Heretic Movie Review (Josh Thompson 4 of 4)
Was the movie “Heretic” with sister missionaries & Hugh Grant a good movie or bad movie? Josh Thompson & Rick Bennett share their Heretic movie
Was the movie “Heretic” with sister missionaries & Hugh Grant a good movie or bad movie? Josh Thompson & Rick Bennett share their Heretic movie
How does a married man add another wife to his family? Is his wife involved in dating? What is courtship for polygamists like? Josh Thompson
How do Mormon fundamentalists view LDS Temples? Are LDS Temples valid in their eyes? Do they recognize the work done there, or have the temples
How does a Mormon Fundamentalist view the LDS Church? Josh Thompson is the grandson of Rulon Allred, a leader of the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB),
Fundamentalist Mormon Theology has some interesting differences with the LDS Church. Dr Cristina Rosetti says Heavenly Mothers are named, as is the Holy Ghost. We’ll
1944 & 1953 saw Police Raids on polygamists. These were traumatic reminders that they couldn’t trust authorities. Dr Cristina Rosetti details more on these police
Joseph Musser has documented Mormon fundamentalism better than nearly any other person. Dr Cristina Rosetti will discuss his post-Manifesto polygamy and his theological innovations. Check
We’re talking Mormon fundamentalism! Joseph Musser was the first fundamentalist Mormon who wrote down the unique theology (besides polygamy) that they believe. Dr. Cristina Rosetti
For this GT Live! show, we’ll announce contest winners for Kurt Francom’s book, the Manti Temple, and my visit to polygamist communities on the Utah-Arizona
Rick Bennett is the friendly, independent historian at the heart of Gospel Tangents LDS Podcast: The Best Source for Mormon History, Science, and Theology. When he isn't interviewing Mormon scholars, prophets, and others, he is teaching math and statistics at Utah Valley University. He also freelances as a research biostatistician in the fields of Dermatology and Traumatic Brian Injuries, as well as in the network television/cable T.V. industries as a sports statistician. Rick holds a Master of Statistics Degree from the University of Utah.