Deep Dive Mormon Schisms (John Hamer 2 of 2)
We’re going to take a deep dive into modern Mormon schisms, from the ones dating to Joseph Smith’s death to modern ones. Last time we
We’re going to take a deep dive into modern Mormon schisms, from the ones dating to Joseph Smith’s death to modern ones. Last time we
Following the death of Joseph Smith, a succession crisis enveloped the Church. Several vied for leadership. While most people recognize Brigham Young and Joseph Smith
I’m excited to have Newell Bringhurst back on the show. Newell’s latest book is the short biography of Harold B Lee. Lee had one of
It’s sad to say that some groups that believe in the Book of Mormon are notorious for the crimes they have committed. In our final
[paypal-donation] We’re continuing our discussion with polygamy expert Anne Wilde. We’ll talk about the infamous Ervil LeBaron: a polygamist and an assassin. He was responsible of
Rick Bennett is the friendly, independent historian at the heart of Gospel Tangents LDS Podcast: The Best Source for Mormon History, Science, and Theology. When he isn't interviewing Mormon scholars, prophets, and others, he is teaching math and statistics at Utah Valley University. He also freelances as a research biostatistician in the fields of Dermatology and Traumatic Brian Injuries, as well as in the network television/cable T.V. industries as a sports statistician. Rick holds a Master of Statistics Degree from the University of Utah.