Check out all our past episodes, and what we have planned for the future! Be sure to let us know what topics/who you’d like to hear from in the future!
Gospel Tangents Episodes
Nielsen-Naylor Group (Steve Nielsen)
Life of Marion Hanks (Richard Hanks)
Church Tours (Rick B)
1027: Independent Fundamentalist Church
1026: Bickertonite Tour
1025: Kingston Funeral
Book of Mormon Census (Robert Messick)
1024: How Many 1st Editions BoM are There? (Messick)
1023: Non-LDS Church Editions of BoM (Messick)
1022: Book of Mormon Editions (Messick)
Goodbye Religion (Dr Ryan Cragun)

1021: Is 2 Hr Church Hurting LDS Church? (Cragun)
1020: What Pushes/Pulls People From Religion? (Cragun)
1019: Why People Stay or Leave (Cragun)
1018: Triggered vs Calm ex-Mormons (Cragun)
Psychology of Conspiracy Theories (Dr Jesse James)

1016: Questions to Ask about Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James)
1015: Joseph’s Secret Polygamy Conspiracy? (Jesse James)
1014: Religious Motivation of Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James)
1013: Appeal of Conspiracy Theories (Jesse James)
1012: Difference between Valid Conspiracy & Conspiracy Theory (Jesse James)
Tour of Centennial Park (Tom Bennett)
1011: Heavenly Mothers (Tom Bennett)

1010: Blacks & Mormon Fundamentalists (Tom Bennett)
1009: Reasons Women Choose Polgamy (Tom Bennett)
1008: Fundamentalist Views of “One True Church” (Tom Bennett)
1007: Protestant to Polygamy (Tom Bennett)
1006: FLDS Field Trip (Rick B)
1005: Tour of Centennial Park (Rick B)
Feminist Firebrand Sonia Johnson (Dr Chris Talbot)
1004: Different Kind of Lesbian (Talbot)

1003: Sonia for POTUS (Talbot)
1002: Sonia’s Fight vs LDS Church over ERA (Talbot)
1001: Sonia Johnson Fights for Equal Rights
GT Live! 2025
1000: Best of 2024, 1000 Episodes, Awards (Rick B)
Golden Plates (Brant Gardner)

999: Is Infant Baptism in Book of Mormon Historical? (Gardner)
998: 19th Century Artifacts in Boom of Mormon (Gardner)
997: Is White & Delightsome Racist Scripture? (Gardner)
996: Brant Gardner Translation of Book of Mormon
1st Interview with AUB! (Josh Thompson)
995: Heretic Movie Review (Josh Thompson)

994: Courtship for Polygamists (Josh Thompson)
993: Are LDS Temples Valid? (Josh Thompson)
992: AUB Views of LDS Church (Josh Thompson)
Newest Polygamy Discoveries on Emma & Fanny (Christopher Smith)

990: Joseph Smith’s Plural Marriage Proposals (C Smith)
989: New Interpretation for Fanny Alger “Affair/Scrape” (Chris Smith)
Busting Utah’s Slavery Myths (Paul Reeve/Chris Rich)

988: Should BYU be Renamed over Slavery? (Reeve/Rich)
987: Was Brigham Young Wrong about Race Ban? (Reeve/Rich)
986: Busting Utah’s Slave Myths (Reeve/Rich)
Lost Manuscripts in Mormon History (Joe Geisner)

984: Lost Diaries of Juanita Brooks & Michael Quinn (Geisner)
983: Pratt Murder & Mountain Meadows (Geisner)
982: Lost Book of Mormon Documents (Geisner)
Mormonism Your Way (Rob Lauer)

978: Inside Reform Mormonism Theology (Lauer)
977: Love & Leave Mormons Twice (Lauer)
976: Converted LDS by Sandra Tanner & Fawn Brodie (Lauer)
William Marks’ Biography (John Dinger/Cheryl Bruno)
972: Did Joseph Renounce Polygamy? (Dinger/Bruno)

971: Marks After Martyrdom (Dinger/Bruno)
970: Almost Prophet Nearly Forgotten? (Dinger/Bruno)
Racism & Abortion (Amanda Hendrix-Komoto)
969: GT Live! Amanda Recap/Contest Winner
968: Utah & Idaho’s Abortion Fight (Hendrix-Komoto 5 of 5)

967: 19th Century Abortion (Hendrix-Komoto 4 of 5)
966: Native American Racism (Hendrix-Komoto 3 of 5)
965: Polynesian Racism & Faith Crisis (Hendrix-Komoto 2 of 5)
964: LDS/RLDS in Tahiti (Hendrix-Komoto 1 of 5)
Matt Harris on Second-Class Saints
963: What I Didn’t Get to Ask Matt Harris (GT Live!)
962: What was Left Out? (Matt Harris 6 of 6)

961: Fired From First Presidency (Matt Harris 5 of 6)
960: Inside Room for 1978 Revelation (Matt Harris 4 of 6)
959: What Lester Bush Missed (Matt Harris 3 of 6)
958: Is “White and Delightsome” Racist? (Matt Harris 2 of 6)
957: Race Ban Best Seller “2nd Class Saints” (Matt Harris 1 of 6)
Tangent Trip Summer/Fall 2024

985: Rick Gets Feisty! Mailbag (GT Live!)
981: How Kirtland Temple Sale Affects Visitors (Rick B)
980: Movie Review – Six Days in August (GT Live)
979: Fundamentalist Temple in Missouri?! (Tangents Travels #6)
956: Tangent Trips #5 – Historic Kirtland
955: GT Live! Contest Winner, Ireland, & More!
Secret Covenants: Earlist Polygamy Revelations (Clair Barrus)

954: Are Clayton Journals Reliable? (Barrus 4 of 4)
953: Pretend Husband Joseph Kingsbury (Barrus 3 of 4)
952: John C Bennett & Nauvoo-era Polygamy (Barrus 2 of 4)
951: Earliest Polygamy Revelations (Barrus 1 of 4)
Secret Covenants: Clift Sisters & Theodore Turley (MaryAnn Clements)

950: How Do Land Deeds Relate to D&C 132? (Clements)
949: 3rd Sister Mary Clift & Theodore Turley (Clements)
948: Sham Marriage to Theodore Turley (Clements)
947: Affair or Surrogate Mother? (Clements)
Secret Covenants: Polygamy & Freemasonry (Cheryl Bruno)

975: Ties Between Freemasonry & LDS Temple (Cheryl Bruno)
974: Should We Take Polygamy Skeptics Seriously? (Cheryl Bruno)
973: Why Emma Denied Polygamy (Cheryl Bruno)
946: Intro to Secret Covenants (Cheryl Bruno)
Critiquing Sept Six Book (Margaret Toscano)

945: Paul & Margaret Toscano’s Reactions to Sept 6
945: Does Excommunication Work? (Margaret Toscano)
944: Events Leading up to Sept 6 (Margaret Toscano)
943: Reaction to “Sept 6 & Struggle for Soul of Mormonism” (Margaret Toscano)
Inside Fundamentalist Mormon Temple (Dan & Ann Hatch)
940: Does Christ’s Church Ordain Blacks? (Hatches)

939: Long Endowmen in Christ’s Church (Hatches)
938: Why Does Christ’s Church Repeat Baptisms? (Hatches)
937: Is Wilford Woodruff a Traitor? (Hatches)
936: Who Founded Christ’s Church? (Hatches)
935: 1st Interview Inside Polygamist Temple (Hatches)
Gospel Tangents Trips!

942: MHA Recap 2024
941: #3: NT Wright Conf with NT Wright
934: #2: Go Inside Fundamentalist Mormon Temple
933: #1: Gilgal Sculpture Garden
Fundamentalist Mormon Theology (Cristina Rosetti)
932: Race Ban, Word of Wisdom in Fundamentalism (Rosetti)

931: Fundamentalist Mormon Theology (Rosetti)
930: 1944 & 1953 Police Raids on Polygamist Communities (Rosetti)
929: Joseph Musser & Post-Manifesto Polygamy (Rosetti)
928: Intro to Mormon Fundamentalism (Rosetti)
Isaiah in Book of Mormon (Joe Spencer)

927: Time to Dump KJV? (J Spencer)
926: Contradictions in Nephi & Abinadi (J Spencer)
925: Is Abinadi Trinitarian? (J Spencer)
924: GT Live! Manti, Polygamist Communities, Contest Winners
God’s Not Disappointed in You? (Kurt Francom)

922: Disappointed in God (Francom)
921: Holy Ghost in Unclean Temples (Francom)
920: Orthodox Kurt Francom on Unorthodox Topics
Mount Sinai in Arabia (George Potter)

918: Exodus Story a Myth? (Potter)
917: 12 Springs of Moses (Potter)
916: Moses Fled to Arabia (Potter)
Latter-day Perspectives on Atonement (Diedre Green/Eric Huntsman)

915: Role of Grace in Atonement (Green/Hunstman)
914: Gethsemane’s Role in Atonement (Green/Huntsman)
913: What is Womanist View of Atonement (Green/Huntsman)
912: Pros & Cons of Penal Substitution (Green/Huntsman)
911: Holy Week! 15 Years Studying Atonement (Green/Huntsman)
Tunisian Ties Book of Mormon to America! (Rick Bennett)
909: Tunisia is America’s Oldest Friend (Eryj Ben Sassi)

908: Ties of Tarshish, Tunisia & Mulek (Eryj Ben Sassi)
907: Phoenicians Before Columbus (Eryj Ben Sassi)
Community of Christ Pastor B (Brittany Mangelson)
905: Has Community of Christ Moved from Book of Mormon (Mangelson)

904: Faithful Disagreement as Article of Faith (Mangelson)
903: Roles of Deacons, Teachers, Priests, 70s in CoC (Mangelson)
902: Open Baptism in Community of Christ (Mangelson)
901: Meet Pastor B from Community of Christ (Mangelson)
March Livestreams! (Rick Bennett)
910: GT Live! Lehi’s Ocean Travel to New World
906: GT Live! Nauvoo Q&A
900: GT Live! Kirtland Temple Q&A
Evangelist Defends Book of Mormon (Josh Gehly)
899: LDS, CoC, & Bickertonite General Conference (Josh Gehly)

898: Neither Trinity nor Godhead? (Josh Gehly)
897: Attending Bickertonite Church Services (Josh Gehly)
896: Female Priesthood in Church of Jesus Christ (Josh Gehly)
895: Non-LDS Defense of Book of Mormon (Josh Gehly)
894: Meet Josh Gehly, Bickertonite Evangelist
853: 1st Bickertonite Baptism in Frigid Utah!
1st Black Mormon Slave in Utah (Mauli Bonner)

893: Award-Winning Film Leads to Monuments (Bonner)
892: Utah’s Decade of Slavery (Bonner)
891: Grammy Award-Winner Mauli Bonner
Testimony of 2 Nations (Michael Austin)

890: History of Mormon Studies (Austin)
889: Is Alma Unreliable Narrator? (Austin)
888: Different Ways to Look at Book of Mormon (Austin)
Book of Mormon is Filled with Temple (Dave Butler)
887: Does Skeptic See Temple (DJ Butler)

886: Approaching the Veil in Matthew 7 (DJ Butler)
885: Lord’s Prayer is a Temple Text? (DJ Butler)
884: Don’t Make Oaths; What About Temple Oaths? (DJ Butler)
883: Sermon on the Mount is Temple Ceremony? (DJ Butler)
882: See Jesus Like Denver Snuffer? (DJ Butler)
881: Meet Dave Butler (DJ Butler)
Mission Pres or Spy? (Mary Jane Woodger)

880: Mary Jane’s Favorite Relics of Restoration (Woodger)
879: Most Wanted Man was LDS Mission Pres? (Woodger)
878: How Czech Mormons Survived Hitler’s Invasion (Woodger)
877: True Story of Wallace Toronto (Woodger)
Additional Book of Mormon Doctrines (Val Larsen)
876: Theosis in the Book of Mormon (Larsen)

875: Abish, Queen, & Heavenly Mother (Larsen)
874: Ammon, Lamoni, & Theosis in Book of Mormon (Larsen)
873: Ammon’s Story IS Exaltation Story (Larsen)
872: LDS Doctrines ARE in Book of Mormon (Larsen)
Funding for LDS Affiliated Groups (Scott Vance)

871: Tim Ballard Controversy (Vance)
870: Oliver Cowdery & the Seer Stone (Vance)
869: Where LDS Adjacent Groups Get Money (Vance)
868: 2 Hour Church Helps or Hurts? What about Pageants? (Vance)
867: Tracking Funding of LDS Adjacent Groups (Vance)
Bad News for Religion? (Ryan Cragun)

866: Why Rich Countries Lose Religion (Cragun)
865: Will Women Get LDS Priesthood Before 2nd Coming? (Cragun)
864: Why Conservative Churches Grow (Cragun)
863: Tracking Church Members & Rise of Nones? (Cragun)
862: Why is Utah No Longer Majority Mormon? (Cragun)
7 Gospels in Book of Mormon (Rosalynde Welch)

861: What’s in Gospel of Brother of Jared (R. Welch)
860: Gospels of Abinadi & Samuel the Lamanite (R. Welch)
859: Atonement Theology in Gospels of Mary, Mosiah, Abinadi (R. Welch)
858: 7 Gospels of Book of Mormon (R. Welch)
Are Book of Mormon Lands in S America? (George Potter)

857: Book of Mormon DNA, Hagoth, & Thor Hyderdahl (Potter)
856: Were Inca Temples Built by Nephites? (Potter)
855: Book of Mormon Lands In S America? (Potter)
854: Nephi’s Voyage to New World (Potter)
Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism (Sara Patterson)

852: How Have Intellectuals Moved the Church? (Sara Patterson)
851: Sonia Johnson & ERA (Sara Patterson)
850: Professors Denied BYU Tenure (Sara Patterson)
849: Michael Quinn: Triumph or Tragedy? (Sara Patterson)
52 Questions for David Boice

848:Takeaways from 104 Churches (David Boice)
847: Star Wars Church – New Perspectives (David Boice)
846: Strangite, Bickertonite, JWHA Reactions (David Boice)
845: Meeting with Mormon, Metal, & MegaChurches (David Boice)
844: Protestant Faith Crisis Leads David Boice to Other Churches (including LDS!)
Debunking the Spalding Theory (Rick Bennett)

843: Where is the Promised Land? (Rick B)
842: How Lehi & Jaredites Came to Promised Land (Rick B)
841: Talking DNA at FIRM Foundation (Rick B)
840: Even Hurlbut Knew Spalding Theory was Bunk! (Rick B)
839: I’ll Read the Spalding Manuscript – Get Ready to Laugh (Rick Bennett)
838: Debunking Spaulding Theory (Rick Bennett)
Digging at Hawn’s Mill, Nauvoo (Paul Debarthe)

837: Musket Fire at Hawn’s Mill (Paul Debarthe)
836: 1st Woman Ordained in Community of Christ (Paul Debarthe)
835: Digging for the Truth at Hawn’s Mill (Paul Debarthe)
834: Was Mansion House Station on Underground Railroad? (Paul Debarthe)
833: Excavating Nauvoo (Paul Debarthe)
Book of Mormon on the Yucatan (Bob Roylance)

832: DNA On the Yucatan (Bob Roylance)
831: Geology & Metals of Yucatan (Bob Roylance)
830: Comparing Yucatan with Heartland (Bob Roylance)
829: Book of Mormon on Yucatan (Bob Roylance)
Mormon Bigfoot, UFO’s and Rise of the Nones (Matt Bowman)

828: Academic Freedom at BYU? (Matthew Bowman)
827: Why Young Are Losing Religion (Matthew Bowman)
826: “Cults” & Brainwashing Don’t Exist? (Matthew Bowman)
825: UFOs & Alternative Religion (Matthew Bowman)
824: Mormon Bigfoot (Matthew Bowman)
Mormons Murdered in Wild West (Steve LeSueur )

823: Butch Cassidy’s Mormon Past (Steve LeSueur)
822: Butch Cassidy & Other Outlaws (Steve LeSueur)
821: Mormons Murdered in Wild West (Steve LeSueur)
1st of Sept Six (Lynne Whitesides)

820: Spirituality & Family Reactions (Lynne Whitesides)
819: (Un)Welcome at BYU (Lynne Whitesides)
818: 1st of the Sept Six (Lynne Whitesides)
Bird’s Eye View of Sept Six (Janice Allred)

817: Advice for Church Leaders (Janice Allred)
816: Scarlet Letter of Apostasy (Janice Allred)
815: From Probation to Excommunication (Janice Allred)
814: Apostasy or Insubordination? Back on LDS Radar (Janice Allred)
813: Theology of God the Mother (Janice Allred)
Punk Rock Polygamist Talks Racism (Moroni Jessop)

812: Fundamental Racial Myths Supporting Racism (Moroni Jessop)
811: Researching Priesthood Ban Leads to DNA Tests (Moroni Jessop)
810: Excommunicated “Lovingly” from AUB (Moroni Jessop)
809: Encountering Independent Mormon Racism (Moroni Jessop)
808: Growing Up & Causing LDS Trouble (Moroni Jessop)
Baptist Pastor Converts to LDS Church! (Bryan Ready)

807: Baptist Pastor in Nauvoo Pageant! (Ready)
806: From Fraud to Prophet (Ready)
805: What Baptist Pastor Thinks of LDS Temples (Ready)
804: Osmonds Lead Baptist Pastor to LDS Church (Ready)
Translation Civil War? (Jim Lucas, Jonathan Neville)

803: Critiquing Gospel Topics Essays (Lucas/Neville)
802: What Difference Does it Make? (Lucas/Neville)
801: Oliver’s Rod of Revelation (Lucas/Neville)
800: Emma isn’t Reliable Translation Witness? (Lucas/Neville)
799: Picturing Book of Mormon Translation (Tight vs Loose – Lucas/Neville)
Mountain Meadows Game Changers (Barbara Jones Brown/Richard TurleyTurley)
797: Assigning Blame for MMM (Brown/Turley)

793: CoC Prophet Sustains LDS Prophet! (Mark Scherer)
2:48:42 1984 Revelation
2:56:37 CoC Prophet Sustains LDS Prophet!
3:00:24 Thawed LDS/CoC Relations
3:09:17 Journey of a People
792: Emma’s 2nd Marriage to Lewis Bidamon (Mark Scherer)

2:09:47 Fred M Smith: “Worst Prophet Ever!”
2:20:40 CoC World Conference
791: Civil War Prophecy Downplayed? (Mark Scherer)
59:59 Baptism for the Dead
1:16:11 CoC Beliefs of Polygamy
1:34:03 Seer Stone vs U&T
790: Did Joseph Embellish First Vision? (Mark Scherer)
9:04 Religious Historian & Historian of Religion
21:08 Was Joseph Smith Educated?
28:06 Are First Vision Accounts Embellished?
44:05 Dating the First Vision
47:16 Restoration of Priesthood
789: Hot Button Issues: Women & Priesthood/Polygamy/Sexism/LGBT/Evolution (Terry Patience)

1:08:24 Remnant School of the Prophets
1:12:54 Remnant D&C
1:18:12 Monogamy/Polygamy/International Sexism
1:31:09 LGBT
1:37:51 Evolution & Heartland Model
1:45:18 Remnant Distinctives
788: Prophet in Zion (Terry Patience)
9:43 Fred Larsen, founder of Remnant
13:15 Terry’s Journey to Remnant
25:01 Stroke Leads to Schism
30:19 Current Church Structure
34:57 Patriarchal Blessings
40:24 Remnant Concepts of Temple
49:08 General Conferences for Remnant
787:Execution & Trial of John D Lee (Janiece Johnson)

Lee’s “Confession”
05:36 Execution
21:46 Keeping the Massacre Alive
16:37 Under the Banner of Heaven
25:25 Where Janiece Disagree’s with Turley/Brown
786: Mountain Meadows Massacre (Janiece Johnson)
15:33 Intro to Massacre
24:28 Outsider Perspectives on MMM
27:41 Trial of the Century
31:02 Why Justice Took so Long
36:23 9 Men Indicted
39:35 Lee’s Trial Put Mormon Church on Trial
785: Zarahemla Temple Near Nauvoo (Jay Mackley)

1:09:19 Geology
1:18:30 Zarahemla Temple Near Nauvoo
1:31:57 Translation of Book of Mormon
1:54:54 Making the Case for Limited Heartland Theory
784: Limited Geography Heartland Theory (Jay Mackley)
783: Review of Under the Banner of Heaven (Cristina Rosetti)

2:11:59 Under the Banner of Heaven
2:15:36 Robert Crossfield
2:20:32 2nd Book of Commandments
2:23:48 Addressing Polygamy Skeptics
2:29:25 Great & Abominable Church
2:22:31 Addressing Religious Violence
2:40:41 Religious Resurgence After Decline?
782: Intro to Mormon Polygamists (Cristina Rosetti)
1:34:56 Intro to Mormon Polygamists
1:38:19 Line of Authority for Polygamy
1:41:49 The 1950s Split
1:58:18 TLC Church
2:07:57 RLDS Schisms
781: How Mormon Studies Scholar Converted to Catholicism (Cristina Rosetti)
38:24 Catholic Conversion
1:02:19 Ordain Mormon/Catholic Women?
1:15:21 Catholic Sex Abuse Scandals
1:27:47 Catholic Attends LDS Single’s Ward
780: Cristina Rosetti’s Born Again Faith Crisis
0:00 Juanita Brooks Conf
7:27 Cristina’s Born Again/Faith Crisis
21:13 Diving into Religious Studies
779: Satan is Fruit of Tree Knowledge? (Val Larsen)

2:23:10 Christ Baptized for World
2:37:34 Moral Exemplar Atonement
2:46:19 Satan is Fruit of Tree Knowledge?
2:51:15 Divine Mother in Temple
3:13:00 Pushing Back
3:37:18 Will Val Get in Trouble?
778: Temple is Great & Spacious Building? (Val Larsen)
1:15:03 Book of Mormon Theosis
1:36:50 Asherah – Divine Mother
1:45:52 Temple is Great & Spacious Building?
1:56:34 Why Laman & Lemuel tried to Kill Nephi (Mother in Heaven)
2:06:03 Nephi’s Dream
777: Lehi Was Polytheist? (Val Larsen)
0:00 Intro to Val Larsen
8:00 God is the Author of Evil?
14:55 What Orthodox Christians Get Wrong about God
28:42 Theosis & Heavenly Mother in Book of Mormon
37:21 Israelite Polytheism
50:39 Divine Mother
55:43 First Biblical Forgery?
776: Pros/Cons of Delmarva Theory (Laura Hathaway)

23:36 Taking the Skeptics Questions
26:34 DNA
28:32 Geology
40:31 Steel Swords
Is Population Large Enough?
775: Intro to Delmarva Theory (Laura Hathaway)
0:00-Intro to Delmarva Theory
774: Did Everyone Mistranslate Paul? (Thomas Wayment)

43:23 Did Joseph Smith Mistranslate Paul?
50:04 Did Paul Invent Christianity?
54:15 James on Works/Grace
56:29 Correcting the Apostle Paul
1:00:10 Were Women Demoted in the Bible?
1:13:38 Did Jesus Start a Church?
1:22:00 Atonement Theories
773: Thomas Wayment Responds on Adam Clarke/JST
0:00 JST Followup
13:29 Why KJV is Difficult for Young People
21:37 Short Ending of Mark
34:28 Is John anti-Semitic
38:40 2nd Edition Highlights
772: Difference Between CoC & LDS General Conference (Deb Luce)

0:00 World Conference
1:33:36 Conference Communion
771: A Female Patriarch? (Deb Luce)
0:00 Called as Pastor
16:56 Called as Evangelist
770: Miracle Healing Leads to CoC Conversion (Deb Luce)
0:00 Conversion to CoC
7:54 1984 Revelation
10:50 Healed After Car Accident
19:06 Roy’s Conversion/Ordination in CoC
28:41 Son’s Cancer Scare
769: Rick Attends CoC World Conference

0:00 Day 0 Registration
2:09 Day 1 Inside Temple
7:43 African Musical Group
8:01 Day 2 Tour of Temple, Seminary, Auditorium
14:45 Day 3 Fire Alarm!
18:48 Temple Chapel (Day 3 cont)
22:13 Day 4 Recap/Met a Prophet!
25:05 Phoenicia Warehouse (Iowa)
30:14 Day 6 Recap
33:40 Stone Church Day 7 Conclusion
768: Comparing Baptist Views on LGBT (Kyle Beshears)

1:40:37 How Baptists View Gay Couples
2:00:55 Southern Baptists & Race
2:11:48 Kyle’s Upcoming Book on Mormonism
767: Role of Women in Baptist Church (Kyle Beshears)
39:46 High vs Low Church
54:42 Kyle’s Call to Ministry
1:06:15 Role of Women in Baptist Church
1:17:51 Role of Confession
1:24:30 Baptist Model for Dealing with Sexual Abuse
766: Why Mormons Aren’t Christian? (Kyle Beshears)
0:00 Evangelical/Mormon Dialogues
6:55 Book of Mormon Not Trinitarian?
19:20 Is Book of Mormon Universalist?
24:02 Why Mormons Aren’t “Teir 1” Christians
33:48 Tier 2 Christians
37:13 Tier 3 Issues
765: Translation of Caracters Document

0:00 Translating Caracters
764: Were Gold Plates Made of Copper?
0:00 Intro to Jerry Grover
9:13 Gold or Copper Plates?
763: Can Evangelicals & Mormons Get Along?
0:00 Polygamy Matchmaker
8:43 Evangelical is Mormon Missionary!

14:47 MBR’s Biggest Guests
23:49 Steve Hates Gatekeepers
36:29 Joseph Smith Daguerrotype
47:10 Beer with Mormon & Muslim!
52:13 Mormonism Saved Steve’s Life
1:00:08 Biggest Surprise
762: Rick & Steve Pynakker Get Personal!
0:00 God Bless These Damned Souls!
10:26 Evangelical Dream
20:14 Chris Thomas Blesses Rick
28:28 Mormon/Evangelical Views of Cross
31:32 Willie Grills
34:25 Hello Saints! Jeff McCullough
761: Reviewing Murder Among the Mormons (Michelle Stone/Diane Smith)

1:06:49 Sore Subject
1:32:16 Mr Mac
1:33:50 Diane’s Visions
1:45:52 Reviewing Murder Among the Mormons
760: Family Reactions to Mark Hofmann’s Injuries (Michelle Stone/Diane Smith)
36:25 Family Reactions to Mark’s Guilt
51:32 What Was Mark’s Motive?
1:01:29 Accident or Suicide?
1:04:52 Hi Mark!
759: My Cousin Was a Serial Bomber (Michelle Stone/Diane Smith)
0:00 Intro to Michelle & Diane
5:34 Hofmann’s First Teenage Explosion
11:20 Mark’s Parents
18:11 Mark’s Post-Manifesto Grandma
27:25 Mark’s Beach Treasure Hunt
758: Wise Men Came from Iran? (Dan McClellan)

1:37:07 Birth of the Devil
1:46:23 Wise Men Came from Iran?
1:49:38 Rich Man/Eye of Needle
1:53:45 Was Jesus Friendly with Pharisees?
757: Book of Mormon’s Isaiah Problem (Dan McClellan)
1:09:41 Author(s) of Isaiah
1:15:54 Book of Mormon’s Isaiah Problem
1:20:11 When Israel Became Monotheist
756: God Had a Wife? (Dan McClellan)
36:13 Data Over Dogma
39:28 Gods of Israel/Canaan
51:15 From Many to One God
1:00:46 Did God Have a Wife?
755: Was Abraham a Monotheist? (Dan McClellan)
0:00 Meet Dan McClellan
8:58 How Ancients Thought of Divine
25:07 Abraham Not a Monotheist?
754: Tour of Independence (Rick Bennett)

0:00 Temple Lot
7:50 Flournoy Home
10:11 Partridge Home
10:59 Flournoy Home (Original Location)
11:40 Rathbun Blacksmith Shop
12:21 Public Square
13:42 Gilbert-Whitney Store
14:45 Printing Office
17:44 Log Courthouse
19:40 Boggs Original House
20:34 Noland House
21:52 Independence Jail
24:46 Boggs House
753: How 1978 Revelation Affected Black Women (Paul Reeve)

0:00 How Deep Into the Ban?
5:35 Rapid Fire Questions About Book
7:40 Orson Pratt Rejects Curse of Cain
11:10 Death of Elijah Ables
14:39 Jane James’ Attempt at Temple Blessings
15:53 Joseph F Smith Solidifies Restrictions
17:01 How 1978 Revelation Affected Black Women
21:05 Addressing Lingering Justifications of Ban
752: One Drop Rule/Problem (Paul Reeve)
00:00 Russell Dewey Ritchie (38:38-38:50 teaser clip)
10:51 Black Pete
16:01 One Drop Rule
18:16 Hardest Book Paul Has Written
25:53 Wilford Woodruff “One Drop” Problem
751: Earliest Black Mormons (Paul Reeve)
0:00 Intro to Isaac Manning
6:43 Century of Black Mormons
9:59 Isaac Van Meter
11:55 Joseph Ball
16:41 Walker Lewis
19:14 Enoch Lewis
20:23 Moroni Able
22:09 Enoch & Elijah Abel III
26:47 Warner McCary
750: Jason Olson’s View of Prophets

2:19:29 Religious Pluralism/Rise of Anti-Semitism
2:48:18 Jason’s View of Prophets
749: Navigating Jewish-Mormon Dating (Jason Olson)
1:40:12 Navigating LDS/Jewish Dating
1:52:48 Israeli-Palestinian Relations
1:56:47 Return to BYU
2:04:23 Religious Studies at BYU
748: LDS Baptism & Mission (Jason Olson)
42:38 Dating Jews & Mormons
52:58 Inspired by Pat Tillman
59:16 Baptism & LDS Mission
1:11:44 Call to Israel
747: Jason Olson’s Conversion to Mormonism
0:00 Elder Christofferson’s Call
7:58 Mixed Faith Upbringing
12:32 Intro to LDS Church
746: Strang’s Death/Succession Crisis (Vickie Speek)

1:22:25 How Strang Broke Vickie’s Testimony
1:32:24 Strang’s Death
1:46:52 Strang Succession
745: Famous Strangites (Vickie Speek)
1:00:30 Strangite Temple
1:03:08 John C Bennett
1:06:44 Fleeing Voree & Starting Polygamy
1:18:57 King & Congressman!
744: Strangite Temple & Polygamy (Vickie Speek)
36:29 Famous Strangites
40:07 Intro to Strangite Polygamy/Census
56:16 Book of Law of the Lord
743: Intro to James Strang (Vickie Speek)
0:00 Mormon Road Leads to James Strang
15:57 Early Life of James Strang
20:24 Strang’s Letter of Appt to Wisconsin
26:36 First Mormon Forgery?
31:02 Voree Plates
742: 19th Century Cross-Dressing Polygamist (Kyle Beshears)

0:00 Intro to James Strang
7:46 Cross-Dressing Polygamist
11:03 Pirates of Lake Michigan?!
14:06 Order of Illuminati
18:10 Concubine Eunice Kinney
741: What Baptist Pastor Really Thinks of Book of Mormon (Kyle Beshears)
0:00 Why Baptist Pastor Studies Mormons?
9:03 Why King David Disproves Book of Mormon
14:27 Kyle’s thoughts on BoM
18:58 Evangelical-Mormon Relations
740: Adam’s Thoughts on Giants, Heartland (Adam Stokes)

1:36:04 Biblical Giants (Nephilim)
1:49:01 Heartlander
1:50:37 Michigan Relics
2:02:10 Interfaith Catholic Marriage
739: Biblical Scholarship vs Literalism (Adam Stokes)
1:12:09 Latin Scrolls
1:25:12 Is Biblical Scholarship at Odds with Literalism?
738: Otto Fetting Visions/Revelations (Adam Stokes)
33:12 Otto Fettings Visions & Revelations
43:07 W.A. Draves Leadership & Splits
45:20 Theology/Beliefs of Assured Way
52:44 Demographics of Assured Way
55:26 Beliefs about LGBT, Polygamy, Consecration, Temple
737: Apostle for Elijah Message Church (Adam Stokes)
0:00 Intro to Adam Stokes
8:37 Adam’s Intro to JST & Book of Mormon
13:18 Journey Through Bickertonites/CoC
24:43 Conversion to Elijah Message/Assured Way
736: Explaining Book of Mormon Star (Jerry Grover)

0:00 Night of Brightness in Book of Mormon
15:00 Book of Mormon Languages
23:26 Laman Means Unbeliever?
41:53 Explaining DNA/Book of Mormon
735: Book of Mormon Geology (Jerry Grover)
0:00 Meet Jerry Grover
8:36 Earthquake & Volcano Science for Book of Mormon
23:05 How to Date Volcanic Events
38:19 Why New Madrid Fault Doesn’t Match BoM Events
59:35 Old World Biblical Geology
1:04:28 Why Meso is Better Geology Fit than Heartland
734: Paul Toscano’s Role in Hofmann Case

0:00:00 Paul’s Role in Hofmann Case
0:08:28 Fake plates
0:18:01 Aftermath of Christensen Death
0:23:54 Church Asked Steve to Spy on Hofmann
0:30:01 Hofmann & Fake Plates in England
0:37:18 Paul’s Thoughts on Hofmann
0:45:55 Paul’s Newest Novel
733: Paul Toscano Discusses September Six
0:00 Intro to Sept 6
6:30 Boyd K Packer’s Role in Sept 6
15:13 Avraham Gileadi
18:44 Causes of Trouble
40:27 How Paul Deals with Mormon Issues
52:26 Mistakes of Leaders
1:07:12 Events Leading up to Sept 1993
1:39:42 Lessons of Sept 6
1:48:56 Hero & Pariah
732: Edwards Phrases in Book of Mormon (Jonathan Neville)

0:00 Edwards Phrases in Book of Mormon
1:26:23 Response to Critics/Anachronisms
1:41:02 Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia
731: Jonathan Edwards Influence on Book of Mormon (Jonathan Neville)
0:00 Intro to Jonathan Edwards
7:24 Neville’s Case Against Stone in the Hat
23:18 How Joseph’s Leg Surgery Helped Him
33:48 Jonathan Edwards
45:32 Tight vs Loose Translation
730: Deep Dive into Mormon Schisms (John Hamer)

0:00 Rigdon/Parrish/Whitmer Purify
1:51:13 Young/Wight/Cutler Preserve
1:58:29 Strang/Thompson/Morris Innovation
2:09:53 Rigdonites
2:17:07 Brighamites
2:31:20 Strangites
2:42:18 Cutlerites
2:26:37 Evolution of LDS/RLDS Temple Practices
2:54:51 Josephites
3:01:04 Hedrickites
3:13:16 Succession Theories Trapped in 1844
3:29:44 RLDS World Conference in April 2023
3:32:23 Final Thoughts
729: Succession Crisis (John Hamer)
0:00 Intro to John Hamer
10:28 Intro to Succession Crisis
26:34 Evolving Theology 1830-40s
28:45 Evolving Church Structure
43:05 When Early Schisms Happened
48:24 1844 Succession Candidates
1:13:19 Showdown Between Sidney & Brigham
1:17:02 Rival Church Organizations 1844-53
1:21:18 Temple vs Endowment House
1:30:29 Schismatic Map
727: Joseph Merril, the Science Apostle (Dr. Casey Griffiths)

0:00 Thomas Yates, 1st Seminary Teacher
10:12 Apostle Joseph Merrill
23:00 Faith vs Science
31:27 Theologically Trained Seminary Teachers?
728: International Mormons in Pakistan, Armenia (Dr Casey Griffiths)
0:00 Mormon Cricket Teams in Pakistan
4:36 LDS Church in Armenia
8:23 Word of Wisdom Pipes
726: 50 More Relics of the Restoration (Dr. Casey Griffiths)
0:00 Intro to JWHA
13:36 James Strang’s Sceptre & History
26:05 Multiple Churches of Jesus Christ
28:23 More Relics of the Restoration
35:03 Joseph F Smith Scriptures & Vision
44:13 Eliza Snow Poem
45:46 “Billy” Johnson’s Radio
49:23 David O McKay Diaries
54:46 LDS Dance Halls
1:02:26 LDS Church in Pacific Islands
1:16:24 Islamabad Moroni’s
1:19:51 Armenian Mormons
1:23:38 Tobacco Pipes from School of Prophets
725: Are Gospels Historical? (Dr. Trevan Hatch)

1:30:01 Pharisees Were Friends (not enemies) of Jesus
1:52:11 How Matthew Made Pharisees the Enemy
1:59:46 Why “Pharisee” is anti-Semitic
2:11:39 When were Gospel Written?
2:16:42 Barabbas
2:27:20 Are Gospels Historical?
2:44:22 When Christians Separated from Judaism
2:49:42 BYU Reaction
2:51:00 Learning of the Jews
724: Real New Testament History (Dr. Trevan Hatch)
0:00 Meet Dr. Trevan Hatch
8:20 Who was “Stranger in Jerusalem” Written for?
13:58 How Tall Were Goliath & Jesus?
19:13 What Do We Get Wrong with Christmas Story?
31:05 Are Gospels Historically Reliable?
34:33 Is Judas Death Reliable?
37:59 Did Jesus Ask Judas to Betray Him?
53:45 Why did Peter Deny Jesus?
59:24 Was James (not Peter) 1st Christian Leader?
1:17:20 Why Jews Wouldn’t Eat with Gentiles
723: Books of Jasher & Enoch – David Hocking

0:00 Book of Jasher Part 2
1:16:01 Book of Isaiah
1:28:48 Book of Enoch
1:42:01 New Testament
1:53:24 Adam Clarke
2:07:12 Joseph Smith’s Revelations (D&C)
2:12:59 Next Projects
722: Annotated Book of Mormon – (David Hocking)
0:00 Overview of Annotated Scriptures
8:41 Book of Mormon
18:54 Book of Mormon at Duke Divinity School
27:15 LDS Church Hates Red Letter Scriptures!
40:20 Explaining Translation Process
43:56 Book of Enoch
49:36 Book of Jasher in Book of Mormon?
54:35 Self-Financing Scriptures
59:49 Are Book of Mormon Maps Like Porn?
721: Restoring Nephi’s Ship (Mike Stahlman)

0:00 Meet Mike Stahlman
9:27 Rebuilding Nephi’s Ship
21:16 Is Restored Ship Seaworthy?
25:12 Restoring the Phoenicia
720: Buying Nephi’s Ship (Mike & Betty Lafontaine)

0:00 Indian Placement Program
8:27 Is Book of Mormon history of Navajo People?
18:32 Hopewell Evidence
22:00 DNA
23:57 Buying the Phoenicia
28:20 The Boat Sinks
30:08 COVID Makes Purchase Possible
43:57 Getting the Word Out!
719: Brazilian Filmmakers Sail Lehi’s Voyage (Vera & Yuri Sanada)

0:00 Brazilian/Portuguese Explorers
5:34 Joining Philip Beale’s Crew
13:34 Avoiding Somali Pirates
17:56 Building a Better Rat Trap
25:16 Storm after Capetown
36:01 Almost a Mutiny?
40:30 Vera & Yuri’s Thoughts on Book of Mormon
718: Columbus Follows After Lehi (Philip Beale)

0:00 Philip’s Navy Background
6:21 Inspired by Thor Hyerdahl
11:04 First Ancient Indonesian Voyage
21:27 Where are Phoenicians from?
29:39 Sailing around Africa
33:45 Emergency at Sea
39:21 Blown off course, almost to Florida!
45:02 Essentials of Ship Life
47:15 Evidence of Phoenicians in America?
52:11 Beale’s 2nd Voyage
58:41 Turning Phoenician Ship into Museum
1:07:39 Philip’s Feelings about Book of Mormon Voyages
1:12:02 Why Pacific Crossing is Improbable
1:23:50 Is Jaredite Submarine possible?
1:26:30 Did China, Japan, Vikings Discover America?
1:33:45 To Learn More…
717: Starting Heartland Research Group (John Lefgren)

0:00 Starting Heartland Research Group
13:36 Focusing on Zarahemla
18:33 Buying Lehi’s Boat (The Phoenicia)
28:02 Asking about DNA
28:40 Building the Phoenicia Museum
37:04 Heartlander Groups
716: Dating the First Vision (John Lefgren)
0:00 Intro to John Lefgren
5:01 Discussing Birth/Death of Christ
16:24 Dating First Vision
34:47 Book of Enoch
42:30 Questions about First Vision
715: Reviewing other Geography Theories (Brant Gardner)

1:26:17 M2C Citation Cartel
1:28:41 Strengths/Weaknesses Heartland
1:37:10 Brant’s Background as Anthropologist
1:42:39 Uto-Aztecan Language
1:47:08 Baja Theory
1:50:54 Malay Theory
1:57:25 African/Europe Theory
2:02:19 Middle East Geography
2:12:51 South American Model
2:16:48 Final Thoughts on Meso
2:21:06 Can Faithful Believe in Old Earth/Evolution?
714: Brant Gardner – Mesoamerican Theory of Book of Mormon
0:00 Intro to Meso Theory
14:17 Hemispheric Model
22:41 Digging into Meso
32:09 DNA Problem
46:14 Not Narrow Neck? Extermination?
53:19 2 Cumorah Theory
58:06 No Metal Plates Found?
1:10:10 No Horses
1:20:01 Skewed Directions?
712: Breaking Down Restoration Walls (Patrick McKay, Apostle)

0:00 Who is Patrick McKay?
5:15 Who Has Authority? “One True Church”
29:00 Restoration Testimonies
32:03 Book of Mormon Restoration Conference
35:59 The Polygamy Breach
45:42 Looking at Troubling Scriptures
52:02 British Israelism
56:48 Patriarchal Blessings
58:12 Structure of JCRB/Common Baptisms & Priesthood
1:07:09 JCRB/RLDS Disagreements
1:13:35 Book of Mormon Historicity
1:19:51 Comparing Latter-day Scriptures/Practices
1:29:04 Uniting Restoration Groups
711: 3 Theology Pillars of Mormon Fundamentalists (Joe Jessop)

1:22:45 Adam-God as Preparation for Godhood
1:36:18 Polygamy Requirement for Celestial Kingdom
1:45:45 Racial Pillar of Fundamentalism
2:02:13 Fundamentalist History
2:08:18 Why Seniority Provides Stability
710: Close Look at Apostolic United Brethren (Joe Jessop)
0:00 Intro to Apostolic United Brethren
13:14 1886 Revelation
16:30 History of Manifestos
22:05 Is Lorin Woolley’s Story Reliable?
26:41 AUB/FLDS Split in 1951
37:57 John Taylor On the Run
40:07 Did Heber J Grant Start Fundamentalism?
43:35 Lebaron Groups Hit List
55:01 How Montana Gained Polygamists
1:00:51 When Polygamists Join LDS Church
1:05:35 How LDS Lost(?) Priesthood in 1978
1:12:23 Why Seniority is Good For Succession
709: Controversial Cases of Polygamy (Todd Compton)

Number of Joseph Smith’s Wives
Show Me the Children
Sylvia Sessions Lyon
Dating Fanny Alger Sealing
Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner
708: Accidental Historian Becomes Polygamy Icon (Todd Compton)
0:00 Accidental Mormon Historian
15:19 Documenting Joseph Smith’s Wives
29:48 Writing “In Sacred Loneliness”
35:47 Did Eliza Snow Get Pushed Down Stairs by Emma?
41:46 Helen Mar Whitney
50:36 Reject Pedophile Label?
57:33 Experiences of Women in Polygamy
1:12:19 Partridge Sisters Double Marriages
706: Newell Bringhurst – biographer of Harold B. Lee

0:00 Early Life of Harold B Lee
14:19 Lee’s Political & Welfare Work
27:04 Lee’s Stance on Race & Priesthood
38:25 Women, LGBT, and Race Parallels in LDS Church
56:12 Ervil LeBaron
57:37 Lee Purchased Land for Brazil Temple
1:09:05 Peterson Wanted Bush Exed
1:14:19 Lee’s Health Problems/Death
705: Mississippi Mob Murders (2 of 2 Mary Ann Clements)

Mississippi Mob Murders
Going after Edward Bonney & Mormon Leaders
How Counterfeiting Affected Mormon Exodus
Correcting Theodore Turley Polygamy Records
704: Were Nauvoo Leaders Counterfeiters (1 of 2 Mary Ann Clements)
Correcting the Wooden Leg Myth
Were Church Leaders Conterfeiters?
Joseph Jackson: Informant Plays Both Sides
3 Counterfeiting Operations in Nauvoo
703: Takeaways From Secret Meetings of 1922 (Shannon Caldwell Montez)
Richard Lyman Affair

Sjodahl, and others from Meetings
Takeaways from the Secret 1922 Meetings
702: Intro to Secret Meetings of 1922 (Shannon Caldwell Montez)
Intro to Secret 1922 Meetings
Beginnings of LGT/View of Hebrews
Compose BoM-Davis/Bradley
BH Roberts Post-Manifesto Marriage
Chicago Experiment: Faith vs Science Battles
700: Mormon Schisms Tour
Early Groups
Strangites, Cutlerites, Bickertonites, Wightities
New Groups
Denver Snuffer, David Ferriman, Matthew Gill,
698: Patrick Mason on Peace & Violence
Mormon/Catholic Studies
Troubling BoM Stories – Laban & Jesus
“Righteous” War Theory in BoM
Jesus & John Wayne
Non-Violent Successes/Failures
Comparing Brigham Young to Malcom X and Batman
How Do We Proclaim Peace? (Nobody wants to be MLK)
Making Peace with John Dehlin
697: Discussing Modern-Day Polygamists (Bringhurst/Craig Foster 2 of 2)

Polygamy & Priesthood/Temple Ban
Growth of Fundamentalist Mormons in the early 20th century
Decline of FLDS
2 Largest Polygamist Groups: AUB & Independents
American Polygamy
696: Mormon Polygamy & Quest for the Presidency (Newell Bringhurst/Craig Foster 1 of 2)

Mormon Quest for the Presidency
Why Polygamy/D&C 132 Can’t be Decanonized
Dating the Fanny Alger Affair
Polygamy from Martyrdom to Manifesto 1844-1890
695: Fowler Stages of Faith Overview (Dr Jesse James 2 of 2)
Fowler Stages of Faith

How the different Denomimations Came About
Fowler’s Stages 5-6
Manipulating the Spirit?
694: Scientific Explanation for Spiritual Experiences
Can Chimps Speak Sign Language?
Do we have Free Will?
Will Artificial Intelligence Rule the World?
Reviewing Jana Riess’s Survey-TeleChurch
“Spiritual but Not Religious”/Placebo Prayers
693: Bill Russell on Apostasy, Mass Murder, & Hofmann (2 of 2)

RLDS Views of Apostasy-Restoration Branches
RLDS Mass Murderer Jeff Lundgren
Interaction with Mark Hofmann
692: Bill Russell: Unorthodox RLDS Historian (1 of 2)
Coaching Bruce Jenner
Early RLDS History-Lineal Succession
Succession through Fred M & Israel Smith
Women’s ordination Causes Schism in RLDS Church
691: Is This the Face of Joseph Smith (Lachlan Mackay)

Forensic Analysis of JS Photo
Provenance, Forgery of JS Photo?
Reactions to photo recognition
RLDS version of Lafferty’s
690: Perspectives on Women’s Ordination & Abuse (Jennifer Roach)

Anglican Pastors converts to LDS
Women & Priesthood
Should Clergy Meet with Teens?
AP Sex Abuse Story
How do young Abuse Victims Disclose?
Better Training for Clergy?
689: William Davis – New BoM Translation Timeline, Joseph was Methodist Exhorter?

Re-evaluating Translation Timeline for Book of Mormon
Laying Down Heads
Joseph’s Training as Methodist Exhorter
Proof Joseph was not Illiterate
Addressing Criticisms
688: Dr William Davis on Chaismus, Tight vs Loose Translation
From Shakespeare’s Chiasmus to Sermon Culture
Oral vs Written Chiasms-Tight vs Loose Translation
Catylist Theory
686 – Rev. Willie Grills – Lutheran Pastor’s View of Mormonism
Willie Grills Rick!

Religious Violence/Word of Wisdom (Grills)
Protestant Fights/Book of Mormon Churches (Grills)
Religious Violence (Grills)
687: Atonement Theories & Trinity (Grills)
Story of Martin Luther, Grace & Works (Grills)
Why is Lutheran Pastor Interested in Mormons? (Grills)
685: John Dehlin Part 2 – Constructive or Destructive Critic?
Mormon Stories Neutral? Ex-Mormons Angry? (Dehlin)

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? (Dehlin)
John’s Advice on Why People Leave (Dehlin)
John Addresses Critics (Dehlin)
Apologists & Neo-apologists (Dehlin)
Mormon Matters: Does John Endorse StayLDS? (Dehlin)
Apologists Going After John (Dehlin)
684: John Dehlin – The Early Years
Starting Mormon Stories (Dehlin)
From Faithful to Loss of Faith (Dehlin)
Unethical Baptisms in Guatemala (Dehlin)
John’s Oscar-Winning Girlfriend (Dehlin)
Terryl Givens – Author of The Stretching the Heavens

683: Crossing the Brethren’s Line (Terryl Givens)
682: Explaining Atonement Theories (Terryl Givens)
681: Is it ok to ask Hard Questions in LDS Church? (Terryl Givens)
680: England at BYU, Dialogue (Terryl Givens)
679: Turning Down, Accepting Eugene England (Terryl Givens)
Paul Toscano – Author of The Serpent & the Dove

678: Atonement Theories in Book of Mormon (Paul Toscano)
677: Paul Critiques LDS Apostles (Paul Toscano)
676: Paul’s Thoughts on Polygamy/Adam-God Theory (Paul Toscano)
675: Christ’s Role-Reversal (Paul Toscano)
674: Why Book of Mormon Isn’t Trinitarian (Paul Toscano)
673: Paul Toscano Explains Scripture Symbolism (Paul Toscano)
Matthew Gill – Prophet of Restored Branch of Jesus Christ

672: Ordained by Joseph Smith (Gill)
671: Anti-Polygamy Stance, Book of Rayneck (Gill)
670: Sued by LDS Church/Restored Branch Scriptures (Gill)
669: Pre-Jewish Christian Religious Practices (Gill)
668: Jaredites & Book of Jeraneck (Gill)
667: Leaving LDS Church, Translating Plates (Gill)
666: Brass Plates of Stonehenge (Gill)
Steven LeSueur – Author of 1838 Mormon Missouri War

665: Attempt on Gov Boggs’ Life (LeSueur)
664: Liberty Jail Hearing & Escape (LeSueur)
663: Hawn’s Mill/Joseph’s Surrender (LeSueur)
662: Crooked River Leads to Extermination Order (LeSueur)
661: Was Joseph Responsible for Danites? (LeSueur)
660: When Did Missourians Worry about Danites? (LeSueur)
659: Vigilantes & Danites (LeSueur)
658: Peace During Caldwell County Compromise (LeSueur)
657: Mapping Mormon History in Missouri (LeSueur)
Talking History with the Bushmans

656: Is LDS Art Getting Better? (Bushmans)
655: Why Do Some Scholars Get in Trouble? (Bushmans)
654: Claudia’s Focus on Women in History (Claudia Bushman)
653: Scuttled Church History (Richard Bushman)
652: Exponent II (Claudia Bushman)
651: Mormon History with the Bushmans
Constitutional Scholar on Church & State

650: Indian & Black Slavery in Utah (Gordon)
649: Advice to Religious Leaders (Gordon)
648: Scalia’s Polarizing Religious Decision (Gordon)
647: Supreme Court Started Religious Studies! (Gordon)
646: Kody Brown’s Polygamy Case (Gordon)
645: Legal Complications of Polygamy (Gordon)
644: Twin Relics of Barbarism (Gordon)
Internet Mormon Prophets David & Kristine Ferriman

643: Internet Temple Worship (Ferrimans)
642: David’s Angelic Ordination (Ferrimans)
641: CJCCF Wide Open Canon & Revelations (Ferrimans)
640: Spiritual PTSD/Offending Everyone (Ferrimans)
Jonathan Neville on Heartland Theory
639: Allow Multiple Views, Even non-Historical (Neville)
638: Jonathan Edwards Influence on Book of Mormon (Neville)
637: “Evidence of Composition is Evidence of Translation” (Neville)

636: Explaining Mormon DNA-Archeology (Neville)
635: The Final Battle (Neville)
634: Pros & Cons of Vague Geography (Neville)
633: Why Limited Geography is Wrong? (Neville)
632: Lehi’s Atlantic Crossing? (Neville)
631: M2C Citation Cartel (Neville)
630: Was Joseph Really Editor? (Neville)
629: Neville’s Church History Background
991: Debunking Joseph Smith’s Monogamy Claims
628: Get Peer Reviewed! (Tensmeyer)

627: Is 132 a Forged Revelation? (Tensmeyer)
626: Why So Few children of Polygamy in Nauvoo? (Tensmeyer)
625: Kirtland-era Polygamy Evidence (Tensmeyer)
624: 3rd Party Polygamy Evidence (Tensmeyer)
623: Nauvoo-era Polygamy Evidence (Tensmeyer)
622: 4 Types of Polygamy Evidence from Nauvoo (Tensmeyer)
621: Did Cochranites Start Mormon Polygamy? (Tensmeyer)
620: RLDS positions on Joseph’s Polygamy (Tensmeyer)
619: Examining Polygamy Skeptics’ Claims (Tensmeyer)
The House of Aaron

618: Worship Services & Church Structure (Conrad)
617: House of Aaron Scriptures (Conrad)
616: House of Aaron Views on Polygamy & LGBT (Conrad)
615: LDS/House of Aaron Relations (Conrad)
614: Founding the House of Aaron (Conrad)
Engineering Joseph’s Visionary City

613: Corrected Church Organization (David R Hall)
612: Making Diamonds out of Coal! (David R Hall)
611: Purifying Water, People & Transportation (David R Hall)
610: Keeping Saints Healthy with Multi-Purpose Temples (David R Hall)
609: Building Future Cities of Joseph (David R Hall)
608: Tyndale’s 1530 English (David R Hall)
607: 24 Temple Presidents in Kirtland? (David R Hall)
606: Engineering Joseph’s Visionary City (David R Hall)
BoM Geography/Cultural Hall

605: Richie T’s 3 Questions (Rick B)
604: Mormon History Groups (Rick B)
602: South America, Heartland, Meso (Rick B)
601: Malay, Baja, New York (Rick B)
600: BoM Geography: From Middle East to Africa (Rick B)
Looking Back at People We’ve Lost

Bottom: Mike Quinn, Curt Bench, Shannon Flynn.
598: Remembering Shannon Flynn
596: Remembering Michael Quinn
Astrophysicist on First Vision, Golden Plates
594: Intro to Reborn LDS Church (Pratt)

593: 3 Churches of Mormonism (Pratt)
592: What’s in Sealed Book of Mormon? (Pratt)
591: Hofmann Question of Brazil Plates (Pratt)
590: Brazil Golden Plates (Pratt)
589: John Pratt’s Spiritual Journey
588: Dating Problems with First Vision (Pratt)
587: Dating First Vision (Pratt)
586: Dating Christ’s Birth (Pratt)
Pentecostal Theologian Reviews Book of Mormon

585: Comparing Mormons & Pentecostals (C. Thomas)
584: Pentecostals in Book of Mormon (C. Thomas)
583: Troubling Stories in Scripture (C. Thomas)
582: Protestant Theology in Book of Mormon? (C. Thomas)
581: Tongue-Speech in Book of Mormon (C. Thomas)
580: Pentecostal View of Book of Mormon Theology (C. Thomas)
579: Is Book of Mormon a Pacifist Book? (C. Thomas)
578: Pentecostal Theologian Gives Book of Mormon the Bible Treatment (C. Thomas)
Minding the Book of Mormon Gap

577: The Anachronism Gap? (Hales)
576: Wordprint Studies (Hales)
575: What Skills Were Needed to Write Book of Mormon? (Hales)
574: Automatic Writing/Bill Davis’s “Visions of Seer Stone” (Hales)
573: Looking at Spaulding & Collaborator Theories (Hales)
572: Reviewing Polygamy Criticisms (Hales)
Talk with Church Editor Devan Jensen

571: LDS Church in Pacific (D Jensen)
570: Improving Conversation on Divisive Topics (D Jensen)
569: LDS Publishing & Media Assoc (D Jensen)
Bruce Van Orden: Remembering WW Phelps
568: Phelps from Nauvoo to SLC (Van Orden)

567: Phelps Role in Book of Abraham Civil War (Van Orden)
566: Phelps Role at Times & Seasons (Van Orden)
565: Danites in Missouri (Van Orden)
564: Mormon-Missouri War of 1838 (Van Orden)
563: Cleaning House in Kirtland: Phelps vs Marsh (Van Orden)
562: Were Phelps Missouri Troubles Self-Inflicted? (Van Orden)
561: Jailed Before Joined (Van Orden)
Steve Pynakker Evangelical Host of Mormon Book Reviews Interviews GT

560: Mormon Doctrine in Battlestar Gallactica? (Pynakker)
559: Gutting Pioneer Temple History (Pynakker)
558: Mormon Historians’ Community (Pynakker)
557: Future of Mormon History (Pynakker)
556: Are Faith & Intellect Compatible? (Pynakker)
555: Why Start Gospel Tangents? (Pynakker)
554: Difference between Evangelicals & Protestants (Pynakker)
553: Background on Rick (Pynakker)
Margaret Toscano Critiques Women and Priesthood Gospel Topics Essay
552: Are Church Leaders Scared of Heavenly Mother? (Toscano)

551: 6 Counterpoints to Women & Priesthood Essay (Toscano)
550: Women’s Spiritual vs Ecclesiastical Priesthood (Toscano)
549: Priest or Priestesses? (Toscano)
548: Quorum of the Anointed (Toscano)
547: Keys of the Priesthood (Toscano)
546: Joseph’s Statements on Women & Priesthood (Toscano)
545: Critiqing Women & Priesthood Essay (Toscano)
544: Strengths of Women & Priesthood Essay (Toscano)
KC Kern/Greg Pavone – The Lost Mormon Cave & The Malay Theory

543: Further Considerations on Malay Hypothesis (Kern)
542: Intro to Malay Hypothesis Geography (Kern)
541: Clearing Out the Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)
540: Finding the Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)
539: History of Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)
538: Raiders of the Lost Mormon Cave (Kern/Pavone)
Mark Staker – Excavating Smith Family Farm in Vermont

537: Staker Weighs in on First Vision (Staker)
536: Lucy’s Dreams, Joseph’s Rational Religion (Staker)
535: Smith Farmers Were Spiritual, Not Religious (Staker)
534: When Joseph Met Lucy (Staker)
533: Smith Family Farm in Vermont (Staker)
Loki Mulholland – Emmy Award Winner, Director of The End of Slavery

532: Should LDS Church Apologize for Racism? (Mulholland)
531: Can White People Talk about Racism? (Mulholland)
530: Films Combating Racism Directed by a Mormon (Mulholland)
529: Son of a Civil Rights Icon (Mulholland)
528: End of Slavery (in Utah???) (Mulholland)
Dr. Casey Griffiths – Relics of the Restoration

527: The Chicago Experiment (Griffiths)
526: Future of Church History (Griffiths)
525: Orson Pratt’s Unsung Role in Church History (Griffiths)
524: From Word of Wisdom to World Faith (Griffiths)
523: Entry Level Church History (Griffiths)
522: CSI: Carthage Jail (Griffiths)
521: Swimsuits, Gold Medals, & Blacks (Griffiths)
520: Recycling Hofmann Forgeries (Griffiths)
519: Mormon Interfaith Council (Griffiths)
Dr. Steven Harper on First Vision

518: Orson Pratt’s First Vision Influence (Harper)
517: Comparing the Primary Accounts (Harper)
516: Did Methodist Minister Scold Young Joseph? (Harper)
515: Were Revivals in Palmyra in 1820? (Harper)
514: Memory Problems with First Vision (Harper)
Brent Ashworth: Buying Hofmann Forgeries

513: Apology to Dorie (Ashworth)
512: Emily Dickinson Forgery (Ashworth)
511: Hofmann’s Court Mistake (Ashworth)
510: Tragedy Before Hofmann Trial (Ashworth)
509: Catching More Hofmann Forgeries (Ashworth)
508: Brent Called Salamander Letter Fake (Ashworth)
507: Hofmann’s Motive Against Church (Ashworth)
506: Why 3rd Bomb wasn’t Suicide Attempt (Ashworth)
505: McLellin Collection Offers (Ashworth)
504: Lucy Mack Smith Forgery (Ashworth)
503: Mark’s Unknown Half Million$ Deal (Ashworth)
502: Hiding from Hofmann (Ashworth)
501: Meeting Serial Killers (Ashworth)
Hans Mattson on Swedish Rescue/Truth Seeking

500: Reflecting on Essays (Mattsson)
499: Interview w/ NY Times (Mattsson)
498: Hans View of Swedish Rescue (Mattsson)
497: First Doubts on Church History (Mattsson)
496: Becoming First Swedish GA (Mattsson)
Breaking Racial Barriers: Joseph Freeman & LDS Priesthood

495: #BlackLivesMatter (Freeman)
494: Enduring Systemic Racism (Freeman)
493: Genesis Group & Black Spirituality (Freeman)
492: Instant Celebrity (Freeman)
491: Joseph’s Baptism (Freeman)
490: Meeting Mormons at PCC (Freeman)
489: Holiness Preacher Joins Army (Freeman)
Darren Parry Describes Bear River Massacre

488: Darren’s Relationship to Bear River Massacre (Parry)
487: Why Indian Headdress shouldn’t be Sports Mascots (Parry)
486: Monument in Killing Fields (Parry)
485: Turning Massacre into Model for Peace (Parry)
484: Idaho Monument to Shoshone Massacre (Parry)
483: How a Battle Changed to Massacre (Parry)
482: How Mormon Pioneers Changed Native Life (Parry)
481: Native Life Before Pioneers (Parry)
480: Darren Parry for Congress
Life of Retiring Church Historian Richard Turley

479: Church History Library (Turley)
478: Saints (Turley)
477: Opening Doors for Female Historians (Turley)
476: Turley on MMM (Turley)
475: Hired After Hofmann (Turley)
Thomas Murphy Critiques Book of Mormon DNA
474: How Americas Were Populated (Murphy)

473: Possible to Lose DNA? (Murphy)
472: Who Killed the Indians? (Murphy)
471: Strengths & Weakness of DNA Essay/ Comparing Indian & BoM Stories (Murphy)
470: Behind the Scenes of DNA Essay (Murphy)
469: Untold Story of Indian Slavery in America (Murphy)
468: Religious Fights over DNA (Murphy)
467: Native American DNA Scholarship (Murphy)
Mormon Apocalypticism

466: White Horse Prophecy (Blythe)
465: Chad Daybell & Zombie Apocalypse (Blythe)
464: Bo, Rowe & Pontius: LDS Apocalypticists (Blythe)
463: World Wars & Apocalypse (Blythe)
462: Civil War Prophecy & Joseph’s Apocalyptic Death (Blythe)
461: Mormon History of Apocalypse (Blythe)
460: Maxwell Institute: A Religious Thinktank (Blythe)
Critiquing the LDS Gospel Topics Essays

459: Remembering Armand Mauss (Harris/Bringhurst)
458: Race, Priesthood, & Randy Bott (Harris/Bringhurst)
457: Racism in Mormon Scripture (Harris/Bringhurst)
456: Pros & Cons of Race Essay (Harris/Bringhurst)
455: Critiquing Polygamy Essays & Sources (Harris/Bringhurst)
454: Are Gospel Essays Hidden or Public? (Harris/Bringhurst)
453: Swedish Rescue & Gospel Topics Essays (Harris/Bringhurst)
Will Bagley on MMM
452: Bear River Massacre (Bagley)

451: Kingdom of the West (Bagley)
450: Trials of Lee/Forgery (Bagley)
449: MMM Cover Up (Bagley)
448: John D. Lee’s Role in Massacre (Bagley)
447: Bagley Critiques Turley (Bagley)
446: Buchanan & George Smith’s Role in MMM (Bagley)
445: Handcart Disasters & Mormon Reformation (Bagley)
444: Will Bagley on Juanita Brooks (Bagley)
Denver Snuffer & Remnant Movement

443: Why Remnant is Attractive (Snuffer)
442: Remnant Movement is not a Church! (Snuffer)
441: Ascension of Brigham Young (Snuffer)
440: Why Denver Changed on Joseph’s Polygamy (Snuffer)
439: Denver’s Outreach to Hebrews/Native Americans (Snuffer)
438: Is Trinity in Lectures on Faith/Book of Mormon? (Snuffer)
437: New Scriptures in Remnant Movement (Snuffer)
Changing LDS Messages for Blacks, Feminists, Gays

436: Is Gay Contagious? (Petrey)
435: Oaks’ Role in Designing LGBT Policy (Petrey)
434: Feminism, Sexual Revolution & LDS Church (Petrey)
433: LDS Leaders on Interracial Marriage (Petrey)
Documentary Hypothesis & Book of Mormon

432: Reconciling Biblical Scholarship (Townsend)
431: Adam Clarke & Book of Mormon (Townsend)
430: Joseph Smith & Documentary Hypothesis (Townsend)
429: Arguments against Documentary Hypothesis (Townsend)
428: Exodus & Israelite Polytheism (Townsend)
427: Old Testament scholarship 101 (Townsend)
426: Intro to Documentary Hypothesis (Townsend)
Joseph Smith’s Campaign for President of U.S.
425: Why Joseph’s POTUS Run was Downplayed (Sainsbury)

424: Why Joseph Destroyed Expositor (Sainsbury)
423: Theo-democracy in Deseret (Sainsbury)
422: Anti-Slavery Missionaries in the South (Sainsbury)
421: Bobby Kennedy-Joseph Smith (Sainsbury)
420: Electioneer Missionaries (Sainsbury)
419: Mormons: The Original Swing Voters! (Sainsbury)
418: Views of General Joseph Smith (Sainsbury)
Rick on the Hot Seat

417: Rick on the Hot Seat (me)
416: Mark Hofmann’s Role in Mormon History (me)
415: Learning from Mormon Cousins (me)
414: LDS Leaders and Historical Issues (me)
413: Intro to Gospel Tangents (me)
Mystical Mormon Magic & Masonry with Clair Barrus

412: Reconciling Past/Present Masonic-Temple Connections (Barrus)
411: Joseph’s Magical Masonry (Abracadabra) (Barrus)
410: Masonic Legends & Golden Plates (Barrus)
409: Different Types of Masonry (Barrus)
408: Is Book of Mormon anti-Masonic? (Barrus)
407: Oliver Cowdery’s Rod of Revelation (Barrus)
406: Masonic Connections in Oliver Cowdery’s Family (Barrus)
Cheryl Bruno on Mormon-Mason Connection

405: Mormon-Mason Similarities/Differences (Bruno)
404: Joseph Smith’s Masonic Connections (Bruno)
403: Masonry from King Solomon to Kirtland (Bruno)
Bill Shepard on the “Other Mormons”

402: 7th Day Sabbath Mormons & Other Teachings (Shepard)
401: Strangite Teachings about Jesus (Shepard)
400: Martyrdom of James Strang (Shepard)
399: Strang’s Prophetic Role as Translator (Shepard)
398: Strang’s Mormon Missions (Shepard)
397: “The Other Mormons”-Intro to James Strang (Shepard)
Lindsay Hansen Park: Post-Manifesto Polygamy
396: How Polygamy Shapes Modern Mormons (Park)

395: How LDS Attitudes Empowered Warren Jeffs (Park)
394: Rulon Jeffs LDS & FLDS History (Park)
393: 2nd Manifesto Polygamy 1904-1925 (Park)
392: 20th Century Polygamy/Reed Smoot Hearings (Park)
391: Mormon Fundamentalist Theology (Park)
390: John Taylor’s 1886 Revelation (Park)
389: “More Than One Way to Mormon” (Park)
Adam-God Theory/Christ’s Church (Patrick-Shaffer)

388: Why Adam-God is Controversial (Patrick-Shaffer)
387: “Families are Forever” a Hurtful Doctrine? (Patrick-Shaffer)
386: Why Polygamists are Threatening to LDS Church (Patrick-Shaffer)
385: God in a Box or Pyramid? (Patrick-Shaffer)
384: Documentary Hypothesis & Adam-God (Patrick-Shaffer)
383: Intro to Adam-God Theory (Patrick-Shaffer)
382: Scriptures of Christ’s Church (Patrick-Shaffer)
381: Intro to Christ’s Church (Patrick-Shaffer)
R. Jean Addams on Church of Christ (Temple Lot)

380: Church of Christ Worship Services (Addams)
379: 3 Church Reconciliation? (Addams)
378: Comparing LDS & Church of Christ Theology (Addams)
377: LDS/Church of Christ Alliance (Addams)
376: Jones Flournoy’s Ties to Restoration (Addams)
375: Dispute Over the Temple Lot (Addams)
374: Intro to Church of Christ (Temple Lot) (Addams)
Margaret Toscano on Women & Priesthood

373: Arguing Against Genderless God (M. Toscano)
372: Turning Key to Relief Society Quorum (M. Toscano)
371: Why LDS Leaders Don’t Like Popular Speakers (M. Toscano)
370: Charismatic, Ecclesiastical, & Messianic Priesthood (M. Toscano)
369: Theological Case for Women & Priesthood (M. Toscano)
368: An Excommunicated Believer (M. Toscano)
367: Feminist Awakening at BYU (M. Toscano)
366: Toscano: From BYU to Utah (M. Toscano)
Don Bradley on Lost 116 Pages

365: Apologists & Critics (Bradley)
364: New Insights on Liahona (Bradley)
363: How Did Nephi Get Priesthood? (Bradley)
362: Who Stole the Manuscript? (Bradley)
361: Exonerating Lucy Harris (Bradley)
360: Masonic Golden Plates & Temple Theology (Bradley)
359: Temple Endowment in Lost Pages (Bradley)
358: Laban Killed During Passover (Bradley)
357: More than 116 Pages Lost? (Bradley)
356: How Much of BoM is Missing? (Bradley)
355: Re-Writing Oliver’s Words: Dirty, Nasty, Filthy Scrape? (Bradley)
354: Dating Fanny Alger (Bradley)
Race Struggles at BYU 1965-1985

353: Impact of Protests on Apostles (Harris)
352: BYU Law School Almost Lost Accreditation (Harris)
351: Civil Rights Investigation at BYU (Harris)
350: Sports Protests Against BYU (Harris)
349: Race & Religious Minorities at BYU (Harris)
348: How Brazil Influenced Official Declaration 2 (Harris)
347: Did Nixon & Carter Pressure BYU Over Race? (Harris)
Reflecting on 50 Years: “Jesus Was Married”

346: Surprising Sales at Seventies Bookstore (Patrick/Wilde)
345: Uniquely Mormon Marriage Theology (Patrick/Wilde)
344: “There is No Marriage in Heaven” (Patrick/Wilde)
343: Evangelical Arguments about Marriage in Heaven (Patrick/Wilde)
342: Was Jesus the Groom at Wedding at Cana? (Patrick/Wilde)
341: Making the Case that Jesus Was Married (Patrick/Wilde)
Non- Mormon Polygamy Expert Dr. Larry Foster

340: Speaking to Believers & Critics of Joseph (Foster)
339: Assessing Joseph Smith (Foster)
338: Interesting Defenses of Polygamy (Foster)
337: Comparing Mormons, Shakers, & Oneida (Foster)
336: Explaining Polygamy from non-Mormon Viewpoint (Foster)
335: Celibacy, Polygamy, & Free Love in 19th Century (Foster)
Dr. Alex Baugh on Hawn’s Mill Massacre

334: Reflecting on Hawn’s Mill (Baugh)
333: Halloween Massacre at Hawn’s Mill (Baugh)
332: Finding Jacob Hawn (Baugh)
331: Was Extermination Order a License to Kill? (Baugh)
330: Mormon Dissent Leads to Salt Sermon (Baugh)
329: Mormon Expulsion from Jackson County (Baugh)
328: Trouble in Missouri 1833 (Baugh)
Rod Decker on LDS Church & Politics in Utah

327: How Utah Politics are Different than Nation (Decker)
326: Does the LDS Church Control Utah Politics? (Decker)
325: Downwinders & Utah’s Fight against the Feds (Decker)
324: Utah: Most Politically/Religiously Divided State (Decker)
David Ostler: Building Bridges to Questioners

323: Messages from Those Who Have Left (Ostler)
322: Ministering to Mormon & African Polygamists (Ostler)
321: Creating a Better Church Atmosphere (Ostler)
320: 3 Ways to Help People Keep Coming to Church (Ostler)
319: How Active Members Get Ostracized at Church (Ostler)
318: Helping Leaders Understand Faith Crisis (Ostler)
Quincy Newell: Biographer of Jane Manning James

317: Does Mormonism Have Racist Theology? (Newell)
316: Jane’s Pioneer Travels to Utah (Newell)
315: Jane’s One-Of-A Kind Sealing to Joseph Smith (Newell)
314: 19th Century Sexual Politics (Newell)
313: Was Jane a Slave? (Newell)
Brian Stutzman on Martyrdom of Joseph Smith

312: Can Anything Good Come from…Warsaw? (Stutzman)
311: Warsaw: Boom or Bust? (Stutzman)
310: Kangaroo Court at Carthage (Stutzman)
309: Gov. Thomas Ford’s Role in Martyrdom & Trial (Stutzman)
308: Profile of Anti-Mormon Thomas Sharp (Stutzman)
307: The Warsaw-Nauvoo Rivalry (Stutzman)
306: The Anti-Mormon Triangle: Warsaw, Carthage, Nauvoo (Stutzman)
Elder Steven Snow, Church Historian

305: Does the Church Hide Historical Documents? (Snow)
304: Snow on Journals, Issues of Church & State (Snow)
303: Elder Snow & Gospel Topics Essays (Snow)
302: “I Just Love Church History!” (Snow)
Jana Riess/Ben Knoll on the Next Mormons

301: Lessons for Mormon Leaders (Riess-Knoll)
300: Why Mormons Leave (Riess-Knoll)
299: Out of the Box Mormons (Riess-Knoll)
298: Comparing Mormons by Generations (Riess-Knoll)
297: Surprising Mormon Responses (Riess-Knoll)
296: How to Randomly Sample Mormons (Riess-Knoll)
Dan Vogel on First Vision, Book of Abraham

295: Analyzing Apologetics on Book of Abraham (Vogel)
294: Lost Book of Abraham? (Vogel)
293: How We Got Book of Abraham (Vogel)
292: First Vision Conflicts (Vogel)
291: 1835 Account of First Vision (Vogel)
290: Making a Case for Melchizedek Priesthood in 1831? (Vogel)
289: Methodist Visions (Vogel)
288: Why “Pious Fraud” Ticks off Everyone (Vogel)
287: Dan Vogel Was a McConkie Mormon! (Vogel)
Greg Prince on Gays & the Mormon Church

286: Legal & Science Issues on LGBT (Prince)
285: Revelatory Whiplash (Prince)
284: The Christian Right & LGBT Fight (Prince)
283: Mixing Church & Politics in Gay Fight (Prince)
Melvin Johnson on Life of John Pierce Hawley

282: Hawley Leaves LDS for RLDS Church (Johnson)
281: John Hawley’s Polygamy Wrestle (Johnson)
280: Brigham Knew about MMM? (Johnson)
279: Hawley’s Opposition to MMM (Johnson)
278: Mormon Pioneers in Texas & End of Wightites (Johnson)
277: More on the Zodiac Temple in Texas (Johnson)
276: Lyman Wight & Mormon Colonies in Texas (Johnson)
275: Intro to Hawley (Johnson)
Bryndis Roberts of Ordain Women

274: Purge & Actions Since 2014 (Roberts)
273: Ordain Women Leadership (Roberts)
272: Getting Involved in Ordain Women (Roberts)
271: Addressing Gender Inequities (Roberts)
270: From Baptist to Mormon (Roberts)
Richard Turley – Prosecuting the Cold Case: MMM

269: What Did Brigham Know, & When Did He Know It? (Turley)
268: Federal Investigation into MMM (Turley)
267: Was John D. Lee Most Guilty? (Turley)
266: Richard Turley on Saints… & Sinners (Turley)
Michael Marquardt – Church Founding Different Than you Thought

265: The Original Apostles (Marquardt)
264: Early Priesthood 1829-1835 (Marquardt)
263: Who Were Original 6 in 1830? (Marquardt)
262: Church Founded in Manchester (Not Fayette) (Marquardt)
Barbara Jones Brown on MMM

261: Who Bears Responsibility for MMM? (Jones Brown)
260: After the Killing (Jones Brown)
259: Cattle Rustling Turns Deadly (Jones Brown)
258: Tackling Myths of Mountain Meadows (Jones Brown)
257: Revenge for Haun’s Mill & Pratt’s Murder? (Jones Brown)
256: Utah War & Mountain Meadows Massacre (Jones Brown)
Matt Harris on Ezra Taft Benson

255: Hoover on MLK & ETB (Harris)
254: How Hinckley Prevailed over Benson on Civil Rights (Harris)
253: The End of Benson’s Political Aspirations (Harris)
252: Benson on Civil Rights & Communism (Harris)
251: Benson and John Birch Society (Harris)
250: How Ezra Taft Benson Joined Eisenhower (Harris)
Ben Spackman: Is Evolution Compatible with Mormonism?

249: Must Religion & Science conflict? (Spackman)
248: Did Pres. McKay Support Evolution? (Spackman)
247: What is a Literal Reading of Genesis? (Spackman)
246: Misreading Genesis (Spackman)
245: Does the Bible Supports a Flat Earth? (Spackman)
244: Did Man Evolve From Apes? (Spackman)
243: Did Joseph Fielding Smith Win the Evolution Battle? (Spackman)
242: Evolution & Bible: Irreconcilable Differences? (Spackman)
Dr. Jeffrey Chadwick: Jesus Was Born in December

235: Myth of the Lambing Season (Chadwick)
234: Is Christmas a Celebration of Sun? (Chadwick)
233: How Jesus’s Death Relates to his Birth Date (Chadwick)
231: Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, & Birth of Christ (Chadwick)
229: Was Jesus Born in December? (Chadwick)
Dr. Thomas Wayment Talks New Testament Scholarship, JST

237: Is Adam Clarke’s Commentary Source of JST? (Wayment)
236: Fixing Known Biblical Errors (Wayment)
232: Juvenile Jesus a Jerk? Apocryphal Stories Say Yes (Wayment)
230: Christmas Legends: Herod, Wise Men, the Star (Wayment)
228: Separating Fact and Fiction on Birth of Christ (Wayment)
Steven Shields on Divergent Paths

241: Murderous Mormon Mayhem (Shields)
240: Para-Church Mormon Groups (Shields)
239: Cutlerite Endowment, Female Priesthood, & House of Aaron (Shields)
238: Fundamentalists and Cutlerites (Shields)
227: Conspiracy Theories: William Smith, Samuel Smith, James Strang (Shields)
226: Sidney’s Unsung Role in Restoration (Shields)
225: Steve’s Shields Own Divergent Path
224: Who Owns the Temple Lot? (Shields)
Kurt Francom on Church Leadership & Culture

223: Do You Disagree with the Exclusion Policy? (Francom)
222: Should the Church Modify Bishop’s Interviews? (Francom)
221: Results of Faith Crisis Research (Francom)
220: “We’ve Got to Have These Difficult Conversations” (Francom)
219: Ministering to the Faithful & Faithless (Francom)
218: Is it Bad to be Called LDS or Mormon? (Francom)
Dorie’s Story on Hofmann Bombings

217: Mark’s Trial, Dorie’s 5 Minute Divorce (Olds)
216: “You May Be in Danger” (Olds)
215: Was Dorie Blamed for the Bombings? (Olds)
214: “Be Grateful for Adversity” (Olds)
213: Gaslighted by Mark (Olds)
212: Finding Mark’s First Forgery (Olds)
Dr. Nancy Ross/Sara Hanks – Where Must We Stand?

211: Feminist Favorites (Ross-Hanks)
210: Must Women Be Ordained? (Ross-Hanks)
209: The F-word: Feminism (Ross-Hanks)
208: Nancy & Sara’s Spiritual Journey (Ross-Hanks)
207: Mormon Feminist Successes & Setbacks (Ross-Hanks)
Daniel Stone – The Forgotten Prophet

206: Modern Mormon Pentecostals (Stone)
205: My Cousin Vinny: Alice Cooper’s Mormon Roots (Stone)
204: Writing History Without Getting in Trouble (Stone)
203: Reuniting the Bickerton Break (Stone)
202: Ousting a Prophet (Stone)
201: False Prophecies Are Possible! (Stone)
200: Civil War Prophecy Leads to Black Ordination (Stone)
199: Biblical Support to Ordain Women (Stone)
198: Bickerton Becomes Prophet (Stone)
197: Sidney’s Church Falls Apart (Stone)
196: Rigdon/Spalding Manuscript Theory (Stone)
919: Steve Mayfield – Mormons, Crime, & the FBI

195: Buying the Spalding Conspiracy (Mayfield)
194: What is the Dead Lee Scroll? (Mayfield)
193: John D. Lee’s Role in Mountain Meadows Massacre (Mayfield)
192: Mormons & the FBI (Mayfield)
191: Steve Mayfield: Crime Photographer (Mayfield)
190: Mormon Connection in Patty Hearst Kidnapping (Mayfield)
Michael Quinn – LDS Mystic & Historian

189: Women Have Had Priesthood since 1843! (Quinn)
188: Translation by Joseph Smith & James Strang (Quinn)
187: LDS Succession Crisis (Quinn)
186: Quinn on Hofmann (Quinn)
185: “The Church Makes No Distinction Between God & Mammon” (Quinn)
184: Would LDS Church Income Ever Support a Paid Ministry? (Quinn)
183: Are LDS Church Revenues really $50 Billion/Year? (Quinn)
182: Michael Quinn Discusses Deseret Hemp Company (Quinn)
Sandra Tanner – Mormon Critic’s View of Mark Hofmann

181: Sandra’s View on Hofmann Trial (Tanner)
180: What Does Sandra Tanner think about Biblical Forgeries? (Tanner)
179: Jerald’s Forensic Background (Tanner)
178: The Cowdery Forgery (Tanner)
177: How Jerald Tanner Identified Fake Salamander Letter (Tanner)
176: When Mark Hofmann met Sandra Tanner (Tanner)
George Throckmorton – Prosecutor’s View of Mark Hofmann

175: Why was the Hofmann Sentence so Light? (Throckmorton)
174: Hofmann, LDS Leaders, & the McLellin Collection (Throckmorton)
173: Why Hofmann Killed his Best Friends (Throckmorton)
172: Who was the 3rd Bomb Intended For? (Throckmorton)
171: More Hofmann Techniques & Forged Sports Memorabilia (Throckmorton)
170: How Hofmann Fooled Experts with a Toy Chemistry Set (Throckmorton)
169: How George Became a Forensics Expert (Throckmorton)
Jonathan Stapley – The Power of Godliness

168: Sealing & Born in Covenant: A Guarantee of Heaven? (Stapley)
167: History and Theological Implications of Baby Blessings (Stapley)
166: Mormon History of Folk & Alternative Medicine (Stapley)
165: Elder Oaks Groundbreaking Talk on Women & Priesthood (Stapley)
164: The Mormon Priestess & Ordain Women (Stapley)
163: Women Healers in LDS Temples (Stapley)
162: Introduction to Cosmological Priesthood (Stapley)
Matt Harris – Black History WW2 to Present

161: Bruce R. McConkie Wrote Official Declaration 2! (Harris)
160: How Kimball Persuaded Apostles to Agree on Lifting Ban (Harris)
159: Almost Famous! 1969 Black Ordination Nixed by Lee (Harris)
158: Hugh B. Brown’s Attempt to End Ban in 1962! (Harris)
157: Did Pres. McKay Try to Rescind Ban in 1955? (Harris)
156: When, Where, & Why Did the One-Drop Rule Originate? (Harris)
155: Before 1978: How LDS Leaders Handled Bi-racial Families in Brazil and South Africa (Harris)
Simon Southerton – Losing a Lost Tribe

154: Simon’s Thoughts on Noah’s Flood, Religious Beliefs (Southerton)
153: Vanishing DNA? Lamanite DNA shouldn’t Vanish? (Southerton)
152: What is the Cohen Haplotype? Do Lamanites Have It? (Southerton)
151: Simon Southerton Talks DNA, Excommunication (Southerton)
George Potter – Mt Sinai and Book of Mormon Trail

150: Did Nephi Land in the Andes Mountains of Peru? (Potter)
149: Magi & Nephi’s Sea Trials (Potter)
148: Found! Nephi’s Harbor (Potter)
147: From the Desert to the Land Bountiful (Potter)
146: Walking in Lehi’s Footsteps on Frankincense Trail (Potter)
145: How are the Valley of Lemuel and Mount Sinai Related? (Potter)
144: Found! The Real Mt. Sinai! (Potter)
Bill Smith – Author, Analyzing D&C 132

143: Joseph Smith’s Protology: How are Spirit Babies Made? (Smith)
142: Breaking Sealings: Who Has the Power? (Smith)
141: How 132 Would Affect Future Revelation on Gays & Women (Smith)
140: Is Polygamy a Ticket to Heaven? (Smith)
139: Was Oliver Cowdery a Polygamist? (Smith)
138: Emma’s Up & Down Relationship with Polygamy (Smith)
137: LDS Literacy of Biblical Polygamy (Smith)
136: Dr. Bill Smith on the Origins of Polygamy (Smith)
Newell Bringhurst – Author of Saints, Slaves, and Blacks
135: Critiquing the Gospel Topics Essays (Bringhurst)
134: Role of Women in 4 American Religions (Bringhurst)
133: More about Polygamy: Bennett, Bushman, & Compton (Bringhurst)

132: Bringhurst’s Approach to Controversy (Bringhurst)
131: Bringhurst on Bushman-Brodie (Bringhurst)
130: Walker Lewis: Faithful Black Elder (Bringhurst)
129: Warner McCary: Real Native Genius? (Bringhurst)
128: How Lester Bush Debunked the Missouri Thesis (Bringhurst)
127: Writing Saints, Slaves, and Blacks (Bringhurst)
Russell Stevenson – Biographer of Elijah Abel, early black Mormon missionary
126: The LDS Church in Africa (Stevenson)

125: Elijah Ables’ Attempt for Temple Blessings (Stevenson)
124: Why Brigham Changed his mind on Black Ordination (Stevenson)
123: Trouble in Cincinnati: Ables’ Time in Ohio (Stevenson)
122: Ables’ Canadian Mission & Escape from the Mob (Stevenson)
121: Early Life of Elijah Ables (Stevenson)
MacKay & Hamer – Community of Christ Perspective

120: Start of RLDS Church & Mormon Schisms Tour (MacKay & Hamer)
119: Surprising Word of Wisdom Insights from an Apostle (MacKay & Hamer)
118: Mormon Followers of the Prophet James Strang (MacKay & Hamer)
117: Alice Cooper’s Roots in Lively Mormon Schisms (MacKay & Hamer)
116: Different Succession Claims: Other Mormon Groups (MacKay & Hamer)
115: Strange Kirtland Temple Ownership Problems (MacKay & Hamer)
114: Comparing LDS & RLDS Temple Worship (MacKay & Hamer)
113: A Seventy & Apostle discuss myths & Kirtland Temple (MacKay & Hamer)
2017 in Review
112: Top 20 Moments: 2017 in Review!
111: Bonus: MNR interviewed Me!
David Conley Nelson on LDS Church in Nazi Germany

110: The Hübener Story You Didn’t Know (Nelson)
109: How LDS Basketball & Genealogy Found Synergy with Hitler (Nelson)
108: Rival Mission Presidents in Germany (Nelson)
107: J Reuben Clark’s Harsh Feelings About Jews (Nelson)
106: Before Hitler: German Persecution of LDS Church (Nelson)
105: German Police Monitored LDS Church (Nelson)
Greg Prince on Gays, LDS Leadership, Priesthood

104: When did we start Ordaining Young Men? (Prince)
103: Naturalist Explanation for Word of Wisdom? (Prince)
102: Early LDS Priesthood: Similar to Ancient Christianity? (Prince)
101: Ailing Church Leaders: “Not Ideal Governance.” (Prince)
100: The 4 LDS Leadership Vacuums – What Happened? (Prince)
094: “There is Nothing in LDS Theology that Justifies Whacking Infants” (POX) – (Prince)
093: Greg Prince on History of LDS Policy Toward Gays
Anne Wilde on Modern Polygamy

099: Polygamy & 2002 Olympics (Wilde)
098: Law of Sarah/Concubines (Wilde)
097: Was Jesus a Polygamist? (Wilde)
096: Ervil Lebaron: Polygamist, Assassin (Wilde)
095: FLDS-Centennial Park Rivalry (Wilde)
092: How to Polygamists Feel about Gay Marriage? (Wilde)
091: 3rd Manifesto Causes Schism: Apostolic United Brethren (Wilde)
090: Did Woodruff Marry After the 1890 Manifesto? (Wilde)
089: Taylor’s 1886 Polygamy Uncanonized Revelation (Wilde)
Shannon Flynn on Mark Hofmann Forgeries/Bombings
088: Christmas Party Plea Deal (Flynn)

087: Mark’s Unusual Prison Visitors (Flynn)
086: Would Hofmann Kill Again? (Flynn)
085: Should Hofmann Ever Be Released from Prison? (Flynn)
084: Shannon Goes to Jail for Hofmann (Flynn)
083: Hofmann’s Last Bomb Blew the Lid off Mormon History (Flynn)
082: Hoffman’s Best Fake: Fooling the Lie Detector Test (Flynn)
081: Mark’s Million-Dollar Con (Flynn)
080: “I Cheat People. That’s What I do for a Living.” (Flynn)
079: Hofmann’s Teenage Forgeries (Flynn)
Ugo Perego Talks DNA

078: Did Ugo Write the Gospel Topics Essay? What about Rodney Meldrum? (Perego)
077: How do Lemba Tribe & Viking DNA Relate to the Book of Mormon? Part 2 (Perego)
076: Why isn’t there a DNA match for the Book of Mormon? Part 1 (Perego)
075: Is Evolution Compatible with the Bible? (Perego)
074: CSI: Mountain Meadows – Using DNA to Solve 2 Mysteries (Perego)
073: Ugo Discusses Critics (Perego)
072: Who’s the Daddy (Part 2)? Joseph or Windsor? (Perego)
071: Who’s the Daddy (Part 1)? Smith or Pratt? (Perego)
070: Was Joseph Smith Irish? (Perego)
069: How do you Figure out 150 year-old Paternity? (Perego)
068: DNA 101: Ugo Perego Introduces Basic DNA (Perego)
Interview with Remnant LDS Church
067: What are Remnant Church Views on Temple Worship? (Vun Cannon)

066: Women Will Not Hold Priesthood! (Vun Cannon)
065: Joseph was a Monogamist! (Vun Cannon)
064: What’s the Order of Enoch? Consecration in Modern World (Vun Cannon)
063: Jim Tackles DNA & Book of Mormon (Vun Cannon)
062: 18 Revelations to Gather to Missouri! Remnant Church Scriptures (Vun Cannon)
061: What’s the RLDS Perspective on Succession Crisis? (Vun Cannon)
060: From Convert to First Presidency in 5 years! (Vun Cannon)
059: Found! A Literal Descendant of Aaron! (Vun Cannon)
Baja Theory of Book of Mormon Geography
058: What are the Strengths of the Baja Theory? (Rosenvall)

057: Solved! DNA & Book of Mormon (Rosenvall)
056: Can David Answer Critics Questions about Animals, Steel, and Cumorah? (Rosenvall)
055: Baja vs Meso: Who Wins? (Rosenvall)
054: Book of Mormon on the Baja Peninsula? (Rosenvall)
Polygamy with Brian Hales
053: Did Hales Write the Gospel Topics Essays? (Hales)
052: Emma Denied Joseph Practiced Polygamy? (Hales)
051: Polygamy & the Temple Lot Case (Hales)

050: Joseph’s Youngest Teen Brides (Hales)
049: Mormon Polyandry: More Than One Husband? (Hales)
048: What are the Theological Justifications of Polygamy? (Hales)
047: Fanny Alger Part 2: Marriage or Adultery? (Hales)
046: 1st Plural Wife Fanny Alger: Time or Eternity Polygamy? (Hales)
045: Polygamy Rumors – Declaration on Marriage (Hales)
044: Does D&C 132 Conflict with Genesis? (Hales)
043: Canadian Polygamy – Should it be Legal? (Interview with Brian Hales)
Curt Bench on Hoffman Bombings
042: Hofmann Bombings Effects on Mormon History (Bench)

041: Should LDS Leaders have Detected Hofmann’s Fraud? (Bench)
040: Curt Bench’s role in Hofmann Bombings Court Case (Bench)
039: Bomb Day 2: Other Targets? – Oct 16, 1985 (Bench)
038: Bomb Day 1: 2 Killed – October 15, 1985 (Bench)
037: White Salamander Letter & Other Forgeries (Bench)
036: Bombs in Salt Lake: Introduction to Mark Hofmann (Curt Bench)
Darron Smith on Race, Religion, & Sport
035: Overcoming “Nice” Racism (Smith)

034: BYU Protests (Smith)
033: How do Minorities fare at BYU? (Smith)
032: True & False Rape Allegations at BYU (Smith)
031: How BYU Could Improve the Honor Code for Black Students (Smith)
030: Black Graduation Rates at BYU (Smith)
029: Disparities in Black/White Discipline (Smith)
028: The Student-Athlete Business (Smith)
027: Racial Portrayals of Christian Athletes (Dr. Darron Smith)
707: Dr. Richard Bennett on Evolution of Temple Worship
026: 1st International Temple was almost a Temple Ship! (Bennett)

025: Ouija boards, Spiritualism, and the Endowments for the Dead (Bennett)
024: Sealing to GA’s by Law of Adoption (Bennett)
023: Temple Worship: From Speaking in Tongues to Masonry (Bennett)
022: Selling Temples!!!! (Bennett)
021: Open Temples (Bennett)
017: Origins of Baptism for the Dead (Bennett)
015: Reclamation of Revelation (Dr Richard Bennett)
713: Surprising History of Kirtland (Mark Staker)

020: Kirtland Banking Crisis: Joseph Takes the Blame (Part 3-Staker)
019: Kirtland Banking Crisis: Why it Failed (Part 2-Staker)
018: Kirtland Banking Crisis: Why a Bank? (Part 1-Staker)
016: Elijah’s Visit & the Sealing Keys (Staker)
014: Did the Kirtland Temple Sparkle? (Staker & Bennett)
013: Kirtland Temple University? (Staker)
012: Kirtland Era Polygamy (Staker)
011: Black Pete’s Mormon Mission in 1831 (Staker)
010: Black Pete: The First Black Mormon (Staker)
701: Dr. Paul Reeve on Black Mormon History in Utah
009: Dr. Paul Reeve’s Role in Race Essay (Reeve)
008: Dating the LDS Temple and Priesthood Ban (Reeve)
007: Becoming a Fanboy of Orson Pratt (Reeve)
006: The Black Mormon Scandals (Reeve)
005: How did Joseph Smith Deal with Muslims? and Chinese and Indians? (Reeve)
004: How did Others Deal with Slavery? (Reeve)
003: How Mormons Became a Racial Category (Reeve)
699: Margaret Young on Jane Manning James
002: Margaret also discusses her experiences combating racism in Part 2 of our conversation. Check it out!
001: Check out Part 1 of our interview with Margaret Young on the life of black Mormon Pioneer Jane Manning James.
Future Interviews
The following have agreed to be interviewed:
Michael Homer – Author of Joseph’s Temples, dealing with masonry
Peggy Fletcher Stack – Salt Lake Tribune religion reporter
Carla Long – Presiding Bishopric of Community of Christ
Richard Hanks: Life of Marion D. Hanks
These are “In the Can,” meaning they have been recorded and awaiting editing.
Robert Messick: Book of Mormon Census
Who should we interview? Please tell us below!