List of People Interviewed on Gospel Tangents
People Interviewed
- Adam Stokes
- Alex Baugh
- Amanda Hendrix-Komoto
- Ann Hatch
- Anne Wilde
- Barbara Jones-Brown
- Ben Knoll
- Ben Shaffer
- Ben Spackman
- Benjamin Shaffer
- Betty LaFontaine
- Bill Davis
- Bill Russell
- Bill Shepard
- Bill Smith
- Bob Roylance
- Brant Gardner
- brant-gardner
- Brent Ashworth
- Brent Metcalfe
- Brian Hales
- Brian Stutzman
- Brittany Mangelson
- Bruce Van Orden
- Bryan Ready
- Bryndis Roberts
- Casey Griffiths
- Cheryl Bruno
- Chris Talbot
- Chris Thomas
- Christopher Blythe
- Christopher Rich
- Christopher Smith
- Clair Barrus
- Claudia Bushman
- Colby Townsend
- Craig Foster
- Cristina Rosetti
- Curt Bench
- Dan Hatch
- Dan McClellan
- Dan Vogel
- Daniel Stone
- Darren Parry
- Darron Smith
- David Boice
- David Conley Nelson
- David Ferriman
- David Hocking
- David John Butler
- David Ostler
- David Patrick
- David R Hall
- David Rosenvall
- David Whitmer
- Deb Luce
- Denver Snuffer
- Derek Sainsbury
- Devan Jensen
- Diane Smith
- Diedre Green
- Don Bradley
- Dorie Hofmann
- Dorie Olds
- Elder Snow
- Eric Huntsman
- Eryj Ben Sassi
- George Potter
- George Throckmorton
- Greg Pavone
- Greg Prince
- Hans Mattson
- Hans Mattsson
- Jana Riess
- Janice Allred
- Janiece Johnson
- Jason Olson
- jason-olson
- Jay Mackley
- Jean Adams
- Jean Addams
- Jeff Chadwick
- Jeffrey Chadwick
- Jennifer Roach
- Jerald Tanner
- Jerry Grover
- Jesse James
- Jim Lucas
- Jim Vun Cannon
- Joe Geisner
- Joe Jessop
- John Conrad
- John Dehlin
- John Dinger
- John Hamer
- John Larsen
- John Lefgren
- John Pratt
- Jonathan Neville
- Jonathan Stapley
- Joseph Freeman
- Joseph Spencer
- Josh Gehly
- Josh Thompson
- KC Kern
- Kristine Ferriman
- Kurt Francom
- Kyle Beshears
- Lachlan MacKay
- Larry Foster
- Laura Hathaway
- Lindsay Hansen Park
- Loki Mulholland
- Lynne Whitesides
- Margaret Toscano
- Margaret Young
- Mark Scherer
- Mark Staker
- Mark Tensmeyer
- Mary Ann Clements
- Mary Jane Woodger
- Matt Harris
- Matthew Bowman
- Matthew Gill
- Mauli Bonner
- Melvin Johnson
- Michael Austin
- Michael Marquardt
- Michael Quinn
- Michelle Stone
- Mike LaFontaine
- Mike Stahlman
- mike-stahlman
- Moroni Jessop
- Nancy Ross
- Newell Bringhurst
- Oliver Cowdery
- Patrick Mason
- Patrick McKay
- Paul Debarthe
- Paul Reeve
- Paul Toscano
- Philip Beale
- Quincy Newell
- Richard Bushman
- Richard E. Bennett
- Richard Turley
- Richie Steadman
- Rick Bennett
- Rob Lauer
- Rod Decker
- Rosalynde Welch
- Russell Stevenson
- Ryan Cragun
- Sally Gordon
- Sanadas
- Sandra Tanner
- Sara Hanks
- Sara Patterson
- Scott Vance
- Shannon Caldwell Montez
- Shannon Flynn
- Simon Southerton
- Stephen LeSueur
- Steve LeSueur
- Steve Mayfield
- Steve Pynakker
- Steve Shields
- Steven Harper
- Steven Snow
- Taylor Petrey
- Terry Patience
- terryl givens
- Thom Wayment
- Thomas Murphy
- Thomas Wayment
- Todd Compton
- Tom Bennett
- Tom Wayment
- Travis Stratford
- Trevan Hatch
- Ugo Perego
- Val Larsen
- Vera Sanada
- Vickie Speek
- Will Bagley
- William V. Smith
- Willie Grills
- Yuri Sanada

Rick has been interviewing people on Gospel Tangents since 2016. He hosts individuals from professional to amateur historians to apostles to professors. Click on the links at left to view all of the podcasts for each guest.