Theosis in Book of Mormon (Val Larsen 5/5)
Dr Val Larsen concludes this conversation with a discussion of theosis in the Book of Mormon. We’ll also discuss his upcoming projects. Check out our
Dr Val Larsen concludes this conversation with a discussion of theosis in the Book of Mormon. We’ll also discuss his upcoming projects. Check out our
Rick held a livestream to discuss Lehi’s ocean crossing & possible routes to the Promised Land for Lehi. It seems an Atlantic Crossing is much
I was surprised to discover that the Church of Jesus Christ is neither Trinitarian nor Godhead when it comes to the nature of God? What
Josh Gehly is an evangelist from the Church of Jesus Christ. His church dates back to the days of Sidney Rigdon and is sometimes called
Some scholars have claimed that people like Nephi are unreliable narrators. That is Nephi makes himself look better than he probably was. Dr Michael Austin
There are many different ways to approach the Book of Mormon. Dr Michael Austin is Mormon Studies scholar and Provost at Snow College. In his
Dave Butler continues to look at the Bible for temple texts, and says the Lord’s Prayer is another example. Why does he think so? Check
In Denver Snuffer’s book “The Second Comforter,” Denver claimed he knew how to see Jesus. We also call our temples “The House of the Lord.”
Dave Butler has written 2 books that deal with temple theology in the Book of Mormon: “Plain & Precious Things” and “The Goodness & the
Rick Bennett is the friendly, independent historian at the heart of Gospel Tangents LDS Podcast: The Best Source for Mormon History, Science, and Theology. When he isn't interviewing Mormon scholars, prophets, and others, he is teaching math and statistics at Utah Valley University. He also freelances as a research biostatistician in the fields of Dermatology and Traumatic Brian Injuries, as well as in the network television/cable T.V. industries as a sports statistician. Rick holds a Master of Statistics Degree from the University of Utah.