historian (1 of 2)
Bill Russell is one of my favorite Community of Christ historians. He taught at Graceland University, and told Bruce Jenner to train hard for the

Is This the Face of Joseph Smith? (daguerreotype with Lachlan Mackay)
Lachlan MacKay is one of the historians who helped authenticate the Joseph Smith daguerreotype that appears to be the prophet Joseph Smith. Lach is not

Contest Winner + Special Announcement
I’m excited to announce that Trevor Miller is the contest winner for Visions of a Seer Stone by Dr. William Davis. I also want to

Perspectives on LDS Women’s Ordination & Abuse
We don’t usually discuss current events on Gospel Tangents, but we’re going to make an exception. Jennifer Roach is a former Anglican pastor, and experienced

Re-evaluating Translation Timeline for Book of Mormon (2 of 2)
Dr. William Davis takes exception to the traditional timeline for Book of Mormon Translation. He says Joseph knew about it as early as 1823. He

Shakespeare Used Chiasmus too? (1 of 2)
Dr. William Davis uses his training in Shakespeare (and chiasmus) and applies it to the Book of Mormon. Is chiasmus less unique that some claim?

Rev Grills on Atonement Theories (Part 2)
We’ve been talking a lot about the different atonement theories lately. I put together this 30 min clip of Rev Willie Grills and I discussing

Why is a Lutheran Pastor Interested in Mormons?
I get requests to talk to people outside of Mormonism. I’m excited to introduce a non-evangelical, run of the mill Lutheran pastor, Reverend Willie Grills

John Dehlin Part 2: Constructive or Destructive Mormon Critic?
In Part 2 of our conversation with Dr. John Dehlin of the Mormon Stories podcast, we’ll get into his criticism of the LDS Church. Is

John Dehlin: The Early Years (Part 1 of 2)
I’ve got the biggest fish in Mormon podcasting! In this first episode, we’re going to talk to Dr. John Dehlin about his dating an Oscar-winning

Special Announcement! More & Longer Interviews!
There are going to be some changes here at Gospel Tangents. I’m hoping you’re going to like them better! Please listen to my special announcement,

Crossing the Brethren’s Line (Part 5 of 5)
Eugene England seemed to one of those crossing the brethren’s line with some of theological musings. Recently, Fiona Givens did as well with her discussion

Explaining Atonement Theories (Part 4 of 5)
Why did Jesus die for us? Was he a moral teacher, or did his death substitute for our sins? Why does God require someone to

Is it OK to Ask Hard Questions at Church? (Part 3 of 5)
Gene England was one who liked to ask the hard questions at Church. It definitely caused Gene trouble with Church leaders. Has it gotten any

Eugene England at BYU, Dialogue (Part 2 of 5)
Following a stint at St. Olaf’s College in Minnesota, Eugene England sought employment at BYU. He also helped start a Mormon history magazine called Dialogue.

Turning Down, Accepting Eugene England (Terryl Givens 1 of 5)
I just finished a biography of Eugene England called “Stretching the Heavens” by Dr. Terryl Givens. I loved it and felt a real kinship to

Atonement Theories in Book of Mormon (Part 6 of 6)
Why did Christ die for us? That has been a topic of debate among Christians for centuries. We’re going to delve into Atonement theories. Was

Paul Critiques LDS Apostles (Part 5 of 6)
Paul Toscano has some opinions on LDS Apostles, and he’s not going to hold anything back! Paul: I know that some of them do love

Paul’s Thoughts on Polygamy/Adam-God Theory
Polygamy has been tightly intertwined with the Adam-God Theory. Some say that’s the reason the Adam-God Theory is no longer a doctrine in the LDS

Christ’s Role Reversal (Part 3 of 6)
The scriptures concerning God the Father and Jesus Christ are quite confusing. Even protestant explanations of the trinity are confusing. Paul Toscano notes the Book

Why Book of Mormon Isn’t Trinitarian (Part 2 of 6 Paul Toscano)
In a recent interview with Pentecostal theologian Dr. Christopher Thomas, he said the Book of Mormon is quite trinitarian. Paul Toscano disputes that assertion. Paul

Paul Toscano Explains Scripture Symbolism (Part 1 of 6)
Scripture symbolism is tough. So is LDS Temple symbolism. Paul Toscano has a book, “The Serpent & the Dove” that explains temple symbolism. That may

Anti-Polygamy Stance, Book of Rayaneck (Part 6 of 7 Matthew Gill)
Matthew Gill is prophet of the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ. He tells why he thinks Joseph didn’t practice polygamy. Anti-Polygamy Stance GT: I’m going

Sued by LDS Church/Restored Branch Scriptures (Part 5 of 7)
I was surprised to learn the LDS Church sued Matthew Gill, essentially to shut down his church. Matthew tells more about the suit. Sued by

Pre-Jewish Christian Religious Practices (Part 4 of 7 Matthew Gill)
Matthew Gill is a prophet of the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ. He claims to have translated an ancient record of the people of Stonehenge.

Jaredites & Book of Jeraneck (Part 3 of 7 Matthew Gill)
Matthew Gill claims to have translated an ancient record of the people of Stonehenge. We’ll learn more about them. Are they related to Book of

Leaving LDS Church, Translating Plates (Part 2 of 7 Matthew Gill)
Matthew Gill is prophet of the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ, based in the UK. We’ll learn about his growing up in the LDS Church,

Brass Plates of Stonehenge (Part 1 of 7)
I’m excited to introduce Matthew Gill. He’s a prophet in the UK for the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ. We’ll learn more about his scriptures.

Meet me! Camp Nauvoo! 6pm CT June 8!
We have a meet and greet today at 6pm. If you’re in the area, I’d love to meet you. Sorry for late notice! Podcast:

Liberty Jail Hearing & Escape (Part 8 of 9)
Joseph Smith spent about six months in Liberty Jail following the Mormon-Missouri War of 1838. Historian Steve LeSueur talks more about the court hearings, and

Hawn’s Mill Massacre/Joseph’s Surrender (Part 7 of 9)
The darkest chapter in Mormon-Missouri history occurred when 17 Mormon men and boys were killed at the Hawn’s Mill Massacre. Hostilities between Mormons and Missouri

Battle of Crooked River/Extermination Order (Part 6 of 9)
Apostle David Patten was the first LDS martyr, killed in the Battle of Crooked River trying to rescue LDS hostages from a Missouri militia. Exaggerated

Was Joseph Responsible for Danites? (Part 5 of 9)
Many faithful LDS scholars have tried to distance Joseph Smith from the Danite raids that took place in Missouri. But how responsible was Joseph for

When Did Missourians Worry about Danites? (Part 4 of 9)
As we mentioned before, the Danites were initially aimed at dissenters within Mormonism. When did they turn outward toward Missouri troubles? Historian Steve LeSueur answers

Vigilantes & Danites? (Part 3 of 9)
Following the Kirtland Bank failure in Ohio, Joseph Smith fled Kirtland and came to Missouri. Then things started to fall apart there as well. Historian

Peace in Caldwell County Compromise (Part 2 of 9)
After Joseph Smith declared that the New Jerusalem would be built in Jackson County, Missouri, the saints were kicked out of the county. How much

Mapping Mormon History in Missouri (Part 1 of 9)
I’m excited to introduce historian Steve LeSeuer. Back in 1987, Steve wrote an amazing book called The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri. It won the

Why Do Some Scholars Get in Trouble (Part 5 of 6)
Some LDS scholars get in trouble with Church authorities: Michael Quinn, Maxine Hanks, Lester Bush, to name a few. Yet others like Dr. Richard &

Claudia’s Focus on Women in History (Part 4 of 6 Claudia Bushman)
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr’s Richard & Claudia Bushman. I asked Claudia more about her writings on women in church history. Women in History

Scuttled Church History (Part 3 of 6 Richard Bushman)
Saints Volume 3 is coming out soon, part of the first update of Church history in almost 100 years. But did you know that back

Exponent II
Dr. Claudia Bushman helped re-start a Mormon women’s publication called Exponent II. She was the first editor of Exponent II. She will talk about how

Talking Mormon History with the Bushmans (Part 1 of 6)
I’m excited to introduce a pair of amazing historians: Dr Richard Bushman, and his wife, Dr. Claudia Bushman. We’ll learn more about their backgrounds in

Indian & Black Slavery in Utah (Part 7 or 7)
The Act in Relation to Service legalized slavery in Utah in 1852. Dr. Sally Gordon tells more about how the statute affected both Indian &

Advice to Religious Leaders (Part 6 of 7)
Dr. Sally Gordon spoke at BYU for the Religious Liberty conference in March. I asked her to give any advice to religious leaders. Advice to

Scalia’s Polarizing Religious Decision (Part 5 of 7)
Antonin Scalia’s polarizing religious decision in 1993 seems ready for the chopping block. The Supreme Court justice wrote a decision that limited the free exercise

School Prayer Ban Led to Religious Studies! (Part 4 of 7)
In 1962, the Supreme Court banned school prayer. It was a controversial decision to be sure, but Dr. Sally Gordon says that opinion paved the

Kody Brown’s Polygamy Case (Part 3 of 7)
Kody Brown is the polygamist and star of the tv show Sister Wives. He sued the state of Utah to remove the polygamy prohibition in

Legal Complications of Polygamy (Part 2 of 7)
What are the legal complications of polygamy? Kody Brown recently filed a lawsuit to make polygamy law legal. While interracial marriage and even gay marriage

Twin Relics of Barbarism (Part 1 of 7)
The Republican Party platform of 1856 was founded to eradicate the “twin relics of barbarism: slavery & polygamy.” Why would they link the two together?

David’s Angelic Ordination (Part 3 of 4)
We’re going to learn more about David’s angelic ordination in our next conversation with David & Kristine Ferriman, co-presidents of CJCCF. We’ll learn more about

Wide Open Canon & Revelations (Part 2 of 4)
David & Kristine Ferriman lead the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship as co-presidents. We’re going to learn more about their wide-open canon. They

Spiritual PTSD/Offending Everyone (Part 1 of 4)
I’m excited to introduce Kristine & David Ferriman from the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship. It’s really kind of a unity movement, and

Jonathan Edwards’ Influence on Book of Mormon (Part 10 of 11)
Jonathan Edwards was an early preacher in Joseph Smith’s Day, kind of like a Billy Graham of the time. Jonathan Neville has discovered passages in

“Evidence of Composition is Evidence of Translation” (Part 9 of 11)
Is the Book of Mormon a translation, or complete fiction? Heartland expert Jonathan Neville says that evidence of composition is evidence of translation. What does

Explaining Mormon DNA-Archeology (Part 8 of 11)
The biggest problem with the Book of Mormon deals with DNA and archaeology that doesn’t seem to match Native Americas. How does Jonathan Neville, an

The Final Battle (Part 7 of 11)
The Book of Mormon ends with a great battle with millions killed near a hill called Cumorah. Yet no bones were found near the Hill

Pros & Cons of Vague Geography (Part 6 of 11)
Critics of the Book of Mormon say the vague geography means that it could take place anywhere, or no where. Jonathan Neville weighs in on

Why Limited Geography Theory is Wrong? (Part 5 of 11)
When the Book of Mormon was first published, and even for a century onward, most Mormons believed the Book of Mormon covered the whole of

Lehi’s Atlantic Crossing? (Part 4 of 11)
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M2C Citation Cartel (Part 3 of 11 Jonathan Neville)
What is the M2C Citation Cartel? One of Jonathan Neville’s biggest issues is with the traditional Book of Mormon scholars is what he calls the

Was Joseph Smith Really Editor? (Part 2 of 11)
Joseph Smith was listed as the editor of many newspapers in his day. Some people attribute things about Book of Mormon geography to him in

Neville’s Church History Background (Part 1 of 11)
I’m excited to introduce Jonathan Neville. He is an expert on the Heartland geography theory of the Book of Mormon. In this first episode, we’ll

Is D&C 132 a Forged Revelation? (Part 9 of 10)
Polygamy skeptics love to claim that D&C 132 is a revelation forged by Brigham Young, and note the revelation wasn’t written in Joseph Smith’s handwriting.

Why So Few Children of Polygamy in Nauvoo? (Part 8 of 10)
Polygamy skeptics love to point out that DNA evidence has ruled out Joseph as the father of several possible polygamous unions. But is there no

Kirtland-era Polygamy Evidence (Part 7 of 10)
Joseph Smith was involved with Fanny Alger in some type of “girl business” probably around 1836, and Oliver Cowdery referenced this in 1838. What other

3rd Party Polygamy Evidence (Part 6 of 10 Mark Tensmeyer)
The LDS and RLDS Churches have fought about Joseph Smith’s polygamy for a century. Is there 3rd party polygamy evidence that could settle this? Mark
Nauvoo-Era Polygamy Evidence (Part 5 of 10 Mark Tensmeyer)
What polygamy evidence is there in the Nauvoo period? Mark Tensmeyer will tell us about the Sarah Pratt case, Hyrum Smith before the high council,
4 Types of Polygamy Evidence from Nauvoo (Part 4 of 10)
I think most people agree that polygamy was practiced secretly in Nauvoo. Polygamy skeptics like to blame it on Brigham Young, but even if that
Did Cochranites Start Mormon Polygamy? (Part 3 of 10)
Polygamy skeptics claim that a religious group out of Maine introduced LDS apostles about spiritual wifery, and those apostles (not Joseph) introduced polygamy into the
RLDS positions on Joseph’s Polygamy (Part 2 of 10)
The RLDS Church has historically claimed Joseph Smith never practiced polygamy. We’ll talk about Joseph Smith, III’s views on the topic, as well as modern-day
Examining Polygamy Skeptics Claims (Part 1 of 10 Mark Tensmeyer)
In a conversation with Denver Snuffer, he claimed that if we threw out all evidence after Joseph Smith died, there is little evidence Joseph practiced
Worship Services & Church Structure (Part 5 of 5)
The House of Aaron is a group of Messianic Christians. What are their worship services like? What is their church structure, and how large is
House of Aaron Scriptures (Part 4 of 5)
What scriptures do they use in the House of Aaron? Does it include the Book of Mormon or other scriptures? Dr. John Conrad is chief
House of Aaron Views on Polygamy & LGBT (Part 3 of 5)
Last time we discussed the story of Abraham and Isaac, a troubling story in the Bible. This time I’ll ask Dr. John Conrad about polygamy.
LDS/House of Aaron Relations (Part 2 of 5)
The House of Aaron is on the Utah-Nevada border. LDS are practically everywhere. How do they get along with their LDS neighbors? Do they consider
Founding the House of Aaron (Part 1 of 5)
I’m excited to introduce you to the House of Aaron, located on the Utah-Nevada border that practices the Law of Consecration, and celebrates many Jewish
Corrected Church Organization (Part 8 of 8)
Joseph Smith’s revelations outline the size of each priesthood quorum. Did you know the Kirtland Temple had assigned seats for each person in these quorums?
Making Diamonds out of Coal! (Part 7 of 8)
David Hall’s father Tracy was the man who invented synthetic diamonds. We’ll learn more about David and his father Tracy, founder of Hall Labs, and
Purifying Water, Transportation, & People (Part 6 of 8)
Joseph Smith planned for 100,000 people packed into a small area. David Hall tells how he would keep people healthy with water purification systems and
Keeping Saints Healthy with Multi-purpose Temples (5 of 8)
Joseph Smith’s plans for a temple could house an NBA basketball court, an Olympic size swimming pool, and still allow important temple rites to be
Building Future Cities of Joseph (Part 4 of 8)
Joseph’s visionary city of Independence was well ahead of its time. In fact, it is probably ahead of our time. David Hall, Chairman of Hall
Tyndale’s 1530 English (Part 3 of 8)
A lot of people think Joseph used King James English in the Book of Mormon. However, David Hall, Chairman of Hall Labs says that Joseph
24 Temple Presidents in Kirtland? (Part 2 of 8)
Did you know Joseph’s original plans for Kirtland and Independence was to have 24 temples? David R. Hall, chairman of Hall Labs will tell us
Engineering Joseph’s Visionary City (Part 1 of 8)
We’re going to get acquainted with David R. Hall, Chairman of Hall Labs in Provo, Utah. He’s an amazing inventor and gets his ideas from
Richie T’s 3 Questions (Part 6 of 6)
I stepped into The Cultural Hall with Richie T. Steadman, and he asked me his 3 questions and my thoughts on The Cultural Hall. Richie:
Mormon History Groups (Part 5 of 6)
Richie Steadman of The Cultural Hall Podcast asked me more about some Mormon history groups. We’ll talk not just about some old Mormon groups, but
Rick’s Family History (Part 4 of 6)
Back in Nov 2019, I sat down over Zoom with Richie T Steadman of The Cultural Hall Podcast. He asked about my background. Richie: Rick

BoM: South America, Heartland, Meso (Part 3 of 6)
We’re into part 3 of our look at Book of Mormon geography theories. This time, we’ll cover 3 of the more popular theories: South America,

BoM: Malay, Baja, New York (Part 2 of 6)
We’re continuing our series on Book of Mormon geography theories. This time we’ll hit Malay, Baja, and New York geography theories. GT: The next theory
BoM Geography: From Middle East to Africa (Part 1 of 6)
Where did the Book of Mormon take place? There are probably more theories out there than you know. I’m going to share a Zoom presentation
Remembering Will Bagley (Part 5 of 5)
We lost Will Bagley Sept 28, 2021, due to complications from a stroke. As we end 2021, we’ll look back at our 2020 interview where
Remembering Shannon Flynn (Part 4 of 5)
As 2021 winds down, we’re looking back on the life of Shannon Flynn. Shannon earned a degree in history from the University of Utah. He
Remembering Curt Bench (Part 3 of 5)
Curt Bench was one of the most beloved members of the Mormon history community. As we look back at those we’ve lost in 2021, I
Remembering Michael Quinn (Part 2 of 5)
On April 21, 2021, we lost an amazing historian, Michael Quinn. As we end 2021, I wanted to look back at those we lost. This
Remembering Armand Mauss (Part 1 of 5)
As we wind down 2021, I wanted to remember those we’ve lost. Armand Mauss died Aug 1, 2020, but had a chapter published posthumously in
*Intro to Reborn LDS Church (Part 9 of 9)
So far, we keep referring to this group as “The Brazil Group.” But what is the official name of this church? John: So, the short
Three Churches of Mormonism (Part 8 of 9)
The late Dr. John Pratt says there are 3 churches of Mormonism. He’ll talk about the purpose that each church fulfills. John: The restoration branches.
What’s in Sealed Book of Mormon? (Part 7 of 9)
What’s in the sealed Book of Mormon? The late Dr. John Pratt tells us what is in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon
Hofmann Question on Brazil Plates (Part 6 of 9)
In a previous conversation with Dr. Casey Griffiths, Casey said that a South American group used a Hofmann forgery to authenticate the sealed portion of
Brazil Golden Plates (Part 5 of 9)
Have you heard about the Brazil Plates? The late Dr. John Pratt is going to tell us more about them! GT: Okay, so, tell us
John Pratt’s Spiritual Journey with Snuffer (Part 4 of 9)
The late Dr. John Pratt grew up a member of the LDS Church for decades, but recently has joined with some other restoration movements. He
Dating Problems in First Vision (Part 3 of 9 John Pratt)
Critics of the Joseph Smith claim that there are anachronisms in the First Vision. I asked the late Dr. John Pratt about how he handles
Dating the First Vision (Part 2 of 9 John Pratt)
When did the First Vision take place? The late Dr. John Pratt says it was March 26, 1820. That calculation is based on the Enoch
Dating Birth of Christ (Part 1 of 9 John Pratt)
Thanksgiving is the unoffical start to the Christmas season. I’m both excited and sad to share this episode with our listeners. I’m excited to introduce
*Comparing Mormons & Pentecostals (Part 8 of 8)
Dr. Christopher Thomas of the Pentecostal Theological Seminary discusses similarities and differences with Mormon Culture. We also learn about the structure of the various Pentecostal
Pentecostals in Book of Mormon (Part 7 of 8 Chris Thomas)
As we’ve mentioned before, publication of the Book of Mormon pre-dates the Pentecostal movement by almost 8 decades. What are some examples? Dr. Christopher Thomas
Troubling Stories in Scripture (Part 6 of 8 Chris Thomas)
There are lots of troubling stories in scripture: the sacrifice of Isaac, the banishment of Hagar. I’m going to get personal and share some of
Protestant Theology in Book of Mormon? (Part 5 of 8)
Should evangelicals be scared of the Book of Mormon? Pentecostal scholar Dr. Christopher Thomas says most of the theology in the Book of Mormon is
Tongue-Speech in Book of Mormon (Part 4 of 8)
One of the things that attracted Pentecostal scholar Dr. Chris Thomas to the Book of Mormon were the many episodes of speaking in tongues. It
Pentecostal View of Book of Mormon Theology (Part 3 of 8)
What do evangelical scholars think of Book of Mormon theology? We’ll find out when Dr. Chris Thomas gives the book a serious, scholarly treatment. Chris:
Is Book of Mormon a Pacifist Text? (Part 2 of 6 Chris Thomas)
The Book of Mormon is known for talking about lots of wars, eventually ending in the extermination of Nephites. But is the central message a
Pentecostal Theologian Gives Book of Mormon the Bible Treatment (Part 1 of 8)
Lots of people would like outsiders to look at the Book of Mormon in serious ways. I’m excited to introduce Dr. Christopher Thomas. He teaches
Wordprint Studies (Part 5 of 6)
Wordprint or stylometry studies try to identify the author of a text. Studies have tried to prove ancient as well as modern authorship. What does
What Skills Were Needed to Write Book of Mormon? (Part 4 of 6)
What skills were needed to write the Book of Mormon? Brian’s going to dig into Joseph Smith’s background. Did Joseph have the education and oral
Automatic Writing/Bill Davis’s Visions of Seer Stone
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr. Brian Hales on Book of Mormon authorship. What are some naturalistic explanations are there to explain how Joseph Smith
Looking at Spalding & Collaborator Theories (Part 2 of 6)
Ever since the Book of Mormon was first published, critics have tried to figure out its authorship. Did Joseph Smith plagiarize the book from other

Reviewing Polygamy Criticisms (Part 1 of 6 Brian Hales)
It was 8 years ago that Brian Hales published his 3-volume set on Joseph Smith’s Polygamy. How does he feel about polygamy criticisms of his
LDS Church in Pacific (Part 3 of 3 Devan Jensen)
Micronesia, Guam, Truk. You may have heard of these islands, but what do you really know about them? Devan Jensen is writing an LDS History
Improving Conversation on Divisive Topics (Part 2 of 3 Devan Jensen)
It’s incredibly easy to get into arguments on social media on topics like masks, vaccines, immigration, guns, politics. How do we talk to those with
LDS Publishing & Media Assoc (Part 1 of 3 Devan Jensen)
Devan Jensen is the president of the LDS Publishing & Media Association. What is it exactly, and who is it for? Devan will introduce us
*Phelps From Nauvoo to SLC (Part 8 of 8)
W.W. Phelps was editor of the Times & Seasons in 1844 when Joseph Smith was killed. He not only gave the funeral sermon for Joseph
Phelps Role in Book of Abraham Civil War (Part 7 of 8)
W.W. Phelps assisted with the translation of the Book of Abraham. Amongst believing scholars, there is a bit of a civil war over the Book
Phelps Role at Times & Seasons (Part 6 of 8 )
W.W. Phelps was one of the best writers in Mormonism. It should come as no surprise that he assisted Joseph Smith in the First Vision
Danites in Missouri (Part 5 of 8 )
The Danites were a Mormon vigilante group who tried to fight back against Missouri mobocracy. Were they good guys or bad guys? W.W. Phelps &
Mormon-Missouri War of 1838 (Part 4 of 8 )
The years 1836-1838 were some of the most tumultuous in Church history. Events included the Kirtland Banking Crisis, the Fanny Alger affair, excommunication of high
Cleaning House in Kirtland: Phelps vs Marsh (Part 3 of 8 )
Following the Kirtland Banking Crisis, many were disillusioned with Joseph Smith’s leadership. Thomas Marsh was among those who helped Joseph clear out the disaffected, and
Were Phelps Missouri Troubles Self-inflicted? (Part 2 of 8 )
W.W. Phelps was deeply involved in editing a political newspaper prior to joining the Church and was no stranger to partisan political fights. When he
Jailed Before Joined (Part 1 of 8)
W.W. Phelps is one of the best known leaders in early Mormon history that wasn’t an apostle. Dr. Bruce Van Orden is the author of
*Mormon Doctrine in Battlestar Gallactica? (Part 8 of 8)
I hope you have enjoyed our conversation with Steven Pynakker, evangelical host of Mormon Book Reviews. In our next conversation, Steve will tell us some
Gutting Pioneer Temple History (Part 7 of 8)
Recently the LDS Church announced the seismic improvements and removal of the beautiful murals in the Salt Lake Temple. Steve Pynakker is the evangelical host
Mormon Historians’ Community (Part 6 of 8)
Steve Pynakker, evangelical host of Mormon Book Reviews and I got together again on August 27 to celebrate his 50th video on his podcast. Steve
Future of Mormon History (Part 5 of 8)
What does the future of Mormon history look like? Steve Pynakker is the evangelical host of Mormon Book Reviews. He and I sat down to
Are Faith and Intellect Compatible? (Part 4 of 5)
Some people don’t like the academic study of the Bible and think the two are incompatible. That’s not the case with Steve Pynakker, evangelical host
Why Start Gospel Tangents? (Part 3 of 5)
Steven Pynakker is the evangelical host of Mormon Book Reviews. He and I sat down to discuss why I started Gospel Tangents. GT: When I
Differences between Evangelicals and Protestants? (Part 2 of 5)
Mormons, myself included are often clueless, about protestants and evangelicals? What’s the difference? I asked that question to Steven Pynakker, host of Mormon Book Reviews,
Mormon & Evangelical Discuss Mormon History (Part 1 of 5)
I’m turning over the interview microphone to an evangelical! Steven Pynakker is the host of Mormon Book Reviews, and he wanted to learn more about
*Are Church Leaders Scared of Heavenly Mother? (Part 9 of 9)
Fiona Givens recently resigned her position at BYU’s Maxwell Institute under pressure from Church leaders over her speculation that the Holy Ghost might be Heavenly
6 Counterpoints to Women & Priesthood Essay (Part 8 of 9)
Dr. Margaret Toscano gives a summary of her essay in the “Gospel Topics Series” book edited by Dr. Matt Harris & Dr. Newell Bringhurst. Toscano
Women’s Spiritual vs Ecclesiastical Priesthood (Part 7 of 9)
LDS Priesthood encompasses both spiritual and ecclesiastical aspects. Dr. Margaret Toscano compares and contrasts her position on female priesthood with that of Dr. Jonathan Stapley.
Priests or Priestesses? (Part 6 of 9)
Given the mixed-gender makeup of the Quorum of the Anointed, if LDS women were granted priesthood office, would they be priests or priestesses? Should they
Quorum of the Anointed (Part 5 of 9)
The Quorum of the Anointed was a special quorum founded by Joseph Smith just prior to his death in 1844. It was unusual in the
Keys of the Priesthood (Part 4 of 9)
The Gospel Topics essay on women and priesthood references a 2014 talk by Elder Dallin Oaks. Dr. Jonathan Stapley said this talk was groundbreaking by
Joseph’s Statements on Women & Priesthood (Part 3 of 9)
In a previous interview with Dr. Jonathan Stapley, he stated that when early Mormon women healed, it wasn’t through Priesthood. Dr. Margaret Toscano disagrees with
Critiquing Women & Priesthood Essay (Part 2 of 9)
In our last conversation, Dr. Margaret Toscano explained what she liked about the Gospel topics essay on women and priesthood. This time, Margaret will look
Strengths of Women & Priesthood Essay (Part 1 of 9)
We’re continuing our series on the “Gospel Topics Series” book, edited by Dr. Matt Harris and Dr. Newell Bringhurst. Dr. Margaret Toscano is back to
*Further Thoughts on Malay Theory (Part 6 of 6)
We got acquainted with the Malay Theory last time, and we’re going to continue on with KC Kern and Greg Pavone to find out some
Intro to Malay Hypothesis (Part 5 of 6)
Where did the Book of Mormon take place? Most people think it is in Central or South America, or maybe North America. However, we’re going
Clearing out the Mormon Cave (Part 4 of 6)
As you know, KC Kern and Greg Pavone hit pay dirt and found the Mormon Cave. Now we’re going to talk about the dig inside
Finding the Mormon Cave (Part 3 of 6)
KC Kern & Greg Pavone feel like they have enough evidence to find the Mormon Cave. But how will the property owner react? GT: So,
History of the Mormon Cave (Part 2 of 6)
KC Kern and Greg Pavone are amazing researchers. They dug into the historical records to find out more about the legend of the Mormon Cave.
Raiders of the Lost Mormon Cave (Part 1 of 6)
We’re continuing our archaeological excavations of Joseph Smith Senior, this time in New York. I’m excited to introduce KC Kern and Greg Pavone, a couple
*Staker Weighs in on First Vision (Part 5 of 5)
In a previous conversation with historian Dan Vogel, he indicated visions of Jesus were common among Methodists in Joseph Smith’s day and questioned why a
Lucy’s Dreams, Joseph Sr’s Rational Religion (Part 4 of 5)
Lucy Mack Smith had dreams that were very similar to some mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith Sr., on the other hand, was
Smith Farmers Were Spiritual Not Religious (Part 3 of 5)
What was Joseph Smith Jr’s religious upbringing like? It turns out his parents were quite different. Joseph Sr, might be describes as spiritual but not
When Joseph Met Lucy (Part 2 of 5)
Dating in the late 1700s wasn’t quite the same as today. In our next conversation with Dr. Mark Staker, author of “Joseph & Lucy Smith’s
Smith Family Farm in Vermont (Part 1 of 5)
Joseph Smith was born in Vermont before his family fell on hard times financially and move to New York. What is known about the Smith’s
*Should LDS Church Apologize for Racism? (Part 5 of 5)
The LDS Church prohibited black men and women from receiving priesthood rites in the temple until 1978. Should the Church apologize for past racism? Emmy
Can White People talk about Racism? (Part 4 of 5)
Let’s face it. Race is a tough subject to bring up. Is there ever pushback from black people when white people talk about racism? We’ll
Films Combating Racism Directed by a Mormon (Part 3 of 5)
The LDS Church has had a rough history when it comes to race, so it may surprise you to find out that one of its
Son of a Civil Rights Icon (Part 2 of 5)
Joan Trumpauer Mulholland began protesting for civil rights in the early 1960s and was part of many of the important civil rights protests of the
End of Slavery (in Utah???) Part 1 of 5
Did you know slavery was still legal in Utah until 2020? We’ll talk about the drive to remove this provision in the Utah Constitution with
*The Chicago Experiment (Part 9 of 9)
What is the Chicago Experiment? Back in the 1930s, LDS Church leaders sent employees to be trained in theology. They came across some sticky theology
Future of Church History
Historians don’t usually talk about the future, because they are historians! In our next episode with Dr. Casey Griffiths, he will talk about what he
Orson Pratt’s Unsung Hero in Church History (Part 7 of 9)
Orson Pratt is less famous than his older brother, apostle Parley P. Pratt. But it could be argued that he has had a bigger impact
From Word of Wisdom to World Faith (Part 6 of 9)
We’re continuing to discuss some of The 100 Most Important Events of Church History. We will talk about how observance of the Word of Wisdom
Entry-Level Church History (Part 5 of 9)
What is the best beginner book to learn Mormon history? Back in 2016, Dr. Casey Griffiths said there really wasn’t a book, so he set
CSI: Carthage Jail (Part 4 of 9)
Not many people know that Joseph Smith not only had a pistol in the Carthage Jail. Did you know he fired at the mob? Some
Swimsuits, Gold Medals, & Blacks (Part 3 of 9)
Did you know there was an official swimsuit of the Los Angeles Temple? Casey: The temple swimsuit, which like I said, those two things seem
Recycling Hofmann Forgeries (Part 2 of 9)
There is a group in South America that claims to have access to the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. What proof do they
Mormon Interfaith Council (Part 1 of 9)
It seems like most lay members of the Church don’t hear much about the LDS Church working on interfaith councils. Fewer know about Mormon schismatic
Orson Pratt’s First Vision Influence (Part 5 of 5)
Early Mormon apostle Orson Pratt probably did more to keep the memories of the First Vision alive in the LDS Church more than any other
Malay Theory of Book of Mormon
Hey everyone, I’m working on a presentation on the various Book of Mormon geography theories, and will be presenting on May 10, 2021 at 7
Comparing the Primary Accounts (Part 4 of 5)
What are the main differences between the First Vision accounts? Why are they different, and are these differences significant? Dr. Steven Harper is the author
Did Methodist Minister Scold Young Joseph?
As we mentioned in a previous conversation with Dan Vogel, Joseph Smith’s First Vision was quite similar to Methodist visions of Christ of the day.
Were Revivals in Palmyra in 1820?
Dr. Wesley Walters was one of the first people to question Joseph’s Smith’s account of the First Vision, saying there were no reports of revivals
Memory Problems with First Vision (Part 1 of 5)
Critics of Joseph Smith’s First Vision account claim that Joseph changed his accounts over the years, resulting in contradictions between the four primary accounts. Could
*Apology to Dorie (Part 13 of 13)
There are many people who wondered how Mark Hofmann hid his secret life of forgeries from his own wife Dorie. Brent Ashworth was among those.
Emily Dickinson Forgery (Part 12 of 13)
The Emily Dickinson forgery was briefly touched on in the Netflix documentary. It turns out that Brent Ashworth played a critical role in identifying that
Hofmann’s Court Mistake (Part 11 of 13)
Brent Ashworth tells about his testimony at the preliminary hearing to decide whether Mark Hofmann should be bound over for trial. Was it effective testimony?
Tragedy Before Hofmann Trial (Part 10 of 13)
After the bombings, Brent Ashworth left town to avoid becoming a target. To his dismay, his 7-year-old son was involved in a serious accident and
Catching More Hofmann Fakes (Part 9 of 13)
The Salamander Letter wasn’t the only forgery caught by Brent. He will describe a few other forgeries of Mark that he caught, including one with
Brent Called Salamander Letter Fake (Part 8 of 13)
Many people are well aware that Jerald Tanner called out the Salamander letter as a forgery, but did you know that Brent Ashworth beat him
Hofmann’s Motive Against Church (Part 7 of 13)
Mark Hofmann wanted to bring down the LDS Church. Why? What was his motive? Brent Ashworth lays out his theory for why Mark had a
Why 3rd Bomb Wasn’t Suicide Attempt (Part 6 of 13)
In the recent Netflix documentary, “Murder Among the Mormons,” Mark Hofmann is heard on a prison recording that he was trying to commit suicide with
McLellin Collection Offers (Part 5 of 13)
Mark Hofmann was trying to sell the McLellin collection to the LDS Church and Al Rust at the time the bombs exploded in 1985. It
Bonus: Ask Me Anything March 26
Now is your chance! I will be available on Reddit for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) starting at 10 am on March 26, 2021. Sign
Lucy Mack Smith Forgery (Part 4 of 13)
Brent Ashworth purchased a faith promoting letter from Mark Hofmann and then toured the state of Utah bearing testimony about this wonderful letter. Problem was,
Mark’s Unknown Half Million$ Deal (Part 3 of 13)
One thing missed in the recent Netflix documentary, “Murder Among the Mormons,” as well as nearly every other treatment of the Hofmann dealings is an
Hiding from Hofmann (Part 2 of 13)
What was it like to go into hiding when those pipe bombs went off in Salt Lake City in 1985? Brent Ashworth will tell us
Meeting Serial Killers (Part 1 of 13)
If Netflix brought you here for more, welcome! In October 1985, 3 pipe bombs exploded in Salt Lake City, Utah, killing 2 and injuring the
*Reflecting on Gospel Topics Essays (Part 5 of 5)
As we mentioned previously with our interview with Dr. Matt Harris, the Swedish Rescue was instrumental in leading Church leaders to release the Gospel Topics
New York Times Interview (Part 4 of 5)
In the Summer of 2013, the New York Times came out with a front-page article with Hans Mattsson discussing his loss of belief. Hans will
Hans’ View of Swedish Rescue (Part 3 of 5)
High profile church leaders flew to Sweden in 2010 to try to answer difficult church history questions to Swedish Latter-day Saints. How did the meeting
First Doubts on Church History (Part 2 of 5)
Hans Mattsson first began to question LDS Church history while serving as an area authority in the 3rd Quorum of Seventy. We’ll talk about some
Becoming 1st Swedish General Authority (Part 1 of 5)
I’m excited to introduce Hans Mattsson. Hans will talk about his calling as the first Swedish General Authority and growing up in the LDS Church.
Black Lives Matter (Part 7 of 7)
If you think racism is no longer a problem, think again. In our final conversation with Joseph Freeman, he outlines continued problems he has personally
Enduring Systemic Racism (Part 6 of 7)
While Joseph Freeman was the first person to break through the racial priesthood barrier in the LDS Church, he has experienced a lot of racism
Genesis Group & Black Spirituality (Part 5 of 7)
The Genesis Group was founded in the early 1970s to help keep black members active even though they couldn’t hold the priesthood. Joseph became a
Instant Celebrity (Part 4 of 7)
Following his ordination in June 1978, Joseph Freeman became an instant celebrity. He was asked to be interviewed on prominent news networks and was a
Joseph’s Baptism (Part 3 of 7)
What does it feel like to be an adult convert to the LDS Church? Joseph Freeman describes those vivid feelings as he rose up out
Meeting Mormons at PCC (Part 2 of 7)
Joseph Freeman was a Holiness preacher when the U.S. Army stationed him in Hawaii. He made what turned out to be a life-changing decision to
Holiness Preacher Joins Army (Part 1 of 7)
February is #BlackHistoryMonth, and I’m excited to kick of the month with a race-barrier breaker! Joseph Freeman was the first black man ordained following the
Darren’s Relationship to Bear River Massacre (Part 9 of 9)
In our final conversation with author Darren Parry of the Bear River Massacre, we’ll tie up some loose ends and trace his family history back
Why Indian Headdress Shouldn’t be Sports Mascots (Part 8 of 9)
Darren Parry, author of the Bear River Massacre tells why the Indian Headdress shouldn’t be used as a sports mascot. We’ll talk about why teams
Monument in the Killing Fields (Part 7 of 9)
158 years ago today, hundreds of Shoshone Indians were massacred on this site. Author Darren Parry takes us to the killing fields where many of
Turning Massacre into Model for Peace (Part 6 of 9)
Hundreds of Shoshone Indians were killed in January of 1863. Despite what happened, many of the survivors joined the LDS Church just a few short
Idaho Monument to Shoshone Massacre (Part 5 of 9)
The state of Idaho donated land for a monument so the Shoshone Tribe could tell the story of the Bear River Massacre. Author Darren Parry
How a Battle Changed to a Massacre (Part 4 of 9)
The first monument to what happened on January 29, 1863 appeared in 1932 in southern Idaho. Author Darren Parry of the Shoshone Tribe describes how
How Mormon Pioneers Changed Native Life (Part 3 of 9)
Shoshone Indians didn’t have fences. They shared everything. Imagine what it was like when Mormon pioneers started shooting deer and buffalo that Native Americans used
Native Life Before Pioneers (Part 2 of 9)
The Shoshone Tribe numbered just a few hundred when thousands of Mormon pioneers started to settle in what is now southern Idaho and northern Utah.
Getting to Know Darren Parry (Part 1 of 9)
I’m excited to have my first congressional candidate on the show, Darren Parry. We’ll talk about Darren’s unsuccessful bid to become congressman in Utah’s 1st
Church History Library (Part 5 of 5)
The Church History Library is one of the most state-of-the-art libraries in the world. Historian Richard Turley shepherded the construction of the new building, where
Saints (Part 4 of 5)
It’s been about 100 years since the LDS Church published a history of the Church. Richard Turley thought it was about time to update it
Opening Doors for LDS Female Historians (Part 3 of 5)
Over the past 30+ years, Richard Turley has worked hard to promote women in the Mormon History field. Barbara Jones Brown sat down with Rick
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Wanna see full video interviews? Become Gospel Tangents Insider for just $8/month! Once you’re a member at $8/month or higher, (1) be sure to “Like”
Turley on Mountain Meadows Massacre (Part 2 of 5)
Richard Turley’s book “Massacre at Mountain Meadows” was published in 2011. The book ends at the massacre in 1857. He and Barbara Jones Brown are
Hired After Hofmann (Part 1 of 5)
Richard Turley retired in 2020 after working in various roles for the LDS Church. This will be a special treat, because I’m turning the microphone
How Americas were Populated (Part 8 of 8)
We’re concluding our conversation with Dr. Thomas Murphy. Last time we talked about why modern Egyptians don’t match current Egyptians. Dr. Murphy says a similar
Possible to Lose DNA? (Part 7 of 8)
According to the Gospel Topics essay, the reason why Middle Eastern DNA isn’t found among Native Americans is because the Nephite/Lamanite DNA was dwarfed by
Who Killed the Indians? (Part 6 of 8)
It is well-known that Europeans wiped out many Native Americans. The Book of Mormon claims that darker skinned Lamanites killed the white-skinned Nephites. Is it
Strengths & Weakness of DNA Essay/ Comparing Indian & BoM Stories (Part 5 of 8)
Dr. Thomas Murphy describes the strengths and weaknesses of the Church’s DNA essay. Thomas: To the credit of the Church, the DNA essay acknowledges, basically,
Behind the Scenes on DNA Essay (Part 4 of 8)
Following his brush with Church discipline, Dr. Thomas Murphy was surprised to get an invitation to discuss his DNA research at BYU! Tom tells more
Untold Story of Indian Slavery (Part 3 of 8)
Did slavery exist among Native Americans prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus? Yes. Did Europeans make slaves out of Indians? Also yes. In our
Religious Fights over DNA (Part 2 of 8)
To say Dr. Thomas Murphy’s research about DNA and the Book of Mormon raises eyebrows among LDS Church leaders is an understatement. Not only did
Native American DNA Scholarship (Part 1 of 8)
We’re continuing our Gospel Topics Series. This time, we’re going to talk about DNA and the Book of Mormon. I’m excited to introduce Dr. Thomas
White Horse Prophecy
Many people have heard about the White Horse Prophecy, but few people understand the details. Did you know it has been disavowed by LDS Leaders?
Chad Daybell & Zombie Apocalypse
Chad Daybell has been in the news over the past year over the suspicious disappearance and deaths of his new wife Lori Vallow’s children and
Bo, Rowe, & Pontius: LDS Apocalypticists
We’re moving into modern day apocalypticism. We’re going to talk about 3 main figures: Bo Gritz, Julie Rowe, and John Pontius. Bo was former army
Apocalyptic World Wars (Part 4 of 7)
Wars bring death, and with it, apocalyptic thought. In our next conversation with Dr. Christopher Blythe, we’ll talk about how World Wars 1 and 2
Civil War Prophecy & Joseph’s Apocalyptic Death
One of the most famous prophecies of Joseph Smith is the Civil War prophecy, in which Joseph predicted the Civil War would start in South
Mormon History of Apocalypse (Part 2 of 7)
Apocalyptism has been important to Latter-day Saint theology and is why we’re called Latter-day Saints. In our next conversation with Dr. Christopher Blythe, we’ll get
Maxwell Institute: A Religious Thinktank
What is the Maxwell Institute exactly? I’m excited to introduce Dr. Christopher Blythe of the Maxwell Institute. We’ll get acquainted with him, learn more about
*Remembering Armand Mauss (Part 7 of 7)
Dr. Armand Mauss is a well-known LDS scholar that wrote the conclusion of the LDS Gospel Topics Series by Dr. Matt Harris and Dr. Newell
How to Access Full Interviews at Patreon
Some of you are subscribers to Patreon, but haven’t heard the full, uninterrupted interviews. Here is a short tutorial on how to access on your

Race, Priesthood, & Randy Bott (Part 6 of 7)
During Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign for president BYU professor Randy Bott made headlines in a Washington Post article discussing racial teachings. It turns out that

Racism in Mormon Scripture (Part 5 of 7)
Mormonism is unique in the fact that there is racism in Mormon scriptures. These scriptures have been used to enforce the priesthood and temple ban
Pros & Cons of Race Essay (Part 4 of 7)
We’re moving on to a critique of the Race and Priesthood essay on the LDS Church website. What are the strengths and weaknesses? Is it
Critiquing Polygamy Essays & Sources (Part 3 of 7)
One of the thorniest issues in the LDS Church is justifying the past practice of polygamy. In fact, there are 3 Gospel Topics essays devoted
Are Gospel Essays Hidden or Public? (Part 2 of 7)
The LDS Church began publishing the LDS Gospel topics essays in 2013, but are they hidden or public? Many church members don’t know about them.
Swedish Rescue & Gospel Topics Essays (Part 1 of 7)
In 2013, the LDS Church sent Elder Marlin Jensen and Richard Turley to Sweden to answer tough questions about church history. This was a pivotal
*Bear River Massacre (Part 9 of 9)
The Mountain Meadows Massacre killed around 100 immigrants from Arkansas in the Utah Territory. But did you know that a massacre of 2-3 times more
Kingdom of the West (Part 8 of 9)
Historian Will Bagley has contributed to several volumes of western History called Kingdom of the West. He’ll introduce us to the set. Will: Let me
Trials of Lee/Forgery
John D. Lee was convicted in the second trial for his role in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Will describes what he believes was a deal
MMM Cover Up
It took 18 years to start the first trial of John D. Lee for the atrocities at Mountain Meadows. Why did it take so long?
John D. Lee’s Role in Massacre (Part 5 of 9)
John D. Lee was the only person convicted in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Historian Will Bagley tells the awful details of the tragedy. GT: Okay,
Bagley Critiques Turley (Part 4 of 9)
Following Will Bagley’s 2002 release of Blood of the Prophets, Richard Turley published Massacre at Mountain Meadows in 2008, as well as some collected legal
Pres. Buchanan & George Smith’s Role in MMM (Part 3 of 9)
When assigning blame for the Mountain Meadows Massacre, two figures who played a prominent role in raising tensions often don’t get talked about as much
Handcart Disasters & Mormon Reformation (Part 2 of 9)
Just a few years before the Mountain Meadows Massacre was the Willie & Martin Handcart disasters. Will Bagley has some surprising allegations about Brigham Young
Will Bagley on Juanita Brooks (Part 1 of 9)
163 years ago this month a terrible massacre occurred in southern Utah: the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Juanita Brooks was the first LDS scholar to examine
*Why Remnant is Attractive (Part 7 of 7)
There are many people who are attracted to the Remnant Movement. I asked Denver why that was, and if people practiced speaking in tongues like
Remnant Movement is not a Church! (Part 6 of 7)
Denver Snuffer welcomes people to join his movement but emphasizes that the Remnant Movement is not a church! How does that work? GT: Your movement
Ascension of Brigham Young (Part 5 of 7)
Denver Snuffer will tell us about how the Law of Adoption affected Brigham Young’s plan for succeeding Joseph Smith. We’ll focus more on the sealing
Why Denver Changed on Joseph’s Polygamy (Part 4 of 7)
In Denver Snuffer’s book, Passing the Heavenly Gift, he argued that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy. Since that book was written, Denver has changed his mind
Denver’s Outreach to Hebrews/Native Americans (Part 3 of 7)
The Book of Mormon was written to the Lamanites, and the remnant from the House of Israel. The LDS Church does not proselyte in Israel
Is Trinity in Lectures on Faith/Book of Mormon? (Part 2 of 7)
There are many people who claim that the Book of Mormon and Lectures on Faith contain trinitarian ideas. Denver Snuffer, on the other hand, says
New Scriptures in Remnant Movement (Part 1 of 7)
I’m excited to introduce Denver Snuffer. He is the founder of the Remnant Movement. We will learn more about Denver’s movement, and he has an
Is Gay Contagious? (Part 4 of 4)
In our next conversation, we’ll talk about whether homosexuality, and heterosexuality, are contagious. Is it possible to change one’s sexual attraction? Dr. Taylor Petrey will
Oaks’ Role Designing LGBT Policy (Part 3 of 4)
In our next conversation with Dr. Taylor Petrey, we’ll talk about Elder Oaks’ pivotal role in outlining strategy for preventing acceptance, and some accommodation, of
Feminism, Sexual Revolution, & LDS Church (Part 2 of 4)
Phyllis Schlafly was an important figure in defeating the Equal Rights Amendment, and she convinced LDS leaders to oppose the amendment. Dr. Taylor Petry will
LDS Leaders on Interracial Marriage (Part 1 of 4)
I’m excited to introduce Dr. Taylor Petry, an associate professor at Kalamazoo College, and editor for the Dialogue Journal. In this first segment, we’ll talk
*Reconciling Biblical Scholarship (Part 7 of 7)
When people engage the scriptures from a scholarly approach, many lose faith in the scriptures. We’ll first talk about how to reconcile Nephi’s story of
Adam Clarke’s Impact on Book of Mormon (Part 6 of 7)
In a previous interview with Dr. Thomas Wayment, Thom showed how Joseph Smith used Adam Clarke’s Commentary to correct various passages in the New Testament.
Joseph Smith & Documentary Hypothesis (Part 5 of 7)
Was Joseph Smith aware of the Documentary Hypothesis? It appears he was aware! How did that affect his translation of the Book of Mormon and
Arguments Against Documentary Hypothesis (Part 4 of 7)
Not everyone believes the Documentary Hypothesis explains the first five books of Moses. There appears to be a divide between American & European scholarship. Colby
Exodus & Israelite Polytheism (Part 3 of 7)
Ancient Israelites believed in a pantheon of gods. They weren’t monotheistic. In our next conversation with biblical scholar Colby Townsend, we’ll learn more about the
Dating Old Testament (Part 2 of 7)
A lot of us have heard of biblical terms like Pentateuch, Torah, textual criticism, documentary hypothesis, but we probably don’t understand what they clearly mean.
Intro to Documentary Hypothesis (Part 1 of 7)
I’m excited to introduce Colby Townsend. We’re going to jump into Old Testament scholarship and discuss how the Old Testament was put together. Most scholars
*Why Joseph’s POTUS Run was Downplayed (Part 8 of 8)
Over the years, few people have believed that Joseph Smith’s run for president was a serious candidacy. Why is that? Dr. Derek Sainsbury answers that
Why Joseph Destroyed Expositor (Part 7 of 8)
The Nauvoo Expositor exposed Joseph Smith’s polygamy and was the lightning rod that led to Joseph Smith’s death. As Mayor of Nauvoo, Smith directed the
Theo-Democracy in Deseret (Part 6 of 8)
Following Joseph Smith’s death, Brigham Young tried to implement theo-democracy in the Territory of Deseret, which is now known as Utah. In our next conversation
Anti-Slavery Missionaries in the South (Part 5 of 8)
In 1844 when Joseph Smith was running for president of the United States, he proposed a system of gradual emancipation for all slaves. How did
Bobby Kennedy & Joseph Smith (Part 4 of 8)
Joseph Smith and Bobby Kennedy were both killed while running for president of the United States. Dr. Derek Sainsbury tells us more about these two
Electioneer Missionaries (Part 3 of 8)
More than 600 men and women were called to be electioneer missionaries on behalf of Joseph Smith’s campaign for president. It was the largest missionary
Mormons: Originally Swing Voters! (Part 2 of 8)
Mormons are known to be pretty reliably Republican, at least in Utah. It wasn’t that way in Joseph Smith’s day, because the Republican Party didn’t
Views of General Joseph Smith (Part 1 of 8)
Most Mormons know that Joseph Smith ran for the presidency of the United States. Was it a serious run? Did Joseph really think he was
Rick on Hot Seat (Part 5 of 5)
There are many good and bad things in Mormon history. Some people leave the Church over these issues. John Larsen of the Sunstone Podcast puts
Mark Hofmann’s Role in Mormon History (Part 4 of 5)
John Larsen of the Sunstone and I discussed some critics of Mormonism. The most notorious is probably Mark Hofmann, who is a murderer and forger
Learning from Mormon Cousins (Part 3 of 5)
While the LDS Church is the largest Mormon group, there are lots of other churches tracing their founding to Joseph Smith. John Larsen of the
LDS Leaders & Historical Issues (Part 2 of 5)
Let’s face it. Many members have an incomplete knowledge of Church history and problematic historical issues. Is it the leaders’ fault? John Larsen of the
Intro to Gospel Tangents (Part 1 of 5)
John Larsen of the Sunstone podcast sat down in August 2019 to learn more about Rick Bennett of the Gospel Tangents podcast. John: Gospel Tangents
Reconciling Joseph’s Magic & Masonry
There are some active Latter-day Saints who may be surprised to learn about Joseph Smith’s beliefs in magic as well as the connections between freemasonry

Joseph’s Magical Masonry (Part 6 of 7)
Many people in the 19th century believed in magic. We’re not talking parlor tricks. We’re talking about real magic. In our next conversation with Clair
Masonic Legends & Gold Plates (Part 5 of 7)
Historian Don Bradley made some waves in my previous interview when he said there were masonic implements with the Gold Plates. It turns out that
Different Types of Freemasonry (Part 4 of 7)
There are many types of masonry. Freemasonry has broken up into several different organizations. In our next conversation with Clair Barrus, he will tell us
Is Book of Mormon anti-Masonic? (Part 3 of 7)
Historian Dan Vogel said the Book of Mormon was very anti-masonic in one of my previous interviews with him. Cheryl Bruno disagreed with that notion,
Oliver Cowdery’s Rod of Revelation (Part 2 of 7)
In the 19th and 20th century, dowsing rods were commonly used to find water. Apparently Oliver Cowdery believed he could get revelation from one of
Masonic Connections in Oliver Cowdery’s Family (Part 1 of 7)
Clair Barrus has been studying Mormon history since before Al Gore invented the internet! Clair: Well, to show my ancientness, I was actually online in
Mormon-Mason Similarities/Differences (Part 3 of 3)
Many people know that there are similarities between Mormon temple ceremonies and Masonic ceremonies. What are the similarities and differences? Cheryl Bruno will answer these
Joseph Smith’s Masonic Connections (Part 2 of 3)
When did Joseph Smith learn about masonry? Was it in Nauvoo or Kirtland? And when did he become a mason? Historian Cheryl Bruno will tell
Masonry from Solomon to Kirtland (Part 1 of 3)
It has been said that as King Solomon was building his temple, masons learned the temple ceremonies and passed them down through the centuries. Joseph
*7th Day Sabbath Mormons & Other Teachings (Part 6 of 6)
Mormons and most Christians observe Sunday, the first day of the week, as a day of worship. James Strang taught his followers, on the other
Strangite Teachings about Jesus (Part 5 of 6)
Most Christians believe that God, not Joseph, is the biological father of Jesus. I was surprised to learn that Strangites break with most Christians on
Martyrdom of James Strang (Part 4 of 6)
Both Joseph Smith and James Strang died in a hail of bullets. In our next conversation with historian Bill Shepard, we will learn more about
Strang’s Prophetic Role as Translator (Part 3 of 6)
Joseph Smith translated golden plates that became the Book of Mormon at the start of his call as prophet. It turns out that James Strang
Strang’s Mormon Missions (Part 2 of 6)
Following James Strang’s prophetic call, he sought to gather people to his movement. Strang’s Mormon missions included trips to Kirtland, Ohio, home of the temple,
“The Other Mormons” – Intro to James Strang (Part 1 of 6)
Bill Shepard is an amazing Mormon historian, and a former president of the John Whitmer Historical Association. He is also a Strangite. In our first

How Polygamy Shapes Modern Mormons (Part 8 of 8)
The Modern LDS Church has not officially practiced polygamy for 130 years. However, Lindsay Hansen Park still says polygamy shapes modern Mormons. Why does she
How LDS Empowered Warren Jeffs (Part 7 of 8)
While serving as prophet of the FLDS Church, Warren Jeffs was arrested and is currently serving time in a Texas prison for a conviction of
Rulon Jeffs LDS & FLDS Background (Part 6 of 8)
FLD prophet Rulon Jeffs was raised LDS and even went to high school with Gordon B. Hinckley, who went on to become prophet of the
2nd Manifesto Polygamy (Part 5 of 8)
Since the 1890 Manifesto didn’t totally end polygamy, the LDS Church issued a 2nd Manifesto. It turns out that still didn’t end the secret practice
Early 20th Century Polygamy & Reed Smoot (Part 4 of 8)
The 1890 Manifesto was issued saying the LDS Church no longer practiced polygamy. However, it was practiced secretly. LDS Apostle Reed Smoot was elected as
Mormon Fundamentalist Theology (Part 3 of 8)
What are some of the differences between LDS theology and that of Mormon fundamentalist theology? Lindsay Hansen Park will answer that question, and we’ll talk
John Taylor’s 1886 Revelation on Polygamy (Part 2 of 8)
One of the most critical revelations among Mormon fundamentalist communities is the 1886 revelation given to John Taylor. It was never canonized in the mainstream
“More than One Way to Mormon” – Lindsay Hansen Park
I’m excited to introduce Lindsay Hansen Park. She has her own podcast, Year of Polygamy, and is the Executive Director of Sunstone, where she coined

Why Adam-God is Controversial (Part 8 of 8)
The Adam-God doctrine is one of the most controversial doctrines in Mormonism. Has it always been that way? Christ’s Church apostle David Patrick and Seventy
“Forever Families” a Hurtful Doctrine?
Many LDS members find comfort in the idea that Families can be together forever. But does it have a darker side? What happens when a
Why Polygamists are a Threat to LDS Church (Part 6 of 8)
The LDS Church still has an Exclusion Policy when dealing with converts from polygamist groups. Why does the LDS Church seem so threatened by polygamists?
God in a Box or Pyramid? (Part 5 of 8)
As humans, we try to understand God, and sometimes we put him in a box. But would a pyramid be a better idea? Benjamin Shaffer
Documentary Hypotheses & Adam-God (Part 4 of 8)
Mormons believe Elohim & Jehovah are 2 different beings, while the Documentary Hypothesis says Elohim & Jehovah are 2 names for the same god.
Intro to Adam-God Doctrine (Part 3 of 8)
The Adam-God Doctrine is probably my most requested topic here at Gospel Tangents. I admit I am not an expert on this topic, so I
Scriptures of Christ’s Church (Part 2 of 8)
Christ’s Church was organized in 1978. In our next conversation with Apostle David Patrick and Seventy Benjamin Shaffer, we will learn more about their basic
Intro to Christ’s Church (Part 1 of 8)
I’m excited to introduce David Patrick and Benjamin Shaffer. David is an apostle and Ben is a Seventy in Christ’s Church based in southern Utah.
* Temple Lot Worship Services (Part 7 of 7)
In our final conversation with historian Jean Addams, we will talk about similarities and differences between LDS and Church of Christ (Temple Lot) worship services.
3 Church Reconciliation? (Part 6 of 7)
The Church of Christ based in Independence, Missouri has made several attempts to reconcile with other restoration churches. We will talk about one breach with
Comparing LDS and Church of Christ Theology (Part 5 of 7)
Both the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) and the LDS Church accept the Book of Mormon as the word of God. But what are the
Brighamite – Hedrickite Alliance (Part 4 of 7)
A momentous court battle raged in Missouri of the temple lot between the RLDS Church and the Church of Christ. Both claimed to be the

How Jones Flournoy is Connected to Restoration (Part 3 of 7)
Let’s face it. Missouri settlers didn’t take kindly to outsiders. When the state of Missouri held a public auction to sell state lands, Jones Flournoy
Dispute Over the Temple Lot (Part 2 of 7)
Following Granville Hedrick’s return to Missouri, the RLDS Church eventually made their way to Independence as well. But even though the Church of Christ had
Intro to Church of Christ (Temple Lot) Part 1 of 7
I think very few people are aware of a small Mormon group sometimes called the Hedrickites. Their official name is the Church of Christ, and
*Arguing Against a Genderless God (Part 8 of 8)
Dr. Margaret Toscano has been studying Mormon history for 4 decades! We will discuss her journey in and out (but still kind of in) the
Turning the Key to a Relief Society Quorum? (Part 7 of 8)
Dr. Margaret Toscano describes an answer to prayer, in which she found historical records describing Joseph Smith starting the Relief Society and organizing the women
Why LDS Leaders Don’t Like Popular Speakers (Part 6 of 8)
LDS Leaders often frown on popular speakers. Why is that? In our next conversation with Dr. Margaret Toscano, we’ll talk about how popular speakers create

Charismatic, Ecclesiastical, & Messianic Priesthood (Part 5 of 8)
The fullness of priesthood, what does that mean? In our next conversation with Dr. Margaret Toscano, we’ll talk about messianic, ecclesiastical, and charismatic priesthood. These
Theological Case for Women & Priesthood (Part 4 of 8)
If I do say so myself, I think Dr. Margaret Toscano gives one of the most insightful discussions I have ever had on priesthood power. This is
An Excommunicated Believer (Part 3 of 8)
In September 1993, six scholars were disciplined by LDS Church leaders over their writings. Dr. Margaret Toscano’s husband Paul was one of these, although Margaret
Feminist Awakening at BYU (Part 2 of 8)
Following her time as a student and teacher at BYU, Dr. Margaret Toscano had a bit of a feminist awakening. What was it about BYU
Critics & Apologists (Part 12 of 12)
Some people call Historian Don Bradley an apologist for his seemingly too rosy view of the Book of Mormon. Some apologists think he is stretching
More Details on the Liahona (Part 11 of 12)
One of the most sacred relics in the Book of Mormon is the Liahona, a compass-like object that Lehi found outside his tent while leaving
How Did Nephites Get Priesthood? (Part 10 of 12)
According to the Law of Moses, priesthood holders had to be from the Tribe of Levi. Lehi was from the Tribe of Joseph, so that’s
Who Stole the Lost 116 Pages? (Part 9 of 12)
If Lucy Harris didn’t burn the lost manuscript, who stole it? Historian Don Bradley thinks a big suspect might have been an extended member of
Exonerating Lucy Harris (Part 8 of 12)
Who stole the Lost Pages of the Book of Mormon? Up to now, suspicion has been squarely laid at the feet of Lucy Harris, Martin’s
Masonic Golden Plates & Temple Theology (Part 7 of 12)
Historian Don Bradley says that masonic implements were found with the golden plates. What were these implements, and how are they related to modern LDS
Temple Endowment in Lost Pages (Part 6 of 12)
It has been generally accepted that the LDS endowment ceremonies are based on Masonic ceremonies Joseph learned in the 1840s. However, historian Don Bradley says
Laban Killed During Passover (Part 5 of 12)
This week in Sunday School, we’re talking about the story of Nephi killing Laban in the Book of Mormon. Historian Don Bradley has some extra
More than 116 Pages Lost? (Part 4 of 12)
The lost pages of the Book of Mormon are known as the lost 116 pages. Historian Don Bradley thinks the actual number of pages lost
What was Missing on Lost Pages of Book of Mormon? (Part 3 of 12)
What was on the lost pages of the Book of Mormon? Historian Don Bradley has been wondering this ever since he was in primary! Don:
Rewriting Oliver’s Words: Dirty, Filthy, Nasty Scrape? (Part 2 of 12)
Oliver Cowdery has long been quoted that what happened between Joseph Smith and Fanny Alger was a “dirty, filthy, nasty affair.” But are those really
Dating Fanny Alger (Part 1 of 12)
Don Bradley is one of the funniest Mormon historians I know. In our first conversation with Don, we’ll talk about my first memory of him,
*Impact of Protests on Apostles (Part 7 of 7)
If you’d like to check out this episode, please sign up for my newsletter. It’s completely free. Go to to find out how the apostles reacted
BYU Law School Almost Lost Accreditation (Part 6 of 7)
In the early 1970s, BYU opened up a brand-new law school. I was surprised to learn that the American Bar Association considered not accrediting the
Civil Rights Investigation at BYU
Following the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal government tried to put pressure on the LDS Church to quit discriminating against blacks with regards
Sports Protests Against BYU (Part 4 of 7)
In the late 1960s & early 1970s, there were many protests by colleges over the racial ban on priesthood in the LDS Church. Some schools,
Race & Religious Minorites at BYU (Part 3 of 7)
Over the years, BYU is known as being predominantly white, and overwhelmingly Mormon. How do black and non-LDS students fare at BYU? In our next
How Brazil Influenced Official Declaration 2 (Part 2 of 7)
An under-appreciated story in explaining the priesthood and temple ban was President Spencer W. Kimball’s announcement of a new temple in Brazil. In our next
Did Nixon & Carter Pressure BYU Over Race? (Part 1 of 7)
There have been lots of rumors on the internet that the reason the LDS Church got rid of the temple/priesthood ban was because they were
*Surprising Sales at Seventies Bookstore (Part 6 of 6)
In our final conversation with polygamy expert Anne Wilde, Anne will discuss the surprising popularity of Ogden Kraut’s book “Jesus Was Married.” Christ’s Church apostle
Uniquely Mormon Marriage Theology (Part 5 of 6)
Mormons have a unique theology concerning marriage. Doctrine & Covenants 132 is a revelation to Joseph Smith stating a man can have multiple wives. On
“There is No Marriage in Heaven” (Part 4 of 6)
I’m still trying to channel my inner-evangelical as we continue our conversation with David Patrick, an apostle of Christ’s Church, and polygamy expert Anne Wilde.
Evangelical Arguments about Marriage in Heaven (Part 3 of 6)
While modern novels like the DaVinci Code make the case that Jesus was married. I asked what might have happened to the family of Jesus.
Was Jesus the Groom at Wedding at Cana?
The Wedding at Cana is the scene of the first miracle of Jesus where he turns water to wine. David Patrick is an apostle of
Making the Case that Jesus was Married (Part 1 of 6)
In 1969, Ogden Kraut published the book, Jesus Was Married. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the book, we’re sitting down with Anne Wilde
Message to Critics & Believers of Joseph Smith (Part 6 of 6)
One of the things I find really interesting about Dr. Larry Foster is that he seems to disagree with both critics and supporters of Joseph
Assessing Joseph Smith (Part 5 of 6)
Joseph Smith said his name would be known for good and evil. Boy was he right. Dr. Larry Foster thinks the truth is somewhere in
Interesting Defenses of Polygamy (Part 4 of 6)
A non-Mormon man wondered if he might be able to participate in polygamy. Helen Mar Kimball wrote a scathing response to this man while offering
Comparing Mormons, Shakers, & Oneida (Part 3 of 6)
Mormons, Shakers, and the Oneida Community all were founded in the 19th century and had unusual marriage practices. Of course, Mormons adopted polygamy, but Shakers
Explaining Polygamy from non-Mormon Viewpoint (Part 2 of 6)
What is the best explanation for polygamy from a non-Mormon view? Dr. Larry Foster from Georgia Tech gives his best explanation for the practice. Larry:
Celibacy, Polygamy, & Free Love in 19th Century (Part 1 of 6)
I’m excited to have a non-Mormon polygamy expert on the show. Larry: I’m Dr. Larry Foster. I’m a professor at Georgia Tech. I’m sort of
*Reflecting on Hawn’s Mill (Part 7 of 7)
In our final conversation with Dr. Alex Baugh, we’ll talk about the lessons to be learned from Hawn’s Mill. Who deserves blame in this escalation?
Halloween Massacre at Hawn’s Mill (Part 6 of 7)
Seventeen Mormon men and boys were killed at Hawn’s Mill, Missouri on October 30, 1838. Dr. Alex Baugh describes the awful tragedy that includes mutilation
Finding Jacob Hawn (Part 5 of 7)
The story of Hawn’s Mill, Missouri is a tragedy. You may have noticed I have been spelling the name H A W N, rather than
Was Extermination Order a License to Kill? (Part 4 of 7)
On October 27, 1838, Governor Lilburn Boggs signed the Extermination Order, saying that Mormons were to be driven from the state. Did that mean it
Mormon Dissent Leads to Salt Sermon (Part 3 of 7)
Following the Kirtland Banking Crisis in 1836, Joseph Smith finally came to Missouri, but dissent against his leadership followed him. Early leaders including Oliver Cowdery,
Mormon Expulsion from Jackson County 1833 (Part 2 of 7)
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr. Alex Baugh. We’ve already discussed some of the issues between Mormons and Missourians in Jackson County, but things were
Trouble in Missouri 1833 (Part 1 of 7)
Joseph Smith had a revelation that Jackson County, Missouri was the promised land. It turns out that the Jackson Country residents weren’t on board with

*How Utah Politics are Different than Nation (Part 4 of 4)
Utah politics are different than national politics in a few different ways. For example, Utah governors enjoy the highest ratings of governors in any state!
Does LDS Church Control Utah Politics? (Part 3 of 4)
There have been many charges that the LDS Church controls Utah politics. Rod Decker says the Church is involved in state politics but doesn’t wield
Downwinders & Utah’s Fight Against the Feds (Part 2 of 4)
In the 1930s and 40s, the United States was involved in the race to build an atomic bomb. Many of those above ground tests took
Utah: Most Religiously Polarized Electorate (Part 1 of 4)
I’m excited to introduce Rod Decker. If you’ve lived in Utah, you probably know who he is since he was a staple of KUTV Channel
Messages From Those Struggling With Church (Part 6 of 6)
What advice would those who struggle with faith give to members of the Church? David Ostler reads a couple of letters from people struggling, and
Ministering to Mormon & African Polygamists (Part 5 of 6)
So far, we’ve talked a lot about faith crises of people who leave over church history or LGBT issues. They aren’t the only are people
Creating a More Supportive Church Atmosphere (Part 4 of 6)
There are two types of people who attend the LDS Church: leaders and non-leaders. No matter whether we are a leader or not, what are
3 Ways to Keep People Coming to Church (Part 3 of 6)
Once a person has gone through a faith crisis, what can church leaders do to help? David Ostler offers 3 suggestions to help leaders create
How People Get Ostracized (& How to Stop it!) Part 2 of 6
Sometimes very active people quit coming to church. What are the causes of that? In our next conversation with David Ostler, he tells us what
Helping LDS Leaders Understand Faith Crisis
David Ostler is the author of “Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question.” This book is designed for LDS Leaders to better understand a faith crisis,
Does Mormonism Have Racist Theology? (Part 5 of 5)
As we conclude our discussion of black Mormon pioneer Jane Manning James, we will talk about this question: what role does race play in LDS
Jane Manning James’ Pioneer Life in Utah (Part 4 of 5)
Dr. Quincy Newell discusses early black Mormon pioneer Jane Manning’s marriage to Isaac James. The two travelled to Utah in one of the earliest wagon
Bonus Episode on Sunstone Podcast
I would always rather ask the questions than answer them, but I had a fun conversation with John Larsen of the Sunstone Podcast. We talk
Jane’s One-of-a-Kind Sealing to Joseph Smith (Part 3 of 5)
Early black Mormon pioneer Jane Manning James walked 800 miles to Nauvoo. Quincy: Her trunk got lost, at least that’s what Charles Wandell says. In
19th Century Sexual Politics (Part 2 of 5)
It was tough being a slave in antebellum 19th century America. Female slaves had the added concern of being raped by their slaveholders. There has
Was Jane a Slave? (Part 1 of 5)
Dr. Quincy Newell is the first non-Mormon scholar we’ve had on Gospel Tangents. Of course, I had to ask why she was interested in Mormon
Can Anything Good Come from…Warsaw? Yes! (Part 7 of 7)
This is our final conversation with Brian Stutzman, and we’ll talk about Warsaw, Illinois today. Brian thinks this should be a must-stop for church history
Warsaw: Boom or Bust?
Following the acquittal of the murderers of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, what happened to the town of Warsaw, Illinois. Was it a boom-town, a bust,
Kangaroo Court at Carthage (Part 5 of 7)
We’re continuing our conversation with Brian Stutzman, and we’ll talk about the trial of Joseph and Hyrum Smith’s murders. Was justice served or was it
Gov. Thomas Ford’s Role in Martyrdom & Trial (Part 4 of 7)
Thomas Ford was governor of Illinois in 1844 when Joseph Smith was killed. Brian Stutzman will talk about his role in Joseph Smith’s surrender, as
Profile of anti-Mormon Thomas Sharp (Part 3 of 7)
I think Thomas Sharp should be the ultimate villain in Mormonism, but I’ll bet most people don’t know who he is. In our next conversation
The Warsaw-Nauvoo Rivalry (Part 2 of 7)
There was a real economic rivalry between the cities of Warsaw and Nauvoo, Illinois. Is that the reason Thomas Sharp hated Mormons? Brian Stutzman will
Anti-Mormon Triangle: Carthage, Nauvoo, Warsaw (Part 1 of 7)
Carthage, Nauvoo, and Warsaw, Illinois form a bit of an anti-Mormon Triangle. Most Mormons know about the first 2 cities, but what do you know

Does the LDS Church Hide Documents? (4 of 4)
The Church has long been accused of hiding unflattering documents. On the other hand, many documents are now available online at the Joseph Smith Papers

Snow on Journals, Issues of Church and State (3 of 4)
Church members have been counseled to keep journals. Does that apply to general authorities as well? Elder Steven Snow will answer that question, and we’ll
Elder Snow’s Role with Gospel Topics Essays (Part 2 of 4)
In 2013, the Church published a series of essays on controversial topics, such as polygamy and the race ban on black church members. What was
“I Just Love Church History” (Part 1 of 4)
I’m excited to have our first LDS General Authority on the show! (Although we have had an apostle and Seventy from the Community of Christ,
Lessons for Mormon Leaders (Part 6 of 6)
What are the biggest takeaways leaders of the Mormon Church can take away from the largest public survey of Mormon attitudes? Dr. Jana Riess and
Why Mormons Leave (Part 5 of 6)
Why do Mormons leave the LDS Church? Dr. Jana Riess and Dr. Ben Knoll have put together the largest random sample of ex-Mormons and tell
Out of the Box Mormons (Part 4 of 6)
There has been a slowdown in growth for the LDS Church recently. I asked Dr. Jana Riess what the Church can do to halt the
Comparing Mormons by Generations (Part 3 of 6)
Do young and old Mormons feel the same about Church teachings and culture? How similar or different are they? Dr. Jana Riess and Dr. Ben
Surprising Mormon Responses (Part 2 of 6)
Dr. Jana Riess and Dr. Ben Knoll surveyed Mormons to find out their attitudes about church teachings and practices. What were some of the surprising
How to Randomly Sample Mormons (Part 1 of 6)
I’m excited to introduce Dr. Jana Riess and Dr. Benjamin Knoll. These two have put together the largest survey of Mormon attitudes ever. With Mormons
Critiquing Book of Abraham Apologetics (Part 9 of 9)
Historian Dan Vogel will conclude his discussion on the Book of Abraham. He will tell why he thinks some apologetic arguments about the Book of
Lost Book of Abraham? (Part 8 of 9)
The papyrus fragments believed to contain the Book of Abraham were lost for decades in the Great Chicago Fire. What happened to them? Are some
How we got Book of Abraham (part 7 of 9)
When a travelling Egyptian exhibit passed through Kirtland, Ohio in the 1830s, Joseph Smith encouraged followers to purchase some mummies and Egyptian scrolls. Did these
First Vision Conflicts (Part 6 of 9)
Joseph Smith gave multiple accounts of his First Vision experience. Some people find the differing accounts problematic, while others don’t think they are a big
1835 First Vision (Part 5 of 9)
There are several First Vision accounts, and we’re going to tackle the 1835 account in our next episode. What distinguishes it from the 1832 account,
Making a Case for Melchizedek Priesthood in 1831 (Part 4 of 9)
There has been a discrepancy as to when the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored. Was it in June of 1829, 1830, or 1831? Historian Dan weighs
Methodist Visions (Part 3 of 9)
The number of prophets who have claimed to have seen God is very small: Moses, and Joseph Smith. The First Vision is known as one
Why “Pious Fraud” Ticks Off Everyone (Part 2 of 9)
In Joseph Smith’s History, it says his name will be known for good and evil, and that is certainly the case. Historian Dan Vogel believes
Dan Vogel was a McConkie Mormon! (Part 1)
Fixed audio! Historian Dan Vogel is one of the premiere experts on the life of Joseph Smith. In part one of our interview, we will
Legal, Science, and Social Issues on LGBT (Part 4 of 4)
What are some of the legal, science, and social reasons the LDS Church may have removed the Policy of Exclusion? Greg Prince answers these questions.
Revelatory Whiplash (Part 3 of 4)
(Updated-Fixed mp3-link) When the Nov 2015 policy was announced, many LDS Church members were hurt to learn that children of gay parents couldn’t be baptized,
The Christian Right & LGBT Fight (Part 2 of 4)
It’s not just the LDS Church that has had a difficult time dealing with gay rights. The Christian right is struggling with the issue as
Mixing Church & Politics in LGBT Fight (Part 1 of 4)
I’m excited to have Greg Prince back on the show! We’re going to talk about his new book, Gay Rights and the Mormon Church and
Hawley Leaves LDS for RLDS
In our final conversation with historian Mel Johnson, we will discuss early Mormon pioneer John Pierce Hawley’s conversion to the RLDS Church. Find out how
John Hawley’s Polygamy Wrestle (Part 7 of 8)
Early Mormons believed polygamy was essential to salvation, but pioneer John Hawley struggled with the doctrine. Would he agree to take on another wife? Mel:
Brigham Knew About MMM?
There is dispute among historians about Brigham Young’s knowledge about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Is it true Brigham knew in Sept 1857? Did John D.
Hawley’s Opposition to MMM
John Pierce Hawley rode with the Fancher-Baker party through Utah for a short time. Mel: On the way back, the Hawleys end up riding along
Mormon Pioneers in Texas & End of Wightites (Part 4 of 8)
We’re continuing our conversation with Mel Johnson and we’ll finish out the Wightites settlement in Texas. What happened to them? Mel 49:24 After 1853 they
More on the Zodiac Temple in Texas (Part 3 of 8)
We’re continuing our discussion of the Mormon settlement in Zodiac, Texas. Historian Melvin Johnson describes reading the registers from RLDS Archives that document the many
Lyman Wight & Mormon Colonies in Texas (Part 2 of 8)
Did you know Joseph Smith considered moving the Church to Texas? Melvin Johnson talks more about apostle Lyman Wight’s Texas colony. Mel: So, in February,
Early Mormon Pioneer John Pierce Hawley (Part 1 of 8)
I’m excited to introduce historian Melvin Johnson. He’s written a biography on early Mormon pioneer John Pierce Hawley. Hawley traveled extensively among several Mormon groups
Is There a Purge Against Ordain Women? (Part 5 of 5)
Kate Kelly was excommunicated, and several women reported losing their temple recommends due to their association with Ordain Women. I asked Bryndis Roberts if she
Ordain Women Leadership (Part 4 of 5)
Kate Kelly was the founder of Ordain Women until her excommunication. What happened next? Bryndis Roberts discusses the aftermath, and the new structure of Ordain
Getting Involved in Ordain Women (Part 3 of 5)
After seeing gender inequities in the Church, Bryndis Roberts decided to join Ordain Women. But even before that, she pointed out gender problems within the
Addressing Gender Inequities (Part 2 of 5)
There are many people in the LDS Church who notice gender inequities within the church. What are some of these disparities? Bryndis Roberts tells what
From Baptist to Mormon (Part 1 of 5)
I am excited to introduce Bryndis Roberts. We will talk about her conversion from the Baptist Church to the LDS Church. She definitely gave her
What Did Brigham Know? When Did He Know It? (Part 4 of 4)
While it seems likely that Brigham Young was initially lied to about the Mountain Meadows Massacre, at what point did he learn that Mormons were
Federal Investigation into MMM (Part 3 of 4)
When the Fancher-Baker Party did not make it to California, news traveled fast. Congress asked federal investigators to find out what happened in Mountain Meadows.
Was John D. Lee Most Guilty? (Part 2 of 4)
John D. Lee was the only person convicted (and executed) for the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Was he the guiltiest? Richard Turley answers that question, as
Richard Turley Writes on Saints… and Sinners (Part 1 of 4)
Richard Turley is not only an amazing historian but is Director of Public Affairs for the LDS Church. In our next conversation, we’ll get acquainted
Calling the Original Apostles (Part 4 of 4)
Michael Marquardt discusses early missionary accounts. The final installment of our conversation with Michael is only available to newsletter subscribers. Sign up at to
Early Priesthood 1829-1835 (Part 3 of 4)
What was early priesthood like in 1830? Michael Quinn has said there are three different dates for the restoration of the Melchizedek: 1829, 1830, and
Who Were Original 6 in 1830? (Part 2 of 4)
April 6 marks 189 years since the founding of the Church. We know from history that Joseph Smith said there were the original 6 members.
Church Founded in Manchester (Not Fayette) Part 1 of 4
President Nelson has made a big push about using the name of our church, but it wasn’t always known as the Church of Jesus Christ
Who Bears Responsibility for MMM?
In our final conversation with Barbara Jones Brown, we’ll talk about who was most culpable for the massacre. Was it John D. Lee, Brigham Young,
After the Killing (Part 5 of 6)
The day after approximately 100 immigrants from Arkansas were killed, Mormon leaders in Iron County got together to discuss how to explain the deaths. Barbara
Cattle Rustling Turns Deadly (Part 4 of 6)
What precipitated the Mountain Meadows Massacre? In my conversation with Barbara Jones Brown, I learned something very interesting. It turns out that Mormons were stealing
Tackling Myths of Mountain Meadows (Part 3 of 6)
There are still a lot of myths surrounding the Massacre at Mountain Meadows. How many were killed? Historian Barbara Jones Brown says it could be
Revenge for Haun’s Mill & Pratt’s Murder?
20 years before the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 17 Mormons were killed in Haun’s Mill, Missouri. And just four months earlier, Parley P. Pratt, a beloved
Utah War & Mountain Meadows Massacre (Part 1 of 6)
If you didn’t grow up in Utah, you’ve probably never heard of the Utah War. Federal troops came to Utah in 1857 creating great anxiety
Hoover on MLK & ETB
If you’d like to check out this episode, please sign up for my newsletter. It’s completely free. Go to to find out what J. Edgar
How Hinckley Prevailed Over Benson on Civil Rights (Part 12 of 13)
Ezra Taft Benson clearly wasn’t a fan of civil rights and called it a communist conspiracy. But his counselor in the First Presidency, Gordon B.
The End of Benson’s Political Aspirations (Part 11 of 13)
Ezra Taft Benson wanted to run for U.S. President. Dr. Matt Harris describes a few attempts by Benson to run for POTUS, and how Church
Benson on Civil Rights & Communism (Part 10 of 13)
Ezra Taft Benson was a sharp critic of the civil rights movement and called it a communist conspiracy. Why was that? Dr. Matt Harris details
Benson & the John Birch Society (Part 9 of 13)
If you were born after 1975, you may not have heard of the John Birch Society. Dr. Matt Harris tells us more about this group,
How Ezra Taft Benson Joined Eisenhower (Part 8 of 13)
Ezra Taft Benson joined Eisenhower to be his Agriculture Secretary in 1952. Benson didn’t even vote for Eisenhower! But President McKay allowed apostle Benson to
Must Religion & Science Conflict? (Part 8 of 8)
Must science and religion conflict? In our final conversation with Ben Spackman, he will compare two events that require a lot of faith to believe:
Did Pres. McKay Support Evolution?
President McKay was an educator before he was called to be an apostle and future church president. Was he more open to evolution than other
What is a Literal Reading of Genesis? (Part 6 of 8)
Many fundamentalist Christians insist on a literal reading of Genesis. Ben Spackman says that the meaning of the word “literal” has literally changed over the
Misreading Genesis (Part 5 of 8)
The Book of Genesis describes the creation of the earth in 7 days. Can that be interpreted through a scientific viewpoint? Ben Spackman will answer
Does the Bible Support a Flat Earth? (part 4 of 8)
For millennia, mankind believed the earth was flat. Does the Bible support that view? Ben Spackman says yes. We’ll talk about a biblical world view,
Did Man Evolve from Apes? (Part 3 of 8)
Many people like to say that man evolved from Apes. We’ll talk about that assumption, and I’ll ask Ben Spackman his opinions on the evolution
Did Joseph Fielding Smith Win the Evolution Battle? (Part 2 of 8)
Early Mormon apostles BH Roberts, John A. Widtsoe, and James E. Talmage seemed to be very amenable to evolution. It seems like Joseph Fielding Smith
Evolution & the Bible: Irreconcilable Differences? (Part 1 of 8)
Can evolution be reconciled with the Bible? Ben Spackman is a Ph.D. candidate at Claremont Graduate University, and he says “Yes, but not the way
Murderous Mormon Mayhem (Part 8 of 8)
It’s sad to say that some groups that believe in the Book of Mormon are notorious for the crimes they have committed. In our final
Para-Church Mormon Groups (Part 7 of 8)
Not all groups in Steve Shields book should be considered denominations. In our next conversation, we’ll talk about some of these subgroups with official endorsement
Female Priesthood, Cutlerite Endowment, & House of Aaron (Part 6 of 8)
The LDS Church recently made changes to their temple endowment ceremony. Rumor has it that the Cutlerite endowment has changed very little since the death
Fundamentalists and Cutlerites (Part 5 of 8)
In this episode, Steve Shields and I discuss some of the larger and smaller Mormon groups: fundamentalists and Cutlerites. Many of these fundamentalists practice polygamy.
Was Adam Clarke Source of JST? (Part 5 of 5)
A few months ago, Dr. Thomas Wayment made headlines in the Mormon community when he came out with news that the Joseph Smith Translation of
Fixing Known Biblical Errors (Part 4 of 5)
Joseph Smith wrote Article of Faith 8: “We Believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.” But
Myth of the Lambing Season (Part 5 of 5)
We’re finishing our conversation with Dr. Jeff Chadwick, a New Testament scholar at BYU. We’ll talk about what he calls, the myth of the lambing
Is Christmas a Celebration of Sun? (Part 4 of 5)
Many people have said that Dec. 25 is an old Roman holiday celebrating the Sun in the sky. Did the Catholic Church co-opt this holiday
How Jesus’ Death Relates to his Birth Date (Part 3 of 5)
How long did Jesus live? Can the Book of Mormon give us insight into when Jesus was born? BYU professor Dr. Jeff Chadwick says the
Juvenile Jesus a Jerk? Apocryphal Stories Say Yes (Part 3 of 5)
There are lots of stories of Jesus as a child, but they are not in the Bible. BYU professor Dr. Thom Wayment and I will
The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and Birth of Christ (Part 2 of 5)
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Chadwick, New Testament scholar at BYU. We’ll talk about why Book of Mormon helps date birth of Christ.
Christmas Legends: Herod, the Star, the Wisemen (Part 2 of 5)
I’m excited to talk more about some of the Christmas legends that we’re all familiar with. Did Herod really kill hundreds of babies? BYU Professor
Was Jesus Born in December? (Part 1)
Dr. Jeffrey Chadwick, New Testament scholar at BYU has done a lot of research to identify when Jesus was born. He thinks Jesus was born
Separating Fact from Fiction on the Birth of Christ (Part 1)
I’m excited to have Dr. Thomas Wayment discuss fact and fiction surrounding stories of the birth of Christ. Dr. Wayment is a New Testament scholar

Conspiracy Theories: Sam Smith, William Smith, James Strang (Part 4)
Following the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, brother Samuel died within a month. Was Samuel poisoned? Steve: You know, conspiracy theorists. Okay, fine. Was he

Sidney’s Unsung Role in Restoration (Part 3)
Historian Steve Shields tells us that Sidney’s unsung role in the early Church was larger than LDS or RLDS historians have acknowledged. When Sidney joined

Steve Shields own Divergent Path (Part 2)
Steve Shields was raised in the LDS Church and attended BYU. So why is he now a member of the Community of Christ? Steve: I
Who Owns the Temple Lot in Missouri? (Part 1)
Steven Shields has been studying various Mormon schismatic groups since he was in Seminary in the 1970s. We’ll get acquainted with him in this first
Do You Disagree with the Exclusion Policy? (Part 6)
In November 2015, the Church issued the PoX, or Policy of Exclusion. The Exclusion Policy prevents children of gay parents from being baptized or further
Should the Church Modify Bishop’s Interviews? (Part 5)
If you have young children around, you may want to save this episode for later, as we frankly discuss sexual matters. This American Life, an NPR
Results of Faith Crisis Research (Part 4)
Kurt Francom recently interviewed David Ostler on his podcast about faith crisis research Ostler has done regarding reasons why people quit coming to church. Is
“We Must Have These Difficult Conversations” (Part 3)
I asked Kurt Francom of the “Leading Saints” podcast if it is ok to ask sticky church history questions in Sunday School. I was surprised
Ministering to the Faithful & Faithless (Part 2)
Have you struggled to figure out what to do with the new Ministering program in the LDS Church? Kurt Francom of the Leading Saints Podcast

Is it Bad to be called LDS or Mormon?
I’m excited to introduce Kurt Francom of the Leading Saints podcast. He recently changed the name of his podcast due to President Nelson’s admonition to
Mark’s Trial, Dorie’s 5-Minute Divorce (Part 6)
Dorie Olds tells her recollections of the preliminary trial, Mark’s plea bargain, and her 5-minute divorce to bomber Mark Hofmann. It’s a fascinating conclusion to
“You May Be in Danger” (Part 5)
We’re continuing our conversation with Dorie Olds. Following the 2 bombs that went off in 1985, I asked her if she was worried for her
Was Dorie Blamed for the Bombing? (Part 4)
Is it true Dorie blamed for the bombings? By whom? It’s a really interesting story! Dorie: [Mark’s parents] are telling me, “This is all your fault.
“Be Grateful for Adversity” (Part 3)
What has Dorie Olds learned from being married to Mark Hofmann? I was amazed and impressed to hear her say, “Be grateful for adversity.” Wow.
Gaslighted by Mark (Part 2)
What was it like to be married to Mark Hofmann? Were there deceptions while they were married? What was it like to be gaslighted by
Hofmann’s Anthon Forgery (Part 1)
I’m really excited to introduce Dorie Olds. You may know her more famous ex-husband, Mark Hofmann, the famous forger/murderer. In this first episode we’ll talk
Feminist Favorites (Part 5)
In our final conversation with Sara Hanks and Dr. Nancy Ross, I’ll ask them what their feminist favorite essays were. Check out our conversation, as
Must Women Be Ordained? (Part 4)
Early Mormon women blessed by laying on of hands. If the practice returned, would that be good enough for the Ordain Women movement, or do

The F-Word: Feminism (Part 3)
Lisa Butterworth wrote a post titled the F-Word: Feminism. Is feminism dangerous? Many faithful Latter-day Saints may be concerned that Mormon feminism is a road
Nancy & Sara’s Spiritual Journey (Part 2)
After the disappointment with Kate Kelly’s excommunication, how did Nancy and Sara react? Are they still active in the LDS Church? What has their spiritual
Feminist Successes & Setbacks (part 1)
Dr. Nancy Ross and Sara Hanks, co-authors of “Where We Must Stand” discuss their experiences blogging at Feminist Mormon Housewives, and putting together a book
Modern Mormon Pentecostals
The Bickertonite movement continues many of the ecstatic religious experiences of the Kirtland Era. Dr. Daniel Stone will tell us more about speaking in tongues.
My Cousin Vinny – Alice Cooper’s Mormon Roots (Part 10)
Alice Cooper was raised in the Bickertonite Church, and his grandfather was the president! Alice Cooper’s song, “No More Mr. Nice Guy might have a
Writing History Without Getting in Trouble (Part 9)
Dr. Daniel Stone is the first person to write about William Bickerton, the first prophet of the Bickertonite Church. Some LDS Scholars got in trouble
Reuniting the Bickerton Break (Part 8)
Following a bitter schism, Dr. Daniel Stone tells how the two Bickertonite factions reunited. It was interesting to find out how the LDS Church reacted
Ousting a Prophet (Part 7)
William Bickerton eventually lost control of the church he started. How did his apostles oust the prophet. Are there parallels with LDS Church succession? Dr.
False Prophecies are Possible! (Part 6)
Can a prophet make mistakes, even in prophecy and revelation? William Bickerton, a prophet in the Church of Jesus Christ said yes, prophets make mistakes.
Civil War Prophecy Leads to Black Ordination (Part 5)
On Christmas Day in 1832, Joseph Smith had a revelation that the Civil War would begin in South Carolina. Almost 30 years later, it happened.
Biblical Support to Ordain Women (Part 4)
[paypal-donation] In our next conversation with Dr. Daniel Stone, we will discuss the similarities and differences between Bickertonite and Brighamite priesthood. I was surprised to
Bickerton’s Prophetic Vision (Part 3)
Following the collapse of Sidney Rigdon’s church, people looked to William Bickerton to lead the flock. Dr. Daniel Stone tells us more details about William
Sidney Rigdon’s Church Falls Apart (Part 2)
Sidney Rigdon was a major impact on William Bickerton. Dr. Daniel Stone talks about how Bickerton lost faith in Rigdon. Daniel: William Bickerton really had progressed,
Daniel Stone on Forgotten Prophet
I’m excited to introduce Dr. Daniel Stone. He has written the first biography of William Bickerton, Forgotten Latter Day Prophet. William Bickerton was the prophet
Buying the Spalding Conspiracy
Mark Hofmann tried to create evidence of the Spalding Conspiracy. There has long been a theory that Book of Mormon was plagiarized from a manuscript
What is the Dead Lee Scroll? (Part 5)
A lead scroll was found at Lee’s Ferry in Arizona, now known as the Dead Lee Scroll. What is it exactly? Steve: Well, one of
John D. Lee’s Role in Mountain Meadows Massacre (Part 4)
September 11, 1857 was the largest mass-murder in American history. Over 100 immigrants from Arkansas were killed in southern Utah. John D. Lee was the
Mormons & the FBI (Part 3)
Mormons & the FBI – I’ve often heard that the FBI likes to hire Mormons. Is that true? Steve Mayfied talks about being interviewed to
Steve Mayfield: Crime Scene Photographer (Part 2)
In our next conversation with Steve Mayfield, we will learn more about his background. It turns out he is a crime scene photographer, and we
Mormon Connection to Patty Hearst Kidnapping (Part 1)
I’d like to introduce Steve Mayfield. We’ll talk about Mormon involvement in the Patty Hearst kidnapping case. Steve talks about his involvment in the Patty
Women Have Priesthood Since 1843! (Part 8)
[paypal-donation] In 1992, Dr. Michael Quinn published an essay stating that women have priesthood, and have held the priesthood since 1843. It was one of
Smith & Strang Translation Process (Part 7)
We’re continuing our discussion of the Succession Crisis. Strang was known to translate the Voree Plates. How does that compare to Book of Mormon translation process
LDS Succession Crisis (Part 6)
Dr. Michael Quinn is one of the foremost experts on the LDS Succession Crisis. He says there were seven legitimate succession claims following the death
Quinn on Hofmann (Part 5)
Michael Quinn has been a very prominent Mormon historian since at least the 1980s. I asked Michael if he had met Mark Hofmann, the bomber
“The Church Makes No Distinction Between God and Mammon” (Part 4)
[paypal-donation] There are many critics of the LDS Church’s wealth. Is the LDS Church guilty of serving God and Mammon? I asked Dr. Michael Quinn
Would LDS Church Income Ever Support a Paid Ministry? (Part 3)
[paypal-donation] As we saw in our last episode, the LDS Church makes perhaps $40-50 billion per year between tithing and church businesses. Dr. Michael Quinn
Are LDS Church Revenues Really $50 Billion/Year? (Part 2)
In our next conversation with Dr. Michael Quinn, we’ll talk about LDS Church revenues per year. Would you believe it is as high as $50
Michael Quinn Discusses Deseret Hemp Company (Part 1)
I’m really excited to have Michael Quinn on the show. In this first episode, we will get more acquainted with him. We will also talk
Sandra’s View on the Hofmann Trial (Part 6)
[paypal-donation] In our final conversation with Sandra Tanner, we’ll talk about the Hofmann trial/plea bargain. Would she have plea-bargained? What did prosecutors tell her? Sandra: I
What Does Sandra Tanner have to say about Biblical Forgeries?
[paypal-donation] In our next conversation with Sandra Tanner, I’ll ask her about biblical forgeries, the Documentary Hypothesis, multiple Isaiahs, and several other theories critical of
Jerald Tanner’s Forensic Background (Part 4)
We’ve talked a lot about Jerald Tanner, but you may not know very much about his life and his demise. His wife, Sandra Tanner will
Oliver Cowdery Forgery (Part 3)
[paypal-donation] We’re going to talk about an Oliver Cowdery forgery, unrelated to the Hofmann forgeries, and find out how Jerald Tanner concluded this Cowdery document
How Jerald Tanner Identified Fake Salamander Letter (Part 2)
Jerald Tanner was the first person to publicly question Mark Hofmann’s fake Salamander Letter. His wife Sandra details how Jerald came to that conclusion. Sandra: Jerald, realizes
When Mark Hofmann Met Sandra Tanner (Part 1)
[paypal-donation] Sandra Tanner is well-known as being a critic of Mormonism. (Some would even call her an anti-Mormon.) So why am I, an active Mormon,
Why was the Hofmann Sentence so light? (Part 7)
[paypal-donation] Given all the mounting evidence against Mark Hofmann, why were prosecutors interested in a plea deal? It seems evidence was pretty strong to convict
Hofmann, Church Leaders, & the McLellin Collection (Part 6)
[paypal-donation] As you can see from our previous conversations, Mark had a tangled web of interactions. In this next conversation with forensics expert George Throckmorton,
Why Hofmann Killed his Best Friends (Part 5)
[paypal-donation] Mark Hofmann was a successful document dealer in the 1980s. Why did he kill? Document Examiner George Throckmorton gives his insights into the Hofmann
Who was the Third Bomb Intended for?
Mark Hofmann’s first two bombs killed Steve Christensen and Kathy Sheets. In this next episode, we will talk about the third bomb. Who was it
More Hofmann Techniques & Forged Sports Memorabilia (part 3)
[paypal-donation] Did you know that an estimated 70% of sports memorabilia is fake? We’re continuing our conversation with George Throckmorton, and he tells that the majority
How Hofmann Fooled Experts with a Toy Chemistry Set (Part 2)
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our discussion with George Throckmorton. He is the expert who discovered how Mark Hofmann was forging documents. Did you know that Mark
Bonus: Gospel Tangents Insiders Club! Sign up for Free
Become a Gospel Tangents Insider. We will hold our first meeting on Google Hangouts where you can interact with me. Our first topic will be
George Throckmorton on Hi-Fi/Hofmann Forgeries/Murders
[paypal-donation] George Throckmorton is one of the most amazing police officers in the world. Last year I talked to him about his role in the
Sealing & Born in the Covenant: A Guarantee of Heaven? (Part 7)
[paypal-donation] We’re concluding our conversation with Dr. Jonathan Stapley. We’re talking about sealings, especially child to parent sealings, such as born in the covenant. In
Want Full Interviews? Subscribe at
Many of you have said my interviews are too short. I have a solution for you! If you want to hear full interviews before everyone
History & Theological Implications of Baby Blessings (Part 6)
[paypal-donation] Welcome to Gospel Tangents, the best source for Mormon history, science, and theology. I’m your host Rick Bennett. Dr. Jonathan Stapley devotes an entire
Mormon History of Alternative & Folk Medicine
[paypal-donation] In our next conversation we will talk about alternative medicine, faith healing, and even what has been referred to as magic. Are there similarities
Elder Oaks Groundbreaking Address on Women & Priesthood (Part 4)
[paypal-donation] In April 2014, Elder Oaks gave a sermon on women and priesthood. Dr. Jonathan Stapley said this was no ordinary talk. He called it
The Mormon Priestess and Ordain Women (Part 3)
[paypal-donation] In our next conversation with Dr. Jonathan Stapley, we’ll talk about the Mormon idea of a priestess. Of course, that inevitably leads to a
Women, Healers in LDS Temples
In the 19th and early 20th century, there are many examples Mormon women healers. These women used to lay hands on the sick. By what
Introduction to the Power of Godliness
Welcome to Gospel Tangents, the best source for Mormon history, science, and theology. I’d like to introduce Dr. Jonathan Stapley. He has written a new

Dr. Paul Reeve on the Race Essay at (re-release)
This is a first time release on YouTube, (previously on Apple Podcasts) of a conversation I had with Dr. Paul Reeve of the University of

Becoming a Fanboy of Orson Pratt (re-release)
Last year, I interviewed Dr. Paul Reeve at the University of Utah on his book Religion of a Different Color. This is a first-time release on
Bruce R. McConkie Wrote Official Declaration 2!
Dr. Matt Harris has uncovered that apostle Bruce R. McConkie wrote Official Declaration 2, which allowed for the first time in 120 years, open ordination
I need your help!
I need your help! I am thinking about creating several courses on Mormon history, science, or theology, and I would like people to tell me
How Kimball Persuaded Apostles to Agree on Lifting the Ban
In our next episode with Dr. Matt Harris, we will talk about how President Kimball persuaded the apostles to lift the priesthood and temple ban
Almost Famous: 1969 Black Ordination Nixed by Lee
Despite several attempts to end the ban in the 1960s, Hugh B. Brown made one final attempt in 1969 and almost succeeded. However, the attempt
Hugh B. Brown’s Attempt to End Ban in 1962!
The United States were grappling with the Civil Rights Movement during the tumultuous 1960s. In our next conversation with Matt Harris, we will talk about
Did Pres. McKay Try to Rescind Ban in 1955?
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr. Matt Harris. In our next episode, we’ll talk about the temple and priesthood ban in the 1950s. Did you
Where, When, & Why Did the One-Drop Rule Originate?
In our next conversation, we’re going to talk to Dr. Matt Harris of Colorado State University-Pueblo. We will talk about the “one-drop rule.” How is
Before 1978: LDS Policies for Bi-racial Families in Brazil & South Africa
I’d like to introduce Dr. Matt Harris in our next conversation. He has done a lot of Mormon history work and he’s not very well-known,
Simon’s Thoughts on Noah’s Flood, Religious Beliefs
We’re concluding our conversation with Dr. Simon Southerton. Searching for answers about Noah’s flood led him to study more about DNA & the Book of
Vanishing DNA? Lamanite DNA Shouldn’t Vanish
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr. Simon Southerton. We’re going to talk about vanishing DNA. Is it possible that Lehite DNA simply vanished from the
What is the Cohen Haplotype? Do Lamanites Have It?
We’re continuing our discussion with Australian researcher, Dr. Simon Southerton. In this next episode, we’re going to dig into the science deeper. What is the
Simon Southerton Talks DNA, Excommunication
DNA & Book of Mormon can be a very controversial topic. Last year we talked with Dr. Ugo Perego on this topic, and today we’ll
Did Nephi Land near the Andes Mountains?
It’s been a fun interview with George Potter, and it’s been fun learning more about the Frankincense trail that Lehi likely followed in the Middle
Nephi’s Sea Trials & the Magi
Growing up in Jerusalem, Nephi likely had little experience in sailing. How did he learn how to sail? In our next conversation with George Potter,
Found! Nephi’s Harbor
At the end of the Frankincense Trail, Nephi built a ship. But where did he build this ship? Where is Nephi’s Harbor? George Potter makes
From the Desert to the Land Bountiful
In our next episode, we’ll continue along the Frankincense Trail and get to the Land Bountiful. George Potter has some interesting insights into why Laman
Walking in Lehi’s Footsteps on Frankincense Trail
In this episode, we’ll talk about Lehi’s path out of Jerusalem. George Potter and others believe he followed the Frankincense Trail. There is a campsite
How are the Valley of Lemuel and Mount Sinai Related?
In our previous conversation with George Potter we discussed his search for the real Mount Sinai! It turns out that led to a very striking
Found! The Real Mount Sinai!
Christians and Jews have long searched for the real Mount Sinai. But is it the location discovered by Helena, the mother of Constantine in the
Joseph Smith’s Protology: How are Spirit Babies Created?
In this last episode with Dr. Bill Smith, we’ll cover the other issues from his book on section 132. We’ll talk about the evolution of
Breaking Sealings: Who has the Power?
In a previous conversation with Dr. Bill Smith, we talked about how polygamous sealings were considered nearly permanent. There are cases in which those can
How 132 Would Affect Future Revelations on Women & Gays
With General Conference coming up this weekend, Dr. Bill Smith and I speculate on some possible future revelations coming up! Would Official Declaration 3 deal
Is Polygamy a Ticket to Heaven?
Some Protestants, such as Born-Again Christians, believe that one can be saved in heaven—assured salvation. Did early Mormons believe in something similar? Was polygamy a
Was Oliver Cowdery a Polygamist?
Oliver Cowdery has been accused of practicing polygamy before he was authorized to do so. In our next conversation with Dr. Bill Smith we’ll address
Emma’s Up and Down Relationship with Polygamy
Emma Smith often vacillated between accepting and rejecting polygamy. In our next conversation with Dr. Bill Smith we will talk about how she vacillated between
LDS Literacy of Biblical Polygamy
According to the Bible, King David and Solomon had hundreds of wives and concubines, yet the Book of Mormons condemns this practice. How does this
Dr. Bill Smith on the Origins of Polygamy
Section 132 of the Doctrine & Covenants was given to Joseph Smith when he inquired about questions about polygamy in the Bible. Dr. Bill Smith
Critiquing the Gospel Topics Essays
Between 2013-2015, the LDS Church published a series of essays dealing with sensitive topics in the LDS Church. They are known as the Gospel Topics
Role of Women in 4 American Religions
March is Women’s History Month. Two of Four religions founded in America were founded by Women. In this episode, Dr. Newell Bringhurst will discuss how
More about Polygamy: Bennett, Bushman, & Compton
We’re continuing our discussions with Dr. Newell Bringhurst. In our next conversation, we’ll continue to talk about polygamy. We’ll talk about Todd Compton’s book, In
Bringhurst’s Approach to Controversy
We’re continuing our discussions with Dr. Newell Bringhurst. We’ve talked about the controversial topics of blacks and the priesthood, as well as Fawn Brodie, and
Bringhurst on Bushman-Brodie
Who has written the best biography of Joseph Smith? The two most prominent authors are Fawn Brodie and Richard Bushman. Dr. Newell Bringhurst weighs in
Walker Lewis: Faithful Black Elder
We’re winding down our Black History Month conversations with Dr. Newell Bringhurst. In our next conversation, we’ll talk about Walker Lewis, a black elder in
Warner McCary: Real Native Genius? #BlackHistoryMonth
We’re continuing our Black History Month discussions with Dr. Newell Bringhurst. We’ll talk about Warner McCary, a very colorful character in the story of the

A Personal Note
Sorry I didn’t get a video this week. My dad died and so I’ve been dealing with funeral arrangements. I just wanted to post a
How Lester Bush Debunked the Missouri Thesis
We’re continuing our conversation with Dr. Newell Bringhurst. We will continue where we left off and explain in more detail the Missouri Thesis. Newell: The
Dr. Newell Bringhurst on Saints, Slaves, and Blacks
We are continuing our focus on Black History Month here at Gospel Tangents. I’d like to introduce Dr. Newell Bringhurst. He has been publishing on
LDS Church in Africa #BlackHistoryMonth
It’s Black History Month at Gospel Tangents. This is our final conversation with Russell Stevenson and we’ll talk the LDS Church in Africa. Did you

Elijah Ables’ Attempt for Temple Blessings #BlackHistoryMonth
We’re continuing our discussion of Black History Month with Russell Stevenson. He’s the biographer of Elijah Ables, and we’ll talk about the end of Elijah’s
Why Brigham Changed His Mind on Black Ordination
Brigham Young is often seen as the person responsible for instituting the ban on black members from LDS temples and from the priesthood for male
All Transcripts are available! #BlackHistoryMonth Sale
I was just reviewing some feedback, and learned some of you are not aware of my transcripts. There are a few ways to get them.

Trouble in Cincinnati: Ables’ Time in Ohio #BlackHistoryMonth
Following Elijah Ables’ Canadian mission, he returned for a short time to Nauvoo where he helped Joseph Smith escape from a mob from Missouri. Then

Ables’ Canadian Mission & Escape from the Mob #BlackHistoryMonth
February is Black History Month and we’re continuing our conversation with Russell Stevenson. He’s the biographer of Elijah Ables and in this next episode, we’ll
Early Life of Elijah Ables #BlackHistoryMonth
February is #BlackHistoryMonth and we’re starting off with Russell Stevenson, a Ph.D. candidate at Michigan State University in African-American studies. He has written a biography
Start of RLDS Church & Mormon Schisms Tour
[paypal-donation] We’re about ready to finish our conversation with John Hamer and Lachlan MacKay of the Community of Christ and do a Mormon Schisms Tour!

Surprising Word of Wisdom Insights from an Apostle
[paypal-donation] One of Mormonism’s most well-known revelations is the Word of Wisdom. Apostle Lachlan MacKay of the Community of Christ discusses the historical context of

Mormon Followers of the Prophet James Strang (Part 6 of 8)
[paypal-donation] James Strang was one of the most unlikely people to succeed following the death of Joseph Smith in 1844. Historian John Hamer will talk

Alice Cooper’s Roots in Lively Mormon Schisms
Have you ever heard the myth that Alice Cooper was a Mormon? It turns out that’s partially true. Historian John Hamer and Apostle Lachlan MacKay

Different Succession Claims: Other Mormon Groups
[paypal-donation] Yesterday was President Monson’s funeral. When an LDS President dies, the First Presidency is dissolved. Have you ever wondered why that is the case?

The Strange Kirtland Temple Ownership Problems
Following the Kirtland Banking Crisis in 1838, Joseph Smith left town in the dead of the night. The town of Kirtland was basically bankrupt. Because

Comparing LDS and RLDS Temple Worship
[paypal-donation] In our next conversation, we’ll talk about differences in temple worship between the LDS Church and the RLDS Church. (Note: The Community of Christ

A Seventy & Apostle Discuss Myths & Kirtland Temple
[paypal-donation] I’m excited to start 2018 two amazing guests: a Seventy and an Apostle of the Community of Christ: John Hamer and Lachlan MacKay. I’ll

Looking back at 2017: Top 20 Moments
[paypal-donation] Happy New Year. I’m your host of Gospel Tangents, Rick Bennett. We’re counting down the Top 20 Moments that were most surprising moments in

Bonus: Mormon News Report talks to me!
[paypal-donation] I was lucky to be interviewed by Brandt Malone and Brian Whitney of the Mormon News Report. Here’s where they asked me the questions,

Year-end Special/Survey
Since it’s the end of the year I wanted to ask a special favor. We’re going to do a year-end special survey of all the

The Hübener Story You Didn’t Know
[paypal-donation] Many of you are probably familiar with the story of Helmuth Hübener. He was the young German teenager that was executed by Adolf Hitler

How LDS Basketball & Genealogy Found Synergy with Hitler
[paypal-donation] When Adolf Hitler came to power, one of the things he wanted to do was to find Jews and Jewish ancestry. He did this

Rival Mission Presidents in Germany
The Mormon Church is very well known for having a very well-organized institution. It wasn’t always the case though. It turns out that J. Reuben

J Reuben Clark’s Harsh Feelings About Jews
[paypal-donation] As Hitler came to power in Germany, how did the LDS Church respond? In our next conversation, we’ll talk to Dr. David Nelson and we’ll

Before Hitler: German Persecution of LDS Church (Part 2)
[paypal-donation] (Problem with previous post, so this is a fix.) On December 11, 1941, Germany declared war on the United States. I’m sure it was

German Police Monitored LDS Church
[paypal-donation] Today, December 11, marks the 76th anniversary since Germany declared war on the United States. I’m sure that was a sobering time. Dr. David

When Did LDS Start Ordaining Young Men?
[paypal-donation] Earlier this summer, one of my guests, Jim Vun Cannon of the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, asked me why the

Naturalistic Explanation for Word of Wisdom?
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our conversation about revelation in the LDS Church. One of Mormonism’s most important and well-known revelations deals with the Word of Wisdom,

Early LDS Priesthood: Similar to Ancient Christianity?
[paypal-donation] Greg Prince wrote a book[1] on the evolution of LDS Priesthood. In our next conversation, I’ll talk to Greg and I’ll ask him more

Ailing Church Leaders: “Not Ideal Governance”
[paypal-donation] I enjoyed our latest conversation with Greg Prince. We talked about incapacitation of church leaders due to medical factors. Is this a problem in our

The 4 LDS Leadership Vacuums – What Happened?
[paypal-donation] Welcome to Gospel Tangents Podcast. I’m excited to announce this is our 100th episode here at Gospel Tangents. Of course I’ve been around for

Polygamy & 2002 Olympics
[paypal-donation] This is our last conversation with Anne Wilde. I’ve really enjoyed talking with her and I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I
How Does Anne Justify Concubines & Law of Sarah?
[paypal-donation] We’re going to take a deep dive into section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants. It deals with the Law of Sarah. Anne: Yeah,

Anne’s Marriage – Was Jesus a Polygamist?
[paypal-donation] I’m excited to talk to Anne Wilde about her own polygamist marriage to Ogden Kraut. She was the second wife of Ogden. We’ll get

Ervil LeBaron: Polygamist, Assassin
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our discussion with polygamy expert Anne Wilde. We’ll talk about the infamous Ervil LeBaron: a polygamist and an assassin. He was responsible of

FLDS-Centennial Park Rivalry
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our conversation with Anne Wilde. She’s a modern-day polygamy expert. In this next conversation we’ll talk about the FLDS Church. Many of

“There is Nothing in LDS Theology that Justifies Whacking Infants” (POX)
[paypal-donation] The November 2015 Policy is called by some the POX, or Policy of Exclusion. The policy excludes children of gay Mormons from being blessed,

Greg Prince on History of LDS Policy Toward Gays
[paypal-donation] Greg Prince came to Utah in September 2017 to give the Sterling McMurrin Lecture at the Salt Lake Library. I was able to chat

How Do Polygamists Feel About Gay Marriage?
[paypal-donation] Fundamentalist Mormons are known for promoting an alternative marriage practice in polygamy. Of course there are gay marriage advocates who support that as well.

Third Manifesto Causes Schism: Apostolic United Brethren
[paypal-donation] So far we’ve talked about the 1890 Manifesto, as well as the 1904 Manifesto. A third manifesto was issued in 1933, and that actually

Did Woodruff Marry After the 1890 Manifesto?
In 1890 Wilford Woodruff issued what’s known as the Manifesto, Official Declaration One in the Doctrine & Covenants, prohibiting polygamy. What many Mormons don’t know

Taylor’s 1886 Polygamy Uncanonized Revelation
[paypal-donation] Is it true that President John Taylor had a revelation in 1886 proclaiming that polygamy is an eternal principle? Polygamist Mormons think so. In

Christmas Party Plea Deal
[paypal-donation] This is our last conversation with Shannon Flynn. In this episode we’ll talk about Mark Hofmann’s lawyer, Ron Yengich. Ron has defended some of

Mark Hofmann’s Unusual Prison Visitors
[paypal-donation] Shannon Flynn is one of the few people that have visited Mark Hofmann in prison. He’ll tell about his experiences meeting with Mark as

Would Mark Hofmann Kill Again?
[paypal-donation] Sadly, October 15 marks 32 years since Kathy Sheets and Steven Christensen were killed. Shannon asks, and answers an important question. Shannon: People have

Should Hofmann Ever Be Released From Prison?
[paypal-donation] Shannon Flynn describes Mark Hofmann’s physical condition in prison. It’s pretty interesting to hear both his bomb injuries, as well as his injuries from

Shannon Flynn Jailed for Hofmann’s Crimes
[paypal-donation] In 1985 Shannon Flynn was arrested and jailed for being friends with Mark Hofmann. We’ll listen to his conversation about his experiences in jail

Hofmann’s Last Bomb Blew the Lid Off Mormon History
[paypal-subscribe] In 1985 Mark Hofmann’s last bomb blew himself up with his own pipe bomb. Shannon Flynn, a good friend of Mark Hofmann describes what

Hofmann’s Best Fake: Fooling Lie Detector Test
[paypal-donation] In 1985 Mark Hofmann blew himself up with his own pipe bomb. Police immediately suspected him as the prime suspect in a rash of

Mark’s Million-Dollar Con
[paypal-donation] In LDS circles, Mark Hofmann is most well-known for the Salamander Letter, a forgery that threatened the founding stories of the LDS Church. What

“I cheat people. That’s what I do for a living”
[paypal-donation] In our last conversation, Shannon Flynn told us that Mark Hofmann started forging coins as a teen. How was he able to fool so

Hofmann’s Teenage Forgeries
[paypal-donation] Shannon Flynn worked closely with Mark Hofmann and knows him better than most other people. In this conversation, we’ll talk about Hofmann’s Teenage Forgeries.

Did Perego write the Gospel Topics Essay on DNA?
[paypal-donation] In January 2014, the LDS Church produced a new Gospel Topics Essay on DNA and the Book of Mormon. I asked Dr. Ugo Perego

How Do Lemba Tribe & Vikings Relate to DNA & Book of Mormon? (Part 2)
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our series on DNA & Book of Mormon. How to Lemba Tribe & Vikings DNA relate to the Book or Mormon? If

Why Isn’t there a Match with DNA & Book of Mormon? (Part 1)
[paypal-donation] DNA & Book of Mormon: It’s a favorite topic of anti-Mormons because evidence seems to show that Native Americans came from Asia rather than

Is Evolution Compatible with the Bible?
[paypal-donation] In Sunday School we learn that God created the earth in 6 days. Many people believe that this is about 6000 years. On the

CSI: Mountain Meadows – Using DNA to Solve 2 Mysteries
[paypal-donation] Many of you remember the dark day of September 11, 2001 when Muslim terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It was
Transcripts 50% off!
Get a transcript of our interviews for 50% off! Offer ends Sept 15! See

Was Emma Licentious? Would it matter? Addressing Ugo’s DNA Critics
[paypal-donation] In this episode, we’ll discuss Ugo’s DNA critics. Of course there are critics of Dr. Perego, as well as Joseph Smith. At Wheat &

Who’s the Daddy of Josephine (Part 2)? Joseph Smith or Windsor Lyon?
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our discussion with Dr. Ugo Perego. Last year at the Mormon History Association meetings he made a lot of news when he

Who’s the Daddy (Part 1)? Joseph or Parley Paternity?
[paypal-donation] We started this conversation by talking about the paternity of Josephine Lyon. It turns out that Dr. Ugo Perego is also testing other potential

Was Joseph Smith Irish?
How do you figure out Joseph Smith’s DNA profile? It turns out that Dr. Ugo Perego was actually doing a lot of genealogy work in

How Do You Figure Out 150 Year Old Paternity?
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our discussion with Dr. Ugo Perego. Before we look into the question of figuring out a 150 year old paternity test, what

DNA 101 with Dr. Ugo Perego
[paypal-donation] I’m excited to introduce Dr. Ugo Perego all the way from Italy. This is going to be the first of several conversations where we’re

What are Remnant Beliefs about Temples?
[paypal-donation] Joseph Smith built temples in Kirtland and Nauvoo. The LDS Church has more than 100 temples in operation now, worldwide. In our last conversation

Joseph was a Monogamist!
We’re continuing our discussion with Jim Vun Cannon, a counselor in the First Presidency of the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It’s

What is the “Order of Enoch”? Reinterpreting Consecration in Today’s World
We’re continuing our discussion with Jim Vun Cannon, a counselor in the First Presidency of the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Women Will Never Get Priesthood!
[paypal-donation] 1984 was a pivotal year in the RLDS Church. It was the year a revelation was canonized allowing women to receive the priesthood. However,

Jim Tackles DNA & Book of Mormon
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our discussion with Jim Vun Cannon, a counselor in the First Presidency of the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day

18 Revelations to Gather to Missouri Now! Remnant Church Scriptures
We’re continuing our discussion (see part 3 here) with Jim Vun Cannon, a counselor in the First Presidency of the Remnant Church. In this episode,

What’s the view of the RLDS Succession Crisis?
[paypal-donation] In the LDS Church we believe in an orderly succession from Joseph Smith to Brigham Young. In the Reorganized Church of course they don’t

From Convert to First Presidency in 5 years!
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our discussion with Jim Vun Cannon, (see part 1 here) a counselor in the First Presidency of the Remnant Church of Jesus

Found! A Literal Descendant of Aaron!
[paypal-donation] I’m excited to announce an interview with a counselor in the First Presidency! His name is Jim Vun Cannon, and he is a member

Best Reasons for the Baja Theory
[paypal-donation] This is our last conversation with David Rosenvall. In our last few episodes we’ve tried to poke holes in David’s theory of the Baja

Solved! DNA & Book of Mormon
Or has it been? In this episode we’re going to talk about the thorniest of all topics when it comes to DNA & Book of