Check out all our past episodes, and what we have planned for the future!  Be sure to let us know what topics/who you’d like to hear from in the future!

Gospel Tangents Episodes

Nielsen-Naylor Group (Steve Nielsen)





Life of Marion Hanks (Richard Hanks)






Church Tours (Rick B)

1027: Independent Fundamentalist Church

1026: Bickertonite Tour

1025: Kingston Funeral

Book of Mormon Census (Robert Messick)

1024: How Many 1st Editions BoM are There? (Messick)

1023: Non-LDS Church Editions of BoM (Messick)

1022: Book of Mormon Editions (Messick)

Goodbye Religion (Dr Ryan Cragun)

Dr Ryan Cragun is the co-author of "Goodbye Religion." He discusses why people are leaving religion.
Dr Ryan Cragun is the co-author of “Goodbye Religion.” He discusses why people are leaving religion.

1021: Is 2 Hr Church Hurting LDS Church? (Cragun)

1020: What Pushes/Pulls People From Religion? (Cragun)

1019: Why People Stay or Leave (Cragun)

1018: Triggered vs Calm ex-Mormons (Cragun)


Psychology of Conspiracy Theories (Dr Jesse James)

Dr Jesse James is a research psychologist. He discusses the psychology of conspiracy theories.
Dr Jesse James is a research psychologist. He discusses the psychology of conspiracy theories.

1016: Questions to Ask about Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James)

1015: Joseph’s Secret Polygamy Conspiracy? (Jesse James)

1014: Religious Motivation of Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James)

1013: Appeal of Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James)

1012: Difference between Valid Conspiracy & Conspiracy Theory (Jesse James)

Tour of Centennial Park (Tom Bennett)

1011: Heavenly Mothers (Tom Bennett)

Tom Bennett discusses his conversion to a polygamy group called Centennial Park.
Tom Bennett discusses his conversion to a polygamy group called Centennial Park.

1010: Blacks & Mormon Fundamentalists (Tom Bennett)

1009: Reasons Women Choose Polgamy (Tom Bennett)

1008: Fundamentalist Views of “One True Church” (Tom Bennett)

1007: Protestant to Polygamy (Tom Bennett)

1006: FLDS Field Trip (Rick B)

1005: Tour of Centennial Park (Rick B)

Feminist Firebrand Sonia Johnson (Dr Chris Talbot)

1004: Different Kind of Lesbian (Talbot)

Dr Chris Talbot of Univ of Northern Colorado discusses her new book "Sonia Johnson: A Mormon Feminist" about Sonia's fight for the Equal Rights Amendment.
Dr Chris Talbot of Univ of Northern Colorado discusses her new book “Sonia Johnson: A Mormon Feminist” about Sonia’s fight for the Equal Rights Amendment.

1003: Sonia for POTUS (Talbot)

1002: Sonia’s Fight vs LDS Church over ERA (Talbot)

1001: Sonia Johnson Fights for Equal Rights




GT Live! 2025

1000: Best of 2024, 1000 Episodes, Awards (Rick B)

Golden Plates (Brant Gardner)

Brant Gardner discusses his 2 new books, "Plates of Mormon" & "Engraven Upon Plates, Written Upon Paper."
Brant Gardner discusses his 2 new books, “Plates of Mormon” & “Engraven Upon Plates, Written Upon Paper.”

999: Is Infant Baptism in Book of Mormon Historical? (Gardner)

998: 19th Century Artifacts in Boom of Mormon (Gardner)

997: Is White & Delightsome Racist Scripture? (Gardner)

996: Brant Gardner Translation of Book of Mormon


1st Interview with AUB! (Josh Thompson)

995: Heretic Movie Review (Josh Thompson)

Josh Thompson of the Apostolic United Brethren shares his views of how a Mormon Fundamentalist views the LDS Church.
Josh Thompson of the Apostolic United Brethren shares his views of how a Mormon Fundamentalist views the LDS Church.

994: Courtship for Polygamists (Josh Thompson)

993: Are LDS Temples Valid? (Josh Thompson)

992: AUB Views of LDS Church (Josh Thompson)



Newest Polygamy Discoveries on Emma & Fanny (Christopher Smith)

Was Joseph Smith's sealing to Fanny Alger and adoptive, rather than marriage sealing? Dr Christopher Smith and Don Bradley have come up with an amazing thesis that re-writes the polygamy origin story.
Dr Christopher Smith and Don Bradley have come up with an amazing thesis that re-writes the polygamy origin story.

990: Joseph Smith’s Plural Marriage Proposals (C Smith)

989: New Interpretation for Fanny Alger “Affair/Scrape” (Chris Smith)




Busting Utah’s Slavery Myths (Paul Reeve/Chris Rich)

Dr Paul Reeve & Christopher Rich bust Utah's slavery myths.
Dr Paul Reeve & Christopher Rich bust Utah’s slavery myths.

988: Should BYU be Renamed over Slavery? (Reeve/Rich)

987: Was Brigham Young Wrong about Race Ban? (Reeve/Rich)

986: Busting Utah’s Slave Myths (Reeve/Rich)



Lost Manuscripts in Mormon History (Joe Geisner)

Joe Geisner discusses lost documents of Mormonism.
Joe Geisner discusses lost documents of Mormonism.

984: Lost Diaries of Juanita Brooks & Michael Quinn (Geisner)

983: Pratt Murder & Mountain Meadows (Geisner)

982: Lost Book of Mormon Documents (Geisner)



Mormonism Your Way (Rob Lauer)

Rob Lauer discusses the Reform Mormon Movement.
Rob Lauer discusses the Reform Mormon Movement.

978: Inside Reform Mormonism Theology (Lauer)

977: Love & Leave Mormons Twice (Lauer)

976: Converted LDS by Sandra Tanner & Fawn Brodie (Lauer)



William Marks’ Biography (John Dinger/Cheryl Bruno)

972: Did Joseph Renounce Polygamy? (Dinger/Bruno)

Cheryl Bruno & John Dinger are co-authors of William Marks biography.
Cheryl Bruno & John Dinger are co-authors of William Marks biography.

971: Marks After Martyrdom (Dinger/Bruno)

970: Almost Prophet Nearly Forgotten? (Dinger/Bruno)



Racism & Abortion (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto)

969: GT Live! Amanda Recap/Contest Winner

968: Utah & Idaho’s Abortion Fight (Hendrix-Komoto 5 of 5)

Dr Amanda Hendrix-Komoto teaches gender studies and race at Montana Stater University. She is the author of "Imperial Zions."
Dr Amanda Hendrix-Komoto teaches gender studies and race at Montana Stater University. She is the author of “Imperial Zions.”

967: 19th Century Abortion (Hendrix-Komoto 4 of 5)

966: Native American Racism (Hendrix-Komoto 3 of 5)

965: Polynesian Racism & Faith Crisis (Hendrix-Komoto 2 of 5)

964: LDS/RLDS in Tahiti (Hendrix-Komoto 1 of 5)

Matt Harris on Second-Class Saints

963: What I Didn’t Get to Ask Matt Harris (GT Live!)

962: What was Left Out? (Matt Harris 6 of 6)

Matt Harris of author of best-selling book, "2nd Class Saints.)
Matt Harris of author of best-selling book, “2nd Class Saints.)

961: Fired From First Presidency (Matt Harris 5 of 6)

960: Inside Room for 1978 Revelation (Matt Harris 4 of 6)

959: What Lester Bush Missed (Matt Harris 3 of 6)

958: Is “White and Delightsome” Racist? (Matt Harris 2 of 6)

957: Race Ban Best Seller “2nd Class Saints” (Matt Harris 1 of 6)

Tangent Trip Summer/Fall 2024

Tangent Trips #5! Historic Kirtland
Tangent Trips #5! Historic Kirtland

985: Rick Gets Feisty! Mailbag (GT Live!)

981: How Kirtland Temple Sale Affects Visitors (Rick B)

980: Movie Review – Six Days in August (GT Live)

979: Fundamentalist Temple in Missouri?! (Tangents Travels #6)

956: Tangent Trips #5 – Historic Kirtland

955: GT Live! Contest Winner, Ireland, & More!


Secret Covenants: Earlist Polygamy Revelations (Clair Barrus)

Clair Barrus discusses the earliest polygamy revelations, dating to 1829 & 1831!
Clair Barrus discusses the earliest polygamy revelations, dating to 1829 & 1831!

954: Are Clayton Journals Reliable? (Barrus 4 of 4)

953: Pretend Husband Joseph Kingsbury (Barrus 3 of 4)

952: John C Bennett & Nauvoo-era Polygamy (Barrus 2 of 4)

951: Earliest Polygamy Revelations (Barrus 1 of 4)



Secret Covenants: Clift Sisters & Theodore Turley (MaryAnn Clements)

Mary Ann Clements is a certified genealogist and has traced 3 Clift sisters who married Theodore Turley in Nauvoo.
Mary Ann Clements is a certified genealogist and has traced 3 Clift sisters who married Theodore Turley in Nauvoo.

950: How Do Land Deeds Relate to D&C 132? (Clements)

949: 3rd Sister Mary Clift & Theodore Turley (Clements)

948: Sham Marriage to Theodore Turley (Clements)

947: Affair or Surrogate Mother? (Clements)



Secret Covenants: Polygamy & Freemasonry (Cheryl Bruno)

Cheryl Bruno is editor of "Secret Covenants: New Insights into Mormon Polygamy"
Cheryl Bruno is editor of “Secret Covenants: New Insights into Mormon Polygamy”

975: Ties Between Freemasonry & LDS Temple (Cheryl Bruno)

974: Should We Take Polygamy Skeptics Seriously? (Cheryl Bruno)

973: Why Emma Denied Polygamy (Cheryl Bruno)

946: Intro to Secret Covenants (Cheryl Bruno)


Critiquing Sept Six Book (Margaret Toscano)

Margaret Toscano discusses her experiences with the Sept 6.
Margaret Toscano discusses her experiences with the Sept 6.

945: Paul & Margaret Toscano’s Reactions to Sept 6

945: Does Excommunication Work? (Margaret Toscano)

944: Events Leading up to Sept 6 (Margaret Toscano)

943: Reaction to “Sept 6 & Struggle for Soul of Mormonism” (Margaret Toscano)


Inside Fundamentalist Mormon Temple (Dan & Ann Hatch)

940: Does Christ’s Church Ordain Blacks? (Hatches)

Who Founded Christ's Church? Dan & Ann Hatch discuss the founding of Christ's Church by Gerald Peterson Sr.
Who Founded Christ’s Church? Dan & Ann Hatch discuss the founding of Christ’s Church  by Gerald Peterson Sr.

939: Long Endowmen in Christ’s Church (Hatches)

938: Why Does Christ’s Church Repeat Baptisms? (Hatches)

937: Is Wilford Woodruff a Traitor? (Hatches)

936: Who Founded Christ’s Church? (Hatches)

935: 1st Interview Inside Polygamist Temple (Hatches)

Gospel Tangents Trips!

Gilgal Garden in Salt Lake City has a Joseph Smith Sphinx!
Gilgal Garden in Salt Lake City has a Joseph Smith Sphinx!

942: MHA Recap 2024

941: #3: NT Wright Conf with NT Wright

934: #2: Go Inside Fundamentalist Mormon Temple

933: #1: Gilgal Sculpture Garden


Fundamentalist Mormon Theology (Cristina Rosetti)

932: Race Ban, Word of Wisdom in Fundamentalism (Rosetti)

Dr Cristina Rosetti has written a biography on Joseph Musser that discusses his contributions to Mormon fundamentalism.
Dr Cristina Rosetti has written a biography on Joseph Musser that discusses his contributions to Mormon fundamentalism.

931: Fundamentalist Mormon Theology (Rosetti)

930: 1944 & 1953 Police Raids on Polygamist Communities (Rosetti)

929: Joseph Musser & Post-Manifesto Polygamy (Rosetti)

928: Intro to Mormon Fundamentalism (Rosetti)



Isaiah in Book of Mormon (Joe Spencer)

Dr Joseph Spencer is Pres of Book of Mormon Studies Assoc & teaches philosophy at BYU.
Dr Joseph Spencer is Pres of Book of Mormon Studies Assoc & teaches philosophy at BYU.

927: Time to Dump KJV? (J Spencer)

926: Contradictions in Nephi & Abinadi (J Spencer)

925: Is Abinadi Trinitarian? (J Spencer)

924: GT Live! Manti, Polygamist Communities, Contest Winners


God’s Not Disappointed in You? (Kurt Francom)

Kurt Francom, host of Leading Saints" podcast is normally seen as quite orthodox, but he also tackles some unorthodox topics!
Kurt Francom, host of Leading Saints” podcast is normally seen as quite orthodox, but he also tackles some unorthodox topics!

923: Hot Seat 2: Kurt Francom

922: Disappointed in God (Francom)

921: Holy Ghost in Unclean Temples (Francom)

920: Orthodox Kurt Francom on Unorthodox Topics




Mount Sinai in Arabia (George Potter)

Moses fled to Arabia after killing the Egyptian. Is this where Mt Sinai is?
Moses fled to Arabia after killing the Egyptian. Is this where Mt Sinai is?

918: Exodus Story a Myth? (Potter)

917: 12 Springs of Moses (Potter)

916: Moses Fled to Arabia (Potter)




Latter-day Perspectives on Atonement (Diedre Green/Eric Huntsman)

Dr Diedre Green & Dr Eric Huntsman discuss their book, "Latter-day Perspectives on Atonement."
Dr Diedre Green & Dr Eric Huntsman discuss their book, “Latter-day Perspectives on Atonement.”

915: Role of Grace in Atonement (Green/Hunstman)

914: Gethsemane’s Role in Atonement (Green/Huntsman)

913: What is Womanist View of Atonement (Green/Huntsman)

912: Pros & Cons of Penal Substitution (Green/Huntsman)

911: Holy Week! 15 Years Studying Atonement (Green/Huntsman)

Tunisian Ties Book of Mormon to America! (Rick Bennett)

909: Tunisia is America’s Oldest Friend  (Eryj Ben Sassi)

Eryj Ben Sassi is founder & Pres of Association Didon of Carthage. She believes ancient Phoenicians travelled from N Africa to America.
Eryj Ben Sassi is founder & Pres of Association Didon of Carthage. She believes ancient Phoenicians travelled from N Africa to America.

908: Ties of Tarshish, Tunisia & Mulek (Eryj Ben Sassi)

907: Phoenicians Before Columbus (Eryj Ben Sassi)




Community of Christ Pastor B (Brittany Mangelson)

905: Has Community of Christ Moved from Book of Mormon (Mangelson)

Brittany Mangelson is pastor for the Salt Lake City congregation for Community of Christ.
Brittany Mangelson is pastor for the Salt Lake City congregation for Community of Christ.

904: Faithful Disagreement as Article of Faith (Mangelson)

903: Roles of Deacons, Teachers, Priests, 70s in CoC (Mangelson)

902: Open Baptism in Community of Christ (Mangelson)

901: Meet Pastor B from Community of Christ (Mangelson)

March Livestreams! (Rick Bennett)

910: GT Live! Lehi’s Ocean Travel to New World

906: GT Live! Nauvoo Q&A

900: GT Live! Kirtland Temple Q&A

Evangelist Defends Book of Mormon (Josh Gehly)

899: LDS, CoC, & Bickertonite General Conference (Josh Gehly)

Josh Gehly is an evangelist in the Quorum of 70 for Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonites) and author of "Witnessing Miracles."
Josh Gehly is an evangelist in the Quorum of 70 for Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonites) and author of “Witnessing Miracles.”

898: Neither Trinity nor Godhead? (Josh Gehly)

897: Attending Bickertonite Church Services (Josh Gehly)

896: Female Priesthood in Church of Jesus Christ (Josh Gehly)

895: Non-LDS Defense of Book of Mormon (Josh Gehly)

894: Meet Josh Gehly, Bickertonite Evangelist

853: 1st Bickertonite Baptism in Frigid Utah!

1st Black Mormon Slave in Utah (Mauli Bonner)

Mauli Bonner's film "Green Flake: the Movie" has won several film festivals. He is also a Grammy award-winning artist.
Mauli Bonner’s film “Green Flake: the Movie” has won several film festivals. He is also a Grammy award-winning artist.

893: Award-Winning Film Leads to Monuments (Bonner)

892: Utah’s Decade of Slavery (Bonner)

891: Grammy Award-Winner Mauli Bonner




Testimony of 2 Nations (Michael Austin)

Dr Michael Austin describes several ways to approach the Book of Mormon.
Dr Michael Austin describes several ways to approach the Book of Mormon.

890: History of Mormon Studies (Austin)

889: Is Alma Unreliable Narrator? (Austin)

888: Different Ways to Look at Book of Mormon (Austin)




Book of Mormon is Filled with Temple (Dave Butler)

887: Does Skeptic See Temple (DJ Butler)

Dave Butler (aka D John Butler) has written 2 amazing books on temple theology in the Book of Mormon.
Dave Butler (aka D John Butler) has written 2 amazing books on temple theology in the Book of Mormon.

886: Approaching the Veil in Matthew 7 (DJ Butler)

885: Lord’s Prayer is a Temple Text? (DJ Butler)

884: Don’t Make Oaths; What About Temple Oaths? (DJ Butler)

883: Sermon on the Mount is Temple Ceremony? (DJ Butler)

882: See Jesus Like Denver Snuffer? (DJ Butler)

881: Meet Dave Butler (DJ Butler)

Mission Pres or Spy? (Mary Jane Woodger)

Dr Mary Jane Woodger is the author of "Mission President or Spy?" It's the true story of Wallace Toronto who served as LDS Mission President in Czechoslovakia during both the Nazi and Communist regimes.
Dr Mary Jane Woodger is the author of “Mission President or Spy?” It’s the true story of Wallace Toronto who served as LDS Mission President in Czechoslovakia during both the Nazi and Communist regimes.

880: Mary Jane’s Favorite Relics of Restoration (Woodger)

879: Most Wanted Man was LDS Mission Pres? (Woodger)

878: How Czech Mormons Survived Hitler’s Invasion (Woodger)

877: True Story of Wallace Toronto (Woodger)





Additional Book of Mormon Doctrines (Val Larsen)

876: Theosis in the Book of Mormon (Larsen)

Dr Val Larsen says many LDS Doctrines are in the Book of Mormon. Many of us don't recognize them.
Dr Val Larsen says many LDS Doctrines are in the Book of Mormon. Many of us don’t recognize them.

875: Abish, Queen, & Heavenly Mother (Larsen)

874: Ammon, Lamoni, & Theosis in Book of Mormon (Larsen)

873: Ammon’s Story IS Exaltation Story (Larsen)

872: LDS Doctrines ARE in Book of Mormon (Larsen)



Funding for LDS Affiliated Groups (Scott Vance)

Scott Vance discusses Funding for LDS Adjacent Groups.
Scott Vance discusses Funding for LDS Adjacent Groups.

871: Tim Ballard Controversy (Vance)

870: Oliver Cowdery & the Seer Stone (Vance)

869: Where LDS Adjacent Groups Get Money (Vance)

868: 2 Hour Church Helps or Hurts? What about Pageants? (Vance)

867: Tracking Funding of LDS Adjacent Groups (Vance)

Bad News for Religion? (Ryan Cragun)

Ryan Cragun's latest research shows Utah is no longer majority Mormon.
Ryan Cragun’s latest research shows Utah is no longer majority Mormon.

866: Why Rich Countries Lose Religion (Cragun)

865: Will Women Get LDS Priesthood Before 2nd Coming? (Cragun)

864: Why Conservative Churches Grow (Cragun)

863: Tracking Church Members & Rise of Nones? (Cragun)

862: Why is Utah No Longer Majority Mormon? (Cragun)

7 Gospels in Book of Mormon (Rosalynde Welch)

Rosalynde Welch & Adam Miller are co-authors of the "Seven Gospels of the Book of Mormon."
Rosalynde Welch & Adam Miller are co-authors of the “Seven Gospels of the Book of Mormon.”

861:  What’s in Gospel of Brother of Jared (R. Welch)

860:  Gospels of Abinadi & Samuel the Lamanite (R. Welch)

859:  Atonement Theology in Gospels of Mary, Mosiah, Abinadi (R. Welch)

858: 7 Gospels of Book of Mormon (R. Welch)


Are Book of Mormon Lands in S America? (George Potter)

George Potter tells why Nephi landed in S America.
George Potter tells why Nephi landed in S America.

857: Book of Mormon DNA, Hagoth, & Thor Hyderdahl (Potter)

856: Were Inca Temples Built by Nephites? (Potter)

855: Book of Mormon Lands In S America? (Potter)

854: Nephi’s Voyage to New World (Potter)

Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism (Sara Patterson)

Dr Sara Patterson discusses her new book, "The Sept 6 & the Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism."
Dr Sara Patterson discusses her new book, “The Sept 6 & the Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism.”

852: How Have Intellectuals Moved the Church? (Sara Patterson)

851: Sonia Johnson & ERA (Sara Patterson)

850: Professors Denied BYU Tenure (Sara Patterson)

849: Michael Quinn: Triumph or Tragedy? (Sara Patterson)

52 Questions for David Boice

David Boice is host & author of "52 Churches in 52 Weeks."
David Boice is host & author of “52 Churches in 52 Weeks.”

848:Takeaways from 104 Churches (David Boice)

847: Star Wars Church – New Perspectives (David Boice)

846: Strangite, Bickertonite, JWHA Reactions (David Boice)

845: Meeting with Mormon, Metal, & MegaChurches (David Boice)

844: Protestant Faith Crisis Leads David Boice to Other Churches (including LDS!)

Debunking the Spalding Theory (Rick Bennett)

Even Doctor Philastus Hurlbut & Eber D Howe knew Manuscript Found was bunk!
Even Doctor Philastus Hurlbut & Eber D Howe knew Manuscript Found was bunk!

843: Where is the Promised Land? (Rick B)

842: How Lehi & Jaredites Came to Promised Land (Rick B)

841: Talking DNA at FIRM Foundation (Rick B)

840: Even Hurlbut Knew Spalding Theory was Bunk! (Rick B)

839: I’ll Read the Spalding Manuscript – Get Ready to Laugh (Rick Bennett)

838: Debunking Spaulding Theory (Rick Bennett)

Digging at Hawn’s Mill, Nauvoo (Paul Debarthe)

What has archaeologist Paul Debarthe dug up at Hawn's Mill?
What has archaeologist Paul Debarthe dug up at Hawn’s Mill?

837: Musket Fire at Hawn’s Mill (Paul Debarthe)

836: 1st Woman Ordained in Community of Christ (Paul Debarthe)

835: Digging for the Truth at Hawn’s Mill (Paul Debarthe)

834: Was Mansion House Station on Underground Railroad? (Paul Debarthe)

833: Excavating Nauvoo (Paul Debarthe)

Book of Mormon on the Yucatan (Bob Roylance)

Bob Roylance believes the Book of Mormon lands are on the Yucatan Peninsula.
Bob Roylance believes the Book of Mormon lands are on the Yucatan Peninsula.

832: DNA On the Yucatan (Bob Roylance)

831: Geology & Metals of Yucatan (Bob Roylance)

830: Comparing Yucatan with Heartland (Bob Roylance)

829: Book of Mormon on Yucatan (Bob Roylance)


Mormon Bigfoot, UFO’s and Rise of the Nones (Matt Bowman)

Dr Matthew Bowman specializes in Bigfoot, UFO's and spirituality. How are these related?
Dr Matthew Bowman specializes in Bigfoot, UFO’s and spirituality. How are these related?

828: Academic Freedom at BYU? (Matthew Bowman)

827: Why Young Are Losing Religion (Matthew Bowman)

826: “Cults” & Brainwashing Don’t Exist? (Matthew Bowman)

825: UFOs & Alternative Religion (Matthew Bowman)

824: Mormon Bigfoot (Matthew Bowman)


Mormons Murdered in Wild West (Steve LeSueur )

Steve LeSueur discusses Mormons murderd in the Wild West.
Steve LeSueur discusses Mormons murderd in the Wild West.

823: Butch Cassidy’s Mormon Past  (Steve LeSueur)

822: Butch Cassidy & Other Outlaws (Steve LeSueur)

821: Mormons Murdered in Wild West (Steve LeSueur)




1st of Sept Six (Lynne Whitesides)

Lynne Whitesides was the first intellectual punished as a member of the September Six.
Lynne Whitesides was the first intellectual punished as a member of the September Six.

820: Spirituality & Family Reactions (Lynne Whitesides)

819: (Un)Welcome at BYU (Lynne Whitesides)

818: 1st of the Sept Six (Lynne Whitesides)




Bird’s Eye View of Sept Six (Janice Allred)

Janice Allred describes getting in trouble with Sept Six in 1992.
Janice Allred describes getting in trouble with Sept Six in 1992.

817: Advice for Church Leaders (Janice Allred)

816: Scarlet Letter of Apostasy (Janice Allred)

815: From Probation to Excommunication (Janice Allred)

814: Apostasy or Insubordination? Back on LDS Radar (Janice Allred)

813: Theology of God the Mother (Janice Allred)



Punk Rock Polygamist Talks Racism (Moroni Jessop)

Moroni Jessop is host of "Punk Rock Polygamist" on Tik Tok & discusses his 4 excommunications and racism in Mormon fundamentalism.
Moroni Jessop is host of “Punk Rock Polygamist” on Tik Tok & discusses his 4 excommunications and racism in Mormon fundamentalism.

812: Fundamental Racial Myths Supporting Racism (Moroni Jessop)

811: Researching Priesthood Ban Leads to DNA Tests (Moroni Jessop)

810: Excommunicated “Lovingly” from AUB (Moroni Jessop)

809: Encountering Independent Mormon Racism (Moroni Jessop)

808: Growing Up & Causing LDS Trouble (Moroni Jessop)



Baptist Pastor Converts to LDS Church! (Bryan Ready)

Bryan Ready, former Baptist pastor, tells his conversion experience.
Bryan Ready, former Baptist pastor, tells his conversion experience.

807: Baptist Pastor in Nauvoo Pageant! (Ready)

806: From Fraud to Prophet (Ready)

805: What Baptist Pastor Thinks of LDS Temples (Ready)

804: Osmonds Lead Baptist Pastor to LDS Church (Ready)



Translation Civil War? (Jim Lucas, Jonathan Neville)

Jim Lucas & Jonathan Neville argue Joseph Smith used Urim & Thummim rather than seer stone to translate Book of Mormon.
Jim Lucas & Jonathan Neville argue Joseph Smith used Urim & Thummim rather than seer stone to translate Book of Mormon.

803: Critiquing Gospel Topics Essays (Lucas/Neville)

802: What Difference Does it Make? (Lucas/Neville)

801: Oliver’s Rod of Revelation (Lucas/Neville)

800: Emma isn’t Reliable Translation Witness? (Lucas/Neville)

799: Picturing Book of Mormon Translation (Tight vs Loose – Lucas/Neville)

Mountain Meadows Game Changers (Barbara Jones Brown/Richard TurleyTurley)

797: Assigning Blame for MMM (Brown/Turley)

Richard Turley & Barbara Jones Brown have uncovered new evidence on the trials of John D Lee and the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
Richard Turley & Barbara Jones Brown have uncovered new evidence on the trials of John D Lee and the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
795: What Bagley & Brooks Got Wrong (Brown/Turley)
794: John D Lee’s Show Trial (Brown/Turley)

793: CoC Prophet Sustains LDS Prophet! (Mark Scherer)

2:43:51 Modern RLDS History
2:48:42 1984 Revelation
2:56:37 CoC Prophet Sustains LDS Prophet!
3:00:24 Thawed LDS/CoC Relations
3:09:17 Journey of a People

792: Emma’s 2nd Marriage to Lewis Bidamon (Mark Scherer)

Dr Mark Scherer is retired Church Historian from Community of Christ and gives his perspective on the Restoration.
Dr Mark Scherer is retired Church Historian from Community of Christ and gives his perspective on the Restoration.
1:50:36 Emma’s 2nd Marriage to Lewis Bidamon
2:09:47 Fred M Smith: “Worst Prophet Ever!”
2:20:40 CoC World Conference

791: Civil War Prophecy Downplayed? (Mark Scherer)

56:31 Civil War Prophecy
59:59 Baptism for the Dead
1:16:11 CoC Beliefs of Polygamy
1:34:03 Seer Stone vs U&T

790: Did Joseph Embellish First Vision? (Mark Scherer)

0:00 Mark’s History Background
9:04 Religious Historian & Historian of Religion
21:08 Was Joseph Smith Educated?
28:06 Are First Vision Accounts Embellished?
44:05 Dating the First Vision
47:16 Restoration of Priesthood

789: Hot Button Issues: Women & Priesthood/Polygamy/Sexism/LGBT/Evolution (Terry Patience)

Terry Patience is a prophet in Zion! He leads the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Independence, Missouri.
Terry Patience is a prophet in Zion! He leads the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Independence, Missouri.
57:23 Why Women Can’t Hold Priesthood
1:08:24 Remnant School of the Prophets
1:12:54 Remnant D&C
1:18:12 Monogamy/Polygamy/International Sexism
1:31:09 LGBT
1:37:51 Evolution & Heartland Model
1:45:18 Remnant Distinctives

788: Prophet in Zion (Terry Patience)

0:00 Remnant Succession
9:43 Fred Larsen, founder of Remnant
13:15 Terry’s Journey to Remnant
25:01 Stroke Leads to Schism
30:19 Current Church Structure
34:57 Patriarchal Blessings
40:24 Remnant Concepts of Temple
49:08 General Conferences for Remnant

787:Execution & Trial of John D Lee (Janiece Johnson)

Dr Janiece Johnson tells how Americans viewed the Mountain Meadows Massacre in the 19th century.
Dr Janiece Johnson tells how Americans viewed the Mountain Meadows Massacre in the 19th century.

0:00 Looking at Young’s Culpability
Lee’s “Confession”
05:36 Execution
21:46 Keeping the Massacre Alive
16:37 Under the Banner of Heaven
25:25 Where Janiece Disagree’s with Turley/Brown

786: Mountain Meadows Massacre (Janiece Johnson)

0:00 Janiece’s background on MMM
15:33 Intro to Massacre
24:28 Outsider Perspectives on MMM
27:41 Trial of the Century
31:02 Why Justice Took so Long
36:23 9 Men Indicted
39:35 Lee’s Trial Put Mormon Church on Trial

785: Zarahemla Temple Near Nauvoo (Jay Mackley)

Jay Mackley has optimized Limited Geography Heartland Theory.
Jay Mackley has optimized Limited Geography Heartland Theory.
1:02:26 DNA
1:09:19 Geology
1:18:30 Zarahemla Temple Near Nauvoo
1:31:57 Translation of Book of Mormon
1:54:54 Making the Case for Limited Heartland Theory

784: Limited Geography Heartland Theory (Jay Mackley)

0:00 Limited Geography
8:28 Mulek’s Ship
14:28 Limited Geography Heartland
49:32 Tight Translation Leads to Anachronisms
53:32 Are Michigan Relics Forgeries?

783: Review of Under the Banner of Heaven (Cristina Rosetti)

Dr Cristina Rosetti teaches at Utah Tech Univ and specializes in modern-day polygamists.
Dr Cristina Rosetti teaches at Utah Tech Univ and specializes in modern-day polygamists.

2:11:59 Under the Banner of Heaven
2:15:36 Robert Crossfield
2:20:32 2nd Book of Commandments
2:23:48 Addressing Polygamy Skeptics
2:29:25 Great & Abominable Church
2:22:31 Addressing Religious Violence
2:40:41 Religious Resurgence After Decline?

782: Intro to Mormon Polygamists (Cristina Rosetti)

1:34:56 Intro to Mormon Polygamists
1:38:19 Line of Authority for Polygamy
1:41:49 The 1950s Split
1:58:18 TLC Church
2:07:57 RLDS Schisms

781: How Mormon Studies Scholar Converted to Catholicism (Cristina Rosetti)

38:24 Catholic Conversion
1:02:19 Ordain Mormon/Catholic Women?
1:15:21 Catholic Sex Abuse Scandals
1:27:47 Catholic Attends LDS Single’s Ward

780: Cristina Rosetti’s Born Again Faith Crisis

0:00 Juanita Brooks Conf
7:27 Cristina’s Born Again/Faith Crisis
21:13 Diving into Religious Studies

779: Satan is Fruit of Tree Knowledge? (Val Larsen)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Val Larsen discusses theosis & heavenly mother in the Book of Mormon.

2:23:10 Christ Baptized for World
2:37:34 Moral Exemplar Atonement
2:46:19 Satan is Fruit of Tree Knowledge?
2:51:15 Divine Mother in Temple
3:13:00 Pushing Back
3:37:18 Will Val Get in Trouble?

778: Temple is Great & Spacious Building? (Val Larsen)

1:15:03 Book of Mormon Theosis
1:36:50 Asherah – Divine Mother
1:45:52 Temple is Great & Spacious Building?
1:56:34 Why Laman & Lemuel tried to Kill Nephi (Mother in Heaven)
2:06:03 Nephi’s Dream

777: Lehi Was Polytheist? (Val Larsen)

0:00 Intro to Val Larsen
8:00 God is the Author of Evil?
14:55 What Orthodox Christians Get Wrong about God
28:42 Theosis & Heavenly Mother in Book of Mormon
37:21 Israelite Polytheism
50:39 Divine Mother
55:43 First Biblical Forgery?

776: Pros/Cons of Delmarva Theory (Laura Hathaway)

Laura Hathaway is proponent of Delmarva Peninsula Theory of Book of Mormon. Did Lehi land near Washington, DC?
Laura Hathaway is proponent of Delmarva Peninsula Theory of Book of Mormon. Did Lehi land near Washington, DC?

23:36 Taking the Skeptics Questions
26:34 DNA
28:32 Geology
40:31 Steel Swords
Is Population Large Enough?

775: Intro to Delmarva Theory (Laura Hathaway)

0:00-Intro to Delmarva Theory

774: Did Everyone Mistranslate Paul? (Thomas Wayment)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr Thomas Wayment updates his New Testament and his research on Adam Clarke.

43:23 Did Joseph Smith Mistranslate Paul?
50:04 Did Paul Invent Christianity?
54:15 James on Works/Grace
56:29 Correcting the Apostle Paul
1:00:10 Were Women Demoted in the Bible?
1:13:38 Did Jesus Start a Church?
1:22:00 Atonement Theories

773: Thomas Wayment Responds on Adam Clarke/JST

0:00 JST Followup
13:29 Why KJV is Difficult for Young People
21:37 Short Ending of Mark
34:28 Is John anti-Semitic
38:40 2nd Edition Highlights

772: Difference Between CoC & LDS General Conference (Deb Luce)

Deb Luce is Evangelist in Community of Christ.
Deb Luce is Evangelist in Community of Christ.

0:00 World Conference
1:33:36 Conference Communion

771: A Female Patriarch? (Deb Luce)

0:00 Called as Pastor
16:56 Called as Evangelist

770: Miracle Healing Leads to CoC Conversion (Deb Luce)

0:00 Conversion to CoC
7:54 1984 Revelation
10:50 Healed After Car Accident
19:06 Roy’s Conversion/Ordination in CoC
28:41 Son’s Cancer Scare

769: Rick Attends CoC World Conference

Rick discusses Community of Christ World Conference in Real Time!
Rick discusses Community of Christ World Conference in Real Time!

0:00 Day 0 Registration
2:09 Day 1 Inside Temple
7:43 African Musical Group
8:01 Day 2 Tour of Temple, Seminary, Auditorium
14:45 Day 3 Fire Alarm!
18:48 Temple Chapel (Day 3 cont)
22:13 Day 4 Recap/Met a Prophet!
25:05 Phoenicia Warehouse (Iowa)
30:14 Day 6 Recap
33:40 Stone Church Day 7 Conclusion

768: Comparing Baptist Views on LGBT  (Kyle Beshears)

Rick Grills Kyle Beshears, a Baptist Pastor.
Rick Grills Kyle Beshears, a Baptist Pastor.

1:40:37 How Baptists View Gay Couples
2:00:55 Southern Baptists & Race
2:11:48 Kyle’s Upcoming Book on Mormonism

767: Role of Women in Baptist Church  (Kyle Beshears)

39:46 High vs Low Church
54:42 Kyle’s Call to Ministry
1:06:15 Role of Women in Baptist Church
1:17:51 Role of Confession
1:24:30 Baptist Model for Dealing with Sexual Abuse

766: Why Mormons Aren’t Christian?  (Kyle Beshears)

0:00 Evangelical/Mormon Dialogues
6:55 Book of Mormon Not Trinitarian?
19:20 Is Book of Mormon Universalist?
24:02 Why Mormons Aren’t “Teir 1” Christians
33:48 Tier 2 Christians
37:13 Tier 3 Issues

765: Translation of Caracters Document

Jerry Grover has translation of Caracters Document.
Jerry Grover has translation of Caracters Document.

0:00 Translating Caracters

764: Were Gold Plates Made of Copper?

0:00 Intro to Jerry Grover
9:13 Gold or Copper Plates?

763: Can Evangelicals & Mormons Get Along?

0:00 Polygamy Matchmaker
8:43 Evangelical is Mormon Missionary!

Rick & Steve get personal!
Rick & Steve get personal!

14:47 MBR’s Biggest Guests
23:49 Steve Hates Gatekeepers
36:29 Joseph Smith Daguerrotype
47:10 Beer with Mormon & Muslim!
52:13 Mormonism Saved Steve’s Life
1:00:08 Biggest Surprise

762: Rick & Steve Pynakker Get Personal!

0:00 God Bless These Damned Souls!
10:26 Evangelical Dream
20:14 Chris Thomas Blesses Rick
28:28 Mormon/Evangelical Views of Cross
31:32 Willie Grills
34:25 Hello Saints! Jeff McCullough

761: Reviewing Murder Among the Mormons (Michelle Stone/Diane Smith)

Diane Smith & Michelle Stone are Mark Hofmann's cousins and share stories about growing up with him.
Diane Smith & Michelle Stone are Mark Hofmann’s cousins and share stories about growing up with him.

1:06:49 Sore Subject
1:32:16 Mr Mac
1:33:50 Diane’s Visions
1:45:52 Reviewing Murder Among the Mormons

760: Family Reactions to Mark Hofmann’s Injuries (Michelle Stone/Diane Smith)

36:25 Family Reactions to Mark’s Guilt
51:32 What Was Mark’s Motive?
1:01:29 Accident or Suicide?
1:04:52 Hi Mark!

759: My Cousin Was a Serial Bomber (Michelle Stone/Diane Smith)

0:00 Intro to Michelle & Diane
5:34 Hofmann’s First Teenage Explosion
11:20 Mark’s Parents
18:11 Mark’s Post-Manifesto Grandma
27:25 Mark’s Beach Treasure Hunt

758: Wise Men Came from Iran? (Dan McClellan)

Dr Dan McClellan is a public LDS scholar of the Bible.
Dr Dan McClellan is a public LDS scholar of the Bible. He hosts a podcast called “Data Over Dogma.”

1:37:07 Birth of the Devil
1:46:23 Wise Men Came from Iran?
1:49:38 Rich Man/Eye of Needle
1:53:45 Was Jesus Friendly with Pharisees?

757: Book of Mormon’s Isaiah Problem (Dan McClellan)

1:09:41 Author(s) of Isaiah
1:15:54 Book of Mormon’s Isaiah Problem
1:20:11 When Israel Became Monotheist

756: God Had a Wife? (Dan McClellan)

36:13 Data Over Dogma
39:28 Gods of Israel/Canaan
51:15 From Many to One God
1:00:46 Did God Have a Wife?

755: Was Abraham a Monotheist? (Dan McClellan)

0:00 Meet Dan McClellan
8:58 How Ancients Thought of Divine
25:07 Abraham Not a Monotheist?

754: Tour of Independence (Rick Bennett)

Rick Bennett Takes you on a Walking Tour of Independence.
Rick Bennett Takes you on a Walking Tour of Independence.

0:00 Temple Lot
7:50 Flournoy Home
10:11 Partridge Home
10:59 Flournoy Home (Original Location)
11:40 Rathbun Blacksmith Shop
12:21 Public Square
13:42 Gilbert-Whitney Store
14:45 Printing Office
17:44 Log Courthouse
19:40 Boggs Original House
20:34 Noland House
21:52 Independence Jail
24:46 Boggs House

753: How 1978 Revelation Affected Black Women (Paul Reeve)

Paul Reeve has published a book titled "Let's Talk About Race and Priesthood," published by Deseret Book.
Paul Reeve has published a book titled “Let’s Talk About Race and Priesthood,” published by Deseret Book.

0:00 How Deep Into the Ban?
5:35 Rapid Fire Questions About Book
7:40 Orson Pratt Rejects Curse of Cain
11:10 Death of Elijah Ables
14:39 Jane James’ Attempt at Temple Blessings
15:53 Joseph F Smith Solidifies Restrictions
17:01 How 1978 Revelation Affected Black Women
21:05 Addressing Lingering Justifications of Ban

752: One Drop Rule/Problem (Paul Reeve)

00:00 Russell Dewey Ritchie (38:38-38:50 teaser clip)
10:51 Black Pete
16:01 One Drop Rule
18:16 Hardest Book Paul Has Written
25:53 Wilford Woodruff “One Drop” Problem

751: Earliest Black Mormons (Paul Reeve)

0:00 Intro to Isaac Manning
6:43 Century of Black Mormons
9:59 Isaac Van Meter
11:55 Joseph Ball
16:41 Walker Lewis
19:14 Enoch Lewis
20:23 Moroni Able
22:09 Enoch & Elijah Abel III
26:47 Warner McCary

750: Jason Olson’s View of Prophets

Dr Jason Olson shares his memoir of his conversion to LDS Church from Judaism in "The Burning Book."
Dr Jason Olson shares his memoir of his conversion to LDS Church from Judaism in “The Burning Book.”

2:19:29 Religious Pluralism/Rise of Anti-Semitism
2:48:18 Jason’s View of Prophets

749: Navigating Jewish-Mormon Dating (Jason Olson)

1:40:12 Navigating LDS/Jewish Dating
1:52:48 Israeli-Palestinian Relations
1:56:47 Return to BYU
2:04:23 Religious Studies at BYU

748: LDS Baptism & Mission (Jason Olson)

42:38 Dating Jews & Mormons
52:58 Inspired by Pat Tillman
59:16 Baptism & LDS Mission
1:11:44 Call to Israel

747: Jason Olson’s Conversion to Mormonism

0:00 Elder Christofferson’s Call
7:58 Mixed Faith Upbringing
12:32 Intro to LDS Church


746: Strang’s Death/Succession Crisis (Vickie Speek)

Vickie Speek gives detailed history of James Strang.
Vickie Speek gives detailed history of James Strang.

1:22:25 How Strang Broke Vickie’s Testimony
1:32:24 Strang’s Death
1:46:52 Strang Succession

745: Famous Strangites (Vickie Speek)

1:00:30 Strangite Temple
1:03:08 John C Bennett
1:06:44 Fleeing Voree & Starting Polygamy
1:18:57 King & Congressman!

744: Strangite Temple & Polygamy (Vickie Speek)

36:29 Famous Strangites
40:07 Intro to Strangite Polygamy/Census
56:16 Book of Law of the Lord

743: Intro to James Strang (Vickie Speek)

0:00 Mormon Road Leads to James Strang
15:57 Early Life of James Strang
20:24 Strang’s Letter of Appt to Wisconsin
26:36 First Mormon Forgery?
31:02 Voree Plates

742: 19th Century Cross-Dressing Polygamist (Kyle Beshears)

Kyle Beshears is a Baptist Pastor and expert on James Strang's wives.
Kyle Beshears is a Baptist Pastor and expert on James Strang’s wives.

0:00 Intro to James Strang
7:46 Cross-Dressing Polygamist
11:03 Pirates of Lake Michigan?!
14:06 Order of Illuminati
18:10 Concubine Eunice Kinney

741: What Baptist Pastor Really Thinks of Book of Mormon (Kyle Beshears)

0:00 Why Baptist Pastor Studies Mormons?
9:03 Why King David Disproves Book of Mormon
14:27 Kyle’s thoughts on BoM
18:58 Evangelical-Mormon Relations

740: Adam’s Thoughts on Giants, Heartland (Adam Stokes)

Adam Stokes, Apostle for Church of Jesus Christ - The Assured Way of the Lord
Adam Stokes, Apostle for Church of Jesus Christ – The Assured Way of the Lord

1:36:04 Biblical Giants (Nephilim)
1:49:01 Heartlander
1:50:37 Michigan Relics
2:02:10 Interfaith Catholic Marriage

739: Biblical Scholarship vs Literalism (Adam Stokes)

1:12:09 Latin Scrolls
1:25:12 Is Biblical Scholarship at Odds with Literalism?

738: Otto Fetting Visions/Revelations (Adam Stokes)

33:12 Otto Fettings Visions & Revelations
43:07 W.A. Draves Leadership & Splits
45:20 Theology/Beliefs of Assured Way
52:44 Demographics of Assured Way
55:26 Beliefs about LGBT, Polygamy, Consecration, Temple

737: Apostle for Elijah Message Church (Adam Stokes)

0:00 Intro to Adam Stokes
8:37 Adam’s Intro to JST & Book of Mormon
13:18 Journey Through Bickertonites/CoC
24:43 Conversion to Elijah Message/Assured Way

736: Explaining Book of Mormon Star (Jerry Grover)

Jerry Grover studies Book of Mormon geology and says Meso is better fit for Book of Mormon than other models.
Jerry Grover studies Book of Mormon geology and says Meso is better fit for Book of Mormon than other models.

0:00 Night of Brightness in Book of Mormon
15:00 Book of Mormon Languages
23:26 Laman Means Unbeliever?
41:53 Explaining DNA/Book of Mormon

735: Book of Mormon Geology (Jerry Grover)

0:00 Meet Jerry Grover
8:36 Earthquake & Volcano Science for Book of Mormon
23:05 How to Date Volcanic Events
38:19 Why New Madrid Fault Doesn’t Match BoM Events
59:35 Old World Biblical Geology
1:04:28 Why Meso is Better Geology Fit than Heartland

734: Paul Toscano’s Role in Hofmann Case

Paul Toscano looks back at his roles in the Sept Six and the Hofmann Case.
Paul Toscano looks back at his roles in the Sept Six and the Hofmann Case.

0:00:00 Paul’s Role in Hofmann Case
0:08:28 Fake plates
0:18:01 Aftermath of Christensen Death
0:23:54 Church Asked Steve to Spy on Hofmann
0:30:01 Hofmann & Fake Plates in England
0:37:18 Paul’s Thoughts on Hofmann
0:45:55 Paul’s Newest Novel

733: Paul Toscano Discusses September Six

0:00 Intro to Sept 6
6:30 Boyd K Packer’s Role in Sept 6
15:13 Avraham Gileadi
18:44 Causes of Trouble
40:27 How Paul Deals with Mormon Issues
52:26 Mistakes of Leaders
1:07:12 Events Leading up to Sept 1993
1:39:42 Lessons of Sept 6
1:48:56 Hero & Pariah

732: Edwards Phrases in Book of Mormon (Jonathan Neville)

Jonathan Neville says 18th century theologian Jonathan Edwards sermons have a big influence on Book of Mormon.
Jonathan Neville says 18th century theologian Jonathan Edwards sermons have a big influence on Book of Mormon.

0:00 Edwards Phrases in Book of Mormon
1:26:23 Response to Critics/Anachronisms
1:41:02 Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia

731: Jonathan Edwards Influence on Book of Mormon (Jonathan Neville)

0:00 Intro to Jonathan Edwards
7:24 Neville’s Case Against Stone in the Hat
23:18 How Joseph’s Leg Surgery Helped Him
33:48 Jonathan Edwards
45:32 Tight vs Loose Translation

730: Deep Dive into Mormon Schisms (John Hamer)

John Hamer discusses Succession Crisis from 1844 to Present
John Hamer discusses Succession Crisis from 1844 to Present

0:00 Rigdon/Parrish/Whitmer Purify
1:51:13 Young/Wight/Cutler Preserve
1:58:29 Strang/Thompson/Morris Innovation
2:09:53 Rigdonites
2:17:07 Brighamites
2:31:20 Strangites
2:42:18 Cutlerites
2:26:37 Evolution of LDS/RLDS Temple Practices
2:54:51 Josephites
3:01:04 Hedrickites
3:13:16 Succession Theories Trapped in 1844
3:29:44 RLDS World Conference in April 2023
3:32:23 Final Thoughts

729: Succession Crisis (John Hamer)

0:00 Intro to John Hamer
10:28 Intro to Succession Crisis
26:34 Evolving Theology 1830-40s
28:45 Evolving Church Structure
43:05 When Early Schisms Happened
48:24 1844 Succession Candidates
1:13:19 Showdown Between Sidney & Brigham
1:17:02 Rival Church Organizations 1844-53
1:21:18 Temple vs Endowment House
1:30:29 Schismatic Map

727: Joseph Merril, the Science Apostle (Dr. Casey Griffiths)

BYU professor Dr Casey Griffiths is JWHA president for 2023 and has written "50 More Relics of the Restoration" & "Truth Seeker: The Life of Joseph F. Merrill, Scientist, Educator, and Apostle"
BYU professor Dr Casey Griffiths is JWHA president for 2023 and has written “50 More Relics of the Restoration” & “Truth Seeker: The Life of Joseph F. Merrill, Scientist, Educator, and Apostle”

0:00 Thomas Yates, 1st Seminary Teacher
10:12 Apostle Joseph Merrill
23:00 Faith vs Science
31:27 Theologically Trained Seminary Teachers?

728: International Mormons in Pakistan, Armenia (Dr Casey Griffiths)

0:00 Mormon Cricket Teams in Pakistan
4:36 LDS Church in Armenia
8:23 Word of Wisdom Pipes

726: 50 More Relics of the Restoration (Dr. Casey Griffiths)

0:00 Intro to JWHA
13:36 James Strang’s Sceptre & History
26:05 Multiple Churches of Jesus Christ
28:23 More Relics of the Restoration
35:03 Joseph F Smith Scriptures & Vision
44:13 Eliza Snow Poem
45:46 “Billy” Johnson’s Radio
49:23 David O McKay Diaries
54:46 LDS Dance Halls
1:02:26 LDS Church in Pacific Islands
1:16:24 Islamabad Moroni’s
1:19:51 Armenian Mormons
1:23:38 Tobacco Pipes from School of Prophets

725: Are Gospels Historical? (Dr. Trevan Hatch)

Dr Trevan Hatch teaches at BYU, is a Jewish Studies scholar, and is the author of "A Stranger in Jerusalem."
Dr Trevan Hatch teaches at BYU, is a Jewish Studies scholar, and is the author of “A Stranger in Jerusalem.”

1:30:01 Pharisees Were Friends (not enemies) of Jesus
1:52:11 How Matthew Made Pharisees the Enemy
1:59:46 Why “Pharisee” is anti-Semitic
2:11:39 When were Gospel Written?
2:16:42 Barabbas
2:27:20 Are Gospels Historical?
2:44:22 When Christians Separated from Judaism
2:49:42 BYU Reaction
2:51:00 Learning of the Jews

724: Real New Testament History (Dr. Trevan Hatch)

0:00 Meet Dr. Trevan Hatch
8:20 Who was “Stranger in Jerusalem” Written for?
13:58 How Tall Were Goliath & Jesus?
19:13 What Do We Get Wrong with Christmas Story?
31:05 Are Gospels Historically Reliable?
34:33 Is Judas Death Reliable?
37:59 Did Jesus Ask Judas to Betray Him?
53:45 Why did Peter Deny Jesus?
59:24 Was James (not Peter) 1st Christian Leader?
1:17:20 Why Jews Wouldn’t Eat with Gentiles

723: Books of Jasher & Enoch – David Hocking

David Hocking has produced Annotated Scriptures for Book of Mormon, New Testament, Book of Isaiah, Book of Jasher, & Book of Enoch.
David Hocking has produced Annotated Scriptures for Book of Mormon, New Testament, Book of Isaiah, Book of Jasher, & Book of Enoch.

0:00 Book of Jasher Part 2
1:16:01 Book of Isaiah
1:28:48 Book of Enoch
1:42:01 New Testament
1:53:24 Adam Clarke
2:07:12 Joseph Smith’s Revelations (D&C)
2:12:59 Next Projects

722: Annotated Book of Mormon – (David Hocking)

0:00 Overview of Annotated Scriptures
8:41 Book of Mormon
18:54 Book of Mormon at Duke Divinity School
27:15 LDS Church Hates Red Letter Scriptures!
40:20 Explaining Translation Process
43:56 Book of Enoch
49:36 Book of Jasher in Book of Mormon?
54:35 Self-Financing Scriptures
59:49 Are Book of Mormon Maps Like Porn?


721: Restoring Nephi’s Ship (Mike Stahlman)

Mike Stahlman is Chief Engineer, aka "Scottie", trying to rebuild Nephi's Ship, the Phoenicia.
Mike Stahlman is Chief Engineer, aka “Scottie”, trying to rebuild Nephi’s Ship, the Phoenicia.

0:00 Meet Mike Stahlman
9:27 Rebuilding Nephi’s Ship
21:16 Is Restored Ship Seaworthy?
25:12 Restoring the Phoenicia



720: Buying Nephi’s Ship (Mike & Betty Lafontaine)

Mike & Betty Lafontaine helped purchase Lehi's Ship: The Phoenicia, captained by Philip Beale.
Mike & Betty Lafontaine helped purchase Lehi’s Ship: The Phoenicia, captained by Philip Beale.

0:00 Indian Placement Program
8:27 Is Book of Mormon history of Navajo People?
18:32 Hopewell Evidence
22:00 DNA
23:57 Buying the Phoenicia
28:20 The Boat Sinks
30:08 COVID Makes Purchase Possible
43:57 Getting the Word Out!

719: Brazilian Filmmakers Sail Lehi’s Voyage (Vera & Yuri Sanada)

Vera & Yuri Sanada are experienced sailors and docuented Philip Beale's journeys from Middle East to Hollywood.
Vera & Yuri Sanada are experienced sailors and docuented Philip Beale’s journeys from Middle East to Florida.

0:00 Brazilian/Portuguese Explorers
5:34 Joining Philip Beale’s Crew
13:34 Avoiding Somali Pirates
17:56 Building a Better Rat Trap
25:16 Storm after Capetown
36:01 Almost a Mutiny?
40:30 Vera & Yuri’s Thoughts on Book of Mormon


718:  Columbus Follows After Lehi (Philip Beale)

Philip Beale built ancient Phoenician Ship and sailed from Middle East to America twice!
Philip Beale built ancient Phoenician Ship and sailed from Middle East to America twice!

0:00 Philip’s Navy Background
6:21 Inspired by Thor Hyerdahl
11:04 First Ancient Indonesian Voyage
21:27 Where are Phoenicians from?
29:39 Sailing around Africa
33:45 Emergency at Sea
39:21 Blown off course, almost to Florida!
45:02 Essentials of Ship Life
47:15 Evidence of Phoenicians in America?
52:11 Beale’s 2nd Voyage
58:41 Turning Phoenician Ship into Museum
1:07:39 Philip’s Feelings about Book of Mormon Voyages
1:12:02 Why Pacific Crossing is Improbable
1:23:50 Is Jaredite Submarine possible?
1:26:30 Did China, Japan, Vikings Discover America?
1:33:45 To Learn More…

717: Starting Heartland Research Group (John Lefgren)

Dr John Lefgren helped find the date of the First Vision & started Heartland Research Group.
Dr John Lefgren helped find the date of the First Vision & started Heartland Research Group.

0:00 Starting Heartland Research Group
13:36 Focusing on Zarahemla
18:33 Buying Lehi’s Boat (The Phoenicia)
28:02 Asking about DNA
28:40 Building the Phoenicia Museum
37:04 Heartlander Groups

716: Dating the First Vision (John Lefgren)

0:00 Intro to John Lefgren
5:01 Discussing Birth/Death of Christ
16:24 Dating First Vision
34:47 Book of Enoch
42:30 Questions about First Vision

715: Reviewing other Geography Theories (Brant Gardner)

Brant Gardner gives case for Mesoamerica setting for Book of Mormon.
Brant Gardner gives case for Mesoamerica setting for Book of Mormon.

1:26:17 M2C Citation Cartel
1:28:41 Strengths/Weaknesses Heartland
1:37:10 Brant’s Background as Anthropologist
1:42:39 Uto-Aztecan Language
1:47:08 Baja Theory
1:50:54 Malay Theory
1:57:25 African/Europe Theory
2:02:19 Middle East Geography
2:12:51 South American Model
2:16:48 Final Thoughts on Meso
2:21:06 Can Faithful Believe in Old Earth/Evolution?

714: Brant Gardner – Mesoamerican Theory of Book of Mormon

0:00 Intro to Meso Theory
14:17 Hemispheric Model
22:41 Digging into Meso
32:09 DNA Problem
46:14 Not Narrow Neck? Extermination?
53:19 2 Cumorah Theory
58:06 No Metal Plates Found?
1:10:10 No Horses
1:20:01 Skewed Directions?

712: Breaking Down Restoration Walls (Patrick McKay, Apostle)

Patrick McKay is an apostle for the Joint Conference of Restoration Branches (JCRB.) They broke away from RLDS Church following 1984 revelation granting women priesthood.
Patrick McKay is an apostle for the Joint Conference of Restoration Branches (JCRB.) They broke away from RLDS Church following 1984 revelation granting women priesthood.

0:00 Who is Patrick McKay?
5:15 Who Has Authority? “One True Church”
29:00 Restoration Testimonies
32:03 Book of Mormon Restoration Conference
35:59 The Polygamy Breach
45:42 Looking at Troubling Scriptures
52:02 British Israelism
56:48 Patriarchal Blessings
58:12 Structure of JCRB/Common Baptisms & Priesthood
1:07:09 JCRB/RLDS Disagreements
1:13:35 Book of Mormon Historicity
1:19:51 Comparing Latter-day Scriptures/Practices
1:29:04 Uniting Restoration Groups


711: 3 Theology Pillars of Mormon Fundamentalists  (Joe Jessop)

Joe Jessop is LDS grandson of AUB leader Rulon Allred.
Joe Jessop is LDS grandson of AUB leader Rulon Allred.

1:22:45 Adam-God as Preparation for Godhood
1:36:18 Polygamy Requirement for Celestial Kingdom
1:45:45 Racial Pillar of Fundamentalism
2:02:13 Fundamentalist History
2:08:18 Why Seniority Provides Stability

710: Close Look at Apostolic United Brethren (Joe Jessop)

0:00 Intro to Apostolic United Brethren
13:14 1886 Revelation
16:30 History of Manifestos
22:05 Is Lorin Woolley’s Story Reliable?
26:41 AUB/FLDS Split in 1951
37:57 John Taylor On the Run
40:07 Did Heber J Grant Start Fundamentalism?
43:35 Lebaron Groups Hit List
55:01 How Montana Gained Polygamists
1:00:51 When Polygamists Join LDS Church
1:05:35 How LDS Lost(?) Priesthood in 1978
1:12:23 Why Seniority is Good For Succession

709: Controversial Cases of Polygamy (Todd Compton)

Dr Todd Compton, author of "In Sacred Loneliness" contains biographies of Joseph Smith's polygamist wives.
Dr Todd Compton, author of “In Sacred Loneliness” contains biographies of Joseph Smith’s polygamist wives.

Number of Joseph Smith’s Wives
Show Me the Children
Sylvia Sessions Lyon
Dating Fanny Alger Sealing
Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner

708: Accidental Historian Becomes Polygamy Icon (Todd Compton)

0:00 Accidental Mormon Historian
15:19 Documenting Joseph Smith’s Wives
29:48 Writing “In Sacred Loneliness”
35:47 Did Eliza Snow Get Pushed Down Stairs by Emma?
41:46 Helen Mar Whitney
50:36 Reject Pedophile Label?
57:33 Experiences of Women in Polygamy
1:12:19 Partridge Sisters Double Marriages

706: Newell Bringhurst – biographer of Harold B. Lee

Newell Bringhurst has published a new biography of prophet Harold B. Lee.
Newell Bringhurst has published a new biography of prophet Harold B. Lee.

0:00 Early Life of Harold B Lee

14:19 Lee’s Political & Welfare Work

27:04 Lee’s Stance on Race & Priesthood

38:25 Women, LGBT, and Race Parallels in LDS Church

56:12 Ervil LeBaron

57:37 Lee Purchased Land for Brazil Temple

1:09:05 Peterson Wanted Bush Exed

1:14:19 Lee’s Health Problems/Death


705: Mississippi Mob Murders (2 of 2 Mary Ann Clements)

Mary Ann Clements explores Nauvoo crime, specifically counterfeiting allegations. It's a real Whodunnit!
Mary Ann Clements explores Nauvoo crime, specifically counterfeiting allegations. It’s a real Whodunnit!

Mississippi Mob Murders

Going after Edward Bonney & Mormon Leaders

How Counterfeiting Affected Mormon Exodus

Correcting Theodore Turley Polygamy Records

704: Were Nauvoo Leaders Counterfeiters (1 of 2 Mary Ann Clements)

Correcting the Wooden Leg Myth

Were Church Leaders Conterfeiters?

Joseph Jackson: Informant Plays Both Sides

3 Counterfeiting Operations in Nauvoo


703: Takeaways From Secret Meetings of 1922 (Shannon Caldwell Montez)

Richard Lyman Affair

Shannon Caldwell Montez discusses BH Roberts & Secret Meetings of 1922.
Shannon Caldwell Montez discusses BH Roberts & Secret Meetings of 1922.

Sjodahl, and others from Meetings

Takeaways from the Secret 1922 Meetings

702: Intro to Secret Meetings of 1922 (Shannon Caldwell Montez)

Intro to Secret 1922 Meetings

Beginnings of LGT/View of Hebrews

Compose BoM-Davis/Bradley

BH Roberts Post-Manifesto Marriage

Chicago Experiment: Faith vs Science Battles


700: Mormon Schisms TourGospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast

Early Groups

Strangites, Cutlerites, Bickertonites, Wightities

New Groups

Denver Snuffer, David Ferriman, Matthew Gill,


698: Patrick Mason on Peace & ViolenceGospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast

Mormon/Catholic Studies

Troubling BoM Stories – Laban & Jesus

“Righteous” War Theory in BoM

Jesus & John Wayne

Non-Violent Successes/Failures

Comparing Brigham Young to Malcom X and Batman

How Do We Proclaim Peace? (Nobody wants to be MLK)

Making Peace with John Dehlin


697: Discussing Modern-Day Polygamists (Bringhurst/Craig Foster 2 of 2)

Newell Bringhurst & Craig Foster discuss modern-day polygamy.
Newell Bringhurst & Craig Foster discuss modern-day polygamy.

Polygamy & Priesthood/Temple Ban

Growth of Fundamentalist Mormons in the early 20th century

Decline of FLDS

2 Largest Polygamist Groups: AUB & Independents

American Polygamy

696: Mormon Polygamy & Quest for the Presidency (Newell Bringhurst/Craig Foster 1 of 2)

Craig Foster & Newell Bringhurst have combined to write 4 books: 3 on polygamy and 1 on Mormon Presidential Candidates.
Craig Foster & Newell Bringhurst have combined to write 4 books: 3 on polygamy and 1 on Mormon Presidential Candidates.

Mormon Quest for the Presidency

Why Polygamy/D&C 132 Can’t be Decanonized

Dating the Fanny Alger Affair

Polygamy from Martyrdom to Manifesto 1844-1890


695: Fowler Stages of Faith Overview (Dr Jesse James 2 of 2)

Fowler Stages of Faith

Dr Jesse James teaches at Graceland University & is expert on Religious Phenomena & Demographics.
Dr Jesse James teaches at Graceland University & is expert on Religious Phenomena & Demographics.

How the different Denomimations Came About

Fowler’s Stages 5-6

Manipulating the Spirit?

694: Scientific Explanation for Spiritual Experiences

Can Chimps Speak Sign Language?

Do we have Free Will?

Will Artificial Intelligence Rule the World?

Reviewing Jana Riess’s Survey-TeleChurch

“Spiritual but Not Religious”/Placebo Prayers


693: Bill Russell on Apostasy, Mass Murder, & Hofmann (2 of 2)

Bill Russell is former prof at Graceland University.
Bill Russell is former professor at Graceland University.

RLDS Views of Apostasy-Restoration Branches

RLDS Mass Murderer Jeff Lundgren

Interaction with Mark Hofmann


692: Bill Russell: Unorthodox RLDS Historian (1 of 2)

Coaching Bruce Jenner

Early RLDS History-Lineal Succession

Succession through Fred M & Israel Smith

Women’s ordination Causes Schism in RLDS Church


691: Is This the Face of Joseph Smith (Lachlan Mackay)

Lachlan Mackay is apostle of Community of Christ & helped authenticate Joesph Smith photo.
Lachlan Mackay is apostle of Community of Christ & helped authenticate Joesph Smith photo.

Forensic Analysis of JS Photo

Provenance, Forgery of JS Photo?

Reactions to photo recognition

RLDS version of Lafferty’s


690: Perspectives on Women’s Ordination & Abuse (Jennifer Roach)

Jennifer Roach is former Anglican Pastor.
Jennifer Roach is former Anglican Pastor.

Anglican Pastors converts to LDS

Women & Priesthood

Should Clergy Meet with Teens?

AP Sex Abuse Story

How do young Abuse Victims Disclose?

Better Training for Clergy?


689: William Davis – New BoM Translation Timeline, Joseph was Methodist Exhorter?

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr William Davis finds evidence of oral transmission of Book of Mormon.

Re-evaluating Translation Timeline for Book of Mormon

Laying Down Heads

Joseph’s Training as Methodist Exhorter

Proof Joseph was not Illiterate

Addressing Criticisms

688: Dr William Davis on Chaismus, Tight vs Loose Translation

From Shakespeare’s Chiasmus to Sermon Culture

Oral vs Written Chiasms-Tight vs Loose Translation

Catylist Theory


686 – Rev. Willie Grills – Lutheran Pastor’s View of Mormonism

Willie Grills Rick!

Rev Willie Grills Discusses Luther and Mormonism.
Rev Willie Grills Discusses Luther and Mormonism.

Religious Violence/Word of Wisdom (Grills)

Protestant Fights/Book of Mormon Churches (Grills)

Religious Violence (Grills)

687: Atonement Theories & Trinity (Grills)

Story of Martin Luther, Grace & Works (Grills)

Why is Lutheran Pastor Interested in Mormons? (Grills)


685: John Dehlin Part 2 – Constructive or Destructive Critic?

Mormon Stories Neutral? Ex-Mormons Angry? (Dehlin)

We'll talk about the early years with Dr. John Dehlin.
We’ll talk about the early years with Dr. John Dehlin.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? (Dehlin)

John’s Advice on Why People Leave (Dehlin)

John Addresses Critics (Dehlin)

Apologists & Neo-apologists (Dehlin)

Mormon Matters: Does John Endorse StayLDS? (Dehlin)

Apologists Going After John (Dehlin)

684: John Dehlin – The Early Years

Starting Mormon Stories (Dehlin)

From Faithful to Loss of Faith (Dehlin)

Unethical Baptisms in Guatemala (Dehlin)

John’s Oscar-Winning Girlfriend (Dehlin)


Terryl Givens – Author of The Stretching the Heavens

Terryl Givens is biographer of Eugene England biography, "Stretching the Heavens."
Terryl Givens is biographer of Eugene England biography, “Stretching the Heavens.”

683: Crossing the Brethren’s Line (Terryl Givens)

682: Explaining Atonement Theories (Terryl Givens)

681: Is it ok to ask Hard Questions in LDS Church? (Terryl Givens)

680: England at BYU, Dialogue (Terryl Givens)

679: Turning Down, Accepting Eugene England (Terryl Givens)


Paul Toscano – Author of The Serpent & the Dove

Paul Toscano says Book of Mormon isn't trinitarian.
Paul Toscano says Book of Mormon isn’t trinitarian.

678: Atonement Theories in Book of Mormon (Paul Toscano)

677: Paul Critiques LDS Apostles (Paul Toscano)

676: Paul’s Thoughts on Polygamy/Adam-God Theory (Paul Toscano)

675: Christ’s Role-Reversal (Paul Toscano)

674: Why Book of Mormon Isn’t Trinitarian (Paul Toscano)

673: Paul Toscano Explains Scripture Symbolism (Paul Toscano)


Matthew Gill – Prophet of Restored Branch of Jesus Christ

Matthew Gill is Prophet of Restored Branch of Jesus Christ in the U.K.
Matthew Gill is Prophet of Restored Branch of Jesus Christ in the U.K.

672: Ordained by Joseph Smith (Gill)

671: Anti-Polygamy Stance, Book of Rayneck (Gill)

670: Sued by LDS Church/Restored Branch Scriptures (Gill)

669: Pre-Jewish Christian Religious Practices (Gill)

668: Jaredites & Book of Jeraneck (Gill)

667: Leaving LDS Church, Translating Plates (Gill)

666: Brass Plates of Stonehenge (Gill)


Steven LeSueur – Author of 1838 Mormon Missouri War

Steve LeSueur was part of a project mapping Mormon history in Missouri.
Steve LeSueur was part of a project mapping Mormon history in Missouri.

665: Attempt on Gov Boggs’ Life (LeSueur)

664: Liberty Jail Hearing & Escape (LeSueur)

663: Hawn’s Mill/Joseph’s Surrender (LeSueur)

662: Crooked River Leads to Extermination Order (LeSueur)

661: Was Joseph Responsible for Danites? (LeSueur)

660: When Did Missourians Worry about Danites? (LeSueur)

659: Vigilantes & Danites (LeSueur)

658: Peace During Caldwell County Compromise (LeSueur)

657: Mapping Mormon History in Missouri (LeSueur)


Talking History with the Bushmans

Dr. Richard & Claudia Bushman discuss Mormon History.
Dr. Richard & Claudia Bushman discuss Mormon History.

656: Is LDS Art Getting Better? (Bushmans)

655: Why Do Some Scholars Get in Trouble? (Bushmans)

654: Claudia’s Focus on Women in History (Claudia Bushman)

653: Scuttled Church History (Richard Bushman)

652: Exponent II (Claudia Bushman)

651: Mormon History with the Bushmans


Constitutional Scholar on Church & State

Dr. Sally Gordon teaches law and history at Univ of Pennsylvania. Her expertise is in constitutional issues of church & state.
Dr. Sally Gordon teaches law and history at Univ of Pennsylvania. Her expertise is in constitutional issues of church & state.

650: Indian & Black Slavery in Utah (Gordon)

649: Advice to Religious Leaders (Gordon)

648: Scalia’s Polarizing Religious Decision (Gordon)

647: Supreme Court Started Religious Studies! (Gordon)

646: Kody Brown’s Polygamy Case (Gordon)

645: Legal Complications of Polygamy (Gordon)

644: Twin Relics of Barbarism (Gordon)


Internet Mormon Prophets David & Kristine Ferriman

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Kristine & David Ferriman are co-presidents of Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship.

643:  Internet Temple Worship (Ferrimans)

642:  David’s Angelic Ordination (Ferrimans)

641:  CJCCF Wide Open Canon & Revelations (Ferrimans)

640:  Spiritual PTSD/Offending Everyone (Ferrimans)


Jonathan Neville on Heartland Theory

639:  Allow Multiple Views, Even non-Historical (Neville)

638:  Jonathan Edwards Influence on Book of Mormon (Neville)

637:  “Evidence of Composition is Evidence of Translation” (Neville)

Jonathan Neville explains the Heartland Theory of the Book of Mormon.
Jonathan Neville explains the Heartland Theory of the Book of Mormon.

636: Explaining Mormon DNA-Archeology (Neville)

635: The Final Battle (Neville)

634: Pros & Cons of Vague Geography (Neville)

633: Why Limited Geography is Wrong? (Neville)

632: Lehi’s Atlantic Crossing? (Neville)

631: M2C Citation Cartel (Neville)

630: Was Joseph Really Editor? (Neville)

629: Neville’s Church History Background


991: Debunking Joseph Smith’s Monogamy Claims

628:  Get Peer Reviewed! (Tensmeyer)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Mark Tensmeyer is an attorney and independent historian tackling polygamy skeptics’ claims.

627:  Is 132 a Forged Revelation? (Tensmeyer)

626:  Why So Few children of Polygamy in Nauvoo? (Tensmeyer)

625: Kirtland-era Polygamy Evidence (Tensmeyer)

624: 3rd Party Polygamy Evidence (Tensmeyer)

623: Nauvoo-era Polygamy Evidence (Tensmeyer)

622: 4 Types of Polygamy Evidence from Nauvoo (Tensmeyer)

621: Did Cochranites Start Mormon Polygamy? (Tensmeyer)

620: RLDS positions on Joseph’s Polygamy (Tensmeyer)

619: Examining Polygamy Skeptics’ Claims (Tensmeyer)


The House of Aaron

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. John Conrad is chief high priest for House of Aaron.

618:  Worship Services & Church Structure (Conrad)

617:  House of Aaron Scriptures (Conrad)

616:  House of Aaron Views on Polygamy & LGBT (Conrad)

615:  LDS/House of Aaron Relations (Conrad)

614:  Founding the House of Aaron (Conrad)


Engineering Joseph’s Visionary City

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
David Hall is an amazing inventor, businessman, and expert of Joseph’s city plans.

613:  Corrected Church Organization (David R Hall)

612:  Making Diamonds out of Coal! (David R Hall)

611:  Purifying Water, People & Transportation (David R Hall)

610:  Keeping Saints Healthy with Multi-Purpose Temples (David R Hall)

609:  Building Future Cities of Joseph (David R Hall)

608:  Tyndale’s 1530 English (David R Hall)

607:  24 Temple Presidents in Kirtland? (David R Hall)

606:  Engineering Joseph’s Visionary City (David R Hall)


BoM Geography/Cultural Hall

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Rick Bennett reviews many Book of Mormon Geography theories from Middle East, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

605: Richie T’s 3 Questions (Rick B)

604: Mormon History Groups (Rick B)

603: Rick’s Family History

602: South America, Heartland, Meso (Rick B)

601: Malay, Baja, New York (Rick B)

600: BoM Geography: From Middle East to Africa (Rick B)


Looking Back at People We’ve Lost

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Top: Armand Mauss, Will Bagley.
Bottom: Mike Quinn, Curt Bench, Shannon Flynn.

599:  Remembering Will Bagley

598:  Remembering Shannon Flynn

597:  Remembering Curt Bench

596:  Remembering Michael Quinn

595:  Remembering Armand Mauss


Astrophysicist on First Vision, Golden Plates

594:  Intro to Reborn LDS Church (Pratt)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. John Pratt discusses dating the First Vision, & seeing the Golden Plates.

593:  3 Churches of Mormonism (Pratt)

592:  What’s in Sealed Book of Mormon? (Pratt)

591:  Hofmann Question of Brazil Plates (Pratt)

590:  Brazil Golden Plates (Pratt)

589:  John Pratt’s Spiritual Journey

588:  Dating Problems with First Vision (Pratt)

587:  Dating First Vision (Pratt)

586:  Dating Christ’s Birth (Pratt)


Pentecostal Theologian Reviews Book of Mormon

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Christopher Thomas teaches at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Cleveland, TN and has written “A Pentecostal Reads the Book of Mormon.”

585: Comparing Mormons & Pentecostals (C. Thomas)

584: Pentecostals in Book of Mormon (C. Thomas)

583: Troubling Stories in Scripture (C. Thomas)

582: Protestant Theology in Book of Mormon? (C. Thomas)

581: Tongue-Speech in Book of Mormon (C. Thomas)

580: Pentecostal View of Book of Mormon Theology (C. Thomas)

579: Is Book of Mormon a Pacifist Book? (C. Thomas)

578: Pentecostal Theologian Gives Book of Mormon the Bible Treatment (C. Thomas)


Minding the Book of Mormon Gap

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Brian Hales latest project deals with Book of Mormon authorship.

577: The Anachronism Gap? (Hales)

576: Wordprint Studies (Hales)

575: What Skills Were Needed to Write Book of Mormon? (Hales)

574: Automatic Writing/Bill Davis’s “Visions of Seer Stone” (Hales)

573: Looking at Spaulding & Collaborator Theories (Hales)

572: Reviewing Polygamy Criticisms (Hales)


Talk with Church Editor Devan Jensen

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Devan Jensen is president of LDS Media & Publishing Assoc.

571: LDS Church in Pacific (D Jensen)

570: Improving Conversation on Divisive Topics (D Jensen)

569: LDS Publishing & Media Assoc (D Jensen)


Bruce Van Orden:  Remembering WW Phelps

568: Phelps from Nauvoo to SLC (Van Orden)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr Bruce Van Orden is biographer of WW Phelps.

567: Phelps Role in Book of Abraham Civil War (Van Orden)

566: Phelps Role at Times & Seasons (Van Orden)

565: Danites in Missouri (Van Orden)

564: Mormon-Missouri War of 1838 (Van Orden)

563: Cleaning House in Kirtland: Phelps vs Marsh (Van Orden)

562: Were Phelps Missouri Troubles Self-Inflicted?   (Van Orden)

561:  Jailed Before Joined (Van Orden)


Steve Pynakker Evangelical Host of Mormon Book Reviews Interviews GT

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Rick Bennett with Steve Pynakker, host of Mormon Book Reviews.

560: Mormon Doctrine in Battlestar Gallactica? (Pynakker)

559: Gutting Pioneer Temple History (Pynakker)

558: Mormon Historians’ Community (Pynakker)

557: Future of Mormon History (Pynakker)

556: Are Faith & Intellect Compatible? (Pynakker)

555: Why Start Gospel Tangents? (Pynakker)

554: Difference between Evangelicals & Protestants (Pynakker)

553:  Background on Rick (Pynakker)


Margaret Toscano Critiques Women and Priesthood Gospel Topics Essay

552: Are Church Leaders Scared of Heavenly Mother? (Toscano)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Margaret Toscano wrote a chapter in “The Gospel Topics Series” on Women & Priesthood essay.

551: 6 Counterpoints to Women & Priesthood Essay (Toscano)

550:  Women’s Spiritual vs Ecclesiastical Priesthood (Toscano)

549:  Priest or Priestesses? (Toscano)

548: Quorum of the Anointed (Toscano)

547:  Keys of the Priesthood (Toscano)

546: Joseph’s Statements on Women & Priesthood (Toscano)

545: Critiqing Women & Priesthood Essay (Toscano)

544:  Strengths of Women & Priesthood Essay (Toscano)


KC Kern/Greg Pavone – The Lost Mormon Cave & The Malay Theory

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Greg Pavone & KC Kern are amateur archaeologists that re-discovered the Mormon Cave dug by Joseph Smith, Sr.

543: Further Considerations on Malay Hypothesis (Kern)

542: Intro to Malay Hypothesis Geography (Kern)

541: Clearing Out the Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)

540: Finding the Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)

539: History of Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)

538: Raiders of the Lost Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)


Mark Staker – Excavating Smith Family Farm in Vermont

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Mark Staker is conducting archaeological dig of Smith Family Farm in Vermont.

537: Staker Weighs in on First Vision (Staker)

536: Lucy’s Dreams, Joseph’s Rational Religion (Staker)

535: Smith Farmers Were Spiritual, Not Religious (Staker)

534: When Joseph Met Lucy (Staker)

533: Smith Family Farm in Vermont (Staker)


Loki Mulholland – Emmy Award Winner, Director of The End of Slavery

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Loki Mulholland is a civil right activist. He won an Emmy for his film, “An Uncomfortable Truth.”

532: Should LDS Church Apologize for Racism? (Mulholland)

531: Can White People Talk about Racism? (Mulholland)

530: Films Combating Racism Directed by a Mormon (Mulholland)

529: Son of a Civil Rights Icon (Mulholland)

528: End of Slavery (in Utah???) (Mulholland)


Dr. Casey Griffiths – Relics of the Restoration

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Casey Griffiths teaches Church history at BYU and is author of “50 Relics of the Restoration.”

527: The Chicago Experiment (Griffiths)

526: Future of Church History (Griffiths)

525: Orson Pratt’s Unsung Role in Church History (Griffiths)

524: From Word of Wisdom to World Faith (Griffiths)

523: Entry Level Church History (Griffiths)

522: CSI:  Carthage Jail (Griffiths)

521: Swimsuits, Gold Medals, & Blacks (Griffiths)

520: Recycling Hofmann Forgeries (Griffiths)

519: Mormon Interfaith Council (Griffiths)


Dr. Steven Harper on First Vision

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Steven Harper – Author of First Vision: Memory & Mormon Origins

518: Orson Pratt’s First Vision Influence (Harper)

517: Comparing the Primary Accounts (Harper)

516: Did Methodist Minister Scold Young Joseph? (Harper)

515: Were Revivals in Palmyra in 1820? (Harper)

514: Memory Problems with First Vision (Harper)


Brent Ashworth: Buying Hofmann Forgeries

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Brent Ashworth has the unfortunate luck to know 2 serial killers: Mark Hofmann and Ted Bundy!

513:  Apology to Dorie (Ashworth)

512:  Emily Dickinson Forgery (Ashworth)

511:  Hofmann’s Court Mistake (Ashworth)

510:  Tragedy Before Hofmann Trial (Ashworth)

509:  Catching More Hofmann Forgeries (Ashworth)

508:  Brent Called Salamander Letter Fake (Ashworth)

507:  Hofmann’s Motive Against Church (Ashworth)

506:  Why 3rd Bomb wasn’t Suicide Attempt (Ashworth)

505: McLellin Collection Offers (Ashworth)

504: Lucy Mack Smith Forgery (Ashworth)

503: Mark’s Unknown Half Million$ Deal (Ashworth)

502: Hiding from Hofmann (Ashworth)

501: Meeting Serial Killers (Ashworth)


Hans Mattson on Swedish Rescue/Truth Seeking

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Hans Mattsson served in 3rd Quorum of Seventy but lost his faith and wrote the book “Truth Seeking.”

500: Reflecting on Essays (Mattsson)

499: Interview w/ NY Times (Mattsson)

498: Hans View of Swedish Rescue (Mattsson)

497: First Doubts on Church History (Mattsson)

496: Becoming First Swedish GA (Mattsson)


Breaking Racial Barriers: Joseph Freeman & LDS Priesthood

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Joseph Freeman was first black man ordained after 1978 revelation on priesthood.

495: #BlackLivesMatter (Freeman)

494: Enduring Systemic Racism (Freeman)

493: Genesis Group & Black Spirituality (Freeman)

492: Instant Celebrity (Freeman)

491: Joseph’s Baptism (Freeman)

490: Meeting Mormons at PCC (Freeman)

489: Holiness Preacher Joins Army (Freeman)


Darren Parry Describes Bear River Massacre

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Darren Parry is author of “Bear River Massacre” and former chairman of Shoshone Tribe. He is fundraising for Cultural Center on the site.

488: Darren’s Relationship to Bear River Massacre (Parry)

487: Why Indian Headdress shouldn’t be Sports Mascots (Parry)

486: Monument in Killing Fields (Parry)

485: Turning Massacre into Model for Peace (Parry)

484: Idaho Monument to Shoshone Massacre (Parry)

483: How a Battle Changed to Massacre (Parry)

482: How Mormon Pioneers Changed Native Life (Parry)

481: Native Life Before Pioneers (Parry)

480: Darren Parry for Congress


Life of Retiring Church Historian Richard Turley

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Barbara Jones Brown interviewed Richard Turley for the June 2020 MHA virtual conference.

479: Church History Library (Turley)

478: Saints (Turley)

477: Opening Doors for Female Historians (Turley)

476: Turley on MMM (Turley)

475: Hired After Hofmann (Turley)


Thomas Murphy Critiques Book of Mormon DNA

474: How Americas Were Populated (Murphy)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Thomas Murphy is an anthropologist at Edmonds College in Washington.

473: Possible to Lose DNA? (Murphy)

472: Who Killed the Indians? (Murphy)

471: Strengths & Weakness of DNA Essay/ Comparing Indian & BoM Stories (Murphy)

470: Behind the Scenes of DNA Essay (Murphy)

469: Untold Story of Indian Slavery in America (Murphy)

468: Religious Fights over DNA (Murphy)

467: Native American DNA Scholarship (Murphy)


Mormon Apocalypticism

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Christopher Blythe is a Research Associate at the Maxwell Institute and author of “Terrible Revolution.”

466: White Horse Prophecy (Blythe)

465: Chad Daybell & Zombie Apocalypse (Blythe)

464: Bo, Rowe & Pontius: LDS Apocalypticists (Blythe)

463: World Wars & Apocalypse (Blythe)

462: Civil War Prophecy & Joseph’s Apocalyptic Death (Blythe)

461: Mormon History of Apocalypse (Blythe)

460: Maxwell Institute: A Religious Thinktank (Blythe)


Critiquing the LDS Gospel Topics Essays

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Newell Bringhurst (left) & Dr. Matt Harris are co-editors of “The LDS Gospel Topics Series.”

459: Remembering Armand Mauss (Harris/Bringhurst)

458: Race, Priesthood, & Randy Bott (Harris/Bringhurst)

457: Racism in Mormon Scripture (Harris/Bringhurst)

456: Pros & Cons of Race Essay (Harris/Bringhurst)

455: Critiquing Polygamy Essays & Sources (Harris/Bringhurst)

454: Are Gospel Essays Hidden or Public? (Harris/Bringhurst)

453: Swedish Rescue & Gospel Topics Essays (Harris/Bringhurst)


Will Bagley on MMM

452: Bear River Massacre (Bagley)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Will Bagley has authored over 25 books, including “Blood of the Prophets”

451: Kingdom of the West (Bagley)

450: Trials of Lee/Forgery (Bagley)

449: MMM Cover Up (Bagley)

448: John D. Lee’s Role in Massacre (Bagley)

447: Bagley Critiques Turley (Bagley)

446: Buchanan & George Smith’s Role in MMM (Bagley)

445: Handcart Disasters & Mormon Reformation (Bagley)

444: Will Bagley on Juanita Brooks (Bagley)


Denver Snuffer & Remnant Movement

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Denver Snuffer is founder of the Remnant Movement.

443: Why Remnant is Attractive (Snuffer)

442: Remnant Movement is not a Church! (Snuffer)

441: Ascension of Brigham Young (Snuffer)

440: Why Denver Changed on Joseph’s Polygamy (Snuffer)

439: Denver’s Outreach to Hebrews/Native Americans (Snuffer)

438: Is Trinity in Lectures on Faith/Book of Mormon? (Snuffer)

437: New Scriptures in Remnant Movement (Snuffer)


Changing LDS Messages for Blacks, Feminists, Gays

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Taylor Petrey’s book, “Tabernacles of Clay,” outlines changing messages from LDS Church leaders over the past 70 years on blacks, gays, and feminists.

436:  Is Gay Contagious? (Petrey)

435:  Oaks’ Role in Designing LGBT Policy (Petrey)

434:  Feminism, Sexual Revolution & LDS Church (Petrey)

433:  LDS Leaders on Interracial Marriage (Petrey)



Documentary Hypothesis & Book of Mormon

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Colby Townsend won Best Thesis at Mormon History Assoc in 2020. He is Ph.D. student at Indiana University.

432:  Reconciling Biblical Scholarship (Townsend)

431:  Adam Clarke & Book of Mormon (Townsend)

430:  Joseph Smith & Documentary Hypothesis (Townsend)

429:  Arguments against Documentary Hypothesis (Townsend)

428:  Exodus & Israelite Polytheism (Townsend)

427:  Old Testament scholarship 101 (Townsend)

426:  Intro to Documentary Hypothesis (Townsend)


Joseph Smith’s Campaign for President of U.S.

425:  Why Joseph’s POTUS Run was Downplayed (Sainsbury)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
BYU professor Dr. Derek Sainsbury’s new book “Storming the Nation” tells about the Electioneer Missionaries campaigning for Joseph Smith’s POTUS run.

424:  Why Joseph Destroyed Expositor (Sainsbury)

423:  Theo-democracy in Deseret (Sainsbury)

422:  Anti-Slavery Missionaries in the South (Sainsbury)

421: Bobby Kennedy-Joseph Smith (Sainsbury)

420:  Electioneer Missionaries (Sainsbury)

419:  Mormons: The Original Swing Voters! (Sainsbury)

418:  Views of General Joseph Smith (Sainsbury)


Rick on the Hot Seat

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
John Larsen is the Host of the Sunstone Podcast. He interviewed Rick B. in August 2019 to learn more about the Gospel Tangents podcast.

417:  Rick on the Hot Seat (me)

416:  Mark Hofmann’s Role in Mormon History (me)

415:  Learning from Mormon Cousins (me)

414:  LDS Leaders and Historical Issues (me)

413:  Intro to Gospel Tangents (me)


Mystical Mormon Magic & Masonry with Clair Barrus

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Clair Barrus discusses Joseph’s Smith’s Magical beliefs and Masonic connections.

412:  Reconciling Past/Present Masonic-Temple Connections (Barrus)

411:  Joseph’s Magical Masonry (Abracadabra) (Barrus)

410:  Masonic Legends & Golden Plates (Barrus)

409:  Different Types of Masonry (Barrus)

408:  Is Book of Mormon anti-Masonic? (Barrus)

407:  Oliver Cowdery’s Rod of Revelation (Barrus)

406:  Masonic Connections in Oliver Cowdery’s Family (Barrus)


Cheryl Bruno on Mormon-Mason Connection

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Cheryl Bruno is the author of “Method Infinite: Freemasonry and the Mormon Restoration” due out in 2020.

405: Mormon-Mason Similarities/Differences (Bruno)

404: Joseph Smith’s Masonic Connections (Bruno)

403: Masonry from King Solomon to Kirtland (Bruno)



Bill Shepard on the “Other Mormons”

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Historian Bill Shepard is former president of John Whitmer Historical Association and a Strangite.

402: 7th Day Sabbath Mormons & Other Teachings (Shepard)

401: Strangite Teachings about Jesus (Shepard)

400: Martyrdom of James Strang (Shepard)

399: Strang’s Prophetic Role as Translator (Shepard)

398: Strang’s Mormon Missions (Shepard)

397: “The Other Mormons”-Intro to James Strang (Shepard)


Lindsay Hansen Park: Post-Manifesto Polygamy

396: How Polygamy Shapes Modern Mormons (Park)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Lindsay Hansen Park is host of Year of Polygamy podcast and Exec. Dir. of Sunstone.

395: How LDS Attitudes Empowered Warren Jeffs (Park)

394: Rulon Jeffs LDS & FLDS History (Park)

393: 2nd Manifesto Polygamy 1904-1925 (Park)

392: 20th Century Polygamy/Reed Smoot Hearings (Park)

391: Mormon Fundamentalist Theology (Park)

390: John Taylor’s 1886 Revelation (Park)

389: “More Than One Way to Mormon” (Park)


Adam-God Theory/Christ’s Church (Patrick-Shaffer)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Benjamin Shaffer (left) is a Seventy in Christ’s Church. David Patrick (right) is an Apostle for Christ’s Church, based in southern Utah. They discuss the Adam-God Theory.

388: Why Adam-God is Controversial (Patrick-Shaffer)

387: “Families are Forever” a Hurtful Doctrine? (Patrick-Shaffer)

386: Why Polygamists are Threatening to LDS Church (Patrick-Shaffer)

385: God in a Box or Pyramid? (Patrick-Shaffer)

384: Documentary Hypothesis & Adam-God (Patrick-Shaffer)

383: Intro to Adam-God Theory (Patrick-Shaffer)

382: Scriptures of Christ’s Church (Patrick-Shaffer)

381: Intro to Christ’s Church (Patrick-Shaffer)


R. Jean Addams on Church of Christ (Temple Lot)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
R. Jean Addams is one of the foremost experts on Church of Christ (Temple Lot)

380: Church of Christ Worship Services (Addams)

379: 3 Church Reconciliation? (Addams)

378: Comparing LDS & Church of Christ Theology (Addams)

377: LDS/Church of Christ Alliance (Addams)

376: Jones Flournoy’s Ties to Restoration (Addams)

375: Dispute Over the Temple Lot (Addams)

374: Intro to Church of Christ (Temple Lot) (Addams)


Margaret Toscano on Women & Priesthood

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Margaret Toscano is a Professor of Classics at University of Utah and expert on early Mormon Priesthood.

373: Arguing Against Genderless God (M. Toscano)

372: Turning Key to Relief Society Quorum (M. Toscano)

371: Why LDS Leaders Don’t Like Popular Speakers (M. Toscano)

370: Charismatic, Ecclesiastical, & Messianic Priesthood (M. Toscano)

369: Theological Case for Women & Priesthood (M. Toscano)

368: An Excommunicated Believer (M. Toscano)

367: Feminist Awakening at BYU (M. Toscano)

366: Toscano: From BYU to Utah (M. Toscano)


Don Bradley on Lost 116 Pages

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Don Bradley is Author of “Lost 116 Pages” where he details what is missing from the Book of Mormon.

365: Apologists & Critics (Bradley)

364: New Insights on Liahona (Bradley)

363: How Did Nephi Get Priesthood? (Bradley)

362: Who Stole the Manuscript? (Bradley)

361: Exonerating Lucy Harris (Bradley)

360: Masonic Golden Plates & Temple Theology (Bradley)

359: Temple Endowment in Lost Pages (Bradley)

358: Laban Killed During Passover (Bradley)

357: More than 116 Pages Lost? (Bradley)

356: How Much of BoM is Missing? (Bradley)

355: Re-Writing Oliver’s Words: Dirty, Nasty, Filthy Scrape? (Bradley)

354: Dating Fanny Alger (Bradley)


Race Struggles at BYU 1965-1985

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Matt Harris discusses the LDS race ban 1965-1985

353: Impact of Protests on Apostles (Harris)

352: BYU Law School Almost Lost Accreditation (Harris)

351: Civil Rights Investigation at BYU (Harris)

350: Sports Protests Against BYU (Harris)

349: Race & Religious Minorities at BYU (Harris)

348: How Brazil Influenced Official Declaration 2 (Harris)

347: Did Nixon & Carter Pressure BYU Over Race? (Harris)


Reflecting on 50 Years:  “Jesus Was Married”

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
David Patrick is an apostle for Christ’s Church. Anne Wilde is an Independent Polygamist who helped Ogden Kraut write “Jesus Was Married.”

346:  Surprising Sales at Seventies Bookstore (Patrick/Wilde)

345:  Uniquely Mormon Marriage Theology (Patrick/Wilde)

344:  “There is No Marriage in Heaven” (Patrick/Wilde)

343:  Evangelical Arguments about Marriage in Heaven (Patrick/Wilde)

342: Was Jesus the Groom at Wedding at Cana? (Patrick/Wilde)

341: Making the Case that Jesus Was Married (Patrick/Wilde)


Non- Mormon Polygamy Expert Dr. Larry Foster

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Larry Foster teaches classes in religion at Georgia Tech and is a non-Mormon expert on Mormon polygamy.

340: Speaking to Believers & Critics of Joseph (Foster)

339: Assessing Joseph Smith (Foster)

338: Interesting Defenses of Polygamy (Foster)

337:  Comparing Mormons, Shakers, & Oneida (Foster)

336:  Explaining Polygamy from non-Mormon Viewpoint (Foster)

335:  Celibacy, Polygamy, & Free Love in 19th Century (Foster)


Dr. Alex Baugh on Hawn’s Mill Massacre

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Alex Baugh is Dept Chair of Church History at BYU and is an expert on the Mormon-Missouri Period.

334: Reflecting on Hawn’s Mill (Baugh)

333: Halloween Massacre at Hawn’s Mill (Baugh)

332: Finding Jacob Hawn (Baugh)

331: Was Extermination Order a License to Kill? (Baugh)

330: Mormon Dissent Leads to Salt Sermon (Baugh)

329: Mormon Expulsion from Jackson County (Baugh)

328: Trouble in Missouri 1833 (Baugh)


Rod Decker on LDS Church & Politics in Utah

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Rod Decker has covered Utah politics for almost four decades as reporter for KUTV Channel 2 News.

327: How Utah Politics are Different than Nation (Decker)

326: Does the LDS Church Control Utah Politics? (Decker)

325: Downwinders & Utah’s Fight against the Feds (Decker)

324: Utah: Most Politically/Religiously Divided State (Decker)


David Ostler:  Building Bridges to Questioners

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
David Ostler has a new book called “Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question”

323: Messages from Those Who Have Left (Ostler)

322: Ministering to Mormon & African Polygamists (Ostler)

321: Creating a Better Church Atmosphere (Ostler)

320: 3 Ways to Help People Keep Coming to Church (Ostler)

319: How Active Members Get Ostracized at Church (Ostler)

318: Helping Leaders Understand Faith Crisis (Ostler)


Quincy Newell: Biographer of Jane Manning James

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Quincy Newell, Hamilton College discusses her biography of Black Mormon Pioneer Jane Manning James.

317: Does Mormonism Have Racist Theology? (Newell)

316: Jane’s Pioneer Travels to Utah (Newell)

315:  Jane’s One-Of-A Kind Sealing to Joseph Smith (Newell)

314: 19th Century Sexual Politics (Newell)

313: Was Jane a Slave? (Newell)


Brian Stutzman on Martyrdom of Joseph Smith

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Brian Stutzman has written the first history of anti-Mormon hotbed Warsaw, Illinois.

312: Can Anything Good Come from…Warsaw? (Stutzman)

311: Warsaw: Boom or Bust? (Stutzman)

310: Kangaroo Court at Carthage (Stutzman)

309: Gov. Thomas Ford’s Role in Martyrdom & Trial (Stutzman)

308: Profile of Anti-Mormon Thomas Sharp (Stutzman)

307: The Warsaw-Nauvoo Rivalry (Stutzman)

306: The Anti-Mormon Triangle: Warsaw, Carthage, Nauvoo (Stutzman)


Elder Steven Snow, Church Historian

Elder Steven Snow
Elder Steven Snow served as Church Historian since 2012 & in the First Quorum of Seventy from 2001-2019.

305: Does the Church Hide Historical Documents? (Snow)

304: Snow on Journals, Issues of Church & State (Snow)

303: Elder Snow & Gospel Topics Essays (Snow)

302: “I Just Love Church History!” (Snow)


Jana Riess/Ben Knoll on the Next Mormons

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Jana Riess and Dr. Benjamin Knoll have put together the largest public opinion survey of Mormons ever.

301: Lessons for Mormon Leaders (Riess-Knoll)

300: Why Mormons Leave (Riess-Knoll)

299: Out of the Box Mormons (Riess-Knoll)

298: Comparing Mormons by Generations (Riess-Knoll)

297: Surprising Mormon Responses (Riess-Knoll)

296: How to Randomly Sample Mormons (Riess-Knoll)


Dan Vogel on First Vision, Book of Abraham

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Historian Dan Vogel is author of many books on Joseph Smith, including “Making of a Prophet.”

295: Analyzing Apologetics on Book of Abraham (Vogel)

294: Lost Book of Abraham? (Vogel)

293: How We Got Book of Abraham (Vogel)

292: First Vision Conflicts (Vogel)

291: 1835 Account of First Vision (Vogel)

290: Making a Case for Melchizedek Priesthood in 1831? (Vogel)

289: Methodist Visions (Vogel)

288: Why “Pious Fraud” Ticks off Everyone (Vogel)

287: Dan Vogel Was a McConkie Mormon! (Vogel)


Greg Prince on Gays & the Mormon Church

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Greg Prince details the history of LDS political fights over gay marriage from the 1990s through today.

286: Legal & Science Issues on LGBT (Prince)

285: Revelatory Whiplash (Prince)

284: The Christian Right & LGBT Fight (Prince)

283: Mixing Church & Politics in Gay Fight (Prince)


Melvin Johnson on Life of John Pierce Hawley

Historian Mel Johnson discusses Mormon pioneer John Pierce Hawley, who joined several Mormon groups.
Historian Mel Johnson discusses Mormon pioneer John Pierce Hawley, who joined several Mormon groups.

282: Hawley Leaves LDS for RLDS Church (Johnson)

281: John Hawley’s Polygamy Wrestle (Johnson)

280: Brigham Knew about MMM? (Johnson)

279: Hawley’s Opposition to MMM (Johnson)

278: Mormon Pioneers in Texas & End of Wightites (Johnson)

277: More on the Zodiac Temple in Texas (Johnson)

276: Lyman Wight & Mormon Colonies in Texas (Johnson)

275: Intro to Hawley (Johnson)


Bryndis Roberts of Ordain Women

Bryndis Roberts - Chair of Executive Board, Ordain Women
Bryndis Roberts – Chair of Executive Board, Ordain Women

274: Purge & Actions Since 2014 (Roberts)

273: Ordain Women Leadership (Roberts)

272: Getting Involved in Ordain Women (Roberts)

271: Addressing Gender Inequities (Roberts)

270: From Baptist to Mormon (Roberts)


Richard Turley – Prosecuting the Cold Case:  MMM

Richard Turley is Managing Director of Public Affairs for LDS Church and author of 4 books on Mountain Meadows Massacre
Richard Turley is Managing Director of Public Affairs for LDS Church and author of 4 books on Mountain Meadows Massacre

269: What Did Brigham Know, & When Did He Know It? (Turley)

268: Federal Investigation into MMM (Turley)

267: Was John D. Lee Most Guilty? (Turley)

266: Richard Turley on Saints… & Sinners (Turley)


Michael Marquardt – Church Founding Different Than you Thought

Michael Marquardt clears up record on Founding of LDS Church on April 6, 1830
Michael Marquardt clears up record on Founding of LDS Church on April 6, 1830

265: The Original Apostles (Marquardt)

264: Early Priesthood 1829-1835 (Marquardt)

263: Who Were Original 6 in 1830? (Marquardt)

262: Church Founded in Manchester (Not Fayette) (Marquardt)


Barbara Jones Brown on MMM

Barbara Jones-Brown is Executive Director of Mormon History Association.
Barbara Jones Brown is Executive Director of Mormon History Association.

261: Who Bears Responsibility for MMM? (Jones Brown)

260: After the Killing (Jones Brown)

259: Cattle Rustling Turns Deadly (Jones Brown)

258: Tackling Myths of Mountain Meadows (Jones Brown)

257: Revenge for Haun’s Mill & Pratt’s Murder? (Jones Brown)

256: Utah War & Mountain Meadows Massacre (Jones Brown)


Matt Harris on Ezra Taft Benson

Part 2 of our conversation with Dr. Matt Harris from CSU-Pueblo. This time we discuss the political and spiritual life of Ezra Taft Benson.
Part 2 of our conversation with Dr. Matt Harris from CSU-Pueblo. This time we discuss the political and spiritual life of Ezra Taft Benson.

255: Hoover on MLK & ETB (Harris)

254: How Hinckley Prevailed over Benson on Civil Rights (Harris)

253: The End of Benson’s Political Aspirations (Harris)

252: Benson on Civil Rights & Communism (Harris)

251: Benson and John Birch Society (Harris)

250: How Ezra Taft Benson Joined Eisenhower (Harris)


Ben Spackman: Is Evolution Compatible with Mormonism?

Ben Spackman is a Ph.D. candidate at Claremont Graduate University and specializes in the religious debate about evolution.
Ben Spackman is a Ph.D. candidate at Claremont Graduate University and specializes in the religious debate about evolution.

249: Must Religion & Science conflict? (Spackman)

248: Did Pres. McKay Support Evolution? (Spackman)

247: What is a Literal Reading of Genesis? (Spackman)

246: Misreading Genesis (Spackman)

245: Does the Bible Supports a Flat Earth? (Spackman)

244: Did Man Evolve From Apes? (Spackman)

243: Did Joseph Fielding Smith Win the Evolution Battle? (Spackman)

242: Evolution & Bible: Irreconcilable Differences? (Spackman)


Dr. Jeffrey Chadwick: Jesus Was Born in December

Dr. Jeffrey Chadwick is a New Testament scholar at BYU. He uses the Book of Mormon and BIble to calculate Christ's birth in December.
Dr. Jeffrey Chadwick is a New Testament scholar at BYU. He uses the Book of Mormon and Bible to calculate Christ’s birth in December.

235: Myth of the Lambing Season (Chadwick)

234: Is Christmas a Celebration of Sun? (Chadwick)

233: How Jesus’s Death Relates to his Birth Date (Chadwick)

231: Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, & Birth of Christ (Chadwick)

229: Was Jesus Born in December? (Chadwick)


Dr. Thomas Wayment Talks New Testament Scholarship, JST

Thomas Wayment discusses JST, Bible translations, and the Christmas stories.
BYU professor Dr. Thomas Wayment discusses JST, Bible translations, and the Christmas stories.

237: Is Adam Clarke’s Commentary Source of JST? (Wayment)

236: Fixing Known Biblical Errors (Wayment)

232: Juvenile Jesus a Jerk? Apocryphal Stories Say Yes (Wayment)

230: Christmas Legends: Herod, Wise Men, the Star (Wayment)

228: Separating Fact and Fiction on Birth of Christ (Wayment)


Steven Shields on Divergent Paths

Steven Shields has been writing about various Mormon Groups since the 1970s.
Steven Shields has been writing about various Mormon Groups since the 1970s.

241: Murderous Mormon Mayhem (Shields)

240: Para-Church Mormon Groups (Shields)

239: Cutlerite Endowment, Female Priesthood, & House of Aaron (Shields)

238: Fundamentalists and Cutlerites (Shields)

227: Conspiracy Theories:  William Smith, Samuel Smith, James Strang (Shields)

226: Sidney’s Unsung Role in Restoration (Shields)

225: Steve’s Shields Own Divergent Path

224: Who Owns the Temple Lot? (Shields)


Kurt Francom on Church Leadership & Culture

Kurt Francom of Leading Saints podcast tells how he is trying to help LDS leaders create better culture around church history, faith translations, and being LGBT friendly, among other things.
Kurt Francom of Leading Saints podcast tells how he is trying to help LDS leaders create better culture around church history, faith transitions, and being LGBT friendly.

223: Do You Disagree with the Exclusion Policy? (Francom)

222: Should the Church Modify Bishop’s Interviews? (Francom)

221: Results of Faith Crisis Research (Francom)

220: “We’ve Got to Have These Difficult Conversations” (Francom)

219: Ministering to the Faithful & Faithless (Francom)

218: Is it Bad to be Called LDS or Mormon? (Francom)


Dorie’s Story on Hofmann Bombings

Dorie Olds describes her marriage and divorce to Mark Hofmann.
Dorie Olds describes her marriage and divorce to bomber/forger Mark Hofmann.

217: Mark’s Trial, Dorie’s 5 Minute Divorce (Olds)

216: “You May Be in Danger” (Olds)

215: Was Dorie Blamed for the Bombings? (Olds)

214: “Be Grateful for Adversity” (Olds)

213: Gaslighted by Mark (Olds)

212: Finding Mark’s First Forgery (Olds)


Dr. Nancy Ross/Sara Hanks – Where Must We Stand?

Dr. Nancy Ross - Dixie State Univ, and Sara Hanks, co-authors "Where We Must Stand."
Dr. Nancy Ross – Dixie State Univ, and Sara Hanks, co-authors “Where We Must Stand.”

211:  Feminist Favorites (Ross-Hanks)

210:  Must Women Be Ordained? (Ross-Hanks)

209: The F-word: Feminism (Ross-Hanks)

208: Nancy & Sara’s Spiritual Journey (Ross-Hanks)

207: Mormon Feminist Successes & Setbacks (Ross-Hanks)


Daniel Stone – The Forgotten Prophet

Dr. Daniel Stone wrote the First Biography of William BIckerton, prophet of the 3rd largest Mormon moveement.
Dr. Daniel Stone wrote the First Biography of William Bickerton, prophet of the 3rd largest Mormon movement.

206: Modern Mormon Pentecostals (Stone)

205: My Cousin Vinny: Alice Cooper’s Mormon Roots (Stone)

204: Writing History Without Getting in Trouble (Stone)

203: Reuniting the Bickerton Break (Stone)

202: Ousting a Prophet (Stone)

201: False Prophecies Are Possible! (Stone)

200: Civil War Prophecy Leads to Black Ordination (Stone)

199: Biblical Support to Ordain Women (Stone)

198: Bickerton Becomes Prophet (Stone)

197: Sidney’s Church Falls Apart (Stone)

196: Rigdon/Spalding Manuscript Theory (Stone)


919: Steve Mayfield – Mormons, Crime, & the FBI

Steve Mayfield is a crime lab photographer and Mormon documentation collector. Here he is holding a newspaper from 1877 on John D. Lee execution.
Steve Mayfield is a crime lab photographer and Mormon documentation collector. Here he is holding a newspaper from 1877 on John D. Lee execution.

195: Buying the Spalding Conspiracy (Mayfield)

194: What is the Dead Lee Scroll? (Mayfield)

193: John D. Lee’s Role in Mountain Meadows Massacre (Mayfield)

192: Mormons & the FBI (Mayfield)

191: Steve Mayfield: Crime Photographer (Mayfield)

190: Mormon Connection in Patty Hearst Kidnapping (Mayfield)


Michael Quinn – LDS Mystic & Historian

Michael Quinn discusses Wealth & Corporate Power, Sept Six, LDS Succession, & Women & Priesthood.
Michael Quinn discusses Wealth & Corporate Power, Sept Six, Mark Hofmann, LDS Succession, & Women & Priesthood.

189: Women Have Had Priesthood since 1843! (Quinn)

188: Translation by Joseph Smith & James Strang (Quinn)

187: LDS Succession Crisis (Quinn)

186: Quinn on Hofmann (Quinn)

185: “The Church Makes No Distinction Between God & Mammon” (Quinn)

184: Would LDS Church Income Ever Support a Paid Ministry? (Quinn)

183: Are LDS Church Revenues really $50 Billion/Year? (Quinn)

182: Michael Quinn Discusses Deseret Hemp Company (Quinn)


Sandra Tanner – Mormon Critic’s View of Mark Hofmann

Sandra Tanner describes her interactions with Mark Hofmann
Sandra Tanner describes her interactions with Mark Hofmann

181: Sandra’s View on Hofmann Trial (Tanner)

180: What Does Sandra Tanner think about Biblical Forgeries? (Tanner)

179: Jerald’s Forensic Background (Tanner)

178: The Cowdery Forgery (Tanner)

177: How Jerald Tanner Identified Fake Salamander Letter (Tanner)

176: When Mark Hofmann met Sandra Tanner (Tanner)


George Throckmorton – Prosecutor’s View of Mark Hofmann

George Throckmorton (retired SLPD) discusses how he figured out how Mark Hofmann was forging documents. He previously worked in the Attorney General's Office at the State of Utah.
George Throckmorton (retired SLPD) discusses how he figured out how Mark Hofmann was forging documents. He previously worked in the Attorney General’s Office at the State of Utah.

175: Why was the Hofmann Sentence so Light? (Throckmorton)

174: Hofmann, LDS Leaders, & the McLellin Collection (Throckmorton)

173: Why Hofmann Killed his Best Friends (Throckmorton)

172: Who was the 3rd Bomb Intended For?  (Throckmorton)

171: More Hofmann Techniques & Forged Sports Memorabilia  (Throckmorton)

170: How Hofmann Fooled Experts with a Toy Chemistry Set (Throckmorton)

169: How George Became a Forensics Expert (Throckmorton)


Jonathan Stapley – The Power of Godliness

Dr. Jonathan Stapley Discusses evolution of LDS Priesthood Ordinances
Dr. Jonathan Stapley Discusses evolution of LDS Priesthood Ordinances

168:  Sealing & Born in Covenant:  A Guarantee of Heaven? (Stapley)

167:  History and Theological Implications of Baby Blessings (Stapley)

166:  Mormon History of Folk & Alternative Medicine (Stapley)

165:  Elder Oaks Groundbreaking Talk on Women & Priesthood (Stapley)

164:  The Mormon Priestess & Ordain Women (Stapley)

163:  Women Healers in LDS Temples (Stapley)

162:  Introduction to Cosmological Priesthood (Stapley)


Matt Harris – Black History WW2 to Present

Dr. Matt Harris, History Professor, CSU-Pueblo
Dr. Matt Harris, History Professor, CSU-Pueblo

161: Bruce R. McConkie Wrote Official Declaration 2! (Harris)

160: How Kimball Persuaded Apostles to Agree on Lifting Ban (Harris)

159: Almost Famous!  1969 Black Ordination Nixed by Lee (Harris)

158: Hugh B. Brown’s Attempt to End Ban in 1962! (Harris)

157: Did Pres. McKay Try to Rescind Ban in 1955? (Harris)

156: When, Where, & Why Did the One-Drop Rule Originate? (Harris)

155: Before 1978:  How LDS Leaders Handled Bi-racial Families in Brazil and South Africa (Harris)


Simon Southerton – Losing a Lost Tribe

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Simon Southerton, author of “Losing a Lost Tribe”

154: Simon’s Thoughts on Noah’s Flood, Religious Beliefs (Southerton)

153: Vanishing DNA?  Lamanite DNA shouldn’t Vanish? (Southerton)

152: What is the Cohen Haplotype?  Do Lamanites Have It? (Southerton)

151: Simon Southerton Talks DNA, Excommunication (Southerton)


George Potter – Mt Sinai and Book of Mormon Trail

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
George Potter describes his search for Lehi’s Trail and Mount Sinai

150: Did Nephi Land in the Andes Mountains of Peru? (Potter)

149: Magi & Nephi’s Sea Trials (Potter)

148:  Found!  Nephi’s Harbor (Potter)

147: From the Desert to the Land Bountiful (Potter)

146: Walking in Lehi’s Footsteps on Frankincense Trail (Potter)

145: How are the Valley of Lemuel and Mount Sinai Related? (Potter)

144: Found!  The Real Mt. Sinai! (Potter)


Bill Smith – Author, Analyzing D&C 132

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Bill Smith, Author, Textual Studies on the Doctrine & Covenants: The Plural Marriage Revelation.

143:  Joseph Smith’s Protology:  How are Spirit Babies Made? (Smith)

142:  Breaking Sealings: Who Has the Power? (Smith)

141:  How 132 Would Affect Future Revelation on Gays & Women (Smith)

140: Is Polygamy a Ticket to Heaven? (Smith)

139: Was Oliver Cowdery a Polygamist? (Smith)

138: Emma’s Up & Down Relationship with Polygamy (Smith)

137: LDS Literacy of Biblical Polygamy (Smith)

136: Dr. Bill Smith on the Origins of Polygamy  (Smith)


Newell Bringhurst – Author of Saints, Slaves, and Blacks

135:  Critiquing the Gospel Topics Essays (Bringhurst)

134: Role of Women in 4 American Religions (Bringhurst)

133: More about Polygamy: Bennett, Bushman, & Compton (Bringhurst)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Newell Bringhurst, author of several books on Mormon Histor

132:  Bringhurst’s Approach to Controversy (Bringhurst)

131:  Bringhurst on Bushman-Brodie (Bringhurst)

130:  Walker Lewis: Faithful Black Elder (Bringhurst)

129:  Warner McCary:  Real Native Genius? (Bringhurst)

128: How Lester Bush Debunked the Missouri Thesis (Bringhurst)

127: Writing Saints, Slaves, and Blacks (Bringhurst)


Russell Stevenson – Biographer of Elijah Abel, early black Mormon missionary

126:  The LDS Church in Africa (Stevenson)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Russell Stevenson, Biographer of Elijah Ables

125:  Elijah Ables’ Attempt for Temple Blessings (Stevenson)

124:  Why Brigham Changed his mind on Black Ordination (Stevenson)

123:  Trouble in Cincinnati:  Ables’ Time in Ohio (Stevenson)

122:  Ables’ Canadian Mission & Escape from the Mob (Stevenson)

121:  Early Life of Elijah Ables (Stevenson)


MacKay & Hamer – Community of Christ Perspective

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
John Hamer was ordained to the First Quorum of Seventy in October 2017. Lachlan MacKay is an apostle for the Community of Christ

120:  Start of RLDS Church & Mormon Schisms Tour (MacKay & Hamer)

119:  Surprising Word of Wisdom Insights from an Apostle (MacKay & Hamer)

118:  Mormon Followers of the Prophet James Strang (MacKay & Hamer)

117: Alice Cooper’s Roots in Lively Mormon Schisms (MacKay & Hamer)

116: Different Succession Claims:  Other Mormon Groups (MacKay & Hamer)

115:  Strange Kirtland Temple Ownership Problems (MacKay & Hamer)

114:  Comparing LDS & RLDS Temple Worship (MacKay & Hamer)

113: A Seventy & Apostle discuss myths & Kirtland Temple (MacKay & Hamer)


2017 in Review

112:  Top 20 Moments:  2017 in Review!

111:  Bonus:  MNR interviewed Me!


David Conley Nelson on LDS Church in Nazi Germany

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. David Conley Nelson, author of Moroni & the Swastika

110:  The Hübener Story You Didn’t Know (Nelson)

109:  How LDS Basketball & Genealogy Found Synergy with Hitler (Nelson)

108:  Rival Mission Presidents in Germany (Nelson)

107:  J Reuben Clark’s Harsh Feelings About Jews (Nelson)

106: Before Hitler:  German Persecution of LDS Church (Nelson)

105: German Police Monitored LDS Church (Nelson)


Greg Prince on Gays, LDS Leadership, Priesthood

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Greg Prince, Mormon historian & author of David O. McKay biography

104: When did we start Ordaining Young Men? (Prince)

103: Naturalist Explanation for Word of Wisdom? (Prince)

102: Early LDS Priesthood: Similar to Ancient Christianity? (Prince)

101: Ailing Church Leaders:  “Not Ideal Governance.” (Prince)

100:  The 4 LDS Leadership Vacuums – What Happened? (Prince)

094: “There is Nothing in LDS Theology that Justifies Whacking Infants” (POX) – (Prince)

093: Greg Prince on History of LDS Policy Toward Gays


Anne Wilde on Modern Polygamy

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Anne Wilde, founder of Principle Voices, modern-day Polygamy expert

099: Polygamy & 2002 Olympics (Wilde)

098: Law of Sarah/Concubines (Wilde)

097: Was Jesus a Polygamist? (Wilde)

096:  Ervil Lebaron: Polygamist, Assassin  (Wilde)

095:  FLDS-Centennial Park Rivalry (Wilde)

092:  How to Polygamists Feel about Gay Marriage? (Wilde)

091: 3rd Manifesto Causes Schism: Apostolic United Brethren (Wilde)

090: Did Woodruff Marry After the 1890 Manifesto? (Wilde)

089: Taylor’s 1886 Polygamy Uncanonized Revelation (Wilde)


Shannon Flynn on Mark Hofmann Forgeries/Bombings

088: Christmas Party Plea Deal (Flynn)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Shannon Flynn describes working with Mark Hofmann

087: Mark’s Unusual Prison Visitors (Flynn)

086: Would Hofmann Kill Again? (Flynn)

085: Should Hofmann Ever Be Released from Prison? (Flynn)

084: Shannon Goes to Jail for Hofmann (Flynn)

083: Hofmann’s Last Bomb Blew the Lid off Mormon History (Flynn)

082: Hoffman’s Best Fake:  Fooling the Lie Detector Test (Flynn)

081: Mark’s Million-Dollar Con (Flynn)

080: “I Cheat People.  That’s What I do for a Living.” (Flynn)

079: Hofmann’s Teenage Forgeries (Flynn)


Ugo Perego Talks DNA

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Ugo Perego, Univ of Pavia, Mormon DNA expert

078: Did Ugo Write the Gospel Topics Essay?  What about Rodney Meldrum? (Perego)

077: How do Lemba Tribe & Viking DNA Relate to the Book of Mormon? Part 2 (Perego)

076: Why isn’t there a DNA match for the Book of Mormon?  Part 1 (Perego)

075: Is Evolution Compatible with the Bible? (Perego)

074: CSI: Mountain Meadows – Using DNA to Solve 2 Mysteries (Perego)

073: Ugo Discusses Critics  (Perego)

072: Who’s the Daddy (Part 2)?  Joseph or Windsor? (Perego)

071: Who’s the Daddy (Part 1)?  Smith or Pratt? (Perego)

070: Was Joseph Smith Irish? (Perego)

069: How do you Figure out 150 year-old Paternity? (Perego)

068: DNA 101:  Ugo Perego Introduces Basic DNA (Perego)


Interview with Remnant LDS Church

067: What are Remnant Church Views on Temple Worship? (Vun Cannon)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Jim Vun Cannon served as Counselor in the First Presidency of the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints until 2019.  Following the death of Pres Larsen in  2019, Jim left and is now president of the Everlasting Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Days.

066: Women Will Not Hold Priesthood! (Vun Cannon)

065: Joseph was a Monogamist! (Vun Cannon)

064: What’s the Order of Enoch?  Consecration in Modern World (Vun Cannon)

063: Jim Tackles DNA & Book of Mormon (Vun Cannon)

062: 18 Revelations to Gather to Missouri!  Remnant Church Scriptures (Vun Cannon)

061: What’s the RLDS Perspective on Succession Crisis? (Vun Cannon)

060: From Convert to First Presidency in 5 years!  (Vun Cannon)

059: Found!  A Literal Descendant of Aaron! (Vun Cannon)


Baja Theory of Book of Mormon Geography

058: What are the Strengths of the Baja Theory? (Rosenvall)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
David Rosenvall put together and is co-author of Baja Theory of Book of Mormon

057: Solved!  DNA & Book of Mormon (Rosenvall)

056: Can David Answer Critics Questions about Animals, Steel, and Cumorah?  (Rosenvall)

055: Baja vs Meso:  Who Wins? (Rosenvall)

054: Book of Mormon on the Baja Peninsula?  (Rosenvall)


Polygamy with Brian Hales

053: Did Hales Write the Gospel Topics Essays? (Hales)

052: Emma Denied Joseph Practiced Polygamy?  (Hales)

051: Polygamy & the Temple Lot Case (Hales)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Dr. Brian Hales, Author of Joseph Smith’s Polygamy

050: Joseph’s Youngest Teen Brides  (Hales)

049: Mormon Polyandry:  More Than One Husband? (Hales)

048: What are the Theological Justifications of Polygamy? (Hales)

047: Fanny Alger Part 2:  Marriage or Adultery? (Hales)

046: 1st Plural Wife Fanny Alger: Time or Eternity Polygamy?  (Hales)

045: Polygamy Rumors – Declaration on Marriage (Hales)

044: Does D&C 132 Conflict with Genesis? (Hales)

043: Canadian Polygamy – Should it be Legal? (Interview with Brian Hales)


Curt Bench on Hoffman Bombings

042: Hofmann Bombings Effects on Mormon History (Bench)

Gospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast
Curt Bench, Owner of Benchmark Books & key witness in Hofmann Forgery & Bombing Case

041: Should LDS Leaders have Detected Hofmann’s Fraud? (Bench)

040: Curt Bench’s role in Hofmann Bombings Court Case (Bench)

039: Bomb Day 2:  Other Targets? – Oct 16, 1985 (Bench)

038: Bomb Day 1:  2 Killed – October 15, 1985 (Bench)

037: White Salamander Letter & Other Forgeries (Bench)

036: Bombs in Salt Lake: Introduction to Mark Hofmann (Curt Bench)


Darron Smith on Race, Religion, & Sport

035: Overcoming “Nice” Racism (Smith)

Dr Darron Smith discusses non-LDS Black athletes at BYU.
Dr Darron Smith discusses non-LDS Black athletes at BYU.

034: BYU Protests (Smith)

033: How do Minorities fare at BYU? (Smith)

032: True & False Rape Allegations at BYU (Smith)

031: How BYU Could Improve the Honor Code for Black Students (Smith)

030: Black Graduation Rates at BYU (Smith)

029: Disparities in Black/White Discipline (Smith)

028: The Student-Athlete Business (Smith)

027: Racial Portrayals of Christian Athletes (Dr. Darron Smith)


707: Dr. Richard Bennett on Evolution of Temple Worship

026: 1st International Temple was almost a Temple Ship!  (Bennett)

BYU professor Dr. Richard E Bennett discusses the evolution of LDS Temple worship.
BYU professor Dr. Richard E Bennett discusses the evolution of LDS Temple worship.

025: Ouija boards, Spiritualism, and the Endowments for the Dead (Bennett)

024: Sealing to GA’s by Law of Adoption (Bennett)

023: Temple Worship:  From Speaking in Tongues to Masonry (Bennett)

022: Selling Temples!!!! (Bennett)

021: Open Temples (Bennett)

017: Origins of Baptism for the Dead (Bennett)

015: Reclamation of Revelation (Dr Richard Bennett)


713: Surprising History of Kirtland (Mark Staker)

Mark Staker Discusses Surprising History of Kirtland.
Mark Staker Discusses Surprising History of Kirtland.

020: Kirtland Banking Crisis: Joseph Takes the Blame (Part 3-Staker)

019: Kirtland Banking Crisis: Why it Failed (Part 2-Staker)

018: Kirtland Banking Crisis:  Why a Bank?  (Part 1-Staker)

016: Elijah’s Visit & the Sealing Keys (Staker)

014: Did the Kirtland Temple Sparkle?  (Staker & Bennett)

013: Kirtland Temple University? (Staker)

012: Kirtland Era Polygamy (Staker)

011: Black Pete’s Mormon Mission in 1831 (Staker)

010: Black Pete:  The First Black Mormon (Staker)


701: Dr. Paul Reeve on Black Mormon History in UtahGospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast

009: Dr. Paul Reeve’s Role in Race Essay  (Reeve)

008: Dating the LDS Temple and Priesthood Ban (Reeve)

007: Becoming a Fanboy of Orson Pratt (Reeve)

006: The Black Mormon Scandals (Reeve)

005: How did Joseph Smith Deal with Muslims?  and Chinese and Indians? (Reeve)

004: How did Others Deal with Slavery?  (Reeve)

003: How Mormons Became a Racial Category (Reeve)


699: Margaret Young on Jane Manning JamesGospel Tangents Episodes - Best Gospel Tangents Episodes (Over 1020!) - Mormon History Podcast

002: Margaret also discusses her experiences combating racism in Part 2 of our conversation. Check it out!

001: Check out Part 1 of our interview with Margaret Young on the life of black Mormon Pioneer Jane Manning James.



Future Interviews

The following have agreed to be interviewed:

Michael Homer – Author of Joseph’s Temples, dealing with masonry

Peggy Fletcher Stack – Salt Lake Tribune religion reporter

Carla Long – Presiding Bishopric of Community of Christ

Richard Hanks: Life of Marion D. Hanks


These are “In the Can,” meaning they have been recorded and awaiting editing.

Robert Messick: Book of Mormon Census


Who should we interview?  Please tell us below!